ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf

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ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf_第1页
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ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf_第2页
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ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf_第3页
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ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf_第4页
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ICAO 9649-1995 Facilitation Division - Report of the Eleventh Session Montreal 18-27 April 1995 Erratum 07 31 95 Includes Supplement《第11次手续简化专门会议报告 蒙特利尔 1995年4月18日-27日 勘误表95 07 31》.pdf_第5页
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1、Supplement No. 1 DOC 9649-FAL/ 1 1 (1995) INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION FACILITATION PAL) DIVISION, ELEVENTH SESSION (Montreal, 18-27 April 1995) SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO THE REPORT Oc 9649, FAL/11 (1995) ACTION OF THE COUNCIL ON THE REPORT At its 13th meeting of its 146th Session on 8 Decemb

2、er 1995, the Council noted or approved, to the extent indicated hereunder, the recommendations contained in the Report of the Eleventh Session of the Facilitation Division. Contracting States should take particular note of those “B-type“ Recommendat ions Council. that are addressed to them and which

3、, in this form, are now Recommendations fthe PART A RECOMMENDATIONS TO AMEND ANNEX 9 STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES (IIA-TYPEI RECOMMENDATIONS, Nos. A-1 TO A-79) Recommendations A-1 to A-79: Proposais to amend Annex 9 (Ninth Edition) The Council noted that the Air Transport Committee had made a

4、 preliminary review of the “ A-type“ Recommendations of the Division for the amendment of standards and recommended practices in Annex 9, had made certain comments on them, and had directed that these comments and the recommendations of the Division be transmitted to the Contracting States for their

5、 views. Further, the Council agreed that when the observations from States were received, the Committee would conduct a further review of these recommendations of the Division in the light of the Contracting States observations and would present its final recommendations for adoption by the Council.

6、 PPRT B RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GUIDANCE MATERIAL IN ANNEX 9 OR SECRETARIAT ACTION (lB-l RECOMMENDATIONS, NOS. B-1 TO B-20) Recommendation No. B-1: Facilitation Aspects of Narcotics Control Paragraph 28 a) FAL. aspects in Council publications. The Council noted this recommendation and directed the Secre

7、tary General to ensure that the production of any future publication on suppression of illicit transport of narcotic drugs by air received appropriate input on Facilitation. b) Aims of ICAOk lhe Field of Facilitation to include narcotics control and aviation security. The Council approved this recom

8、mendation and directed the Secretary General to set a goal for completion of the updated version of Doc 7891 - Aims of ICAO in the Field of Facilitation during the 1996-98 triennium. The Council recommended that instruments of Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under

9、 license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- ICAO b4*FAL/11 * = 4841416 0035836 533 -2- DOC 9649-FALI11 (1995) Supplement No. 1 industry-government co-operation, such as memoranda of understanding, be among the policies included in that public

10、ation. Recommendation No. B-2: Facilitation Aspects of Narcotics Control Paragraph 33 Reference to Assembly Resolution A27-13. The Council noted this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to ensure that reference to A27-13 will be part of the Facilitation input to the publications referr

11、ed to in Recommendation B-1 above. Either develop or advise States to develop a poster. The Council approved this recommendation, deciding that the option of advising States to develop posters on a national or regional basis, rather than ICAOs attempting to produce a generic poster for worldwide use

12、, would be the more practicable course of action. Recommendation No. B-3: Disruption of Air Services on Public Health Grounds Paragraph 49 The Council approved this recommendation, noting that preliminary contact with the World Health Organization had already been made, and directed the Secretary Ge

13、neral to pursue the drafting of joint ICAO/WHO guidelines to help Contracting States minimize disruption of international flights for public health reasons. Recommendation No. B-4: Disinsecting of Aircraft Paragraph 63 The Council approved this recommendation, noting that the Secretariat would activ

14、ely participate in the forthcoming Informal Consultation on Aircraft Disinsection to be hosted by the World Health Organization in November 1995. The Secretary General was directed to keep the Air Transport Committee and the Council apprised of the results of that meeting and future progress, and to

