IMO IB126E-2004 Index of IMO Resolutions (Fourth Edition).pdf

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1、 Index of IMO Resolutions Resolutions adopted by the Assembly, the Council, the Maritime Safety Committee, the Marine Environment Protection Cornmittee, the Legal Committee and Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties to the London Convention Fourth Edition 2004 (January 1959 - September 2004) I

2、NTERNATIONAL MANTIME ORGANIZATION London, 2004 First published in 1987 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom Second edition 1990 Third edition 1995 fourth edition 2004 Printed in the United Kingdom by Polestar Wheatons Ltd. 2468 10975 3 1 ISBN

3、 92-80 1 -4 1 90-2 Sales number: IB126E Copyright O International Maritime Organization 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from the International Maritim

4、e Organization. Foreword The index of IMO Resolutions provides an indexed guide to the resolutions adopted by the Assembly and other organs of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as well as those adopted by the Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties to the London Convention, 1972 (f

5、ormerly the London Dumping Convention), for which IMO acts as secretariat, from the inception of the Organization in January 1959 to September 2004. The publication is divided into two sections: Section 1: A list of resolutions adopted by the Assembly (abbreviated to A), the Council (C), the Maritim

6、e Safety Committee (MSC), the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), the Legal Committee (LEG) and the Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties to the London Convention (LDC, later LC), arranged in numerical order under each of the adopting bodies. A list of resolutions arranged under t

7、heir subject headings. Section 2: This edition brings the Index up to date up to the end of September 2004 - .e., up to and including the 23rd session of the Assembly, the 92nd session of the Council, the 78th session of the MSC, the 51st session of the MEPC, the 82nd session of the Legal Committee

8、and the 25th Consultative Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Convention. All previously issued supplements to the third edition (December 1994) have been incorporated. References to IMO resolutions Each resolution has a unique reference (“symbol? composed of three elements as follows: Abbr

9、eviation of adopting body followed by a full point Number of resolution Number of session at which resolution was adopted bn parentheses Thus, resolution A.827(19) was adopted by the Assembly at its 19th ordinary session and was the 827th resolution adopted by that body. Until the early 1980s, the n

10、umber of the session was given in roman numerals. Thus, resolution C.41(XX) was adopted by the Council at ifs 20th session and was the 41st resolution adopted by that body. The bodies of the Organization sometimes hold “extraordinary” sessions. These are indicated by the abbreviation “ES. ” before t

11、he numeral (roman or arabic) representing the extraordinary session. Extraordinary sessions are numbered independently from ordinary sessions, but the numerical sequence of resolutions is unaffected. Thus, resolution A. 167(ES.IV) was adopted by the Assembly at ifs fourth extraordinary session (whic

12、h took place after its fifth ordinary session) and was the 167th resolution adopted by that body. The Assembly (A) normally meets in ordinary session every fwo years; the Council (C), the Mari- time Safety Commitfee (MSC), the Marine Environment Protection Commitfee (MEPC) and the Legal Committee (L

13、EG) twice a year; and the Technical Co-operation Committee (TC) and the Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties to the London Convention (LDC/LC) once a year. Index of IMO Resolutions, September 2004 - iii CONTENTS Section 1 : Numerical list of resolutions, arranged by adopting body Assembly (A

14、) 1 Council (C) . 28 Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 30 Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 35 Legal Committee (LEG) . 39 Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties to the London Convention (LDCILC) 39 Section 2: List of resolutions, arranged by subject heading 1 GENERAL 1 .o1 1 .o2 1 .

15、O3 1 .O4 1 .O5 1 .O6 I .o7 1 .O8 IMO Convention . 43 1 .O21 1 .O22 1 .O23 Other matters IMO policy 44 1 .O31 General 1 .O32 Work programme Meetings .45 1 .O41 Conferences 1 .O42 Assembly 1 .O43 Council 1 .O44 Maritime Safety Committee 1.045 Marine Environment Protection Committee 1.046 Technical Co-

16、operation Committee 1 .O47 Other meetings Appointment of the Secretary-General . 46 External relations .47 1.061 Host State 1 .O62 1 .O63 Intergovernmental organizations 1 .O64 Non-governmental organizations 1 .O65 Joint Inspection Unit Immunities and privileges .48 Other matters . 48 Acceptance of

17、duties 43 Conventions relating to maritime safety Conventions relating to marine pollution prevention United Nations and specialized agencies ADMINISTRATIVE 2.01 Financial Regulations . 49 2.02 Staff Regulations and Staff Rules 49 2.03 Biennial work programme and budget . 49 2.04 Working Capital Fun

