ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf

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ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T Q 81 3-1991 Stage 2 Description for Number Identification Supplementary Services - SECTION 3 - CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION (CLIP) AND CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATIONE I.pdf_第5页
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4、ICTION (CLIR) AND RESTRICTION (COLP AND COLR) SECTION 5 - CONNECTED LINE IDENTIFICATION, PRESENTATION Modifications to Recommendation Q.81 Geneva, 1991 CCITT RECMN*Q*81 91 4862591 0561944 3 FOREWORD The CCITT (the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of

5、the International Telecommunication Union TU). CCIIT is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The Plenary Assembly of CCIT which meets every four years, establishes

6、the topics for study and approves Recommendations prepared by its Study Groups. The approval of Recommendations by the members of CCIT between Plenary Assemblies is covered by the procedure laid down in CC Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). Recommendation Q.81, $0 3 and 5 was prepared by Study Grou

7、p Xi and was approved under the Resolu- tion No. 2 procedure on the 10th of September 1991. CCIT NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecomunication Administration and a recognized private operating agency. O ITU 1991 Ail rights re

8、served. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CCITT RECVN*Q*BL 91 48b2591 0563745 5 Recommendation Q.81 STAGE 2 DESCRIPTION FOR NUMBER IDENTIFI

9、CATION SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES (revised 1991) 3 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) and Calling Lie Identification Restriction (CLIR) 3.1 Scope This Recommendation defines the stage 2 of the integrated services digital network (ISDN) as provided by the telecommunications operators for the

10、 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) and Calling Line Identifkation Restriction (CLIR) supplementary services. Stage 2 identifies the functional capabilities and the information flows needed to support the service description. The stage 2 description also identifies user operations not d

11、irectly associated with a call (see Recommendation 1.130 I). T6is Recommendation is defined according to the methodology specified in Recommendation Q.65 121. This Recommendation does not formally describe the relationship between these supplementary services and the basic call but, where possible,

12、this information is included for guidance. In addition, this Recommendation does not speciy the requirements where the service is provided to the user via a private ISDN. This Recommendation does not specify the requirements for the allocation of defined functional entities within a private ISDN; it

13、 does however define which functional entities may be allocated to a private ISDN. This Recommendation does not specify the additional requirements where the service is provided to the user via a telecommunications network that is not an ISDN. The CLIP supplementary service provides the called party

14、 with the possibilitv to receive identification of the calling party. The CLIR supplementary service enables the calling party to prevent presentation of its ISDN number to the called party. The CLIP and CLIR supplementary services are applicable to all telecommunication services. This Recommendatio

15、n is applicable to the stage 3 Recommendations for the ISDN CLIP and CLIR supplementary services, as defined in Recommendation 1.130 i. 3.2 References These references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. Dated references, subsequent amendments t

16、o, or revisions of any of these publications apply to this Recommendation only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. il CCIT Rec. 1.130 (1988) - Method for the characterization of telecommunication service

17、s supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN. 21 CCIIT Rec. Q.65 (1988) - Stage 2 of the method for the characterization of services supported by an ISDN. 131 CCIT Rec. 1.251.3 - Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP), Recommendation Q.81 1 . _ CCITT RECMN*KQ*BL 73 W 4862573 0

18、563746 7 W 41 i51 t61 i71 i81 r91 3.3 CCITT Rec. 1.251.4 - Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR). CCIT Rec. Q.71- ISDN 64 kbit/s circuit mode switched bearer services. CCITT Rec. 1.1 12 (1988) - Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs. CCIT Rec. 1.210 (1988) - Principles of telecommunication services

19、 supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them. CCITT Rec. E.164 (1991) -Numbering plan for the ISDN era. CCIT Rec. 1.330 (1988) - ISDN numbering and addressing principles. Definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following definitions apply: integrated services digital network

20、 (ISDN) See definition 308 of 0 2.3 of Recommendation 1.1 12 6. service: telecommunication service See definition 201 of 0 2.2 of Recommendation 1.112 6. supplementary service See Q 2.4 of Recommendation 1.210 7. ISDN number A number conforming to the numbering plan and structure specified in Recomm

21、endation E.164 8. PNP number A number conforming to the numbering plan and structure in a private network. sub-address See 0 5.4 of Recommendation 1.330 9. calling he identity The address (the ISDN number, and if supplied the sub-address) of the calling line, and the screening indicator. If these ar

22、e not available the reason is indicated, via the presentation indicator. presentation indicator (PI) The PI provides instructions on whether or not the provided calling line identity is allowed to be presented, or indicates that the number is not available. screening indicator (SI) The SI provides i

