KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf

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KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf_第1页
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KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf_第2页
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KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf_第3页
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KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf_第4页
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KS H ISO 1743-2008 Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method《葡萄糖浆 固体物质含量的测定 折射率法》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS H ISO 1743 KS H ISO 1743:2008 2008 8 21 http:/www.kats.go.krKS H ISO 1743:2008 : ( ) ( ) () () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2003 11 28 : 2008 8 21 2008-0434 : : ( 025097266) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS H ISO 1743:2008 Glucose syrup Determi

2、nation of dry matter content Refractive index method 1982 2 ISO 1743, Glucose syrup Determination of dry matter content Refractive index method . ISO 1743 ISO/TC 93 . 2 ( ISO 1743: 1973) . 1 . . 2 . . KS H ISO 5377, 3 . , . 4 4.1 (Abbe type) 0.000 2 1.300 0 1.550 0 (7.1 ) . 20 60 , 0.2 . . KS H ISO

3、1743:2008 2 4.2 PTFE1) , . 4.3 (25 W 50 W) 5 5.1 . 5.2 (200.2) (300.2) (450.2) (600.2) (8.3 ) . 5.3 (5.1) (4.1) (4.2) (8.4 ) . 1 3 ( ). 0.000 2 . 2 . 5.4 (5.1) . 6 ( A ). (7. ) , 2 . 7 100 g 0.2 g . 1) polytetrafluoroethylene KS H ISO 1743:2008 3 8 8.1 5.3 (4.1) . 8.2 KS H ISO 5377 . 8.3 , . . 8.4 .

4、 2 . 9 . . . KS H ISO 1743:2008 4 A , A.1 , (DE) . A.2 Corn Refiners Association Critical Data Tables . A.3 A.1 . A.1 a) 28 DE 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.4 % A.1 b) 42 DE 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.4 % A.1 c) 55 DE 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.4 % A.4 A.2 . A.5 A.3 a) b) . A.6 A.4 . A.4 a) HFCS 42 % 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.05 % A.4 b

5、) HFCS 55 % 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.05 % A.4 c) HFCS 90 % 20 , 30 , 45 60 0.05 % A.7 A.5 , A.1, A.2, A.3 A.4 . A.8 A.6 DE , A.1, A.2, A.3 A.4 . KS H ISO 1743:2008 5 A.1 a) , 28 DE, 0.4 % ( ) b) , 42 DE, 0.4 % ( ) % 20 30 45 60 % 20 30 45 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 4

6、6 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 1.332 99 1.335 97 1.339 04 1.342 15 1.345 31 1.348 52 1.351 78 1.355 09 1.358 46 1.361 87 1.365 34 1.368 86 1.372 44 1.376 07 1.379 76 1.383 52 1.387 33 1.391 20 1.395 13 1.399 13 1.403 19 1.407 32 1.411 52 1.415 78 1.420 11 1.424 52 1.429 00 1.433 55 1.438 18 1

7、.442 88 1.447 67 1.452 53 1.457 48 1.462 51 1.467 62 1.472 83 1.331 94 1.334 90 1.337 93 1.341 02 1.344 15 1.347 34 1.350 57 1.353 85 1.357 19 1.360 58 1.364 02 1.367 52 1.371 07 1.374 68 1.378 35 1.382 07 1.385 86 1.389 71 1.393 62 1.397 59 1.401 63 1.405 73 1.409 91 1.414 15 1.418 46 1.422 84 1.42

8、7 30 1.431 83 1.436 43 1.441 12 1.445 88 1.450 72 1.455 65 1.460 66 1.465 76 1.470 94 1.329 85 1.332 77 1.335 78 1.338 83 1.341 93 1.345 08 1.348 29 1.351 54 1.354 84 1.358 20 1.361 61 1.365 08 1.368 60 1.372 18 1.375 82 1.379 52 1.383 28 1.387 10 1.390 98 1.394 93 1.398 94 1.403 02 1.407 17 1.411 3

9、9 1.415 67 1.420 03 1.424 47 1.428 97 1.433 56 1.438 22 1.442 96 1.447 79 1.452 69 1.457 68 1.462 76 1.467 92 1.327 251.330 151.333 131.336 151.339 231.342 361.345 541.348 771.352 051.355 381.358 771.362 221.365 721.369 281.372 901.376 581.380 321.384 131.387 991.391 921.395 921.399 981.404 111.408