15、 submit any recommendations for further amendment of Annex 9 to those bodies. Recommendation No. B-5: Passenger Identity Documents and Visas Paragraph 69 The Council approved this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to commence gathering data from Contracting States which include depen

16、dents in the passport of a primary holder. Recommendation No. B-6: Machine Readable Travel Document Programme Paragraph 75 The Council recognized that many Contracting States have made substantial investments in machine readable travel documents. Further, the Council agreed that ICAO, in representin

17、g the interests of governments and industry, continues to be the most appropriate organization to develop and maintain specifications for such documents. Accordingly, the Council approved the Recommendation and thereby reaffirmed its support for ICAOs leadership role in the continuing work in this f

18、ield. Recommendation No. B-7: Machine Readable Travel Document ProgrFrne - Future Work on Standards Paragraph 76 The Council approved this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to ensure the continued support and co-ordination of work in the three identified areas. Copyright Internationa

19、l Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. ICAO b4*FAL/11 * W 4841416 0075877 47T W Supplement No. 1 -3- DOC 9649-FAL/ 1 1 (1 995) Recommendation No. B-8: Machine Readable Travel Document P

20、rogramme - Implementation Paragraph 83 The Council approved this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to advocate the issuance of travel documents in accordance with ICAO standards oc 9303 Series) and the introduction of reading equipment and systems at international airports. Recommend

21、ation No. B-9: Inadmissible Passengers - Annex 9 Paragraph 111 The Council agreed that reorganization of the Annex 9 section dealing with inadmissible passengers is an appropriate task to include in the work programme of the Facilitation Panel. Accordingly, the Council approved this recommendation.

22、Recommendation No. B-10: General Care of Passengers Paragraph 114 The Council endorsed this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to include it in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-11: Transit Procedures and Visas Paragraph 145 The Council endorsed th

23、is recommendation and directed the Secretary General to request Contracting States to review their requirements for transit traffic against Chapter 5 of Annex 9, and to include the provisions of the recommendation in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-12: Duty Fre

24、e Purchases - Dangerous Goods Paragraph 163 The Council endorsed this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to include it in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-13: Crew Members - Meeting Facilities Paragraph 165 The Council endorsed this recommendation

25、 and directed the Secretary General to include it in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-14: Illicit Transport of Radioactive Material Paragraph 178 The Council approved this recommendation, noting that initial contact with the International Atomic Energy Agency ha

26、d already been made and that the Secretariat had participated in an interagency Co-ordination meeting hosted by IAEA for the purpose of developing training programmes and other resources to counter the international smuggling of radioactive material. The Secretary General was directed to keep the Ai

27、r Transport Committee and the Council apprised of future progress and, with the assistance of the Facilitation Panel as required, to develop and submit any recommendations for further amendment of Annex 9 to those bodies. Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under lice

28、nse with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4- DOC 9649-FAL/ 1 1 (1995) Sumiement No. 1 Recommendation No. B-15: FAZ, Information through ALPS Paragraph 179 The Council endorsed this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to advocate the

29、 publication of the FAL information required by Annex 15 (Ninth Edition) by 25 April 1996 and to include the provisions of the recommendation in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-16: Persons with Disabilities - Uniformity of Rules Paragraph 195 The Council endors

30、ed this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to include it in the revision of the Guidance Material in Annex 9. Recommendation No. B-17: Persons with Disabilities - Development of Guidelines Paragraph 196 The Council agreed that further review and development of guidelines proposed by F

31、AL/1 1 for providing access to air services for persons with disabilities is an appropriate task to be included in the work programme of the Facilitation Panel. Accordingly, the Council approved this recommendation. Recommendation No. B-18: Persons with Disabilities - Feasibility of Identification C

32、ard The Council approved this recommendation. Recommendation No. B-19: Improvement of Cargo Processes - Update of Kyoto Convention Paragraph 197 Paragraph 198 The Council approved this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to continue to ensure ICAOs co-operation with the World Customs O

33、rganization in this area and to encourage individual Contracting States to participate as well. Recommendation No. B-20: Implementation of ICAO FAL Programme Paragraph 209 a) Electronic notijkution system. The Council approved this recommendation, noting that, pursuant to Assembly Resolution A29-3 a

