IMO EA761E-2007 Voluntary Guidelines for the Design Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels 2005 (Electronic Edition).pdf

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1、Voluntary Guidelines for theDesign,Construction andEquipment ofSmall Fishing Vessels2005ELECTRONIC EDITIOND EBINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2006Published by theINTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted and bound in the United Kingdom by William Clowes L

2、td, Beccles, Suffolk24681097531First edition, 19802nd edition, 2006ISBN-13: 978-92-801-4210-5ISBN-10: 92-801-4210-0IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IA761ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or

3、transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Print edition (ISBN: 978-92-801-4210-5)Published in 2006 by theINTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRElectronic edition: 2007IMO PUBLICATIONSales num

4、ber: EA761ECopyright # InternationalMaritimeOrganization2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Preface1 A meeting of c

5、onsultants on safety on board fishing vessels, jointlyconvened in 1974 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UnitedNations (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO), for the purpose of finalizingthe text of part B of the Code of Saf

6、ety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels,which applies to vessels of 24 metres in length and over, recommendedthat the three Organizations should continue to co-operate with a view toestablishing voluntary guidelines for the design, construction andequipment of vessels of less than 24 metres in length.

7、2 Subsequently the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of IMO tooknote of the aforementioned recommendation and requested its Sub-Committee on Safety of Fishing Vessels to develop such guidelines in co-operation with FAO and ILO.3 The International Conference on Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977,recognizi

8、ng that the 1977 Torremolinos Convention applies only to fishingvessels of 24 metres in length and over and being conscious that the vastmajority of fishing vessels throughout the world are of less than 24 metresin length, adopted a resolution recommending that IMO continue todevelop safety standard

9、s for the design, construction and equipment ofsuch fishing vessels with a view to promoting the safety of these vesselsand their crews.4 FAO, ILO and IMO finalized the original text of the VoluntaryGuidelines at the twenty-first and twenty-second sessions of the IMO Sub-Committee on Stability and L

10、oad Lines and on Fishing Vessels Safety(SLF). The Guidelines were approved by the MSC at its forty-first session inOctober 1979 and by the FAO in November 1979 for circulation toGovernments. The ILO Governing Body was informed at its 211th sessionin November 1979 of the intention to publish this doc

11、ument.5 It was pointed out, however, that some parts of the Guidelinesrequired further development. These mainly concerned stability criteria,which were considered at that time as being only tentative. Bearing inmind that development of appropriate stability criteria for any type offishing vessel is

12、 a very complex problem, which has not been entirelysolved even for larger vessels, the International Conference on Safety ofFishing Vessels, 1977, adopted a resolution recommending that IMOcontinue studies with the aim of formulating detailed stability standardsfor fishing vessels.6 Following the a

13、doption of the Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relatingto the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of FishingiiiVessels, 1977, the MSC undertook the review of the FAO/ILO/IMO Code ofSafety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels, part A and part B. At the sametime, it also decided to review

14、the Voluntary Guidelines for the Design,Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels. In requesting theSLF Sub-Committee to review the Guidelines, the MSC recommended thatthe concerns expressed in paragraph 5 above, as well as recentdevelopments in fishing vessel design and fishing operations

15、, should betaken into consideration.7 The SLF Sub-Committee established a correspondence group tofacilitate the revision of the Code and the Voluntary Guidelines and,following clearance by the relevant sub-committees of the IMO, the revisedtext was submitted to the MSC at its seventy-ninth session (

16、1 to 10December 2004) at which it was approved. At the twenty-sixth session ofthe Committee on Fisheries in March 2005, FAO welcomed the revisedCode and Voluntary Guidelines and recommended the early publication byIMO of these documents. The Governing Body of ILO approved the revisedtexts at its 293

17、rd session in June 2005.8 The purpose of the Voluntary Guidelines is to provide a generalguidance on safe practices for the design, construction and equipment ofsmaller fishing vessels. Nevertheless, discretion should be exercised inusing provisions of the Voluntary Guidelines for the purpose of fra

18、mingnational safety requirements when local weather and sea conditions andspecial operational requirements should be given particular consideration.Furthermore, attention is drawn to part A of the FAO/ILO/IMO Code ofSafety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels, 2005.9 Concerning the procedures for futur

