1、 10-2 . (IEC 60079-10-2:2009, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC) IEC60079-10-22011, 1.092 . 1.22009 . , - . , , -, 1 -( -)2 (-)3 , ( 29 2011 . 40) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 BYKZKGRUTJUZ 4 22 2011 . 1620- IEC 60079-10-22011 15 2013 .5 IEC 60079-10-2:
2、2009 Explosiveatmospheres Part 10-2: Classification of area Combustible dust atmospheres ( . 10-2: . ) ( ). (IDT). - . 60079-10-220106 -, - . () . , - - , 2014 -, II IEC 60079-10-220111 .12 23 24 34.1 34.2 45 .55.1 55.2 .55.3 .56 .66.1 66.2 66.3 .77 .88 .88.1 88.2 , .8() 10() 14 () 15 D() ,- .1619 (
3、) .20III IEC 60079-10-22011 - IEC 60079-10-2:2009, - 94/9 ; . , . , - , . , . , - . , , , . . .IV IEC 60079-10-22011 10-2 . Explosive atmospheres. Part 10-2. Classification of areas. Combustible dust atmospheres1 , , , . . - 4 , - . 7 . , - , , . , . -, . , - . :- ;- , - ;- , - ;- , , (. 1);- , - .
4、, .1 , , - .2 (), , - , . . .1 IEC 60079-10-22011 201302152 , , . . - ( ).IEC 60079-0 Explosive atmospheres Part 0: Equipment General requirements (. 0: )3 IEC 60079-0 c : , , IEC 60050-426.3.1 (area): .3.2 (atmospheric conditions) ( ) (surroundingconditions): , 101,3 (1 013 ) 20 (293 ) , - .3.3 (hy
5、brid mixture): , , . , -.3.4 (dust): , .3.5 (combustible dust): , 500 , , , - .1 ISO 4225 2.2 , , .3.6 (explosive dust atmosphere): - , , - .3.7 (conductive dust): -, 103c215.3.8 (non-conductive dust): , 103c215.3.9 (combustible flyings): , , 500 , , , -. , ( - ), , , .3.10 () hazardous area (dust):
6、, , - .1 (. 6.2 6.3).2 .2 IEC 60079-10-220113.11 () non-hazardous area (dust): , , - .3.12 (dust containment): , - , .3.13 (source of dust release): , . .3.14 () (continuous grade of release): , .3.15 (primary grade of release): , - .3.16 (secondary grade of release): , - , , .3.17 (extent of zone):
7、 - , , .3.18 (normal operation): - - , . , (-, ), .3.19 (abnormal operation): - , .3.20 ( ) (equipment (for explosive atmospheres): , , , , -, .3.21 (ignition temperature of a dust layer): - , - . IEC 61241-2-1 3.3.22 (ignition temperature of a dust cloud): - , . - IEC 61241-2-1 3.3.23 (verification dossier): , . IEC 60079-14 4.4 4.1 , . , -.,-, , , .