10、321.412 591.416 941.421 361.425 851.430 421.435 071.439 811.444 621.449 521.454 501.459 571.464 730 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 1.332 991.335 931.338 951.342 021.345 141.348 301.351 521.354 791.358 111.361

11、481.364 901.368 381.371 911.375 501.379 141.382 841.386 601.390 421.394 291.398 231.402 221.406 281.410 401.414 591.418 841.423 161.427 551.432 001.436 531.441 121.445 791.450 531.455 341.460 231.465 201.470 241.475 371.480 581.485 871.491 241.496 701.502 251.507 881.331 94 1.334 85 1.337 84 1.340 8

12、9 1.343 98 1.347 12 1.350 31 1.353 55 1.356 84 1.360 19 1.363 59 1.367 04 1.370 55 1.374 11 1.377 73 1.381 40 1.385 13 1.388 93 1.392 78 1.396 69 1.400 66 1.404 70 1.408 80 1.412 96 1.417 19 1.421 49 1.425 85 1.430 28 1.434 79 1.439 36 1.444 01 1.448 73 1.453 52 1.458 39 1.463 34 1.468 36 1.473 47 1

13、.478 66 1.483 93 1.489 29 1.494 73 1.500 26 1.505 87 1.329 85 1.332 73 1.335 69 1.338 70 1.341 76 1.344 87 1.348 03 1.351 24 1.354 50 1.357 81 1.361 18 1.364 60 1.368 08 1.371 61 1.375 20 1.378 85 1.382 56 1.386 32 1.390 15 1.394 03 1.397 98 1.401 99 1.406 07 1.410 21 1.414 41 1.418 69 1.423 03 1.42

14、7 44 1.431 92 1.436 47 1.441 10 1.445 80 1.450 57 1.455 42 1.460 35 1.465 36 1.470 45 1.475 62 1.480 88 1.486 22 1.491 64 1.497 16 1.502 76 1.327 251.330 101.333 041.336 021.339 061.342 141.345 281.348 461.351 701.355 001.358 341.361 751.365 201.368 721.372 291.375 921.379 601.383 351.387 161.391 03

15、1.394 961.398 961.403 021.407 141.411 331.415 591.419 921.424 321.428 791.433 331.437 951.442 641.447 411.452 251.457 171.462 181.467 261.472 431.477 681.483 011.488 441.493 951.499 56KS H ISO 1743:2008 6 A.1( ) c) , 55 DE, 0.4 % ( ) % 20 30 45 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

16、38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 1.332 991.335 901.338 901.341 951.345 041.348 181.351 371.354 611.357 901.361 241.364 631.368 071.371 571.375 121.378 721.382 381.386 101.389 871.393 701.397 581.401 531.405 541.409 601.413 731.417 921.422 181.426 501.430 881.43

17、5 331.439 851.444 441.449 101.453 821.458 621.463 501.468 441.473 471.478 571.483 741.489 001.494 341.499 761.505 261.331 941.334 831.337 801.340 811.343 881.346 991.350 161.353 371.356 631.359 951.363 311.366 731.370 201.373 731.377 311.380 941.384 631.388 381.392 181.396 051.399 971.403 951.408 00

18、1.412 101.416 271.420 511.424 801.429 171.433 601.438 091.442 661.447 301.452 011.456 791.461 641.466 571.471 571.476 651.481 811.487 051.492 371.497 771.503 261.329 851.332 711.335 641.338 631.341 661.344 741.347 871.351 061.354 291.357 571.360 911.364 301.367 741.371 231.374 791.378 391.382 061.38

19、5 781.389 561.393 391.397 291.401 251.405 271.409 351.413 501.417 711.421 981.426 321.430 731.435 211.439 761.444 371.449 061.453 821.458 661.463 571.468 561.473 621.478 771.483 991.489 301.494 691.500 161.327 25 1.330 08 1.332 99 1.335 95 1.338 96 1.342 02 1.345 13 1.348 28 1.351 49 1.354 76 1.358

20、07 1.361 44 1.364 86 1.368 34 1.371 87 1.375 46 1.379 10 1.382 81 1.386 57 1.390 39 1.394 27 1.398 22 1.402 22 1.406 29 1.410 42 1.414 62 1.418 88 1.423 21 1.427 61 1.432 08 1.436 61 1.441 22 1.445 90 1.450 66 1.455 49 1.460 39 1.465 37 1.470 44 1.475 58 1.480 80 1.486 10 1.491 49 1.496 97 KS H ISO