19、e amendments to the VoluntaryGuidelines, the MSC considered that any amendments should be effectedas expeditiously as possible. It was agreed that non-controversialamendments should be approved by correspondence, but joint meetingsof experts might be necessary for other amendments for which no ready

20、agreement by correspondence could be reached.10 Recognizing that the majority of items covered by the VoluntaryGuidelines are within the scope of IMO and noting the different workingprocedures within the three Organizations and also that the SLF Sub-Committee holds regular meetings, it was agreed th

21、at:.1 IMO should act as a focal point for co-ordinating proposedamendments to the Voluntary Guidelines and, in particular theIMO Secretariat should undertake to receive any proposedamendments, to distribute them to the Organizations and tocollate their respective comments;.2 any future joint FAO/ILO

22、/IMO meeting should be held, when-ever possible, in conjunction with a meeting of the SLF Sub-Committee; and.3 any proposed amendments should always be subject to thefinal approval of the appropriate bodies of the three organiza-tions.Voluntary guidelines for small fishing vessels, 2005ivContentsPag

23、eChapter1Generalprovisions. 1Chapter2Construction,watertightintegrityandequipment 7Chapter3Stabilityandassociatedseaworthiness. 17Chapter4MachineryandelectricalinstallationsPartAGeneral.25PartBMachineryinstallations.26PartCElectricalinstallations33PartDPeriodicallyunattendedmachineryspaces41Chapter5

24、Fireprotection,firedetection,fireextinctionandfirefighting. 43Chapter6Protectionofthecrew 53Chapter7Life-savingappliancesandarrangementsPartAGeneral.65PartBVesselrequirements67PartCLife-savingappliancesrequirements.73Chapter8Emergencyprocedures,mustersanddrills 75Chapter9RadiocommunicationsPartAGene

25、ral.79PartBShiprequirements.82Chapter10Shipbornenavigationalequipmentandarrangements. 91Chapter1 Crewaccommodation 93vPageAnnexIIllustrationoftermsusedinthedefinitions. 99AnnexI Recommendedpracticeforanchorandmooringequipment 103AnnexIIIRecommendedpracticeforammoniarefrigerationsystemsinmannedspaces

26、 109AnnexIVRecommendedpracticeonportablefish-holddivisions 111AnnexVRecommendationsfortestinglifejacketsandlifebuoysPart1Prototypetestforlife-savingappliances115Part2Productionandinstallationtests128AnnexVIAnnotatedlistofpertinentpublications 129viVoluntary guidelines for small fishing vessels, 2005

27、Chapter 1General provisions1.1 Purpose and scope1.1.1 The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide information on thedesign, construction, and equipment of small fishing vessels with a view topromoting the safety of the vessel and safety and health of the crew. Theyare not intended as a substitute

28、for national laws and regulations but mayserve as a guide to those concerned with framing such national laws andregulations. Each Competent Authority responsible for the safety of fishingvessels should ensure that the provisions of these guidelines are adaptedto its specific requirements, having due

29、 regard to the size and type ofvessels, their intended service and area of operation.1.1.2 Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of these guidelines areintended to apply to new decked fishing vessels of 12 m in length and over,but less than 24 m in length. Nevertheless, even where not otherwisesta

30、ted, the Competent Authority should, as far as reasonable and practical,give consideration to the application of these provisions to existing deckedfishing vessels.1.1.3 The provisions of these Guidelines do not apply to fishing vesselsfor sport or recreation or to processing vessels.1.2 Definitions

31、For the purpose of these Guidelines, unless expressly provided otherwise,the following definitions apply:1.2.1 Amidships means the mid-length of L.1.2.2 Approved means approved by the Competent Authority.1.2.3 Baseline is the horizontal line intersecting at amidships the keelline.1.2.4 Bow height is

32、 defined as the vertical distance at the forwardperpendicular between the waterline corresponding to the maximumpermissible draught and the designed trim and the top of the exposed deckat side.11.2.5 Breadth (B)* is the maximum breadth of the vessel, measuredamidships to the moulded line of the fram

33、e in a vessel with a metal shelland to the outer surface of the hull in a vessel with a shell of any othermaterial.1.2.6 Collision bulkhead is a watertight bulkhead up to the working deckin the fore part of the vessel as approved by the Competent Authority.1.2.7 Competent Authority is the Government

