KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf

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KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf_第1页
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KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf_第2页
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KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf_第3页
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KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf_第4页
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KS B ISO 11537-2008 Non-destructive testing-Thermal neutron radiographic testing-General principles and basic rules《无损检测 热中子射线照相检测 通用原则和基本规则》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS B ISO 11537 KS B ISO 11537:2008 2008 8 25 http:/www.kats.go.krKS B ISO 11537:2008 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2002 10 21 : 2008 8 25 2008-0437 : : ( 025097270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS B ISO 11537:2008 Non-destructive testin

2、g Thermal neutron radiographic testingGeneral principles and basic rules 1998 1 ISO 11537, Non-destructive testing Thermal neutron radiographic testing General principles and basic rules , . 1 . . , , , , , . , . 2 A , B . 3 X . X , X . X 1 . KS B ISO 11537:2008 2 ( 0.146 mm) X (VTHT 125 kV) 1 X 4 (

3、source), , , . 2 . (/) KS B ISO 11537:2008 3 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 (D) 11 6 12 (L) 2 5 . , . , , , , . 5.1 , . 1 . (252Cf) . KS B ISO 11537:2008 4 1 241Am242Cm Be (, n) 163 , 241Am Be (, n) 458 , 210Po Be (, n) 138 , 124Sb Be (, n) 60 , , , 252Cf 2.65 , , , 5.2 3H(d, n)4He , (x, n) X , . . 109neutrons

4、cm 2 sec 1 . 5.3 . . , . 6 . , . 6.1 . . , . . , , . 470 keV . (L), (D), . L/D . L/D L/D . L/D , . L/D L . L KS B ISO 11537:2008 5 l L/(L l) . 6.2 . 2 . 2 . 3 . . , , . 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 (D) 11 (L) 6 3 6.3 , . . 209Bi 210Po , . 6.4 KS B ISO 11537:2008 6 . . , . . 7 . 2 , . . . . 7.1 . . , . 70 keV

5、. (Gd2O2S: Gd6) / (6LiF/ZnS) . . . . . 7.2 . . . . , , , . , . (2.7 ) . 3 . . , 3KS B ISO 11537:2008 7 4 . X . 4 . 7.3 . 2 1 a(barn) (boron) 10B(n, )7Li 3 837 b (dysprosium) 164Dy(n, )165Dy 139 1 000 (gadolinium) 155Gd(n, )156Gd 157Gd(n, )158Gd 61 000 254 000 (gold) 197Au(n, )198Au 2.7 99 (indium) 1

6、15In(n, )116mIn 54 65 (lithium) 6Li(n, )3H 940 b (rhodium) 103Rh(n)104Rh 42 139 a (BNL 325, 3 I , 1973 .) . b - (track-etch) . 8 . . , . . 9 9.1 . . 9.2 2 . . , Al. 99.0 Cu (1100) reactor grade Al.Mg.1Si.Cu TF (6061T6) aluminium . . O- , . KS B ISO 11537:2008 8 10 X . . 10.1 . . X . , , , , , o- , ,

7、 , . 10.2 X . X 1 . . , , , , . , . . 10.3 , . 235U 238U 238U . 113Cd , . 10.4 . 11 . , . , . 12 KS B ISO 11537:2008 9 . . 13 . . 2 , . . , . . . . , , . . . KS B ISO 11537:2008 10 A ( ) ( ) (barn) . (1 barn 10 24cm2) , ( 0.5 eV . .) , r2 . 1 V KS B ISO 11537:2008 11 , . L/D . (: cm 1) (: cm2 g 1) ,

8、 , , , . 1 , 10 . KS B ISO 11537:2008 12 B ( ) 1) barna cm 11 H 20.49 0.333 2 He 0.76 0.007 3 Li 0.95 70.5 3.31 4 Be 6.15 0.007 6 0.76 5 B 4.27 767 101.79 6 C 4.74 0.003 5 0.55 7 N 10.03 1.9 8 O 3.761 0.001 9 9 F 3.64 0.096 10 Ne 2.415 0.039 11 Na 3.025 0.53 0.09 12 Mg 3.414 0.063 0.150 13 Al 1.413