18、d . 50 2.05 Assessment and arrears 51 2.051 Assessment 2.052 Arrears Index of IMO Resolutions, September 2004 - v 3 4 2.06 Audits and accounts 51 2.061 2.062 Audits and accounts Appointment of the External Auditor 2.07 Headquarters . 52 2.08 Other matters . 52 LEGAL .53 MARITIME SAFETY 4.01 4.02 4.0

19、3 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 General . 53 4.01 1 Survey and certification 4.012 Port State Control 4.013 Marine casualties 4.014 4.01 5 4.016 Other matters Amendments to the SOLAS Convention . 56 Ship design, construction and equipment 57 4.031 Intact stability 4.032 Subdivision and damage stability 4

20、.033 Load lines 4.034 Manoeuvring and steering gear 4.035 Tonnage measurement 4.036 Other matters Fire safety 60 4.041 Fire safety requirements 4.042 Inert gas systems 4.043 Fire test procedures 4.044 Other matters Fishing vessels 62 Bulk chemicals . 63 4.061 Chemical tankers 4.062 Gas carriers 4.07

21、1 Hydrofoils and air-cushion vehicles 4.072 Mobile offshore drilling units 4.073 Nuclear merchant ships 4.074 Other types of ship Navigation 65 4.0801 Aids to navigation 4.0802 Collision regulations 4.0803 Hydrography 4.0804 Incident and ship reporting systems 4.0805 Navigation in special areas 4.08

22、06 Navigational and meteorological warnings 4.0807 Navigational equipment and other aids 4.0808 Navigational vocabulary 4.0809 Noise 4.081 O Ocean data acquisition systems (ODAS) 4.081 1 Pilotage 4.081 2 Ships routeing 4.081 3 Weather 4.0814 Other matters 4.0815 Places of refuge Relations between Go

23、vernments, shipowners and masters Piracy and unlawful acts Special types of ships and craft . 64 I vi - Index of IMO Resolutions, September 2004 4.09 4.10 4.1 1 4.12 4.13 Life-saving appliances . .71 4.091 Liferafis 4.092 Testing of life-saving appliances 4.093 Other matters 4.1 O1 4.1 02 4.1 03 4.1

24、 04 4.105 VHF 4.106 Unlawful broadcasts 4.1 07 Search and rescue . 76 Human element . .76 Radiocommunications . .7 1 Distress and safety measures Emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) International Code of Signals Performance standards for radio equipment Maritime Assistance Services

25、(MAS) 4.121 General 4.122 Training 4.123 Watchkeeping 4.124 Manning 4.125 ISM Code 4.131 Dangerous goods 4.132 Solid bulk cargoes 4.133 Containers 4.134 4.1 35 Other matters Cargoes .78 Stowage and securing of cargo 5 PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION FROM SHIPS 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.031 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07

26、 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.1 1 5.12 5.13 5.14 General .80 Amendments to conventions 81 Prevention of pollution (oil) .83 General 5.032 5.033 OilNVater interface detectors 5.034 Segregated ballast tanks (SBT) 5.035 Crude oil washing (COW) Prevention of pollution (noxious liquid substances in bulk). . 84 Preve

27、ntion of pollution (harmful substances in packaged form) 85 Prevention of pollution (sewage) 85 Prevention of pollution (garbage) .85 Reception facilities for wastes from ships 86 Implementation of conventions 86 5.091 Prevention of pollution (oil) 5.092 5.093 5.094 Surveys and certification 5.095 R

28、eporting of incidents involving harmful substances . 87 Combating of spillages . 88 Prevention of air pollution from ships . 88 Hazardous and noxious substances 88 Ship recycling . 88 Oily-water separating and monitoring equipment and dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT) Control of ships and discharg

29、es Contravention of conventions and penalties Tonnage measurement for the purposes of MARPOL 73/78 6 PREVENTION OF POLLUTION BY DUMPING 6.01 Organizational matters . 88 6.02 Settlement of disputes 89 Index of IMO Resolutions, September 2004 - vi 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.1 1 Scientif

30、ic advice . 89 Incineration at sea . 89 Annexes to the London Dumping Convention . 89 Disposal at sea of radioactive wastes 90 Disposal at sea of persistent materials 90 Disposal of dredged material . 90 Transfrontier movement of wastes for disposal at sea 90 Monitoring 90 Strategies and policy . 90