34、 of the State whose flag thevessel is entitled to fly.1.2.8 Crew means the skipper and all persons employed or engaged inany capacity on board a vessel on the business of that vessel.1.2.9 Decked vessel is a vessel having a fixed structural deck covering theentire hull above the deepest operating wa

35、terline. Where open wells orcockpits are fitted in this deck, the vessel is considered a decked vessel ifflooding of the well or cockpit will not endanger the vessel.1.2.10 Deck erection is any decked structure on the working deck.1.2.11 Deepest operating waterline is the waterline related to the ma

36、ximumpermissible operating draft.1.2.12 Depth (D) is the moulded depth amidships.1.2.13 Enclosed superstructure is a superstructure with:.1 enclosing bulkheads of efficient construction;.2 access openings, if any, in those bulkheads fitted withpermanently attached weathertight doors of a strength eq

37、uiva-lent to the unpierced structure which can be operated fromeach side; and.3 other openings in sides or ends of the superstructure fitted withefficient weathertight means of closing.A raised quarter-deck is regarded as a superstructure.A bridge or poop should not be regarded as enclosed unless ac

38、cess isprovided for the crew to reach machinery and other working spaces insidethose superstructures by alternative means which are available at alltimes when bulkhead openings are closed.1.2.14 Existing vessel is a vessel which is not a new vessel.1.2.15 Fishing vessel (hereto referred as vessel) m

39、eans any vessel usedcommercially for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other livingresources of the sea.1.2.16 Forward and after perpendiculars should be taken at the forwardand after ends of the length (L). The forward perpendicular should be* Dimensions are illustrated in annex I.Voluntary g

40、uidelines for small fishing vessels, 20052coincident with the foreside of the stem on the waterline on which thelength is measured.1.2.17 Freeboard (f) is the actual minimum freeboard and is the distancefrom the underside of the working deck at the side to a waterline,measured perpendicularly to the

41、 waterline, plus the minimum thicknessof decking. When the working deck is stepped, the lowest line of the deckand the continuation of that line parallel to the upper part of the deckshould be taken as the working deck.1.2.18 Height of a superstructure or other erection is the least verticaldistance

42、 measured at side from the top of the deck beams of asuperstructure or an erection to the top of the working deck beams.1.2.19 Keel line is the line parallel to the slope of keel passing amidshipsthrough:.1 the top of the keel or line of intersection of the inside of shellplating with the keel where

43、 a bar keel extends above that line ofa vessel with a metal shell; or.2 the rabbet lower line of the keel of a vessel with a shell of woodor a composite material; or.3 the intersection of a fair extension of the outside of the shellcontour at the bottom with the centreline of a vessel with a shellof

44、 material other than wood and metal.1.2.20 Least depth* is the depth measured from the keel line to the top ofthe working deck beam at side. Where the working deck is stepped and theraised part of the deck extends over the point at which the least depth is tobe determined, the least depth should be

45、measured to a line of referenceextending from the lower part of the deck along a line parallel with theraised part.1.2.21 Length (L)* should be taken as 96% of the total length on a waterlineat 85% of the least depth, or as the length from the foreside of the stem tothe axis of the rudder stock on t

46、hat waterline, if that length is greater. Invessels designed with rake of keel, the waterline on which this length ismeasured should be parallel to the designed waterline.1.2.22 Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces which containinternal-combustion type machinery used either:.1 for main pr

47、opulsion; or.2 for other purposes where such machinery has in the aggregatea total power output of not less than 750 kW,or which contains any oil-fired boiler oil unit.* Dimensions are illustrated in annex I.3Chapter 1: General provisions1.2.23 Midship section is that section of the hull defined by

48、the intersectionof the moulded surface of the hull with a vertical plane perpendicular tothe waterline and centreline planes passing through amidships.1.2.24 New vessel is a vessel the keel of which is laid, or which is at asimilar stage of construction, on or after the date of adoption of the prese

49、ntrevision of these Guidelines.1.2.25 Organization means the International Maritime Organization.1.2.26 Protocol means the Torremolinos International Convention for theSafety of Fishing Vessels, 1977, as modified by the Torremolinos Protocolof 1993 relating thereto.1.2.27 Skipper means the person having command of a fishing vessel.1.2.28 Steel or other equivalent material means steel or any material which,by itself or due to insulation provided, has structural and integrityproperties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable fire exposure tothe standard fires test (e.g. aluminium al


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