9、0.231 0.10 14 Si 2.043 7 0.171 0.11 15 P 3.134 0.172 0.12 16 S 0.978 7 0.53 0.06 17 Cl 15.8 33.5 18 A 0.647 0.675 19 K 2.04 2.1 0.05 20 Ca 2.93 0.43 0.08 21 Sc 22.4 27.2 1.99 22 Ti 4.09 6.09 0.58 23 V 4.8 5.08 0.71 24 Cr 3.38 3.07 0.54 25 Mn 2.2 13.3 1.24 26 Fe 11.35 2.56 1.18 27 Co 6 37.18 3.93 28

10、Ni 17.8 4.49 2.04 29 Cu 7.78 3.78 0.98 30 Zn 4.08 1.11 0.34 31 Ga 6.5 2.9 0.48 32 Ge 8.37 2.3 0.47 1) Neutron Cross Sections: Neutron Resonance Parameters and Thermal Cross Section. S.F. Mughabghad, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1981 . KS B ISO 11537:2008 13 barna cm 133 As 5.43 4.5 0.46 34 Se 8.

11、56 11.7 0.74 35 Br 6.1 6.9 0.31 36 Kr 7.5 25 37 Rb 6.4 0.38 0.07 38 Sr 10 1.28 0.20 39 Y 7.67 1.28 0.27 40 Zr 6.4 0.185 0.28 41 Nb 6.37 1.15 0.42 42 Mo 5.59 2.55 0.53 43 Tc 20 1.43 44 Ru 6.5 2.56 0.67 45 Rh 5.0 145 10.89 46 Pd 4.2 6.9 0.75 47 Ag 5.08 63.3 4.01 48 Cd 5.6 2 520 117.0 49 In 2.45 193.8

12、7.52 50 Sn 4.909 0.626 0.16 51 Sb 4.2 5.1 0.31 52 Te 3.74 4.7 0.25 53 I 3.54 6.2 0.23 54 Xe 4.3 23.9 55 Cs 20 29.15 0.42 56 Ba 3.42 1.2 0.07 57 La 10.13 8.97 0.51 58 Ce 9 0.63 0.28 59 Pr 2.54 11.5 0.41 60 Nd 16 50.5 1.89 61 Pm 8 400 251.79 62 Sm 38 5 670 171.76 63 Eu 4 565 94.82 64 Gd 172 48 890 1 4

13、83.88 65 Tb 6.92 23.4 0.95 66 Dy 105.9 940 33.13 67 Ho 8.65 64.7 2.35 68 Er 9 259.2 5.49 69 Tm 6.3 105 3.70 70 Yb 23.4 35.5 1.43 71 Lu 6.8 76.4 2.82 72 Hf 10.3 104.1 5.14 73 Ta 6.12 20.5 1.47 74 W 4.77 18.4 1.46 KS B ISO 11537:2008 14 barna cm 175 Re 11.3 89.7 6.86 76 Os 15 16 2.21 77 Ir 14.2 425.3

14、30.86 78 Pt 12.4 10.3 1.5 79 Au 7.84 98.65 6.14 80 Hg 26.5 372.3 16.21 81 Tl 10.01 3.43 0.47 82 Pb 11.26 0.171 0.38 83 Bi 9.3 0.033 8 0.26 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn 87 Fr 88 Ra 12.8 0.17 89 Ac 890 23.77 90 Th 12.97 7.37 0.62 91 Pa 210 8.41 235U 14.3 680.9 33.75 92 238U 9.38 2.68 0.58 93 Np 94 Pu 1 756 ( ) 85.96 a . KS B ISO 11537:2008 15 C ( ) 1 BARTON, J. P., Contrast Sensitivity in Neutron

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