1、Op. ITU-R 90 OPINION ITU-R 90* 1 EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECTION IN PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME PRODUCTION INSTALLATIONS (1990) The CCIR, CONSIDERING (a) sound broadcasting and television; this covers: the importance of facilitating the easy interconnection of equipment in programme production installations fo
2、r interconnections to carry programme signals from equipment to equipment, interconnections to coordinate operation of equipment, e.g. control and tally functions; (6) installations; that developing countries would particularly benefit from easy interconnectability of equipment in their (e) that the
3、 CCIR possesses the expertise required to define and recommend essential elements of specifications for equipment interconnection in professional broadcast installations, that optimally meet the system engineering requirements of broadcasters and programme producers (several such Recommendations hav
4、e been successfully set by the CCIR in the past); (4 with special attention to audiovisual equipment for domestic use; that IEC Technical Committee 84 is engaged in work on audio and audiovisual equipment interconnection (e) the content of Opinion 16, IS UNANIMOUSLY OF THE OPINION that the IEC shoul
5、d be invited to take into appropriate consideration the results of relevant CCIR studies, and the relevant CCIR Recommendations, in its own work on equipment interconnection for domestic and professional audio and audiovisual equipment. * The Director, CCIR, is requested to bring this Opinion to the attention of the IEC.