GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf

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GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf_第1页
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GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf_第2页
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GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf_第3页
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GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf_第4页
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GOST R EN 15459-2013 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings《建筑的能源性能 建筑内能源系统用经济评价程序》.pdf_第5页
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1、 E 15459 2013 EN 15459:2007 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings (IDT) 2014 E 154592013 II 1 - (-) , 4 2 39 , - , 3 - 25 2013 . 1208- 4 EH 15459:2007 . (EN 15459:2007 Energy performance of buildings Economic evaluation procedure for energy sys

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6、.1.7 Cad (added costs Cad): , , ( -). , -, . 3.1.8 i- Cp(i) (periodic costs of year I Cp(i): -, ( - ). 3.1.9 R,i(j) (replacement costs for component or systems R,i(j): j- i = 1, 2, . . n( n ). 3.1.10 (i) (annual costs (i): C - , i- . 3.1.11 Ri (inflation rate Ri): , %. 3.1.12 Rd (discount rate Rd):

7、, , %. 3.1.13 R (market interest rate R): , , %. 3.1.14 RR (real interest rate RR): , . - ( ). 3.1.15 (n) (annuity factor (n): -, . 3.1.16 , , , - (price development for energy, human operation, products, E 154592013 3 maintenance and added costs): , , , - . - ( %) : - Re,k k ( ); - Ro ; - Rp ; - Rm

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