23、nformation on the source and the quality of the provided information. 2 Recommendation Q.81 CCITT RECMN*Q.81 91 48b2591 0563947 9 3.4 Symbols and abbreviations CLIP CLIR PI SI ISDN TE PNX LE INTTR FEA SDL PNP Caiiing Line Identification Presentation Caiiing Line Identification Restriction Presentati

24、on Indicator Screening indicator Integrated services digital network Terminal equipment Private network exchange Local exchange International transit exchange Functional entity action Specification and description language Private Numbering Plan 3.5 Description The relationship between the CLIP and

25、CLIR supplementary services is described in 0 3.6.6 of Recommendation 1.251.3 3 and in Recommendation 1.251.4 4. The provisions for overriding the CLIP supplementary service are described in $8 and 3.6.6 of Recommendation 1.251.3 3 and in Recommendation 1.251.4 4. 3.6 Derivation of afunction

26、al model 3.6.1 Functional model description The model for the CLIP and CLIR supplementary services is shown in Figure 3-1/Q.81. FE4 FE5 rd rC FE3 ?b FE2 ra FE1 T1126230-90 FIGURE 3-1/Q.81 Functional model Recommendation Q.81 3 CCITT RECMN*Q.BL 71 48b257L 05b1748 O I 3.6.2 Description of thefunctiona

27、l entities The functional entities required by the CLIP and CLIR supplementary services above those of the basic call are as follows: FE1: caler provided information and CLIR requesting entity; FE2: service information checking entity; FE3: handling of calling line identity at international gateway;

28、 FE4: service providing entity; FE.5: service requesting entity. 3.6.3 Relationship with a basic service The relationship with a basic service is shown in Figure 3-2/Q.81. The model for basic call handling is defined in Recommendation Q.71. 3.7 Info ma fion flows 3.7.1 Znfomtionflow diagrams Figure

29、3-3/Q.81 shows he information flow diagrams for the CLIP and the CLIR supplementary services. 3.7.2 Definition of individual infomationflows Within the definitions below, the PI can take one of the following three rules: a) presentation allowed; b) presentation restricted; or c) number not available

30、. Within the definitions below, the SI can take one of the following three rules: a) b) network provided; or c) user provided, not screened. user provided, verified and passed; 4 Recommendation Q.81 91 O 91 1 915 916 917 91 8 - CCITT RECMN*Q.BL 91 = 4862593 0563947 2 FE5 “d FE4 . “C FE3 b FE2 “a FE1

31、 cc CCA r3 r2 CC r2 cc rl CCA L 11 SETUP 221 req. ind. - INFORM 1 req. ind. - 920 92 1 922 923 924 925 926 927 - FIGURE 3-2/Q.81 Example of a mapping of the functional model on a model for the basic call 24 - ) i - T1126241-91 940 241 25 942 943 944 INFORM4 941 )r%!L I reg. ind. 1 950 951 952 INFORM

32、 4 ind. Ti12625q req. ind. * Note I - Provide a -partial, or -subscriber, or -nationai, or -intemational number according to originating users request. Note 2 - Set type of numbers - national or international number and set numbering plan identication - ISDN number or Private Numbering Plan. Note 3

33、-In the case of the supplementary service Private Numbering Plan PNP), other types of number may be required and wiil be specified in the PNP-Recommendation. Note 4 -This information is applicable to CLIR temporary mode. FIGURE 3-4/Q.81 CLIP and CLIR - FE1 10 Recommendation Q.81 CCITT RECMN*Q.81 91

34、= 48b2591 05bL95.5 m F=l CLIPICLIRI Note - CLI1 and CLI2 break the basic call transition: - during FEA21 1 (see Figure 2-13 (sheet 1 of 5) of Recornmendation 4.71 5), immediately following the task “Process service request connect”. CLI2 reconnects at the same point; - after sending SETUP req. ind.

35、(see Figure 2-14 (sheet 2 of 7) of Recommendation 4.71 5). CLI2 reconnects at the same point; or Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the “Yes” branch of the decision “Successful?”. CLI2 reconnects at the same point. - during FEA221 (see Figure 2-14 (sheet 1 of 7) of FIGURE 3-5/Q.81 Basic c

36、aii hooks for FE1 Recommendation Q.81 11 CCITT RECMN*Q-BL 91 9 4862591 0561956 T 9 920 id. suppl. by 3- Yes No - Not OK - 921 - Calling number = default number verified and passed network provided T1126271-91 Note - Complete partia number or subscriber number to a national number. Pu the number into

