KS C IEC 60050-705-2002 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary-Chapter 705:Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇 第705章 无线电波传播》.pdf

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KS C IEC 60050-705-2002 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary-Chapter 705:Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇 第705章 无线电波传播》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 60050-705-2002 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary-Chapter 705:Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇 第705章 无线电波传播》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 60050-705-2002 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary-Chapter 705:Radio wave propagation《国际电工词汇 第705章 无线电波传播》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KS C IEC 60050-705KSKSKSKSSKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 705: KS C IEC 60050-705 : 2002(2012 ) 2002 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krC IEC 60050705:2002 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2002 11 30 :2012 12 31 2012-0854 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . ICS 01.040.29;29.020

2、 KS 705: C IEC 60050 705: 2002(2012 ) International Electrotechnical VocabularyChapter 705:Radio wave propagation 1. . 2. 8 . 70501: (Essential Characteristics of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves) 70502:, (Radiation, Paths and Velocity of Electromagnetic Wave) 70503 : (Electromagnetic Properties of

3、Propagation Media) 70504 : (Phenomena Related to the Boundaries Propagation Media) 70505: (Tropospheric Propagation Including the Influence of the Ground) 70506: (Terrestrial Ionized Media) 70507 : (Influence of the Ionosphere on Radio Wave Propagation) 70508 : (Influence of the Propagation on Radio

4、communications) 3. . 2 . 70501 : (Essential Characteristics of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves) ( ) 7050101 , . , , , field 7050102 (傳播) , propagation 7050103 , . 1. . 2. . wave C IEC 60050705:2002 2 ( ) 7050104 , , 0 , . velocity of propagation 7050105 , . forward wavefront 7050106 , . backward wa

5、vefront 7050107 4 . E: ( ) D: ( ) H: ( ) B: ( ) 1. . 2. . 3. B , H . 4. , . electromagnetic field 7050108 E, D, H, B 4 , J . 1. . rot E =tBdiv D = rot H = JtDdiv B = 0 2. . , , , . Maxwells equations C IEC 60050705:2002 3 ( ) 7050109 (電磁波) . electromagnetic wave 7050110 , 3 000 GHz 3 000 GHz . radio

6、 wave 7050111 . radio propagation 7050112 () , . (electromagnetic) mode 7050113 () , . polarization(of an electromagnetic wave) 7050114 (傳播 ) linear polarization 7050115 horizontal polarization 7050116 vertical polarization 7050117 , . elliptical polarization 7050118 , ( ) right-hand polarization, c

7、lockwise polarization 7050119 (電波傳播 ) left-hand polarization, counterclockwise polarization 7050120 . 90 , . . circular polarization 7050121 polarization ellipse C IEC 60050705:2002 4 ( ) 7050122 . , . . , . plane of polarization 7050123 (左旋圓 ) , . . a) . 1) 2) 3) , . b) . 1) 2) . “cross-polarizatio

8、n” . (7050852 ) orthogonal polarization 7050124 longitudinal component 7050125 transverse component 7050126 a) b) radial component 7050127 (), TEM transeverse(electromagnetic)wave, TEM wave C IEC 60050705:2002 5 ( ) 7050128 K = K jK . Vi= Voiej(t K r) Voi , . K . t r . 1. , K . K 2 . 2. Voi 0 . . wa

9、ve vector 7050129 equiphase surface 7050130 . wavefront 7050131 . equi-amplitude surface 7050132 . plane wave 7050133 . uniform plane wave 7050134 homogeneous plane wave 7050135 heterogeneous plane wave 7050136 spherical wave C IEC 60050705:2002 6 ( ) 7050137 , , . free wave, free progressivewave 70

10、520138 , . travelling wave 7050139 , , . travelling plane wave 7050140 . . standing wave 7050141 , . . phase interference, waveinterference 7050142 (interference) fringes 7050143 coherence 7050144 spatial coherence, spacecoherence 7050145 time coherence, temporalcoherence 70502:, (Radiation, Paths a

11、nd Velocity of Electr omagnetic Wave) ( ) 7050201 () a) b) (electromagnetic) radiation 7050202 . (volume) density of electromagnetic energy 7050203 , power flux density, radiantflux density C IEC 60050705:2002 7 () 7050204 ( ) . radiation intensity(in a givendirection) 7050205 () . . attenuation(of

12、an electromagnetic wave) 7050206 . spreading loss 7050207 () . absorption(of an electromagnetic wave) 7050208 () absorption loss(of an electromagnetic wave) 7050209 E(t) H(t) . S(t) = E(t)H(t) 1. . 2. , , . Poynting vector 7050210 1/2 EH E(t) H(t) , . E(t) = Re (Eejt) H(t) = Re (Hejt) E H , H* H . 1

13、. . 2. , . complex Poynting vector 7050211 () , () . phase delay(of a wave), phasepropagation time(of a wave) *C IEC 60050705:2002 8 ( ) 7050212 positive phase difference,phase lag 7050213 negative phase difference,phase lead 7050214 , . Cnds n: ds: optical path length, phasepath length 7050215 () 1

14、. . 2. . direction of propagation(ofa wave) 7050216 . 1. . 2. . phase velocity (vector) 7050217 () 1. . . 2. 2 ( ) . (phase) wavelength 7050218 () 1. . 2. . , . direction of propagation(ofenergy) C IEC 60050705:2002 9 ( ) 7050219 1. . . 2. . 3. . “ray” . , (ray) . propagation path, ray path 7050220

15、0 , 1. . 2. . a) . b) , . c) . geometrical optics 7050221 . , , K K . group velocity (vector) 7050222 . sVd1g Vg: ds: . , , . group delay, group propagation time C IEC 60050705:2002 10 ( ) 7050223 group wavelength 7050224 (: ) . a(t) =Aej(t ) x A x . Ox , Ox a(t) . propagation coefficient 7050225 ,

16、(: ) , 1 8 .686 dB attenuation coefficient, attenuation constant 7050226 , (: ) phase change coefficient, phase constant 7050227 (自由空間電波傳播) , free space propagation 7050228 electromagnetic beam 7050229 direct ray path 7050230 (電波 ) direct wave 7050231 (可視內電波傳播) line of sight propagation 7050232 , , indirect ray path 7050233 (電波 ) indirect wave 7050234 , . path length difference, electrical path length difference 7050235 ,

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