GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf

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GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf_第1页
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GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf_第2页
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GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf_第3页
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GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf_第4页
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GOST R ISO 14839-1-2011 Vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings Part 1 Terms and definitions《机械振动 装有主动磁性轴承的旋转机械装置的振动 第1部分 术语和定义》.pdf_第5页
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1、 14839-12011 1 ISO 14839-1:2002Mechanical vibration Vibration of rotating machinery equipped withactive magnetic bearings Part 1: Vocabulary(IDT) 27 2002 . 184- , 1.02004 . 1 - ( ) - , 42 183 , - 3 9 2011 . 527-4 14839-1:2002 . . 1. (ISO 14839-1:2002 Mechanical vibration Vibration of rotating machin

2、ery equipped with active magneticbearings Part 1: Vocabulary). - 1.5 ( 3.5)5 , - . () - . , , 2012 , - - II 14839-12011 .1 .11 .12 , 93 , 104 , 105 , , 126 , 15 16III 14839-12011 1 Vibration. Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings. Part 1. Terms and definitions 201209

3、01 , - . 2041, 1925. 1 1 , - .1.1 : , enfrmagnetic bearingpalier magnc74tique1.2 : () enfrlevitationlc74vitation1 14839-12011 1 - ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 1 1.3 (): , , , - , , , - (. 2)enfractive magneticbearing; AMBpalier magnc74tiqueactif; PMA1.4 : .enfrpassive magneticbearingpalier magnc74tiquepassif (

4、), - ()1.5 (): , enfrpermanent magneticbearing; PMBpalier magnc74tiquepermanent; PMP1.6 (): , - () , - ( )enfrsuper-conductingmagnetic bearing;SMBpalier magnc74tiquesupraconducteur;PMS1.7 (): , (. - 3)enfrhybrid magneticbearing; HMBpalier magnc74tiquehybride; PMH1.8 : -, () ( ) enfrpermanent-magnet-

5、based AMBPMA c66 aimantspermanents1.9 : , - / (, ) (. 4)enfrradial magneticbearingpalier magnc74tiqueradial2 14839-120111 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 2 1.10 : , (, ) (. 5)enfraxial AMB; thrustAMBPMA axial; PMA debutc74e1.11 : , (. c100r 4 - c100a 5 )enfrAMB clearanceentrefer de PMA3 14839-12011 3 -1 ; 2 ; 3

6、 ;4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ;D ;d ; c100r , c100r=(D d)/2; Lt ();L ;W ;Ar ,Ar= WL 4 1.12 : - (. 6)enfrclearance centre ofa radial AMBcentre du jeu dunPMA radial1.13 : , -, ( ) ( ), enfrmagnetic centre of aradial AMBcentre magnc74tiquedun PMA radial1.14 : - (. 6)enfraxial centre of aradial AMBcentre axial dunPMA

7、 radial1.15 : - (. 5)enfr(clearance) centre ofan axial AMBcentre (jeu) dunPMA axial1.16 : , -, , enfraxial magneticcentre of an axialAMBcentre magnc74tiqueaxial dun PMA axial1.17 : , (. 6)enfrclearance centrelineof radial AMBaxe du jeu de PMAradial4 14839-120111 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 -; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; da ;Do ; d

8、o ; di ; Di ; c100a ;Aa , Aa=c11242222()Dd dDooiic45c43c45 5 1.18 : , , (. 6)enfrjournal centreline ofradial AMBaxe du tourillon dePMA radial1.19 : - (. 6)enfrbearing spanbetween radialAMBsportc74edepaliersentre PMA radiaux1.20 : (S) (N) - (. 7)enfrnumber of polesnombre de pc94les1.21 : , - (. 8). ,

9、 , (N,S, N, S, ) (N, S, S, N, ).enfrheteropolar-typeradial AMBPMA radialhc74tc74ropolaire5 14839-120111 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ;6 ; 7 ;8 6 1.22 : , - - ( S, N) (. 9). (N, N, N, N, ) - (S, S, S, S, ).enfrhomopolar-typeradial AMBPMA radialhomopolaire6 14839-12011X, Y 7 X, Y 8 1.23 L: - , , (. 10)enfreffectiv

10、e length ofradial magneticbearinglongueur effectivede paliermagnc74tique radial1.24 : - d L (. 4)enfrprojection area of aradial AMBsurface deprojection dun PMAradial1.25 : A , (. Ar 4 Aa 5 ). , 1.24.enfrarea of onemagnetic polesurfacedunpc94lemagnc74tique7 14839-12011X, Y 9 (L = L1+ L2) 10 L 1.26 :

11、, , (. 11). - , , - .enfrload capacity of anAMBcapacitc74 de chargedun PMA1.26.1 Fmax: - - enfrstatic load capacityof an AMBcapacitc74 de chargestatique dun PMA1.26.2 : - enfrpeak transient loadcapacity of an AMBcapacitc74 de chargemaximale transitoiredun PMA1.26.3 : - , , enfrdynamic loadcapacity o

12、f an AMBcapacitc74 de chargedynamique dunPMA1.27 p: Fmax- dL , p = Fmax/(dL). . 1.24 1.26.1.enfrload pressure of a(radial) AMBpression de chargedun PMA (radial)8 14839-120111 ; 2 ; 3 11 1.28 : , .:a) : - ;b) : - ;c) : - .enfrnumber of controlaxes of an AMBnombre daxes decommande dunPMA1.29 : - , - , -, (, )enfrtotal AMB lossdc74perdition totale duPMA1.30 : ,


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