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1、GUIDELINES FORTHE PROVISIONAL ASSESSMENTOF LIQUIDSTRANSPORTED IN BULKBIMOLondon, 1997Publishedin1997bytheINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATION4AlbertEmbankment,LondonSE17SRPrintedintheUnitedKingdombyHalstan.2 oils; and.3noxious and non-noxious liquid substances, hereafter referredto as chemicals.1.3Liqu

2、efied gases are listed in chapter 19 of the International Code fortheConstructionandEquipmentofShipsCarryingLiquefiedGasesinBulk(IGC Code) and their shipment is subject to the provisions of that Code.1.4 The notion of oil includes petroleum in any form (crude oil, fueloil,sludge,oilrefuseandrefinedp

3、roducts,otherthanpetrochemicalswhichare included in 1.2.3above). The shipment of oil is regulated by Annex I toMARPOL 73/78.1.5 Anumberofcargoescanbeshippedeitherongasorchemicaltankers.They are includedboth inchapter 19oftheIGC Code and inchapter 17ofthe International Code for the Construction and E

4、quipment of ShipsCarrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code).1.6 Each liquid offered for carriage in bulk should be identified as either agasor anoil orachemical.These Guidelines apply onlytoliquidsidentifiedas chemicals.1.7 The requirements for the carriage of chemicals in bulk are defined inth

5、e IBC Code and the Code for the Construction and Equipment of ShipsCarryingDangerousChemicalsinBulk(BCHCode).TheIBCCodeappliesto chemical tankers built onor after 1 July1986 andis mandatory underbothSOLAS 74 and MARPOL 73/78. The BCH Code applies to thosebuilt before 1 July 1986. The latter is manda

6、tory under MARPOL 73/78and recommended under SOLAS 74.11.8 Inthepresent Guidelines referenceismadetotheIBCCode only,forthe sake of brevity; however, it implies reference to the BCH Code as well,as applicable.1.9 The procedures described in the present Guidelines are presented indiagram form in annex

7、 1.Section2Assessed substances2.1 If the liquid is to be shipped as a chemical, the shipper should firstcheck whether it is listed in chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code, excludingNoxious (or non-noxious) liquid, n.o.s. generic entries.2.2 TheliquidslistedintheIBCCodearemainlypureortechnicallypurechemi

8、cals, including their aqueous solutions.2.3The list of substances in chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code isexpected to be updated every two years.2.4 The Index of Dangerous Chemicals Carried in Bulk, issued by IMO,gives most of the commonly used synonyms of the chemicals listed in theIBC Code. This I

9、ndex is also expected to be expanded every two years inline with the IBC Code.2.5 ItisimportantthatachemicallistedintheIBCCodeisshippedunderthe name listed in the Code, instead of under a synonym, for ease ofidentification by all those involved in its transport.2.6 If thechemical is not listed in th

10、e IBC Code, the next step is to checkthe agreed and proposed amendments to chapters 17 and 18 of the IBCCode and the list of chemicals provisionally assessed by IMO. Such a list isissued periodically under the cover of an MEPC circular.2.7 If the chemical is neither listed in the IBC Code, nor provi

11、sionallyassessed by IMO, it is necessary to check whether it has already beenprovisionally assessed by tripartite agreement by the shipping or producingcountry, flag States and receiving countries for the intended shipment.2.8 A list of chemicals provisionally assessed by tripartite agreement isissu

12、ed periodically under cover of an MEPC circular different from thatmentioned in 2.6. The same circular also includes a separate list ofpollutant-only mixtures of assessed substances, covered later in section 5.2.9 If the shipping or producing country is already a Party to aprovisionalassessment of t

13、he chemical in question, of which one or more of the flagStates and/or receiving countries are not Parties, the shipping or producingcountry will ask them to join in the existing agreement.Guidelines for the provisional assessment of liquids transported in bulk22.10 If the chemical has already been

14、assessed by tripartite agreement byother Parties, the shipping or producing country should review the basis oftheprecedentassessment,withaviewtoconcurringwithit,unlessnewdataare available or a more accurate assimilation is proposed. In this case, thechemical should be reassessed (see 4.5 to 4.7).2.1

15、1 If the chemical proposed for shipment is found in the list referred toin 2.8, the shipping or producing country should inform those among theflag States and the receiving countries which have not yet been informedthat the chemical has already been assigned to a generic entry in the IBCCode.Section

16、3Unassessed substances3.1 Thechemicalstobeassessedcanbedividedintothefollowinggroups:.1 pure or technically pure chemicals (see section 4);.2 mixtures,presentingnosafetyhazard,containingatleast97%byweight of components already assessed by IMO (see section 5);.3mixtures containing at least 97% by wei

