GOST 31727-2012 Meat and meat products Determination of total ash《肉类和肉制品 总灰分测定》.pdf

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GOST 31727-2012 Meat and meat products Determination of total ash《肉类和肉制品 总灰分测定》.pdf_第1页
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1、 (ISO 936:1998, MOD) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)317272012(ISO 936:1998), - 1.092 . 1.22009 . -, . , , 1 - . - ( . . ) , 42 3 , ( 1 2012 . 51) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMBYKGMDRUUZ -4 29 2012 . 1767- 317272012 1 2013 .5 ISO 936:1998Meat and meat p

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