21、1743:2008 7 A.2 a) , 32 DE, 0.4 % ( ) b) , 63 DE, 0.4 % ( ) % 20 30 45 60 % 20 30 45 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 1.332 99 1.335 94 1.338 99 1.342 08 1.345 22 1.348 41 1.351 66 1.354 95 1.358 30 1.361 7

22、1 1.365 17 1.368 68 1.372 25 1.375 87 1.379 56 1.383 30 1.387 10 1.390 97 1.394 89 1.398 88 1.402 93 1.407 04 1.411 22 1.415 47 1.419 78 1.424 17 1.428 62 1.433 14 1.437 74 1.442 41 1.447 15 1.451 97 1.456 87 1.461 84 1.466 90 1.472 04 1.477 26 1.482 56 1.487 95 1.493 43 1.498 99 1.504 65 1.510 40 1

23、.331 94 1.334 87 1.337 88 1.340 95 1.344 06 1.347 23 1.350 45 1.353 72 1.357 04 1.360 42 1.363 85 1.367 34 1.370 88 1.374 48 1.378 14 1.381 86 1.385 64 1.389 48 1.393 38 1.397 34 1.401 37 1.405 46 1.409 62 1.413 84 1.418 13 1.422 49 1.426 92 1.431 42 1.436 00 1.440 65 1.445 37 1.450 17 1.455 04 1.46

24、0 00 1.465 03 1.470 15 1.475 35 1.480 64 1.486 01 1.491 47 1.497 01 1.502 65 1.508 39 1.329 85 1.332 75 1.335 73 1.338 76 1.341 84 1.344 98 1.348 16 1.351 40 1.354 69 1.358 04 1.361 44 1.364 90 1.368 41 1.371 99 1.375 62 1.379 31 1.383 06 1.386 87 1.390 74 1.394 68 1.398 68 1.402 75 1.406 88 1.411 0

25、8 1.415 35 1.419 69 1.424 09 1.428 57 1.433 12 1.437 75 1.442 45 1.447 23 1.452 09 1.457 02 1.462 04 1.467 14 1.472 32 1.477 59 1.482 95 1.488 39 1.493 92 1.499 55 1.505 27 1.327 251.330 121.333 081.336 081.339 141.342 251.345 411.348 631.351 901.355 221.358 601.362 041.365 541.369 091.372 701.376 3

26、71.380 101.383 901.387 751.391 671.395 661.399 711.403 831.408 011.412 271.416 591.420 981.425 451.429 991.434 611.439 301.444 071.448 921.453 851.458 861.463 951.469 131.474 391.479 741.485 181.490 711.496 331.502 050 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 5

27、8 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 1.332 991.335 891.338 871.341 901.344 981.348 101.351 271.354 491.357 751.361 071.364 441.367 851.371 321.374 841.378 421.382 041.385 731.389 461.393 261.397 111.401 011.404 981.409 001.413 091.417 231.421 441.425 711.430 041.434 441.438 901.443 431.448 031.4

28、52 701.457 431.462 241.467 121.472 071.477 101.482 201.487 381.492 631.497 971.503 381.331 94 1.334 81 1.337 77 1.340 77 1.343 82 1.346 91 1.350 06 1.353 25 1.356 49 1.359 78 1.363 12 1.366 51 1.369 96 1.373 45 1.377 00 1.380 61 1.384 26 1.387 98 1.391 75 1.395 57 1.399 46 1.403 40 1.407 40 1.411 46

29、 1.415 58 1.419 77 1.424 02 1.428 33 1.432 71 1.437 15 1.441 66 1.446 24 1.450 88 1.455 60 1.460 39 1.465 25 1.470 18 1.475 19 1.480 27 1.485 43 1.490 67 1.495 99 1.501 39 1.329 85 1.332 69 1.335 61 1.338 58 1.341 60 1.344 66 1.347 77 1.350 93 1.354 14 1.357 40 1.360 72 1.364 08 1.367 49 1.370 96 1.