17、ght of componentsalready assessed by IMO, presenting safety hazards (see section6);.4 mixtures containing one or more components, forming morethan 3% by weight of the mixture, which have not yet beenassessed by IMO (see section 7).3.2 Thechemicals or mixturesreferredtoin3.1.1, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 willbe

18、provisionally assessed by tripartite agreement, in accordance with regulation3(4) of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 and paragraph 2A.1 of its UnifiedInterpretation (see annex 2).3.3 These tripartite agreements will expire after three years. It is intendedthatduring thisperiod thechemical willbeassessed by

19、IMO(seesection 8),with the exception of mixtures presenting safety hazards which have beenclassified by IMO.3.4 It is in the best interest of the manufacturer/shipper to submit the datanecessary for a provisional assessment to the shipping or producing countryAdministrationwellinadvanceoftheshipment

20、.TheAdministrationshouldavoid unnecessary delays.3.5 After the provisional assessment of the chemicals in 3.1.1, 3.1.3 and3.1.4 is completed, an amendment sheet to the ships Certificate of Fitnessand to the P .2 Interpretation of the Guidelines for the categorization ofnoxious liquid substances (see

21、 annex 4);.3Abbreviated legend to the hazard profiles (see annex 5);.4 Criteria for establishing ship type requirements from the marinepollution point of view (annex 6); and.5 Part B Marine pollution hazard of the Criteria for hazardevaluation of bulk chemicals, attached to the IBC Code.4.3The first

22、 step for the Administration is to check the latest compositelist of hazard profiles of substances carried by ship, issued periodically byIMO under cover of a BCH circular.4.4 If a hazard profile can be found for the chemical in question, itspollution category should be derived from it in accordance

23、 with references4.2.1 and 4.2.2. The ship type and carriage requirements, in so far as thepollution hazard is concerned, should be derived from reference If no hazard profile exists, all the available data to establish one shouldbe reviewed.4.6 When adequate data are available, a provision

24、al hazard profile shouldbe derived, following the criteria developed by GESAMP (see reference4.2.3). The pollution category should be derived from this provisionalGuidelines for the provisional assessment of liquids transported in bulk4hazard profile in accordance with 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. The ship type

25、 andcarriage requirements, based upon its pollution hazard, should be derivedinaccordance with When sufficient data are not available, the Administration shouldmake an assessment by assimilation to chemically similar substances fromthe following sources:.1 the IBC Code and Index;.2 the MEP

26、C circular referred to in 2.6, listing the substancesprovisionally assessed by IMO;.3the MEPC circular referred to in 2.8, listing the substancesprovisionally assessed by tripartite agreement; and.4 the BCH circular referred to in 4.3, listing the substances forwhich a hazard profile exists.When sev

27、eral alternative assimilations are possible, the most severe shouldprevail.4.8 Afterassessmentofpollutionhazards,thepossiblesafetyhazardsofthechemical should be assessed.4.9 Guidelines for the assessment of the possible safety hazards ofchemicals are provided in part A Safety hazards of the Criteria

28、 forhazard evaluation of bulk chemicals, attached to the IBC Code.4.10 If the chemical to be provisionally assessed presents a safety hazard,the Administration should assign carriage requirements in accordance withthe above-mentioned Criteria. These requirements have to be integratedwith those previ

29、ously assigned for pollution prevention purposes only andthe most stringent set has to be adopted. If necessary, the Administrationshould revise the ship type previously assigned for pollution considerationsonly.4.11 At this point, the Administration of the shipping or producingcountry,havingprovisi

30、onally assessed thechemical inquestion, should seekthe concurrence of the Administrations of the flag States and receivingcountries with its evaluation. For this purpose, the standard telex/telefaxformat for proposing tripartite agreements for the provisional assessment ofliquid substances, reproduc

31、ed in annex 7, should be used.4.12 After express or tacit agreement has been reached, the proposingAdministration should inform IMO, as required by regulation 3(4) ofAnnex II. It is recommended to use the telex/telefax format for thispurpose, adding the list of the countries involved.4.13Eitherthepr

32、oposingAdministrationorthemanufacturershouldthenpromptly forward to GESAMP all data necessary for a formal hazardevaluation, using the format Characteristics of liquid chemicals proposedfor marine transport in bulk (see annex 8).Section 45Section5Assignment of mixtures of assessed chemicalswith no s

33、afety hazard5.1 This section deals with the mixtures defined in 3.1.2, i.e. thosepresenting no safety hazard and containing at least 97% by weight ofchemicals assessed by IMO. Chemicals assessed by IMO include:.1 those listed in chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code;.2 agreed and proposed amendments to

