ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf

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ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T Q 771-1997 Functional description of transaction capabilities (Study Group 11)《事务处理能力的功能描述-系列Q 交换和信令-NO 7信令系统的准则-事务处理能力部分(第11研究组)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 STDOITU-T RECMN Qe77L-ENGL 1997 I 4862591 Ob42538 579 I INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.771 (06/97) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 - Transaction capabilities application part Functional descr



4、-T STANDARD SYSTEMS General Message transfer part (MTP) Signalling connection control part (SCCP) Telephone user part (TUP) ISDN supplementary services Data user part Signalling System No. 7 management ISDN user part Q.1-Q.3 Q.4-Q.59 Q.60-Q.99 Q. 1 OO-Q. 1 1 9 Q.120-Q.249 Q .250-Q. 309 Q.310-Q.399 Q

5、.400-Q.499 Q. 500-Q. 599 Q.600-Q.699 Q.700-Q.849 Q.700 Q.701 -Q.709 Q.711-Q.719 Q. 720-Q. 729 Q.730-Q.739 Q. 740-Q. 749 Q.750-Q.759 Q. 760-Q. 769 Transaction capabilities application part Q.770-Q.779 Test specification Q3 interface General Data link layer Network layer User-network management Stage

6、3 description for supplementary services using DSS I DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER SIGNALLING SYSTEM No. I PUBLIC LAND MOBILE NETWORK INTERWORKING WITH SATELLITE MOBILE SYSTEMS INTELLIGENT NETWORK BROADBAND ISDN Q.780-Q.799 Q .800-Q. 849 Q .850-Q. 999 Q.850-Q.919 Q ,920-Q. 929 Q. 930-Q. 939 Q. 940-Q. 949 Q.950

7、-Q.999 Q.1000-Q.1099 Q.1100-Q.1199 Q.1200-Q.1999 Q.2000-Q.2999 For firther details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations. STDmITU-T RECMN Q-77L-ENGL 1997 I 48b2591 Ob42520 127 I ITU-T RECOMMENDATION 4.771 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION CAPABILITIES Summary This Recommendation has bee

8、n revised for the definition of TC-Timer-Reset primitive and for an enhancement to the TC-NOTICE and TR-NOTICE primitives. Source ITU-T Recommendation 4.771 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 11 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 5th of June 1997. FOREWORD IT

9、U (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing

10、 Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on thes

11、e topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this

12、 Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The IT draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involv

13、e the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Re

14、commendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent data

15、base. O ITU 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation Q.771 (06/97) STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.77l-ENGL I997 m 4

16、862591 0642522 TTT 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 CONTENTS Page Introduction General . Contents of the Q.77 UQ.775-Series Recommendations Objectives . Definition of Transaction Capabilities 1.3.1 1.3.2 Scope of Transaction Capabilities . Overview Terminology . 2.2.1 Architectural concepts

17、 . 2.2.2 Addressing issues 2.2.3 Management aspects . Structure of TC . 2.2.4 Alignment of TCAP with Recommendations X.219 and X.229 (ROSE) . 2.2.5 Alignment of TCAP with Recommendations X.217 and X.227 (ACSE) . TC based on a connectionless network service 2.3.1 Service provided by the Component sub

18、layer . 2.3.2 Service provided by the Transaction sublayer Service provided by TC based on a connectionless network service . Component sublayer . 3.1.1 Overview of Component sublayer primitives . 3.1.2 Dialogue handling . 3.1.3 Component handling . 3.1.4 Abnormal situations 3.1.5 Component states a

19、nd state transition diagrams . 3.1.6 Mapping of Component sublayer onto Transaction sublayer . Transaction sublayer . 3.2.1 Overview of the Transaction sublayer primitives . 3.2.2 Information transfer in unstructured dialogue . 3.2.3 Transaction begin 3.2.4 Transaction continuation . 3.2.5 Transacti

