KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf

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KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf_第1页
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KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf_第2页
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KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf_第3页
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KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf_第4页
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KS I ISO 6107-9-2007 Water quality-Vocabulary-Part 9:Alphabetical list and subject index《水质 词汇 第9部分 按字母排列的索引和主题索引 》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KS I ISO 61079 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 9: KS I ISO 61079 :2007 (2012 ) 2007 6 29 http:/www.kats.go.kr KS I ISO 61079:2007 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 1997 8 31 : 2007 6 29 :2012 12 27 : 20120787 : ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS I ISO 61079:20

2、07 ii 1 1 2 1 i KS I ISO 61079:2007 ii 1997 1 ISO 61079, Water quality Vocabulary Part 9 :Alphabetical list and subject index . KS I ISO 61079:2007 (2012 ) 9: Water quality Vocabulary Part 9 :Alphabetical list and subject index 1 . 1 8 , . . KS M 9124, 2 A abiotic degradation 6 absolute salinity 2 a

3、bstraction 3 acclimation 5 acclimatization 5 accuracy 8 acid rain water 8 acidity 2 activated carbon treatment 3 activated sludge 1 activated sludge treatment 1 aeration 1 aerobes 8 aerobic condition 1 aerobic organisms 8 aerobic sludge digestion 7 agglomeration 3 aggressive water 2 KS I ISO 61079:2

4、007 aggressivity 2 air scouring 8 algae 7 alkaline hardness 2 alkalinity 2 alpha factor 3 alternating double filtration(ADF) 5 ammonia stripping 3 ammoniacal nitrogen 8 ammoniation 8 ammonification 6 () anaerobes 8 anaerobic condition 1 anaerobic organisms 8 anaerobic pond 8 anaerobic sludge digesti

5、on 6 anionic surface active agent 2 anoxic 5 antagonism 7 aphotic zone 5 , aquifer 3 aquifer (confined) 8 ( ) aquifer (unconfined) 8 ( ) automatic sampling 2 autotrophic bacteria 3 available chlorine 2 B backwashing 3 bacteria 7 bacteria bed 1 bacteriological sample 7 bacteriophages 7 balancing tank

6、 6 bank filtration 5 bankside storage 5 benthic deposit 1 benthic region 7 beta factor 3 bioaccumulation 6 bioassay 2 2 KS I ISO 61079:2007 biochemical oxidation 4 biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) 2 (BOD) biodegradability 4 biodegradation 3 biofilm 3 ( ) biological filter 1 biomass 3 biota 3 biotic in

7、dex 3 black water 7 blowdown 4 blue-green algae 8 () boiler water 1 bottom sediment 2 bourne 8 break-point chlorination 2 brine 8 brook 4 C canal 2 carbon adsorption/chloroform extraction(CCE) 2 / (CCE) carcinogen 5 carcinogenic substance 5 catchment area 3 catchment basin 3 cationic surface active

8、agent 2 centrifugation/centrifuging 1 cesspit 5 cesspool 5 chemical coagulation 1 chemical oxygen demand(COD) 2 (COD) chemical tracer 3 chemical treatment 1 chemolithotrophic bacteria 3 chloramines 2 chlorination 2 chlorine demand 2 chlorine requirement 2 clarification 2 3 KS I ISO 61079:2007 clarif

9、ier 2 closed bottle test 3 coagulation 4 coliform organisms 7 colloidal suspension 2 colony count 5 combined chlorine 2 combined sewerage system 5 comminution 4 compartmentalization 6 composite sample 2 conditioning 6 connate water 3 (同生水) conservative substance 5 contact stabilization 2 continuous

10、sampling 2 cooling water 1 corrosivity 2 cross connection 3 cupro-solvent 5 cyanobacteria 8 () cyprinid(fish) 5 D de-aeration 1 decantation 3 dechlorination 1 deep well 8 degasification 1 deionization 1 demineralization 1 denitrification 1 deoxygenation 1 depuration 8 desalination 1 destratification

