KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf

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KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf_第1页
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KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf_第2页
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KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf_第3页
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KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf_第4页
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KS I ISO 14669-2010 Water quality-Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda Crustacea)《水质 对海洋桡足类(桡足亚纲、甲壳纲)致命毒性的测定》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS I ISO 14669 (Copepoda, Crustacea) KS I ISO 14669 :2010 2010 8 2 http:/www.kats.go.krKS I ISO 14669:2010 : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2001 1 6 :2010 8 2 2010-0302 : : ( 02-509-7266) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS I ISO 14669:2010

2、 i .1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 .2 5.1 .2 5.2 .2 5.3 3 6 3 6.1 , 3 6.2 .3 6.3 3 6.4 .3 7 , 3 7.1 .3 7.2 .3 8 4 8.1 .4 8.2 .4 8.3 4 8.4 (limit test)5 8.5 .5 9 .5 9.1 LC 50 5 9.2 6 9.3 6 10 6 11 .6 A() .6 A.1 .7 A.2 .7 B() Acartia tonsa, Tisbe battagliai, Nitocra spinipes .9 B.1 .9 B.2 (culture water)9 B.3 .9

3、 B.4 .9 C() .14 15 KS I ISO 14669:2010 (Copepoda, Crustacea) Water qualityDetermination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda, Crustacea) 1999 1 ISO 14669, Water qualityDetermination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods(Copepoda, Crustacea) . 1 (Copepoda, Crustacea) (種) , . a)

4、b) , , , . c) 2 . . ( ) . KS I ISO 56672, 2: KS I ISO 566716, 16: 3 , 24 48 . 48 50 % . 48 LC 50 (24 LC 50 ). 24 50 % , 24 LC 50 . 96 96 LC 50 . , 48 LC 50 . KS I ISO 14669:2010 2 . , 48 LC 50 ( 24 LC 50 ). , 48 LC 50 ( 24 LC 50 .) , 0100 % . 4 (202) , (光周期) 16/8:/ . . 5 5.1 a) Acartia tonsa Dana b)

5、 Tisbe battagliai Volkmann-Rocco c) Nitocra spinipes Boeck . B . (lifecycle) (naupliar), (copepodids) (adult) . . Acartia tonsa: 5 copepodids Tisbe battagliai:(62) copepodids Nitocra spinipes:34 5.2 . , . , (式) . . 2910 3 3610 3. , . Nitocra spinipes 1 10 3 , Tisbe battagliai 2010 3 . 7 (310 3 ) . 8

6、0 % , pH (8.00.3) . 48 , 2 . KS I ISO 14669:2010 3 5.3 3,5-dichlorophenol . 6 . 6.1 , 6.2 (darkfield) . 6.3 6.4 . , , . , . 7 , 7.1 KS I ISO 56672 . . KS I ISO 566716 . . 12 . 0 4 48 . 48 18 2 . 7.2 7.2.1 , . , . 2 . . ( ) 0.1 mg/L . , . KS I ISO 14669:2010 4 . 7.2.2 (8.1, 8.2) (5.2) (7.2.1) (7.1) .

7、 , (5.2) . , . 8 8.1 48 LC 50 , . , ( geometric ) . 5 3.2 10 . A . 8.2 24 48 LC 50 . (8.1) , ( 1.8 2) . 10 %90 % 2 %3 % . A . 20 ( , 5 4 ) . . 8.3 (7.2.2) (6.4) . (8.1, 8.2) 0.5 mL . Acartia tonsa 5 mL 1 . (5.2) . , (5.2) . ( ) pH, pH . . . . . KS I ISO 14669:2010 5 16/8 / (202) . 24 48 . (6.2) . 10

8、 . . 48 pH ( , .). 8.4 (limit test) (3. ) 100 mg/L 20 . . 8.5 48 LC 50 . . 3,5- dichlorophenol(5.3) ( potassium dichromate) . 48 LC 50 1 ( , .). 48 LC 50 1 , . . 1 3,5-dichlorophenol 3,5-dichlorophenol mg/L 48 LC 50 20 %80 % Acartia tonsa 0.51.5 1.0 Tisbe battagliai 1.13.5 2.3 Nitocra spinipes 1.95.

