1、 2-12 .- IEC 60598-2-12:2006Luminaires Part 2-12: Particular requirements Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights(IDT) 60598-2-1220121 -, - . . () , 42 332 3 18 2012 . 345-4 60598-2-12:2006 -. 2-12. . (IEC 60598-2-12:2006 Luminaires Part 2-12: Particular requirements Mains socket-outlet mountednight
2、lights). - - , 5 1.02012 ( 8). ( 1 ) , -. () . , - (gost.ru) , 2014 , - - II 60598-2-12201212.1 112.2 .112.3 112.4 .212.5 .212.6 .212.7 .312.8 .312.9 .412.10 , 412.11 .412.12 .412.13 .412.14 , 412.15 412.16 4 () .5 60598-2-122012III 2-12 .- Luminaires. Part 2-12. Particular requirements. Mains socke
3、t-outlet mounted nightlights 2013070112.1 12.1.1 - - ( -), 250 50/60 . 60598-1, . .12.1.2 . . - ( ). 60083 , (IEC 60083 Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general usestandardized in member countries of IEC) 60598-1:2003 . 1. (IEC 60598-1:2003Luminaires Part 1: General requirement and
4、tests) 60884-1 . 1. (IEC 60884-1 Plugs and socket-outlets for household andsimilar purposes Part 1: General requirements) 60950-1 . . 1. (IEC 60950-1 Information technology equipment Safety Part 1: General requirements) 61032:1997 , . - (IEC 61032:1997 Protection of persons and equipment by enclosur
5、es Probes for verification)12.2 0 60598-1. , - 1, , 60598.12.3 1 60598-1 - :12.3.1 (mains socket-outlet mounted nightlight): -, , - .1 60598-2-1220121 - , . , .2 - .12.3.2 (electroluminescent panel): , , .12.4 - 2 60598-1 , - - . - F .12.5 3 60598-1.12.6 4 60598-1, :12.6.1 - - 60083. , , - .12.6.2 -
6、 - 60884-1 . 60884-1 - .12.6.3 4.13.1 60598-1 , 4.3 60598-1 .12.6.4 - , , : 12.4.1 60598-1 - , . 13.2.1 60598-1 , . 11 61032:1997 - 3050c45. , - II .12.6.5 , - - . - , , - -. , , , , , - . .12.6.6 - - . , , - 12.4.1 60598-1, , , - , 13.2.1 60598-1.a) (90 c177 2) 6005c45c43. , , - , .2 60598-2-122012
7、 -, - 19 61032:1997, 50,50c45.b) - , , (80 c177 2) , - , . - 11 61032:1997, 510c45.12.6.7 - , . - , - 60083. - , , , 8 . , - , 0,25 c215.12.6.8 - , / - . .12.6.9 , - . .12.6.10 - . .12.6.11 - - . , - , 60950-1 . , , -, . 10 3 60 . . ., :) , ;b) - 10 60598-1., . , , 50 , :a) : 0,5 10 90 % ;b) : 10 ;c) : 60 % .12.7 5 60598-1 :12.7.1 - - . 12.6.1 12.6.2 .- . .12.8 7 60598-1.3 60598-2-12201212.9 8 60598-1, :12.9.1 , - . 19 61032:1997, - 510c45.12.10 , 9.3 60598-1.12.11 10 60598-1.12.12 11 60598-1, :12.12.1 -, - , -, 3 . .12.13 12 60598-1, :12.13.1 12 , 60083, 65 . 12 - -