11、 5 detention time 3 determinand 2 detritus 1 dewatering 1 4 KS I ISO 61079:2007 dezincification 5 dialysis 2 diatoms 2 diffuse source 6 digested sludge 5 digestion 1 domestic waste water 1 discrete sampling 2 disinfection 1 dissolved organic carbon(DOC) 5 dissolved oxygen curve 2 dissolved solids 2

12、distillation 1 drainage area 3 drinking water 1 dry deposition 8 dry well 8 dynamic toxicity test 3 dystrophic water 3 E ecology 3 ecosystem 3 effluent 1 effluent polishing 3 electrical conductivity 2 electrodialysis 1 elutriation 3 (水飛) endogenous respiration 8 enterococci 7 enteric viruses 5 epili

13、mnion 1 equilibrium pH 6 pH Escherichia coli(E. coli ) 7 (E. coli ) estuary 2 eukaryotes 8 eukaryotic 5 euphotic zone 3 eutrophication 2 eutrophic water 1 evapotranspiration 8 5 KS I ISO 61079:2007 exogenous respiration 8 extended aeration 4 F facultative aerobes 8 facultative anaerobes 8 faecal col

14、iform organisms 7 faecal enterococci 7 faecal streptococci 7 filter press 5 filter run 7 filterability/filtrability 5 filtration 1 floatation/flotation 1 floc 1 flocculation 1 flocculation aid 6 flow-through toxicity test 3 fluidized bed 5 flume 2 fluoridation 1 free carbon dioxide 2 free chlorine 2

15、 freshet 7 fresh water 3 freshwater limit 7 F-specific RNA bacteriophages 7 F RNA fulvic acids 5 fungi 7 G gathering ground 7 grab sample 2 Gram-negative bacteria 8 Gram-positive bacteria 8 grey water 7 gross solids 8 ground water 1 H Half-life period 6 halocline 3 6 KS I ISO 61079:2007 haloforms 6

16、hard detergent 7 hardness 2 Hazen number 3 head-space 2 heat treatment (of sludge) 5 () heavy water 8 heterotrophic bacteria 5 humic acids 5 humic substances 5 humus sludge 3 hydrography 3 hydrological cycle 4 hydrology 3 hydrometry 3 () hypertrophic water 1 hypolimnion 1 I Imhoff cone 3 industrial

17、waste water 1 industrial water 1 infiltration (into a sewer) 5 () infiltration (into the ground) 5 () inhibitor 5 in-line analysis 2 in situ analysis 2 interstitial water 4 intertidal zone 4 ion exchange 1 ion-exchange material 1 ionic balance 4 ionic strength 8 iron bacteria 5 irrigation water 2 is

18、okinetic sampling 2 K Kjeldahl nitrogen 8 L lagoon(coastal) 8 () lagoon(sewage) 8 () 7 KS I ISO 61079:2007 lagoon(sludge) 8 () lake 2 land treatment 5 Langelier index 2 leachate 7 Legionella species 8 Leptospira species 8 lethal concentration(LC50) 3 (LC50) littoral zone 3 luminescent bacteria 7 lys

19、imeter 6 M macrophytes 3 mass balance 3 maturation pond 3 membrane filtration 5 mesophilic digestion 3 mesophilic microorganisms 7 () mesosaprobic water 8 mesotrophic water 3 metalimnion 6 methaemoglobinaemia 7 () methylene blue test 3 methyl red end-point alkalinity 2 micronutrient 6 micropollutant

20、 5 microstrainer 5 migration 6 mineral water 8 mineralization 3 mixed bed(ion exchange) 1 ( ) mixed liquor 3 mixed liquor suspended solids(MLSS) 3 MLSS mixed media filtration 2 Mohlman index 2 monitoring 2 most probable number(MPN) 5 (MPN) mutagen 5 N night soil 4 8 KS I ISO 61079:2007 nitrification

21、 1 nitrogen balance 3 nitrogen cycle 3 nitrogen cycle bacteria 7 non-alkaline hardness 2 non-biological degradation 6 non-ionic surface active agent 2 non-point source 6 nutrient removal 3 O obligate aerobes 8 obligate anaerobes 8 odour threshold 7 oligosaprobic 7 (貧) oligotrophic 1 (貧) on-line anal