37、 the used in the current ISDN. Set type of number and numbering plan identifkator. FIGURE 3-/Q.81 (sheet 1 of 2) CLIP and CLIR - FE2 ormat 12 Recomenda tion Q.81 CCITT REClN*Q.AL 71 4862571 0561757 1 subscribed - Not It I I Entered value? Default value? II presentation ;g-.-.;. req. ind. * Permanent

38、 all calls) (specified by user FIGURE 3-6/Q.81 (sheet 2 Of 2) CLIP and CLIR - FEZ T1126281-91 Recommendation Q.81 13 CCITT RECMN*61m8L 33 4862593 0563958 3 m r? CLiPICLIR2 Note1 - T1129470-91 Note - CLI3 and CU4 break the basic cali transition: - after sending SETUP req. ind. (see Figure 2-14 (sheet

39、 2 of 7) of Recommendation 4.71 5). CLI4 reconnects at the same point; or Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the “Yes” branch of the decision “Successful?”. CLI4 reconnects at the same point. - during PEA221 (see Figure 2-14 (sheet 1 of 7) of FIGURE 3-7/Q.81 Basic call hooks for FE2 14 Re

40、commendation Q.81 CCITT RECMN*Q.81 91 4862591 0.563959 5 W Calling Yes id. present? l I- lo Presentation may be national regulations or presentation indicator restricted due to Convert national number to international number - I I Keep PI and SI, as provided by FE2 No presentation restricted. Erase

41、calling identity I t I T1126291-91 INFORM 3 req. ind. 934 - Note 1 -Based on bilateral agreements. Note 2 - Calling id. present = “NO“ when: - an incomplete number is received, or - no information is received. FIGURE 3-8/Q.81 CLIP and CLIR - FE3 Recommendation Q.81 15 CCITT RECMN*i(a.BL 91 4Bb259L 0

42、5bL9b0 L CLIP/CLIRJ Note - CLI5 and CLI6 break the basic cai1 transition during FEA231 (see Figure 2-15 (sheet 1 of 4) of Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the “Yes” branch of the decision “Successful?”. CLI6 reconnects at the same point. FIGURE 3-9/Q.81 Basic call hooks for FE3 16 Recom

43、mendation Q.81 CCITT RECNN*Q-BL 91 48b2591 05619bL 3 (ec/ presentation 942 received PI and SI i-t -I- /- 942 Include I I It l I I Convert to format to be presented to user v LA r- F+ req. ind. Nute 1 - No information about the calling line identity is sent to the called party. Nute 2 - SET PI = pres

44、entation restricted. Numbering information will not be presented to the called party. FIGURE 3-10/Q.81 CLIP et CLIR - FE4 T1126301-91 Recommendation Q.81 17 CCITT RECMN*Q=81 91 4862591 0561962 5 CLiP/CLIR4 Q UTI 129490-91 Note - CLI7 and CLIS break the basic call transition: - during FEA241 (see Fig

45、ure 2-16 (sheet 1 of 5) of Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the ?Yes? branch of the decision ?Successful?. CLI8 reconnects at the same point; or - during FEA241 (see Figure 2-16 (sheet 1 of 5) of Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the ?Yes? branch of the decision ?Supplementa

46、ry services provided?. CU8 reconnects on the ?No? branch of the same decision. FIGURE 3-11/Q.81 Basic call hooks for FE4 ;+.:.I req. ind. Transfer received information into correct format T1126311-91 * FIGURE 3-12/Q.S1 CLIP and CLIR - FE5 18 Recommendation Q.81 CCITT RECMN*Q.AL 91 +Ab2591 05b19b3 7

47、CLIPICLIR5 il Note - CLI9 and CLJ10 break the basic call transition: - during FEA251 (see Figure 2-17 (sheet 1 of 4) of Recommendation 4.71 5), immediately following the “Yes” branch of the decision “Successful?”. CU8 reconnects at the same point; - during FEA251 (see Figure 2-17 (sheet 1 of 4) of R

48、ecommendation Q.7 1 SI), immediately following the “Yes” branch of the decision “Supplementary services provided”. CU8 reconnects on the “No” branch of the same decision. FIGURE 3-13/Q.81 Basic call hooks for FE5 3.9 Functional entity actions (FEAs) 3.9.1 FEAs for FE1 910: FE1 shall receive and shal

49、l forward originating users service requests to FEZ 91 1: FE1 shaii request the CLR supplementary service temporary mode (override of network stored value of presentation indicator); 915: in the case of a special arrangement, FE1 shall screen the number to be provided; 916: in the case of a special arrangement, FE1 shall complete the number to national or international format (for ISDN-numbers); 917: FE1 shall set the type of number; 918: FE1 shaii set the numbering plan identification. Recommend

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