1、 , () INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (ISC) 32501 2013 2014 325012013 II , 1.092 . 1.22009 . , . , , , 1 , , ( ) - , 4 2 3 , ( - 5 2013 . 61- ) : - ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AM BY KG MD RU TJ UZ 4 ASTM D 259610 Test method for measurement of ex- treme-pressure p
2、roperties of lubricating grease(four-ball method) ( ). ASTM D02 , - D02.GO.04 . (en). ASTM, - , ASTM, , - . - ASTM 1.5 2001 ( 3.6). . (IDT) 5 22 - 2013 . 695- 325012013 1 2015 . 6 , - . - ( ) . , - , 2013 - , - 325012013 _ 1 Lubricating greases. Determination of extreme-pressure properties on four-b
3、all mashine 20150101 1 1.1 - . . 1.1.1 (Mean-Hertz Load) 1.1.2 ( ) . 1.2 , , . , , . 1.3 , - , . - , - . 7.1 7.2. 2 . - ( - ). 2.1 ANSI 3.12 Metal balls ( ) 1 )3 : 3.1.1 (compensation line): ( ), - ( ), . 1 . 1) (ANSI), 25 W. 43 rdSt. 4 thFloor. New York. NY 10036, http:/www.ansi.org. 325012
4、013 2 ; ; ; D ; D 1 1 3.1.2 (compensation scar diameter): , - , . 3.1.3 c (corrected load): - ( - ), . - . 3.1.4 (Hertz line): - ( - ), . 1. 3.1.5 ( ertz scar diameter): , ( ), D h= 8,73 x 10 2(P) 1/3, (1) D h , ; , . 3.1.6 (immediate seizure region): - , . 1 D. ( ) , . 3.1.7 (incipient seizure or initial seizure region): , . , , 325012013 3 ( 1 ) ( ) - . 3.1.8 (last nonseizure load):