34、nd in keeping with its strategy for the enhancement of ICAO standards, consideration is being given to development of an electronic bulletin board and, in the longer term, electronic versions of the Annexes and an electronic difference notification system. b) Fucilitafion contact list. The Council a

35、pproved this recommendation and directed the Secretary General to request the appropriate details from the Contracting States in order to develop a working list of Facilitation contact persons. . c) Esfubfishmenf of Facilitation Punef. The Council noted that the Air Transport Committee had approved

36、the establishment of the Facilitation Panel and had already agreed to its terms of reference and a work programme, and that the Secretary General would proceed to invite nominations for membership of the Panel. Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with IC

37、AONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Supplement No. 1 - ICAO 9649*FAL/LL * I 4841416 0075879 242 I -5- DOC 9649-FALl11 (1 995) d) Policy issues on FAL Area Meeting Agenda. The Council approved this recommendation, noting that while implementation of th

38、e ICAO FAL programme would remain the principal purpose of FAL Area Meetings, such meetings could initiate proposals for policy changes which the Secretariat could submit to the Facilitation Panel, to the Facilitation Division or directly to the Air Transport Committee according to circumstances. e)

39、 More ZCAO/ACZ/ZATA FAL missions. The Council agreed that joint Facilitation missions to Contracting States are a most effective tool for implementing the ICAO Facilitation programme, and approved this recommendation. - END - Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under

40、license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Doc 9649, FAL/ll (1995) ERRATUM (English and Arabic only) 3 1/7/95 FACILITATION DIVISION REPORT OF THE ELEVENTH SESSION Montreal, 18 to 27 April 1995 v ERRATUM 1. redlined. On page 25, para. 82, Recom

41、mendation No. A-12, please note that para. 3.5.2 should not be 2. redl ined. On page 26, para. 83, Recommendation No. A-13, please note that para. 3.5.9 should not be 3. sentence “Upgrade Recommended Practice 4.26 to a Standard:”. On page 43, para. 126, Recommendation No. A-35, between Standards 4.2

42、5 and 4.26, please add 4, On page 63, para. 171, Recommendations Nos. A-68 and A-69, first line in both Recommendations, following “Appendix lo”, please add “(to be renumbered Appendix 1 1)”. 5. by “Sub-section I”. Also Replace “A.” by “I.” before following title “General”. On page 69, para. 194, Re

43、commendation No. A-78, subpara. b), please replace “Sub-section A” 6. by “Sub-section II”. Also Replace “B.” by “II.” before following title “Access to Airports”. On page 70, para. 194, Recommendation No. A-78, subpara. c), please replace “Sub-section B” 7. by “Sub-section III”. Also Replace “C.” by

44、 “III.” before following title “Access to Air Services”. On page 71, para. 194, Recommendation No. A-78, subpara. d), please replace “Sub-section C” 8. In Appendix 4: - On page 111, WP/123, in 4th column, add “Chile and” before “United States of America”. - On page 112, WP/145, in 2nd column, add “4

45、,” before “4.1”. WP/146, in 2nd column, replace “4.7” by “4, 7”. WP/149, in 2nd column, replace “4.1” by “4.2”. WP/152, in 2nd column, delete “,3.2, 4, 4.1, 5” keeping only “3”. and in 3rd column, replace subject “Draft Report of the Cargo Committee” by “Draft text for recommendations under Agenda I

46、tem 5.2”. - On page 113, WP/169, in 2nd column, add “5, ” before “5.2” - On page 113, WP/174, in 2nd column, replace “2.4” by “2, 4”. - On page 114, WP182, in 2nd column, add “, 5.2” after “5”. - END - Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for

47、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Doc 9649 FAU11 (1995) FACILITATION DIVIIQN REPORT OF THE ELEVENTH SESSION Montreal, 18-29 April 1995 Approved by the Division and published by authority of the Secretary General INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Copy

48、right International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Published in separate English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Ail

49、correspondence, except orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to the Secretary General. Orders for this publication should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance (by bank draft, cheque or money order) in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed. Document Sales Unit International Civil Aviation Organization loo0 Sherbro


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