30、374 48 1.378 06 1.381 69 1.385 38 1.389 12 1.392 92 1.396 78 1.400 70 1.404 67 1.408 71 1.412 81 1.416 97 1.421 20 1.425 49 1.429 85 1.434 27 1.438 76 1.443 32 1.447 94 1.452 64 1.457 41 1.462 25 1.467 17 1.472 16 1.477 23 1.482 38 1.487 60 1.492 91 1.498 30 1.327 251.330 061.332 961.335 901.338 901

31、.341 941.345 031.348 161.351 351.354 591.357 881.361 221.364 621.368 071.371 571.375 131.378 741.382 411.386 141.389 921.393 761.397 671.401 631.405 651.409 741.413 891.418 101.422 381.426 731.431 141.435 621.440 171.444 791.449 481.454 251.459 081.464 001.468 981.474 051.479 191.484 421.489 721.495

32、 11KS H ISO 1743:2008 8 A.2( ) c) , 70 DE, 0.4 % ( ) d) , 95 DE, 0.5 % ( ) % 20 30 45 60 % 20 30 45 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 1.332 991.335 821.338 741.341 711.344 721.347 761.350 861.353 991.357 171.360 391.363 66

33、1.366 981.370 341.373 751.377 211.380 711.384 271.387 871.391 531.395 241.399 001.402 811.406 681.410 601.414 581.418 611.422 701.426 851.431 061.435 331.439 661.444 051.448 511.453 031.457 611.462 261.466 981.471 771.331 94 1.334 75 1.337 64 1.340 58 1.343 56 1.346 58 1.349 65 1.352 76 1.355 91 1.3

34、59 11 1.362 36 1.365 65 1.368 98 1.372 37 1.375 80 1.379 28 1.382 81 1.386 40 1.390 03 1.393 71 1.397 45 1.401 24 1.405 08 1.408 98 1.412 94 1.416 95 1.421 02 1.425 15 1.429 34 1.433 59 1.437 90 1.442 27 1.446 70 1.451 20 1.455 77 1.460 40 1.465 10 1.469 86 1.329 85 1.332 63 1.335 49 1.338 40 1.341

35、35 1.344 34 1.347 37 1.350 45 1.353 58 1.356 75 1.359 96 1.363 22 1.366 53 1.369 89 1.373 29 1.376 75 1.380 25 1.383 81 1.387 42 1.391 08 1.394 79 1.398 55 1.402 37 1.406 25 1.410 18 1.414 17 1.418 22 1.422 33 1.426 49 1.430 72 1.435 01 1.439 36 1.443 78 1.448 26 1.452 80 1.457 42 1.462 10 1.466 85

36、1.327 251.330 001.332 841.335 721.338 651.341 621.344 631.347 691.350 791.353 941.357 141.360 381.363 671.367 011.370 391.373 831.377 321.380 861.384 451.388 091.391 791.395 541.399 351.403 211.407 131.411 101.415 141.419 231.423 391.427 611.431 891.436 231.440 641.445 111.449 651.454 261.458 931.46

37、3 680 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 1.332 99 1.335 88 1.338 85 1.341 86 1.344 92 1.348 03 1.351 19 1.354 39 1.357 64 1.360 94 1.364 29 1.367 69 1.371 14 1.374 64 1.378 19 1.381 80 1.385 46 1.389 17 1.392 94 1

38、.396 76 1.400 64 1.404 58 1.408 57 1.412 63 1.416 74 1.420 91 1.425 14 1.429 44 1.433 80 1.438 22 1.442 71 1.447 26 1.451 88 1.456 56 1.461 32 1.466 14 1.471 04 1.476 01 1.481 05 1.486 16 1.491 35 1.496 62 1.501 96 1.331 94 1.334 80 1.337 74 1.340 73 1.343 77 1.346 85 1.349 97 1.353 15 1.356 38 1.35

39、9 65 1.362 97 1.366 35 1.369 77 1.373 25 1.376 78 1.380 36 1.383 99 1.387 68 1.391 43 1.395 23 1.399 09 1.403 00 1.406 97 1.411 00 1.415 09 1.419 24 1.423 45 1.427 73 1.432 07 1.436 47 1.440 93 1.445 47 1.450 07 1.454 73 1.459 47 1.464 27 1.469 15 1.474 10 1.479 12 1.484 22 1.489 39 1.494 64 1.499 97 1.329 85 1.332 68 1.335 59 1.338 54

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