ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf

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ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf_第1页
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ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf_第2页
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ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf_第3页
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ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf_第4页
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ICAO 9643-2004 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)《平行或相近=平行仪表跑道上的同时运行手册(SOIR)第1版 AN 941》.pdf_第5页
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1、Doc 9643 AN1941 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near=Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) Approved by the Secretary General and published under his authority First Edition - 2004 International Civil Aviation Organization Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by

2、IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Publkhed in separate Englkh, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and subscriptions, shou

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17、visual Training Aids Issued annually, the Catalogue lists all publications and audio-visual training aids currently available. Monthly supplements announce new publications and audio-visual training aids, amendments, supplements, reprints, etc. Available free from the Document Sales Unit, ICAO. Copy

18、right International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Doc 9643 AN1941 Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) Approved by the Secretary

19、 General and published under his authority First Edition - 2004 International Civil Aviation Organization Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AMENDMENTS No. The i

20、ssue of amendments is announced regularly in the ICAO. Journal and in the monthly Supplement to the Catalogue of ICA0 Publications and Audio-visual Training Aids, which holders of this publication should consult. The space below is provided to keep a record of such amendments. RECORD OF AMENDMENTS A

21、ND CORRIGENDA Date Entered by I AMENDMENTS I I CORRIGENDA No. Date Entered by (ii) Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FOREWORD At the request of the Air Navigati

22、on Commission (ANC), the ICAO Secretariat prepared a report on simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways, which included proposals regarding minimum distances between instrument runways. In 1980, the ANC reviewed the report, recognizing the difficulty in determining acc

23、ept- able distances between parallel instrument runways and agreeing on the need for ICAO to study the matter further. States and selected international organizations were invited to provide information on current practices and related questions with respect to minimum distances between parallel run

24、ways for simultaneous use under instrument flight rules (IFR). Four States indicated that they had operational experience with simultaneous operations on parallel instru- ment runways and had conducted studies on the subject. The requirements for the simultaneous use of such runways were considerabl

25、e, and there was support for ICAO to develop specifications and undertake work on this subject. The Commission, in light of the views expressed by selected States and international organizations on minimum distances between instrument runways used for simul- taneous operations, noted the complex nat

26、ure of the subject and the fact that it covered many disciplines in the air navigation field. It also agreed that guidance material was needed in view of the complexity of the subject. In January 1981, the Commission decided to proceed with the study and authorized the establishment of an air naviga

27、tion study group, designated the Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) Study Group, to assist the Secretariat in its work. Subsequently, at the request of the ANC, this manual on simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways was prep

28、ared by the ICAO Secretariat, with the assistance of the study group. The information contained in this manual reflects the experience accumulated by several States and is intended to facilitate implementation of related provisions in Annex 14 - Aerodromes, Volume I - Aerodrome Design and Oper- atio

29、ns, Chapters 1 and 3; the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Air Trafic Management (PANS-ATM, Doc4444), Chapter 6; and the Procedures for Air Navi- gation Services - Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS, Doc 8168), Volume I, Pari I, Chapter 1, and Volume II, Part II, Chapter 6. Following the updating

30、 of the ICAO provisions related to SOIR, applicable on 9 November 1995, the SOIR Study Group continued to assist in evaluating the use of new technologies, such as the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), for the purpose of supporting simultaneous IFR operations on closely spaced parallel runw

31、ays, with a view to updating the relevant provisions and guidance material as necessary. This manual is intended to be a living document. Periodic amendments or new editions will be published on the basis of experience gained and of comments and suggestions received from users of this manual. Reader

32、s are therefore invited to address their comments, views and suggestions to: The Secretary General 999 University Street Montral, Quebec H3C 5H7 Canada Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

33、hout license from IHS-,-,-TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Glossary of terms and abbreviations/acronyms (vii) Chapter 3 . Independent instrument 3-1 Chapter 1 . Operational concepts and considerations . 1-1 3.1 General 3-1 departures from parallel runways (Mode 3) 1.1 1.2 1.3 3.2 Requirements and procedu

34、res 3-1 General 1-1 3.3 Runway spacings 3-1 Modes of operation 1-1 Factors affecting simultaneous operations Chapter 4 . Segregated operations on on parallel instrument runways . 1-2 parallel runways (Mode 4) 4-1 Chapter 2 . Simultaneous approaches to parallel runways (Mod on the other hand, an aero

35、drome already having parallel runways, each equipped with ILS and/or MLS, could increase its capacity if these runways could be safely operated simultaneously and independently under IFR. However, other factors, such as surface movement guidance and control, environmental considerations, and landsid

36、e/airside infrastructure, may negate the advantages to be gained from simultaneous operations. 1.2 MODES OF OPERATION 1.2.1 Simultaneous parallel approaches Two basic modes of operation are possible: - Mode 1, independent parallel approaches: simul- taneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel in

37、strument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended runway centre lines are not prescribed; and - Mode 2, dependent parallel approaches: simul- taneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjace

38、nt extended runway centre lines are prescribed. 1.2.2 Simultaneous parallel departures - Mode 3, independent parallel departures: simul- taneous departures from parallel or near-parallel instrument runways. Note.- When the spacing between two parallel runways is less than the specijied value dictate

39、d by wake turbulence considerations, the runways are considered as a single runway with regard to separation between departing aircraft. 1.2.3 Segregated parallel appmachesdepartures - Mode 4, segregated parallel operations: simul- taneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways i

40、n which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures. In the case of segregated parallel approaches and departures (Mode 4), there may be semi-mixed oper- ations, i.e. one runway is used exclusively for departures, while the other runw

41、ay is used for a mixture of approaches and departures; or, one runway is used exclusively for approaches while the other is used for a mixture of approaches and departures. There may also be mixed operations, i.e. simultaneous parallel approaches with 1-1 Copyright International Civil Aviation Organ

42、ization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Parallel or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR) 1-2 departures interspersed on both runways. In all cases, how- ever, semi-mixed

43、or mixed operations may be related to the four basic modes listed in 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 as follows: a) Semi-mixed parallel operations 1) One runway is used exclusively for approaches while: - approaches are being made to - departures are in progress on 2) One runway is used exclusively for depar

44、tures while: - approaches are being made to - departures are in progress on the other runway, or the other runway. the other runway, or the other runway. b) Mixed parallel operations All modes of operation are possible. Mode 1 or2 4 4 3 172,394 1.3 FACTORS AFFECTING SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS ON PARALL

45、EL INSTRUMENT RUNWAYS 1.3.1 In the case of simultaneous parallel approaches to two parallel or near-parallel instrument runways, each with an associated instrument approach procedure, the approach minima of each runway are not affected. The operating minima used are identical to those applied for si

46、ngle runway operations. 1.3.2 There are some special procedures that have been promulgated in States using independent parallel approaches. To make flight crews aware of the importance of executing precise manoeuvres to intercept and follow closely the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach trac

47、k, flight crews are notified prior to commencing approach that simultaneous parallel instrument approaches are in progress. This procedure also alerts flight crews to the possibility of an immediate evasive manoeuvre (break- out) in case of a deviation by an aircraft on the adjacent extended centre

48、line. 1.3.3 Theoretical studies indicate that the maximum amval capacity may be achieved by operating independent parallel approaches, followed by dependent parallel ap- proaches. These theoretical gains can, however, often be significantly lower in practice due to practical difficulties associated

49、with implementation. 1.3.4 Further reductions in the theoretical capacity may anse through a lack of pilot familiarity with the procedures at aerodromes where there is a high proportion of unscheduled flights. Lack of familiarity can also result in the selection of incorrect ILS or MLS frequencies, while langu

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