ITU-R P 2108-0-2017 Prediction of clutter loss.pdf

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1、 Recommendation ITU-R P.2108-0 (06/2017) Prediction of clutter loss P Series Radiowave propagation ii Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 Foreword The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication se

2、rvices, including satellite services, and carry out studies without limit of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted. The regulatory and policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunicati

3、on Assemblies supported by Study Groups. Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR) ITU-R policy on IPR is described in the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC referenced in Annex 1 of Resolution ITU-R 1. Forms to be used for the submission of patent statements and licensing declarations b

4、y patent holders are available from http:/ where the Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC and the ITU-R patent information database can also be found. Series of ITU-R Recommendations (Also available online at http:/www.itu.i

5、nt/publ/R-REC/en) Series Title BO Satellite delivery BR Recording for production, archival and play-out; film for television BS Broadcasting service (sound) BT Broadcasting service (television) F Fixed service M Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services P Radiowave propagati

6、on RA Radio astronomy RS Remote sensing systems S Fixed-satellite service SA Space applications and meteorology SF Frequency sharing and coordination between fixed-satellite and fixed service systems SM Spectrum management SNG Satellite news gathering TF Time signals and frequency standards emission

7、s V Vocabulary and related subjects Note: This ITU-R Recommendation was approved in English under the procedure detailed in Resolution ITU-R 1. Electronic Publication Geneva, 2017 ITU 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without written pe

8、rmission of ITU. Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 1 RECOMMENDATION ITU-R P.2108-0 Prediction of clutter loss (2017) Scope This Recommendation provides methods for estimating loss through clutter at frequencies between 30 MHz and 100 GHz. Keywords Clutter, attenuation, shielding, terrestrial, Earth-space, aeronau

9、tical The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that, for system planning and interference assessment it may be necessary to account for the attenuation suffered by radio waves in passing over or between buildings; b) that, where a terrestrial station may be shielded by buildings a detaile

10、d calculation for a general case can be difficult to formulate and losses due to clutter must be considered dependant on the deployment scenario; c) that, where terrestrial stations are in motion the clutter environment of the radio path will be variable, recognizing a) that Recommendation ITU-R P.1

11、411 contains data and models for short-range radio system, mainly within an urban environment from 300 MHz to 100 GHz; b) that Recommendation ITU-R P.2040 contains basic expressions for reflection from and penetration through building materials, and a harmonised representation of building material e

12、lectrical properties above about 100 MHz; c) that Recommendation ITU-R P.452 contains a prediction method for the evaluation of interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies from about 0.1 GHz to 50 GHz, accounting for both clear-air and hydrometeor scattering interference

13、 mechanisms; d) that Recommendation ITU-R P.1812 describes a propagation prediction method suitable for terrestrial point-to-area services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 GHz; e) that Recommendation ITU-R P.833 presents several models to enable the user to evaluate the effect of vegetation on rad

14、iowave signals between 30 MHz and 60 GHz; f) that Recommendation ITU-R P.BEL provides a statistical model for building entry loss for frequencies between about 80 MHz and 100 GHz, recommends that the material in Annex 1 be used to estimate clutter loss. 2 Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 Annex 1 Clutter loss mod

15、el Description of the calculation method 1 Introduction This Recommendation describes a set of models that can be used for estimating the loss due to clutter for a number of different environments. These models can be used as an end correction to long distance or over the rooftop models. This Recomm

16、endation defines categories for clutter environments and provides methods for estimating path loss between the rooftop and a terminal within the clutter. Statistical models are to be used when precise knowledge of the radio path is not known such as the width of streets, heights of buildings, depth

17、of vegetation. 1.1 Definitions of clutter and clutter loss “Clutter” is described here in the context of ITU-R P-Series Recommendations. Clutter refers to objects, such as buildings or vegetation, which are on the surface of the Earth but not actually terrain. Clutter around a radio transmitter/rece

18、iver terminal can have a significant effect on the overall propagation. It is normally the clutter closest to the terminal that has most effect on the propagation, but the actual distance will depend on the nature of the clutter and the radio parameters. Clutter loss models in this Recommendation ar

