1、PNCH-POUND A-A-269 IA - SUPERSEDING July 1,1991 A-A-2691 COMMERCIAL iTEM DESCRIPTION WRENCH, IMPACT, PNEuhiLATIC, PORTABLE (CLOSED GRIP) This Commercial Itan Description is approved by the Commissioner, Federal Supply Service, General Semices Adminimation, for the use of all Federai agencies. 1. Sco
2、pe. This commercial hn description covers portable, pneumatic impect wrenches, used for tight- and ioosCnmg bob and nuts. 2. tecialustdntheconstructio * n of the wrcnohts shallbe of good OOmmQcial quality witable far the mttndcd pmpost. AU marnials usui shall be fise from defects d mipestctions that
3、 may mprOve this docimient should be sat to: General Sen.ices Administration, Federal Supply Sen.ice, TOOLS ad Applianes CODIXLIO Center (6FETE-CO), Washington, DC 20406. 1 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- A-A-ZbqLA = 9999974 037687
4、6 807 A-A-269 1 A 2.3 cation: Provisions shall be made for lubrication to be suppliod to moving parts m the path of the air SZ,. The oil may be applied manuaily mto the motor or supplied automaicaY, through the air supply he. Wer suitable means sha be provided for supplying lubrication to moving par
5、ts not m the air sbrrimi. 2.4 hinie 1 wecti on: The air mitt ccinndon sha consist of a weil-secured fcmius fitting threaded witb ma American Standard taper pipe thrtads OiJPT) or mtannl Dryseal AmeRcan Standard tpper pipe beads (NPF) as spedkdin Table I. The airinlet shail be fm6d with an air Strame
6、rorscrn (20mesh or finer) which shai be lrtgstBnt The drive end, when fitted with a socket, Wwt show excessive nm-out which may adversely &cct operation of he wrench. The drive cnd of the spindle shaii conform to ANSI B107.4, Spring loaded plunger or through hole design. 2.7 eration. The wrenches sh
7、d be revcmble. The rotational direction of the wrench shall be controlled by a COXIV* located mechanical device which is independent of the hrotie. ?he rotationai control shall be plainiy ancl pamancntly merke to indicPte diredion of rotation. 2.8 bactu& Wrenches sha umtain aninipactamitwhich is act
8、uated by the motor. The impact nnit shail be designed to convert -que from the motor mto mtsry mipacts and to trpnsmit the impacts to the spindle. 2.9 m: Wrenches Shan be provided with a deakable manual bttk for umroiiing the supply of compress& air. The wrench ShaIl be quipped with atrigger -le tir
9、role ocaed on the inside of the handlt. 2.11 . heshanbefimsished with an akvoiume (torque) ngniator. “he rtgnlatar sabe bu mta &e tooL Tbe regulator shall havevarying degrees of restriction for ngnlating the vohme of air flow. When mhe wide opcn positiOn, the wrench a consumption shallnot cxcttd tha
10、t shown m Tabk I. 2.12 &il&: The wrench shall be quippcd with aciod-style handle (Fi- 1) located at the end of thehousmg opposiic mt spide. The wrench shaft rlso be tqnippad with aranavablc “ded“ hmik iocated inor on &ehoUsng, pupdbhrto the gpmdle axis and to tb8plaeofthecloscdatykhmdlt. 2.13 workrl
11、ianshn, - : ofwahrillbemwiththeccnnmaoirrl * !?tddsandprrctiCes. Paiuts, cohgs, plat5igs, pod &xishes SbnIlbe sm0014 dy, pdhaens contiurnus, rnd not stained or discolored. Faskacrs shail be dy sbcmtd and show no cvidcnce of dcfamratiOn, pos threading, or hszscdous buus. Adhesives aud dforbrimedpmpas
12、esbanbely andneatly applied. Adhesivesshsnbe adequately axred. -Wm and cables hbe nedy drcssed and shallnot be fhyed or in oontrctwith shsrp edges. “hac shabeno intafcreace, bmding, or galling of pm. Extemal Imd bearing daces shall be free of tool and gouge marks, nicks, OT otha surface impcrfcciion
13、s. The item shall be clean and he of carrosion and debris (e.g., chips, shavings, slivers) or other forcign mataial e item &ail be free from msnufaduring workmadip defects (e.g., loose, missmg, bmdq or midgncd parts, sharp or rough extenial edges, comers or surfaces) and mataial workmamh& defects (e
14、.g., pits, rips, fins, burrs, tears, nodules, cracks, blisters) which may adversely impact the items saviceability, durability, safety, OT appearanCe. 3. ceulaton, R CUUIi-tmCIlQ * : ln accordflce with Section 23.403 of the Federal Acquisition Rcguiations, he ovanmds poiicy is to acquire itcms compo