31、 7 TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION 7.01 General . 91 7.02 Technical co-operation programme . 91 7.03 World Maritime University 91 7.04 International Maritime Law Institute . 91 7.05 International Maritime Academy 92 8 FACILITATION OF MARITIME TRAFFIC 8.01 General . 92 8.02 Ship/Port interface . 92 Continuous

32、 Synopsis Record (CSR) . 92 8.03 9 MARITIME SECURITY 92 viii . Index of /MO Resolutions. September 2004 SECTION 1 Numerical list of resolutions, arranged by adopting body Resolution number Resolution title - Status ASSEMBLY A.I(I) A.2(1) A.3(1) A.4(1) A.5(1) A.6(1) A.7(1) A.8(1) A.9(1) A.l O(I) A.l

33、l(1) A.12(1) A.13(1) A. 14( I) A. 15(l) A.16(1) A. 17(l) A.18(1) A. 19(1) A.20(1) A.21 (Il) A.22(11) A.23(11) A.24(11) A.25(11) A.26(11) A.27(11) A.28(11) A.29(11) A.30(11) Approval of the appointment of the Secretary-General by the Council Acceptance of duties under the International Convention for

34、 the Safety of Life at Sea (1948) - revision of the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1 948) Acceptance of duties in connection with the International Code of Signals Acceptance of duties in connection with the establishment of the Group of Experts on the Unification of Maritime Tonnage

35、Measurement Status of the Convention on IMCO Report of the Credentials Committee Agreement on relationship with the United Nations Acceptance of duties under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (1954) Election of Members of the Maritime Safety Committee, as

36、 provided in Article 28 of the Convention Report of the Assembly on the final text of the annex to the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies Relationship with other specialized agencies and other international organizations Election of Members of the Maritim

37、e Safety Committee Rules of Procedure for subsequent sessions of the Assembly Financial Regulations of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Staff Regulations of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Review of expenditures and approval of accounts of the Prepa

38、ratory Committee Dissolution of the Preparatory Committee Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for the first financial period Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for the first financial period - Resolution relating to the Working Capital Fund Apportionment of expenses among Memb

39、er States Report on request by the first Assembly for an Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee Presentation of the report of the Council in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention Approval of appointment of External Auditor P

40、rogramme appraisal in the economic, social and human rights fields General Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies Admission of new Member States -the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Rules of Procedure Participation in the United Nations expanded programme of technical ass

41、istance Facilitation of travel and transport Consideration of Agreement between International Atomic Energy Agency and Inter- Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Index of IMO Resolutions, September 2004 - 1 Resolution number A.31 (il) A.32( Il) A.33( Il) A.34(11) A.35(11) A.36( Il) A.37(

42、 I I) A.38( il) A.39(11) A.40( Il) A.4 1 (Il) A.42(11) , A.43(11) A.44( ES. I) A.45( I I I) A.46(111) A.47(111) A.48(111) A.49(111) A.50(111) A.51 (Ill) A. 52( I I I) A.53(111) .54(111) A.55(111) A.56( Ill) A.57( II I) A.58(111) A.59( I I I) A.60(111) A.61(111) A.62(111) A.63( II i) A.64(111) A.65(1

43、11) A.66( Ill) A.67( Ill) Resolution title - Status Approval of the rules for the admission to consultative status of non-governmental international organizations Amendment to the Financial Regulations Work programme of the Organization Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for the second f

44、inancial period 1962/63 Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for the second financial period 1962163 - amendment to the Staff Regulations Staff establishment and adoption of the budget for the first financial period - supplementary estimates for 1961 Staff establishment and adoption of the

45、 budget for the second financial period 1962/63 - Working Capital Fund Apportionment of expenses among Member States United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund Report on request by the first Assembly for an Advsoty Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the constitution of the Maritime Safety

46、 Committee Presentation of the report of the Maritime Safety Committee, transmitted by the Council Approval of the provisional consultative status granted to non-governmental international organizations by the Council Determination of date and place of the third session of the Assembly, in 1963 Appr

47、oval of the appointment of the Secretary-General by the Council Banning of nuclear tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water Approval of the appointment of the External Auditor Red Sea lights Approval of the recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee on treatment of shelter- deck

48、 and other “open” spaces Approval of the recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee on stability information for ships carrying grain Approval of the recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee on marking of oceanographic stations Acceptance by the Organization of additional duties conseq

49、uent upon the International Conference on Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1962 Intact stability of fishing vessels Convening of the International Conference on Load Lines Adoption of the reports of the Maritime Safety Committee General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies Relations with the host State Relationship with the UN, specialized agencies, IAEA and other international organizations Relations with the non-governmental international organizations; review of the list of non- governmental interna


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