19、e statistical in nature. As an end correction for a long-path propagation model, “Clutter loss” is defined as the difference in the transmission loss or basic transmission loss1 with and without the presence of terminal clutter at either end of the path with all other path details being the same. Sh

20、ort-path propagation models take into account the effect of clutter along the full length of the path. 2 Model selection The appropriate model should be selected based on frequency, environment around the terminal and path type, a summary of models is given in Table 1. 1 Definitions of “transmission

21、 loss” and “basic transmission loss” are given in Recommendation ITU-R P.341. Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 3 TABLE 1 Summary of Models Terminal environment Ref. Frequency range (GHz) Description Terminal below representative clutter height 3.1 0.03 3 End loss correction to be added to basic transmission loss

22、 calculated to/from the representative clutter height used. Can be applied to both transmit and receive end of path. Terrestrial terminal within the clutter 3.2 2 67 A statistical model which can be applied for modelling the clutter loss distribution for urban and suburban environments. This correct

23、ion may be applied to both ends of the path. One terminal is within the clutter and the other is a satellite, aeroplane or other platform above the surface of the Earth. 3.3 10 100 A statistical distribution of clutter loss not exceeded for percentage locations for angles of elevation between 0 and

24、90 degrees. 3 Clutter loss models A number of methods are described in the following sections. In each section, there is a description of the model and its appropriate application, the input parameters required and a calculation method. 3.1 Height gain terminal correction model This method, which is

25、 the same as the method in 4.7 of Recommendation ITU-R P.1812, gives the median of losses due to different terminal surroundings. The possible mechanisms include obstruction loss and reflections due to clutter objects at the representative height, and scattering and reflection from the ground and sm

26、aller clutter objects. When using a computer implementation, with terrain profile extracted from a digital terrain model, and with the terminal surroundings defined by a clutter category, it is not practicable to identify individual mechanisms. The method used here distinguishes between two general

27、cases: for woodland and urban categories. It is assumed that the dominant mechanism is diffraction over clutter. For other categories, it is assumed that reflection or scattering dominates. An additional loss, Ah, is calculated which can be added to the basic transmission loss of a path calculated a

28、bove the clutter, therefore basic transmission loss should be calculated to/from the height of the representative clutter height used. This model can be applied to both transmitting and receiving ends of the path. Frequency range: 0.03 to 3 GHz 3.1.1 Input parameters Input parameters are given in Ta

29、ble 2. 4 Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 TABLE 2 Height gain terminal correction model input parameters Input Symbol Unit Default value Frequency f GHz Antenna height h m Street width ws m 27 Representative clutter height R m See Table 3 Clutter type The clutter type is used to determine the Ah calculation meth

30、od as shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Default information for representative clutter height, R (where local information is not available) Clutter type R (m) Ah calculation method Water/sea 10 Equation (2b) Open/rural 10 Equation (2b) Suburban 10 Equation (2a) Urban/trees/forest 15 Equation (2a) Dense urba

31、n 20 Equation (2a) 3.1.2 Model description The method uses an approximation to the single knife-edge diffraction loss as a function of the dimensionless parameter, , given by: 1.011.0l o g209.6)( 2J(1) Note that J(0.78) 0, and this defines the lower limit at which this approximation should be used.

32、J() is set to zero for 0.78. When the transmitter or receiver antenna is located below the height R representative of ground cover surrounding the transmitter or receiver, estimates of the additional loss, Ah, is calculated as follows. Where available, representative clutter heights based on accurat

33、e clutter height information should be used but if this is not available information is given in Table 3. The method for modelling losses at the transmitter and receiver is identical. If h R then Ah = 0. If h R then Ah can take one of two forms, depending on clutter type (see Table 3): 036.)(JAh dB

34、(2a) or: )/lo g( 2 RhKA hh dB (2b) J() is calculated using equation (1). Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 5 The terms and Kh2 are given by: clu td ifnu hK (2c) hRhdif m (2d) sd ifclu t wh1tan degrees (2e) )(lo g2.68.212 fK h (2f) fK nu 342.0 (2g) where: f: frequency (GHz) ws: relates to the width of the street (