9、7 3.8 , 48 . 1 20 %80 % . . LC 50 . 1 2910 3 3610 3 . 9 9.1 LC 50 24 48 . . 48 LC 50 (24 LC 50 ) ( , KS I ISO 14669:2010 6 binomial , ). 20 % , 24 48 LC 50 . 20 % 20 % , LC 50 . 48 LC 50 , . 48 LC 50 100 % 0 % . 9.2 . a) 4 mg . b) 10 % . c) 8.5 . 9.3 0 % 100 % 24 48 LC 50 . %, mL mg/L, g/L 10 (inter

10、laboratoty test) C . 11 . a) b) 1) , , , 2) c) , , , (種), , , , d) 24 48 LC 50 , , 95 % , e) 24 48 100 % 0 % f) g) KS I ISO 14669:2010 7 A () A.1 A.1 , 5 . A.1 mg/L 24 48 0 5 5 0.1 5 5 0.32 5 5 1.0 5 5 3.2 5 3 10 0 0 32 0 0 100 0 0 1.0 mg/L 10 mg/L. A.2 A.2.1 A.2 . A.2 mg/L 1 2 3 4 T P 0() 5 5 5 5 2

11、0 0 1.0 5 5 5 5 20 0 1.8 5 5 5 5 20 0 3.2 4 5 4 5 18 10 5.6 2 3 1 2 8 60 24 10 0 1 0 1 2 90 0() 5 5 5 5 20 0 1.0 5 5 5 5 20 0 1.8 5 4 5 3 17 15 3.2 3 1 1 2 7 65 5.6 0 0 1 1 2 90 48 10 0 0 0 0 0 100 KS I ISO 14669:2010 8 T P A.2.2 24 48 LC 50 (probit analysis) 24 LC 50 5.4 mg/L, 95 % 4.5 mg/ L 6.4 mg

12、/L 48 LC 50 2.9 mg/L, 95 % 2.4 mg/ L 3.4 mg/L A.1 LC . A.1 ( ) (mg/L) 48 LC 50 2.9 mg/L 24 LC 50 5.4 mg/L (%) KS I ISO 14669:2010 9 B () Acartia tonsa, Tisbe battagliai, Nitocra spinipes B.1 Acartia tonsa, Tisbe battagliai, Nitocra spinipes , . . 3 . , . taxnomic . . 6 naupliar 5 copepodid . 20 10 1

13、4 . 34 T. battagliai, N. spinipes (egg-sac) , A. tonsa 2 3 . . B.2 (culture water) (5.2 ) (stock culture) . (5.2) . 1 m . , . . B.3 (203) . , 16 (明)8 (暗) . T. battagliai, N. apinipes . A. tonsa 2 200 lx . . B.4 B.4.1 . . (loading rate) . 3 (continous flow system) . KS I ISO 14669:2010 10 B.4.2 Acart

14、ia tonsa B.4.2.1 Acartia tonsa Acartia tonsa 1012 L . (aeration) 1.5 mm . , . . . . , . ( m) 60 100 140 180 . 0 2 . conpepodids . . . , (sihphon) . nauplii ( ) . , 60180 m . . . generation case . . B.4.2.2 Acartia tonsa 7 . 25 50 . 25 . 5 6 . B.4.2.3 Acartia tonsa A. tonsa Isochrysis galbana Rhodomo

15、nas reticulata (fed on diet) . . Isochrysis galbana Rhodomonas reticulata . . a) A (4 ) KS I ISO 14669:2010 11 NaNO 3 NaH 2 PO 4 2H 2 OFeCl 3 6H 2 O MnCl 2 4H 2 O H 3 BO 3 Na 2 EDTA2H 2 O 100.00 g 20.00 g 1.30 g 0.36 g 33.60 g 45.00 g 1.00 mL 1 L b) B (4 ) B 12 B 1 (Thiamine) 0.02 g 0.40 g 1 L c) (A

16、 ) ZnCl 2 2.10 g CoCl 2 6H 2 O (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 24 4H 2 O CuSO 4 5H 2 O 2.00 g 0.90 g 2.00 g 100 mL 1.0 m 1 A (1.0 mL) B (0.05 mL) . , . (batch-culture) 3 , (203) . 10 000 lx “cool white” , 16 8 . 10 7 (Isochrysis mL 10 7 Rhodomonas mL 5 10 6 ) 10 . , (stock suspension, Isochrysis 5 10 7 cells/mL, R

17、hodomonas 3 10 7 cells/mL) . 1 . 0.25mL, 2 10 7 cells/L . , . ( 1) (naupliar stage) , Rhodomonas . B.4.3 Tisbe battagliai KS I ISO 14669:2010 12 B.4.3.1 T. battagliai 2 5 L . , 4 . 1 . , . ( m) 60 100 140 180 250 . 0 2 nauplii . 5 copepodids . copepodids . . . copepodids , . . 60180 m . . . B.4.3.2 7


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