1、 3382-12013 1 ISO 3382-1:2009Acoustics Measurement of room acoustic parameters Part 1: Performance spaces(IDT) 1 - ( ) - , 42 358 3 - 5 2013 . 2171-4 3382-1:2009 . - . 1. (ISO 3382-1:2009Acoustics Measurement of room acoustic parameters Part 1: Performance spaces). - - , 5 1.02012 ( 8). ( 1 ) , . ()
2、 . , (gost.ru) , 2014 , - - II 3382-120131 .12 13 14 25 .56 77 .78 89 8 () , - 10 () , .16 () , - 17 () ( ) 1920III 3382-12013 . , , - , () , ( ) . . , -. - . , - : ( ) - , / . . , .- , . - , .IV 3382-12013 1 Acoustics. Measurement of room acoustic parameters. Part 1. Performance spaces 201412011 -
3、. , ( ), . - .2 . - , . 61260 . (IEC 61260,Electroacoustics Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters) 61672-1 . . 1. (IEC 61672-1,Electroacoustics Sound level meters Part 1: Specifications)3 :3.1 (decay curve): .1, 3.1 1 - - (. 5). 2 , (, - ) . , , , .3.2 (interrupted noise method): - ( ) .1,
4、3.31 3382-12013 3.3 (integrated impulseresponse method): - .1, 3.43.4 (impulse response): - .1, 3.5 - , - (, ) - . () - , .3.5 (reverberation time)T,:, - 60 . , 60 , . . 5 25 20. 5 35 , 30.3.6 3.6.1 (unoccupied state): , , , - , .3.6.2 (studio state): ( ) - (, ), .3.6.3 (occupied state): , 80 % 100
5、% . , .4 4.1 - . - , . c1771Cc1775 % . , , . (, ) . , , . . , . (. . ), . - , -2 3382-12013 .4.2 4.2.1 (. 1). , . - - - / . ( ) - 45 . T20, , 35 . 1 - 30. - , 5 6 . - 360. - 1,5 . 1 - , 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 , c1771 c1771 c1771 c1773 c1775 c17764.2.2 , - :- , ;- . 1- 61672-1. 1/3- 61260. 13 . 26 , - , . , - - /. , , . , 5 . - :)