20、on end . 3.2.6 Abnormal situations 3.2.7 Exception reporting and message return . Services assumed from the connectionless network layer 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 6 7 7 7 9 16 20 21 24 24 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 31 . Recommendation Q.771 (06/97) 111 STDSITU-T RECMN Q-771-ENGL 1997 I 4862593 06112523 93b I Re

21、commendation Q.771 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION CAPABILITIES (Melbourne, 1988; revised in 1993 and 1997) 1 Introduction 1.1 General Transaction Capabilities (TC) provide functions and protocols to a large variety of applications distributed over switches and specialized centres in telecommu

22、nication networks (e.g. databases). The support of TC by terminal equipments is for further study. The term “Transaction Capabilities“ refers to a set of communication capabilities that provide an interface between applications and a network layer service. To date, only Signalling System No. 7 MTP p

23、lus SCCP have been considered as network layer service providers. However, any standard OS1 Network Layer might be used in place of the MTP plus SCCP, provided that the requirements of the applications supported by TC (e.g. service and performance requirements) can be met. This area requires further

24、 study. Figure 1 shows the general structure of TC. For historical reasons, the term TC and TCAP are used interchangeably. The remodelling of TC using OS1 layering is for further study. TC Component sublayer Transaction service layer TI 157060-93 Figure UQ.771- Structure of TC in the Signalling Syst

25、em No. 7 1.2 Recommendation 4.771 contains a general description of the service provided by the Transaction Capabilities, and the service expected from the SCCP. Recommendation 4.772 defines the Transaction Capabilities Information Elements, and their functions. Contents of the Q.77UQ.775-Series Rec

26、ommendations Recommendation Q.771 (06/97) 1 STD-ITU-T RECMN Q-773-ENGL 3997 E 4862573 Ob42524 872 E Recommendation 4.773 defines the formats and encoding used for the Transaction Capabilities Messages, the Protocol Data Units (PDUs) have been specified using the ASN. 1 formal notation (see Recommend

27、ation X.20 8). Recommendation Q.774 specifies the Transaction Capabilities procedures. Annex AQ.774 contains the SDL diagrams for TC. Recommendation 4.775 contains guidelines and examples on how to define applications and their use of TC. This Recommendation contains both introductory information (c

28、lauses 1 and 2), and a detailed description (clause 3), using primitives, of the services provided by TC. The reader interested in the first aspect only may read the first two clauses; clause 3 contains more detailed information. 1.3 Objectives 1.3.1 Definition of Transaction Capabilities The overal

29、l objective of Transaction Capabilities is to provide the means for the transfer of information between nodes, and to provide generic services to applications, while being independent of any of these. 1.3.2 Scope of Transaction Capabilities Transaction Capabilities in a Signalling System No. 7 netwo

30、rk should be considered for use between: 1) exchanges; 2) an exchange and a network service centre (e.g. database, specialized facility unit, OA 3) network service centres. The following applications have been recognized as TC-users: - - mobile service application (e.g. location of roamers); registr

31、ation, activation and invocation of supplementary services involving Specialized facility units (e.g. freephone service, credit card service); non-circuit control-related exchange of signalling information (e.g. closed user group, look-ahead procedure); operation and maintenance applications (e.g. q

32、ueryhesponse). - - This list is not exhaustive. 2 Overview 2.1 Terminology The terms used throughout the Q.77-Series Recommendations are defined in the Signalling System No. 7 glossary. 2.2 Structure of TC 2.2.1 Architectural concepts From an end-user point of view, Transaction Capabilities lie abov

33、e the network layer of the OS1 model. Provision of network layer services to end-users requires communication between TC-users 2 Recommendation 4.771 (06/97) STD*ITU-T RECMN Q.771-ENGL 1997 m 4862591 Ob42525 709 W at various network nodes; these intra-network communications may in turn be modelled u

34、sing the 7-layer reference model of OSI. TC is structured in two sublayers: - the component sublayer deals with components which are the Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) that convey remote operations and their responses and, as an option, the dialogue portion protocol for conveying informatio

