1、 , (ISO 17063:2003, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)ISO 170632013, - 1.092 . - 1.22009 . , . -, , , 1 ( )2 267 - 3 , ( 27 2013 . 63-) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMBYKGRUUZ 4 ISO 17063:2003 Earth-movingmachinery Braking systems of pedestrian-control
2、led machines Performance requirements and testprocedures ( . , -. ). , - , , , . ISO/TC 127 (ISO) - CEN . (en). - A. (IDT). -, (), , - 5 19 2014 . 178- ISO 170632013 1 2015 .6 II ISO 170632013 - ( 1 ), . () . , , 2014 -, III ISO 1706320131 .12 13 14 24.1 24.2 25 26 .26.1 .26.2 37 .3 () 5IV ISO 17063
3、2013 , Earth-moving machinery. Braking systems of pedestrian-controlled machines.Performance requirements and test procedures1 - , 115 6 /, , ( ISO 6165). .2 . - , .ISO 6014 Earth-moving machinery Determination of ground speed ( . - )ISO 6016 Earth-moving machinery Methods of measuring the masses of
4、 whole machines, theirequipment and components ( . , - )ISO 6165Earth-moving machinery Basic types Vocabulary ( . -. )3 :3.1 (pedestrian controlled machine): - , -.3.2 (braking system): , - / ; (3.3.1), - (3.3.2) (3.3.3).3.2.1 (service brake): , .3.2.2 (parking brake): , .3.3 (braking system compone
5、nts)1 ISO 170632013 201501013.3.1 (brake): , , -. , .3.3.2 (brake actuation system): , - (. 3.3.3) (. 3.3.1), .3.3.3 (brake control): (. 3.2), - .3.4 (machine mass): , -. . ISO 6016.3.5 (stopping distance): , (. 3.7) .3.6 (maximum machine level surfacespeed): , ISO 6014.3.7 (test course): , .5.4 4.1
6、 , , , -. , , 6.1 6.2 . , , (). , , .4.2 ()(), . , - , 20 ( ) 220 .5 -, . , -, 3.4. , 3 %. - . .6 6.1 6.1.1 - .2 ISO 1706320136.1.2 . , , . 5 1 %. 25 % . - . . , , - . 25 % , 2,38 . , , .6.1.3 . , , 0,2 , /. , , - (. 2 /.6.2 6.2.1 20 %. . . -. . , , .
7、- .6.2.2 20 %, . , . , , 20 %. 1,92- .6.2.3 ( ) .7 :a) ;b) ;c) ;d) ;e) , ;3 ISO 170632013f) ;g) ;h) ;i) ;j) ;k) ;l) ;m) ;n) , ;o) .4 ISO 170632013 () .1 ISO 6014 . - MOD 2792788 ( 601486) . -ISO 6016 . , - MOD 2792288 ( 601682) . , ISO 6165 . -. * . - . - . - :- MOD .5 ISO 170632013 621.869.4-788:629.614:006.354 53.100 IDT : , , , , , 6 ISO 170632013 . . . . 08.08.2014. 18.08.2014. 60c1808418.