15、sed of the highest perccnage of rtoovcrcd materials practicable, wnsktm 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A- A-2b9LA 9999974 OL7b877 743 A-A-269 1 A with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition wiihout advcrsely &sting perform
16、ance requiremenis or exposing suppliers employees to undue hazards from the recovered materials. 3.1 Metric nroducts: Products manufactured to metric dimensions will be mnsidercd on an equal basis with those mzmuf- using inch-pound units, prwided they fail within the tolerances specified and ail oth
17、er requirements of this document are met. if a product is II1sIlilfBctc1ctd to meic dimensions and those dimensions cxcotd the tolerances spd m the inch-pound units, a request should be made to the Spacincation prcpSrmg activ3y for change to this docmatt. 4. Oudh assurance urovisions. 4.1 Remoilitv
18、for iuspection: Uniess otherwise specified m the contract, ?he contractor is respomle for the perfoxmance of all inspaction requirements as specified herein Except as otherwise specified m the contract, the canstmmayusehis ownor obiafditics suitable for thepexfomum of thc impcction requamients speci
19、ned herein, unless disapprwed by the Govcmment The Government TCSCNS the right to perform mspactianS set forth in this specification where such mspectionS arc doemed necessary to aisliue suppiics and dces adhere to pmcriibed requirements. 4.2 won: It shall be determined that the sample units meet dl
20、 salient charpctmsti cs SMed m the requirements sectionofthis doamoent Any sampleconhing one or more defects shall be rejected, and if thenumber of rejected units exceeds the acceptance number for that sample, the lot represented by the sample Shan be rejected. 4.3 Test conditions: AU tests shall be
21、 conducted wih an air supply of 90 psig (620 kPa) measured as close to the tool aspradicable. testbolshaIlbecomiedtdtogirsnppfmebymcsnsofa10footlcngthofhosehavmg ahose &of314 meh mmrdhmeter). The ak supply he shall be eqiripped with a-, ahpressurercguhor and hibricabr. * When specified, &e contracto
22、r sha furnish one sample of a compledy fabricated tool for 4.4 . fpstamCleinqabn Ibtsampk sbaiihave beenmanufactured and inspectedusingthe sumcmaterials,proctsses, and m& ttiad wui be used in theprodndion of the tools nsed to fninn the terms oftbe coltfct or purchase odu. Ihe sampk shallmeatfie requ
23、jagnaots of this Chmemal Item Description Approval of the fnst &le sample shall not Description. Fim dcle inspection shal consist of the following evauaion in the stquence listtd: Inspeioq Ak consrrrnptimw Torquetest, Soundpsure level test, Practical service tsf Service rest, and Examination aftcr s
24、avice test. Idkvcthc ccmmctor of the responsibility to fiunishtools m dcc withthe repuircmcnts of this Commd Item 45 -andcqmg e : production lot testing shail consist of the following evaustions conducted in thestqrmcektd: Inspection, Air consumption ttst, Torque test, and Practical ScrViQetest. A s
25、ample lot shall consist ofallibansofsamNsNoffacdfardtfivapidonee. Saxnplb,gproctdmsshallcmacoordancewithANST./ASQC 21.4 a n-LNel Of S-3. k mk level (AQL) shallbe 1.5 dtfects per 100 & testad. A -IC: . mit shall consist of one COmplaly fabriccated tool . Tlse air consumption of the tool shallbe teste
26、d white the tool is running under nod opaating 4.6 -tesi condiions. Air consumption shall be md with &hez a dai liw disphocment meter or a flowmeter. 4.7 Toraue test: The torque test shall be conducted on a torque anatyter of appropriate capacity cdiratd to LIS SUI: accurate readisgs. 4.8 1 eve1 tes
27、t: The sound pressure level test shall be conducted m accordance with the applicable pisionS of the Ckmpesd Air and Gas instmaes, “CAGI-PNEUROP Test Code for the Measurement of Sound hm Pneumaic Fiquipment“. The sound pressure level shall not exceed 97 decibels on the A weighted scale. 4.9 Praticai
28、servi ce test: Each sample tools shall be operated for 5 minutes. The test shall duplicate a typical work application. Dukg the test, the tool shd be checked for throttle operation, rotation, excessive noise or vibration, ease of operation, and general Senicsability. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-