GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf

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GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf_第1页
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GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf_第2页
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GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf_第3页
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GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf_第4页
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GOST IEC 60825-12-2013 Safety of laser products Part 12 Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information《激光产品安全 第12部分 用于信息传输的自由空间光学通信系统的安全》.pdf_第5页
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1、2014 12 , (IEC 60825-12:2004, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC) IEC 60825-12 2013 IEC 60825-122013II, 1.092 . 1.22009 . , . , , -, 1 - - ( )2 3 , (- 432013 7 2013 .) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMKZKGRUTJUZ 4 08 2013 . 1409- IEC 60825-122013 - 01 201

2、4 .5 IEC 60825-12:2004 Safety of laser products. Part 12. Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information ( . 12. , ). 60825-122009 ( IDT). - .6 - , - . () - . , C, 2014 , - - IEC 60825-122013III1 12 23. .24 54.1 .54.2 64.3 114.4 134.5 134.6 .134.7 14 () 17 ()

3、 / .23 () , .24 () ( ) 25 261 IEC 60825-122013 12 , Safety of laser products. Part 12. Safety of free space optical communication systems used for transmission of information 201407011 - . - . , (), IEC 60825-1 . , , . , . () . :- -, (), - - ;- , , , - , . , , , , . - , - / . - , . - , , , , . , IEC

4、 60825-1 , - () 1 , - . IEC 60825-12201322 . - . - ( ). :IEC 60825-1:1993, Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and users guide1)Amendments 1 (1997). Amendments 2 (2001) ( 1. , ).IEC 60825-2, Safety of laser products Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication sy

5、stems (- 2. - )3. 3.1 (access level): - , . 1 , - , , . - IEC 60825-1. 2 , , ( -), .3.2 1 (access level 1): , - 1 .3.3 1 (access level 1M): , 1 . 1 3R 3, 1.3.4 2 (access level 2): , 2 .3.5 2 (access level 2M): , 2 . 2 3R - 3, 2.3.6 3R (access level 3R): , 3R . 1 2 3R 3, 1 2 .3.7 3 (access level 3B):

6、 , - - 3 .3.8 4 (access level 4): , 4 .1) (1.2) IEC 60825-1 (1993) 1 (1997) 2 (2001) . A consolidated edition comprising IEC 60825-1 (1993) and its Amendments 1 (1997) and Amendments 2 (2001). IEC 60825-12201333.9 () automatic power reduction (APR): , , () - , - , - (), , . - .3.10 (beacon): , - .3.

7、11 (embedded laser product): , , .3.12 (end-to-end system): , -: , , - .3.13 free space optical com-munication system (FSOCS): , , , / , . - , . - . 1, 1 - .3.14 ; (FSOCS transmitter; transmit-ter): , - .3.15 ; (installation organization; installer): , .3.16 () installation protection system (IPS): - , , - :- ;- .3.17 (location): , , . (. 3.183.21) .3.18 ; (location of in-accessible space; inaccessible space): , . : , , , 2,5 6 3 . , , .3.19 () ; () (lo-cation with controlled access; controlled location): (), () - ,

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