34、 these chapters;.3hydrocarbon families, for the purpose of assessing complexpetrochemical mixtures of hydrocarbons (see annex 8).Such a mixture may contain components with safety hazards (designated byS or S/P in column d of the summary of minimum requirements table) aslong as they are so diluted th

35、at the final mixture presents no safety hazard.5.2 Thepollutioncategoryandtheshiptypeofthesemixturesarederivedfromthoseofthecomponentsbythefollowingcalculationmethod.Forthepurpose of this calculation, unassessed components up to 3% should beassigned to pollution category A, ship type 2, unless they

36、can be evaluatedon the basis of GESAMP hazard profiles, data or assimilation.5.3The first step is to calculate the pollution category of the mixture bythe following procedure:.1 identifythepollutioncategoryofeachcomponentfromtheIBCCode or the MEPC circular referred to in 2.6;.2 multiply the concentr

37、ation of each identified component in themixture, expressed in per cent by weight, by the factorassociated with its pollution category according to the followingtable 1:Table 1Pollution category FactorA 1,000B 100C10D1Appendix III 0Diluent mineral oil in lube oil additives*10*Most lube oil additive

38、components are produced in mineral oil and havebeen assessed as produced. Sometimes more mineral oil is added to amixture to make it pumpable. This is called diluent mineral oil.3add the resultant multiples to obtain the value Sp;Guidelines for the provisional assessment of liquids transported in bu

39、lk6.4 refer to the left-hand column of the flow chart for determiningpollutioncategoriesandidentifytherowthatcorrespondstothevalue of Sp;.5 read across this row, answering the relevant questions in themiddle column, to determine the pollution category of themixture, as shown in the right-hand column

40、.Flow chart for determining pollution categoriesSum of multiples(Sp)Other factors (where relevant) PollutioncategorySp510,000 Is the totalpercentage ofsubstancesidentified inNote 1 51% wt?Yes.No . . . Is the sum ofpoll. cat. Amultiples 510,000? Yes . .No . .AAB10,0004Sp51,000 Is the totalpercentage

41、ofsubstancesidentified inNote 1 51% wt?Yes.No . . . . .Is the sum ofpoll. cat. A .2 multiply the concentration of each component in the mixture,expressed in per cent by weight, by the factor associated to itsship type according to the following table 2:Table 2Ship type Factor1 10021031Other 0Diluent

42、 mineral oil in lube oil additives 1.3add the resultant multiples to obtain the value Ss;.4 refer to the left-hand column of the flow chart for determiningshiptypesand identify therow thatcorresponds to the value of Ss;.5 read across this row, answering the relevant questions in themiddle column, to

43、 determine the ship type for the mixture, asshown in the right-hand column.Flow chart for determining ship typesSum of multiples(Ss)Other factors (where relevant) ShiptypeSs51,000 Is the sum of ship type 1multiples 51,000?Yes.No.121,0004Ss5100 Is the sum of ship type 1 .2 agreed and proposed amendme

44、nts to these chapters.Safety hazard only chemicals are designated by an S in column d of thesummary of minimum requirements table. These mixtures containcomponents with safety hazards (designated by S or S/P in column d of9the summary of minimum requirements table) to such an extent that theyimpart

45、a safety hazard to the final mixture.6.2 The pollution category of these mixtures is calculated, as shown in5.2, 5.3and tentative ship type, for pollution prevention purposes only, is thencalculated, as shown in The Administration should then provisionally assess thesafety hazardsof

46、 the mixture and assign carriage requirements, following the guidelinesreferred to in 4.9 and the interpretation for assigning the minimum carriagerequirements for mixtures involving products included in the IBC/BCHCodes for safety reasons, reproduced in annex 10. If necessary, theAdministration sho

47、uld revise the tentative ship type assigned in These mixtures, representing safety hazards, cannot be shipped underNoxious liquid, n.o.s. generic entries in the Code. Therefore, anappropriateshippingnamewillneedtobeassignedtothemixture.Thiswillidentify the principal substances responsible fo

48、r the safety and pollution (ifapplicable) hazards of the mixture and may include its trade name.6.6 The Administration should now proceed to obtain a tripartiteagreement and to inform IMO, as indicated in 4.11 and IMO shall review the ship type and carriage requirements provision-ally assig

49、ned by tripartite agreement and finally include the mixture in theMEPC circular mentioned in 2.8. There is no need for IMO to review themixtures pollution category, as this is the result of a purely mechanicalcalculation.6.8 The inclusion of these mixtures in the MEPC circular constitutes anassessment by IMO, and hence removes the three-year limitation on theprovisional assessment by tripartite agreement.Section7Assessment of mixtures containingunassessed chemicals7.1 This section deals with the mixtures defined in 3.1.4, i.e. thosecontaining one or more

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