35、metres). This should be set to 27 unless there is specific local information available. The form of equation (2a) represents Fresnel diffraction loss over an obstacle and would be applied to clutter categories such as buildings. In particular urban clutter would be of this type. Equation (2b) repres

36、ents the height gain function due to the proximity of the ground in more open locations. Where specular ground reflection occurs this is typical of signal variations below the first two-ray interference maximum. Where specular reflection does not occur the variations below R are typical of those due

37、 to shadowing by minor objects and irregularities. 3.2 Statistical clutter loss model for terrestrial paths This section gives equations that gives a statistical distribution of clutter loss. The model can be applied for urban and suburban clutter loss modelling. An additional loss, Lctt, is calcula

38、ted which can be added to the transmission loss or basic transmission loss. Clutter loss will vary depending on clutter type, location within the clutter and movement in the clutter. If the transmission loss or basic transmission loss has been calculated using a model (e.g. Recommendation ITU-R P.14

39、11) that inherently accounts for clutter over the entire path then the method below should not be applied. Frequency range: 2 to 67 GHz Minimum path length: 0.25 km (for the correction to be applied at only one end of the path) 1.0 km (for the correction to be applied at both ends of the path) Perce

40、ntage locations range: 0 p 100 3.2.1 Input parameters Input parameters are given in Table 4. TABLE 4 Statistical clutter loss model for terrestrial paths input parameters Input Symbol Unit Frequency f GHz Distance d km Percentage of locations p % 6 Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 3.2.2 Model description The clu

41、tter loss not exceeded for p% of locations for the terrestrial to terrestrial path, Lctt, is given by: = 5log(100.2 + 100.2) 61(/100) dB (3) where Q1(p/100) is the inverse complementary normal distribution function, and = 23.5 + 9.6log() dB (4) = 32.98 + 23.9log() + 3log() dB (5) where d is the tota

42、l path length. Figure 1 shows the median clutter losses for different frequencies calculated by equation (3). FIGURE 1 Median clutter loss for terrestrial paths P .21 08 -01450 . 2Medianclutterloss(dB)2 zGH4035302520151 10 100D i s t an ce (k m)3 zGH6 zGH16 zGH40 zGH67 zGH3.3 Earth-space and Aeronau

43、tical statistical clutter loss model This section provides equations to calculate the statistical distribution of clutter loss where one end of the interference path is within man-made clutter, and the other is a satellite, aeroplane, or other platform above the surface of the Earth. An additional l

44、oss, Lces, is calculated which can be added to the basic transmission loss of a path calculated. This model is applicable to urban and suburban environments. The method used to develop this model is described in Report ITU-R P.2402-0. Frequency range: 10 to 100 GHz Elevation angle range: 0 to 90 deg

45、rees Percentage locations range: 0 p 100 Rec. ITU-R P.2108-0 7 3.3.1 Input parameters Input parameters are given in Table 5. TABLE 5 Earth-space clutter loss model input parameters Input Symbol Unit Frequency f GHz Elevation angle Degrees Percentage of locations p % 3.3.2 Model description The clutt

46、er loss not exceeded for p% of locations Lces for the terrestrial to airborne or satellite path is given by: = 1 ln(1 100)cot1 (1 90) + 1800.5(90) 90 1 0.6 1(/100) dB (6) with 1 = 93(0.175), 1 = 0.05 where Q1(p/100) is the inverse complementary normal distribution function, and the elevation angle,

47、, is the angle of the airborne platform or satellite as seen from the terminal. Figure 2 shows the cumulative distribution of clutter loss not exceeded curves for percentage locations at varying elevation angles for 30 GHz. FIGURE 2 Cumulative distribution of clutter loss not exceeded for 30 GHz P .21 08 -02100Percent oflocations308050602000 40Cl u t t er l o s s (d B)907060804030205015105010 10 20 30 50 60 7090704010

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