GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf

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GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf_第1页
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GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf_第2页
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GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf_第3页
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GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf_第4页
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GOST R 54309-2011 Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS) Framing structure channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial narrowband broadcasting system for VHF ban.pdf_第5页
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1、 543092011 () , 27 2002 . 184-3 , 1.02004 . 1 - ( )2 3 - 24 2011 . 22-4 , - . () . - , , 2012 , - - II 5430920111 .12 13 24 44.1 .54.2 .64.3 64.4 64.5 , - 65 , -75.1 .75.2 95.3 105.4 115.5 .115.6 LDPC.145.7 145.8 155.9 165.10 185.11 c92 185.12 OFDM-.195.13 OFDM 205.14 205.15 215.16 235.17 .25 () .26

2、 () .27 () - OFDM 29 () .31 () 32 () LDPC .3339III 543092011 () , Realtime audiovisual information system (RAVIS). Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrialnarrowband broadcasting system for VHF band. Specifications 201209011 . - , - , , , . , , , - . 100; 200 250 . :-

3、 ;- , , - .2 :2.1 (time interleaving block): , - c92 .2.2 (FEC block): Ncells OFDM, - .2.3 (guard interval): c92 , - OFDM-, , .2.4 OFDM (OFDM frame): OFDM, - .2.5 (data frame): Kbch, ( LDPC).2.6 - (PAPR, peak-to-average power ratio): - .2.7 OFDM (OFDM symbol): TS, , , .2.8 (sync byte): 47 . .1 54309

4、2011 2.9 MPEG-2 (MPEG-2 transport packet): 188 , - 1.2.10 (generic stream encapsulation): - 2.2.11 OFDM (OFDM cell): , OFDM OFDM, , .2.12 (data cell): OFDM, .3 :c235c251x : ,c235c251x c163x;c68f ;c76 LDPC;c108i LDPC;c104MOD ;16-QAM 16- QAM;64-QAM 64- QAM;be, j j e, ;c(x) ;ci ;cTi c92 ;Cm, l, k k l m

5、;d(x) m(x)g(x) ;di ;dc max H LDPC;dr, q q r ;div , : x divy =c235c251xy/ ;fc ;g(x) ;g1(x), g2(x), , ;gr, i ;H LDPC;hi, j H LDPC;Ibch , Nbch;ij , LDPC;Im(x) x;j c451;k OFDM;k c162 ;Kbch ;Kinf i i (, , );Kldpc LDPC;Kmax ( );Kmin ( );Kr ;KtotalOFDM;l OFDM ;L OFDM;Lr(q) r- ;M Kbch, ;2 543092011Mldpc LDP

6、C;m OFDM;mi ;m(x) ;mod ,: x mody = x yc235c251xy/ ;MPEG Surround ;ni H LDPC, i ;N , ;Nbch , ;Nc ;Ncells OFDM ;Nldpc , LDPC;Nr ;Nsubstreams , ;Nsymb OFDM ;NT OFDM c92 ( );Nc ;NTr c92 ;P(r) r- ;pi LDPC;q LDPC;r ;ri ;rTi c92 ;R ;RDF ;RFEC ;Re(x) x;s(t) OFDM;si ;Srnd(k) , H LDPC;SYNCD , ;t , ;tcc;TF OFD

7、M;TG ;TS OFDM;TU OFDM;TIME , c118 ;TYPE , , ;uTi c92 ;c110i ;c110Ti c92 ;wii ;XOR / 2;yi,qi q, - ;zq ;ACE (active constellation extension);BPSK (binary phase shift keying);CD - (compact disk);CIF 352c180 288 (common intermediate format);CRC-8 (cyclic redundancy check);DBPSK (differential binary phas

8、eshift keying);DFL (data field length);3 543092011DVB-T (digital video broadcasting-terrestrial);DVB-T2 (digital videobroadcasting-terrestrial, second generation);FEC , (forward errorcorrection);H.264/AVC ITU-R H.264 - (advanced video coding);HE-AAC (high efficiency advanced audiocoding);LDPC (low d

9、ensity parity check);MPEG-2 - - (motion picture experts group);OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing);PS (parametric stereo);QAM - (quadrature amplitude modulation);QCIF 176 c180 144 (quarter common intermediate format);QPSK (quadrature phase shift keying);SBR - (spectral band replication

10、);SIF 320c180 240 (source input format);UPL (user packet length); c92 ; ; ; -(Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem multiple error correction binary block code); ; ; ; ; ; ; (30300 ); ; ; ; (pseudorandombinarysequence,PRBS); (realtime audiovisual system, RAVIS); ; MPEG-2; (generic stream encapsulation, GSE); - .4 I II - (65,874,0 87,5108,0 ). , , - , . . . , . , . 250 10 CD -.


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