35、n related to application context or user information; the transaction sublayer, which deals with the exchange of messages containing components and optionally, a dialogue portion, between two TC-users. - This is illustrated by Figure 1. 2.2.2 Addressing issues When TC is used in a Signalling System

36、No. 7 network service, the addressing options supported by the SCCP are used. When other network layer service providers are used, the addressing options supported by those providers will be used; further study on this area is required. 2.2.3 Management aspects SCCP Management primitives used to inf

37、orm SCCP users of availability and non-availability of SCCP (local or remote) will be passed transparently by TC to the TC-user. 2.2.4 The Component sublayer of TCAP is in partial alignment with the capabilities of the Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE). The current status of TCAP and ROSE alig

38、nment is on the basis of protocol alignment, namely the X.229 protocol is contained within the TCAP component protocol. In addition, the component sublayer includes some extensions to ROSE. The X.219 Remote Operation Service provides five classes of operations. Class 1 is synchronous, reporting both

39、 success and failure. Classes 2 to 5 are asynchronous and correspond to the TCAP operation classes 1 to 4. TCAP has not adopted ROSE class 1 (synchronous), because the full-duplex mode of operation is used in TCAP. However, TC-users may use the TCAP operation class 1 in a synchronous mode if appropr

40、iate. Further details are given in Recommendation 4.775. Alignment of TCAP with Recommendations X.219 and X.229 (ROSE) 2.2.5 The dialogue control facilities of TCAP is in partial alignment with the capabilities of the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) defined in Recommendations X.217 and X.

41、227. The current alignment is only one of protocol alignment: the abstract syntax for the dialogue control APDUs are a subset of the OS1 ACSE abstract syntax. Alignment of TCAP with Recommendations X.217 and X.227 (ACSE) 2.3 TC based on a connectionless network service 2.3.1 Service provided by the

42、Component sublayer Component A component is the means by which TC conveys a request to perform an operation, or a reply. An operation is an action to be performed by the remote end. It may have associated parameters. An invocation of an operation is identified by an Invoke ID; this allows se

43、veral invocations of the same or different operations to be active simultaneously. Recommendation Q.771 (06/97) 3 STDmITU-T RECMN Qe771-ENGL I1997 I 4662591 Ob42526 645 I Only one reply may be sent to an operation. A reply carries an indication of success or failure in carrying out the operation. Co

44、mponents are passed individually between a TC-user and the Component sublayer. The originating TC-user may send several components to the Component sublayer before these are transmitted (in a single message) to the remote end. Whenever several components are received in a single message, each one is

45、 delivered individually to the destination TC-user. Components in a message are delivered to the remote TC-user in the same order as they are provided at the originating interface. The importance of the order is by prior agreement between the TC-users involved. Dialogue Successive components

46、 exchanged between two TC-users in order to perform an application constitute a dialogue. The Component sublayer provides dialogue facilities, allowing several dialogues to run concurrently between two given TC-users. Dialogue handling also allows, as an option, for the transfer and negotiation of t

47、he application context, and the transparent transfer of user information (Le. data which are not components) between two TC-users. Two kinds of facilities are provided: unstructured and structured. Unstructured dialogue TC-users can send components that do not expect replies without formin

48、g an explicit association between themselves. This is referred to as the unstructured dialogue case. The implicit association always exists between the communicating TC-users. Such an unstructured dialogue is supported in the protocol by the Unidirectional message. When one TC-user sends a unidirect

49、ional message to its peers, this indicates use of the unstructured dialogue facility. When a TC-user is a receiver of a unidirectional message, if a protocol error is to be reported, it is also returned in a Unidirectional message. Structured dialogue Alternatively, TC-users indicate the beginning, or the formation of a dialogue, the continuation, and the end of a dialogue; this is referred to as a structured dialogue. Using a structured dialogue allows two TC-users to run several dialogues concurrently with each being identified

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