1、Op. ITU-R 83-1 OPINION ITU-R 83-1 1 DATA BROADCASTING SERVICES (1986-1990) The CCIR. CONSIDERING (a) that some data broadcasting services have already been introduced and information is given in Recommendation 653; (6) 802,956,1207 and 1208; that studies within the CCIR on data broadcasting generall
2、y are in progress and information is given in Reports (e) networks: that several administrations are providing a wide range of data services via the public telecommunication (4 that the use of these complementary delivery facilities can increase the appeal of some of these data services; (e) that it
3、 is desirable to optimize the compatibility of receiving terminals for the two methods of delivery, IS UNANIMOUSLY OF THE OPINION that the Director, CCIR, should draw the attention of the Director, CCITT, to the CCIR documentation on data broadcasting services and invite the CCITT to take into account in its studies of data services based on the public telecommunication networks, the desirability for compatibility of the terminal equipment with data broadcasting services. Similarly, the CCIR in its studies of data broadcasting services, should take into account relevant CCITT documentation.