GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf

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GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf_第1页
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GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf_第2页
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GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf_第3页
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GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf_第4页
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GPA RB-101-1943 Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas《测定天然气中汽油含量的压缩和木炭试验》.pdf_第5页
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1、GPA CODEMLOL 43 3824699 O000007 5 ,- AGA-GPA Code 101-43 AGA-GPA C tandard Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural bas Editorial Note: These test methods were originally adopted as tentative standards in 1924 after extensive field testing and joint rese

2、arch by the Gas Processors Association (then the Association of Natural Gasoline Manufacturers) and the Natural Gas Section of The American Gas Association (then the Natural Gas Association of America). They became joint standards o f the two associations that year and were issued together as Code 1

3、 under the title “Standard Testing for Gasoline.” The test methods were revised and reissued by the two associations in 1927 as “Tentative Code for Testing Natural Gas for Gasoline Content.” Following several years as tentative standards during which further revisions were made as a result of field

4、experience, they were reissued in 1932 as AGA - NGAA Testing Code No. 101, effective January I, 1933, under the title “Testing Natural Gas to Determine the Natural Gasoline Content Thereof.” In the years since that time certain modifications and refinements of the test methods became common practice

5、 in field testing as technique and equipment were improved. All practical suggestions for revision of both tests which would tend to improve their accuracy and duplicability were considered by the commit- tees und comprehensive field tests were conducted. The result of these studies is presented her

6、ewith as Code 1 O1 -43, revised and approved by the two associations in 1943. Reprinted 1964-1969-1971-1974 American Gas Association 1515 Wilson Blvd., Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 Gas Processors Association 1812 Fit Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 COPYRIGHT Gas Processors Association (GPA)Licensed by Inform

7、ation Handling ServicesI GPA CODEaLOL 43 W 3824b99 O000008 7 W - Non-Members: Sigle copies $ 1.00 75t 10 or more mpies. each . %gle coplee .75# Menhm 10 Ob hilr Gopiel -Ch . 6 AGA-GPA Standard Compression and Charcoal Tests for Determining the Natural Gasoline Content of Natural Gas. (Testing Code 1

8、01-43) General Discussion-Purpose To establish in the industry definite standardized methods for testing natural gas, so planned that the quantities of natural gas condensates from a unit volume of natiiral gas by these specific tests will constitute a standard measure of rcfercnce useful for the fo

9、llowing purposes: 1. To determine the comparative richness in natural gasoline content of the gases from different locali- ties; 2. To afford a basis for estimating the probable yield of natural gasoline from any given gas; and, 3. To form a basic measure for reference which may be used in comparing

10、 the daily performance of commercial gasoline extraction plants. General Facts Concerning the Problem of Testing Natural Gas for Gasoline Content The word “gasoline” is a popular term used in the trade to describe all mixtures of combustible liquids which may be extracted from natural gas. Furthermo

11、re, the term “gasoline“ is applied to all those finished prod- ucts forming motor fuels. Although the term “natural gasoline” is applied to those hydrocarbon liquids extracted from natural gas as more exactly defined by the speci- fications promulgated by trade association. and in par- ticular by th

12、e Gas Processors Association, the same terni is sometimes applied even more loosely than this to practi- cally any mixture of hydrocarbon liquids extracted from natural gas. For the purposes of the testing methods herein described, however, the terni “natural gasoline” shall be construed to mean any

13、 mixture of hydrocarbon which may be recovered from a given gas sample and retained, as finally measured under the specifications of the testing apparatus and the test procedure provided for. It is recognized that niorc or less natural gas con- dcnsate of varying dcgrccs of volatility might be cxtra

14、cted from a givcii gas saiiiple uiidcr conditions and with appa- ratus differing froin those dcscribed herein: but by a standardization of tcst nictliods tlic rcsiilts from the nsc thereof may aln.aps be used as n reference of. the com- pirative richness of gases tested. Two testing methods have bee

15、n adopted by the asso- ciations based upon principlcs employed in commercial natural gasoline estrnctioii plants. The apparatus for cacli form of tcst has bccn fixcd aftcr iiiiicli careful study by the coniinittecs, to niect tlic following requirements: 1. Simplicity of design hich iii:ilrcs possibl

16、c coiicord- ant iesiilts in th: hands of operators and also tcnds to ccoiionip in costs; and, 2. Rcliability of Iwforiiiaiicc so that the working of thc apparatus itsclf will bc dcpciidably rcgular aiid will of itsclf normilly introduce no errors. hc iiictliod prcscribcd to be followed in operating

