1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 $ TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU#(!2).G0G0!.$G0G0!#/5.4).G0G0).G0G0).4%2.!4)/.!,4%,%#/-5.)#!4)/.G0G03%26)#%330%#)!,G0G04!2)(b) that No. 601 of Article 77 of the International Telecommunication Convention (Nairobi, 1982) mentionsfranking pri
2、vileges as one of the procedural rules of the conferences and meetings of the ITU;(c) that in response to the Articles of the Convention referred to in (a) and (b) above, the WorldAdministrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (Geneva, 1973) indicated in its Opinion No. 1 (Telegraph andTelephone
3、Regulations 1) more concrete rules on the franking privileges which should be observed byadministrations and as far as possible by recognized private operating agencies;(d) that provisions on the privilege telecommunications in the International Telecommunication Regulations2 adopted by the World Ad
4、ministrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (Melbourne, 1988) reflect the basicprinciples derived from the rules stipulated in the Opinion No. 1 of the World Administrative Telegraph and TelephoneConference (Geneva, 1973) 1;(e) that additional provisions are needed in a CCITT Recommendation to c
5、omplement the draft regulatoryprinciples;(f) that the Administration of the country in which the conferences and meetings of the ITU are held wouldnormally need to agree on a reciprocal basis with the Administrations concerned in order to forego internationalaccounting for privilege telecommunicatio
6、ns,(g) that more detailed accounting and operational aspects specific to the various services are covered invarious D, E and F Series Recommendations,recommends1 During the conferences and meetings of the ITU, members of delegations, representatives of Members of theAdministrative Council, senior of
7、ficials of the permanent organs of the Union and their authorized colleagues attendingsuch conferences and meetings, may be granted the privilege of exchanging their communications by telephone, telex,facsimile, teletex, data transmission or telegram free of charge with their Administration or the I
8、TU relating either tomatters under discussion by such conferences and meetings or to public international telecommunications, subject toarrangements made between the Administration of the country in which such conferences and meetings are held andthe Administrations concerned.2 During the conference
9、s and meetings of the ITU, members of delegations, representatives of Members of theAdministrative Council, senior officials of the permanent organs of the Union attending such conferences and meetingsand staff of the secretariat of the Union seconded to such meetings and conferences may be granted
10、the privilege oftelephoning their country of residence free of charge within the limits of either one six-minute call per week or of twothree-minute calls per week subject to arrangements made between the Administration of the country in which suchconferences and meetings are held and the Administra
11、tions concerned.3 Similarly, the persons referred to in 2 may send telegrams free of charge to their country of residence withinthe limits of one telegram of up to 100 words or two telegrams of up to 50 words per week. Such telegrams shall bearthe service indication CONFERENCE.2 Fascicle II.1 - Rec.
12、 D.1934 To facilitate the arrangements to be made between Administrations under 1, 2 and 3 above, theAdministrations of the countries in which conferences and meetings of the ITU are held should announce by means ofthe ITU Operational Bulletin their intention to provide privilege telecommunications.
13、5 Those Administrations that are unable to forego inclusion in international accounting of their share of theaccounting rate for providing any of the telecommunications as specified in 1, 2 and 3 above, should so notify theITU General Secretariat, which will keep an up-to-date list of the restrictio
14、ns announced. Failing an indication to thecontrary from each Administration concerned, these restrictions shall continue to apply.6 Administrations may notify a general exception to the provisions of this Recommendation.References1 Final Acts of the World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference, Telegraph Regulations,Telephone Regulations, ITU, Geneva, 1973. (See also Preliminary Note No. 3, page XIV.)2 Final Acts of the World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference, InternationalTelecommunication Regulations, ITU, Melbourne, 1988.