17、cacli form of apparatus iras fixed by thc coninlittees for the purpose of iiiecting tlic following rcquircnicnts: 1. A duplication of rcsults. To this end, pressure, tciiipcratiire and ratcs of operation have been clioscii iii each case so that the opcrator can easily rcacli and maintain the conditi

18、ons for the test; and, 7. Siiiiplicity of performance. To this end, the iiieth- ods of iiiaiiipiilation have bcen niade simple and diicct, and the results of tccts arc niensurcd at fixed tcmpcratures and prcssures. 2 COPYRIGHT Gas Processors Association (GPA)Licensed by Information Handling Services

19、 GPA CODE*LOL 43 m 3824b99 0000009 9 m Standard Compression Test FoRewoRn.-The apparatus and procedure herein de- scribed for the Compression and Cooling Test Method were adopted by the gas testing committees after much study and experimentation. Necessarily choice had to be made between various alt

20、ernate forms of apparatus, and steps in procedure. Should experience in general use throughout the industry develop facts which would make any changes or modifications in apparatus or pro- cedure advisable, such changes will be made later b) proper action of the associations. Equipment or procedure

21、not specifically provided for in this code shall not be considered standard. 1. Apparatus (Refer to Diagram No. 1) A. Yaczrzrzn pirnzp.-The vacuum pump used for this test shall be absolutely free from leakage in order to prevent air mixing with the gas being tested. The vacuum pump used shall be of

22、the cross-head type with piston rod passing through a stuffing box which when packed will prevent all leakage. The vacuum pump shall be of such a capacity that it will maintain on the meter a pressure of 4 oz. per sq. in. or any other particular pres- sure above atmospheric agreed upon by contractin

23、g par- ties, with the compressor running at rated speed under any field vacuum conditions the operator may encounter. Tcst Meter.-A positive displacement type test meter having a rated capacity not greater than 180 CU. ft. per hour, at one-half inch water differential shall be installed at the intak

24、e of the compressor. The meter index dial shall be scaled to one one-hundredth of a cubic foot. At the intake of the meter a U-tube or well- type manometer shall be connected as a means of deter- mining the operating pressure in the meter. A thermom- eter shall be placed as near the outlet of the me

25、ter as possible to determine the operating temperature in the meter so that the volume may be corrected to 60“ F. or any other temperature agreed upon between contract- ing parties. The meter shall be within 1 per cent of cor- B. rect by a standard displacement test with a bell-type prover. The mete

26、r shall have the bellows or diaphragms treated to prevent the absorption of gasoline vapor. C. Compressor.-The compressor shall be of the cross-head type, with piston rod packed to prevent leak- age. Its capacity when operating at a discharge pres- sure of 250 pounds per square inch gauge shall be n

27、ot less than 2% CU. ft. per minute at 4 ounces above atmos- pheric pressure. D. Coofig.-The cooling coil shall be built of one- half inch O.D. copper tubing having a wall thickness not exceeding .O45 of an inch and shall be 35 feet long. The coil shall have a uniform drop of not less than one-half i

28、nch per foot in order to secure continuous drainage, and shall be rigidly fastened within a water chamber of capac- ity ample to permit the submergence of the coil in a water bath. The drain from the cooling coil into the accumulator shall have approximately the same drop and shall not exceed 12 inc

29、hes in length. The water bath, to which cracked ice shall be added, shall be held at a temperature not less than 32“ F. nor more than 40“ F., as determined by an indicating thermometer located in a well or stuffing box placed in the condenser wall mid- way between the top and bottom of the coil. E.

30、AcnrnzzrZator.-The accumulator shall be of the mater jacketed type and water from the condenser bath shall be circulated through its jacket and return line, the opening for the latter being located at the top of the an- nular space between the jacket and accumulator. The temperature of the circulate

31、d water discharged from the accumulator jacket as determined by a thermometer in a well located in the accumulator top (see Diagram 2), shall not exceed 40“ F. The accumulator shall hold at least 1 quart (946 cc.) of condensate below the gas inlet opening and shall have only one baffle which shall b

32、e perforated and located immediately above the gas inlet opening to prevent the condensate from blowing out through the gas escape connection. The accumulator DIAGRAM NO. I COMPRESSION AND COOLING APPARATUS D I A- INTAKE SCRUEBER B-VACUUM PUMP C- IHTLRMLDIATE SCRUEEER D- BLOW-OTI VALYE E - MANOMETER


34、OOOOLO 5 W shall conform with the design shown in the accompanying sketch; shall be so constructed that it may be opened for inspection and shall have a draw-off connectinn and valve of standard three-eighths inch size and of a quick operating type. The inner wall of the accumulator shall be clean a

35、nd smooth and its bottom shall be of such shape as to permit .complete drainage through the draw-off connection. DIAGRAM N0.2 WATER XhCTED ACNhU.ATOi) I;. Scrubbcrs.-Scrubbers shall be placed on both intake and discharge sides of the vacuum pump, to col- lect any oil, water, or other substances that

36、 may be in the line, thus protecting the meter and other machinery. G. Nates- (a) Connections between the various parts of the equipment shall be as short and direct as practicable and may be tubing, rubber hose or pipe. The entire apparatus shall be constructed of the best materials, with finest wo

37、rkmanship, shall be maintained in good mechanical condition, and must be absolutely free from leaks under operating conditions. The testing equipment, or any of its parts, shall be open to inspection by any party having a direct in- terest in the test. (b) (c) 2. Procedure of Test A. Before starting

38、 the compression test, let the machinery run with the pressure on the meter constant and the pressure on the accumulator at 265 pounds per square inch gauge, until at least 20 CU. ft. of gas snail have passed through the meter, B. When at least 20 CU. ft. of gas shall have been passed through the ap

39、paratus, the condensate therefrom shall be blown completely from the accumulator without relieving the accumulator pressure below 250 pounds per square inch gauge, and the test then started by quickly closing the accumulator drawoff valve and simultane- ously reading the gas meter. C. A quantity of

40、gas equal to 13.21 CU. ft. or 26.42 CU. ft. at 4 ounces above atomspheric pressure and a temperature of 60“ F. shall be passed through the ma- chine at a rate of not less than 2 CU. ft. and not more than 2.5 CU. ft. per minute. The flowing temperature shall be determined by reading the meter thermom

41、eter midway through the test. Other volume, pressure and temperature bases may be used by agreement between contracting parties. A constant pressure of 250 pounds per square inch gauge shall be maintained on the accumulator by means of an escape valve provided on the top of the accumu- lator, and as

42、 soon as the required quantity of gas has been passed through the apparatus, as stipulated for the test, the apparatus shall be stopped. D. The pressure on the accumulator shall then be reduced, at a rate of not less than 25 pounds per minute and not more than 50 pounds per minute, to 50 pounds per

43、square inch gauge, by venting of residue gas. The condensate shall then be withdrawn from the accumulator into a clean graduated glass cylinder and the quantity and temperature of the contents be immediately deter- mined. The temperature of the condensate shall then be steadily raised at atmospheric

44、 pressure to 60“ F., at a rate not to exceed 2 degrees per minute. The hydro- carbon condensate thus obtained shall be considered the natural gasoline content of the gas sample. A check test shall- be made immediately and results averaged, and if found to be unsatisfactory, a total of five tests sha

45、ll be run and the average results of these tests shall be considered the natural gasoline content of the gas. 3. Computation of Yield For a test run of 13.21 CU. ft. of gas, or its proper equivalent as corrected for temperature, the gallons of natural gasoline per 1,000 CU. ft. of gas shall be compu

46、ted by multiplying the cubic centimeters of natural gasoline at 60“ F. as provided for above, by the factor 2, and dividing this product by 100. For a test run of 26.42 CU. ft. of gas, or its proper equivalent 3s corrected for temperature, the gallons of natural gasoline per 1,000 CU. ft. of gas sha

47、ll be computed by dividing the cubic centimeters of natural gasoline at 60“ I?. as provided for above, by 100, If the results are desired in gallons of gasoline per million cubic feet of gas, the following for- mula shall be used: 264.2 B X= A Where A is the total corrected volume of gas used in the

48、 test in cubic feet; B is the total natural gasoline measured in cubic centimeters at 60“ I?., and X is the gallons of natural gasoline per million cubic feet of gas. 4 COPYRIGHT Gas Processors Association (GPA)Licensed by Information Handling ServicesGPA CODE*LOL 43 3824699 OOOOOLL 7 Standard Charc

49、oal Test FOREWORD: The apparatus and procedure herein described for the Adsorption Test Method were adopted after much study and experimentation. Necessarily, chcice had to be made between various alternate forms of apparatus and steps in procedure. Should experience in general use throughout the industry develop facts which would make any changes or modifications ad- visable, such changes will be made later by proper action of the associations. 1. Adsorption Apparatus and Materials (Refer to Diagram No. 1) A. Test Meter-The meter used in this test shall Type: Positive displace


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