22、ysis 2 organic nitrogen 8 organoleptic 5 oxidation channel 3 oxidation ditch 3 oxidation pond 1 oxidation reduction potential(ORP) 7 oxygen balance 3 oxygen deficit 3 oxygen sag curve 7 oxygen saturation value 3 ozonation 1 ozonization 1 P package plant 4 parameter 2 pasteurization 2 pathogen 5 pela

23、gic organisms 8 percolating filter 1 permanent hardness 2 permanganate index 8 permeability 6 persistent substance 5 phenolphthalein end-point alkalinity 2 9 KS I ISO 61079:2007 phosphorus balance 3 photoautotrophic bacteria 7 photosynthesis 3 physico-chemical treatment 1 phytoplankton 5 piezometric

24、 ground water level 8 pile-working 2 plankton 5 plate count 5 plug-flow system 3 plumbo-solvent 5 plume 8 point source pollution 5 pollution load 5 pollution 2 polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB) 3 (PCB) polyelectrolytes 1 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH) 5 (PAH) polysaprobic water 1 pond 6 ponding

25、 3 post-chlorination 3 potable water 1 practical salinity 2 pre-aeration 2 prechlorination 1 precision 8 preliminary treatment (of sewage) 7 () pressure filtration 2 primary degradation 6 1 primary productivity 6 1 primary treatment (of sewage) 7 () 1 procaryotes 8 profundal zone 4 proportional samp

26、ling 2 protista 8 protists 8 protozoa 5 (門) Pseudomonas species 8 psychrophilic microorganisms 8 10 KS I ISO 61079:2007 pulse dose 7 putrefaction 3 pycnocline 4 Q qualitative repeatability 2 qualitative reproducibility 2 quantitative repeatability 2 quantitative reproducibility 2 R radioactive(radio

27、chemical) tracer 6 rain water 1 random error 8 rapid sand filtration 2 raw sewage 1 raw sludge 6 raw water 1 readily biodegradable substances 6 re-aeration 2 recalcitrant substance 5 recirculation 3 redox potential 7 refractory substance 5 regeneration(ion exchange) 1 ( ) repeatability 2 reproducibi

28、lity 2 reservoir 2 residual chlorine 2 respiration 7 () retention period 3 returned activated sludge 6 reverse osmosis 1 ring test 8 river 2 roughing filter 3 round robin test 8 S saline water 8 salinity, absolute 2 , salinity, practical 2 , 11 KS I ISO 61079:2007 salmonellae 7 Salmonella species 7

29、salmonid(fish) 6 sample 2 sampler 2 sample stabilization 2 sampling 2 sampling line 2 sampling network 2 sampling point 2 sampling probe 2 sampling site 2 saprobic 3 scale deposit 7 scissor grab 2 scouring organisms 3 screen 6 sea 2 secondary treatment 6 2 sedimentation 1 sedimentation basin 2 seedi

30、ng 3 self-purification 1 semi-static toxicity test 3 sensitivity(K) 2 (K) separate(d) sewerage system 8 septic 3 septic tank 1 service reservoir 6 settleable solids 2 settled sewage 6 setting tank 2 sewage 1 sewage effluent 1 sewage fungus 6 sewer 8 sewerage system 8 sink 7 sink hole/sink-hole 6 sli

31、ck 3 12 KS I ISO 61079:2007 sloughing 3 slow sand filtration 2 sludge 1 sludge age 3 sludge blanket 8 sludge bulking 3 sludge cake 8 sludge conditioning 6 sludge drying bed 8 sludge pressing 3 sludge thickening 6 sludge volume index(SVI) 2 (SVI) snap sample 2 sodium absorption ratio(SAR) 2 (SAR) sof

32、t detergent 7 softening 1 soft water 4 solids 2 sparging 6 specific conductance 2 spot sample 2 spray aeration 6 spring 3 spring sloughing 3 stability 3 stability test 3 stabilization 2 stagnant water 2 static toxicity test 3 stepped aeration 2 stepped feed 2 sterilization 1 storm overflow 8 storm s

33、ewage 1 storm sewage tank 8 storm water 1 storm water detention pond 8 storm water run-off 1 storm water tank 8 stratification 1 13 KS I ISO 61079:2007 stream 2 subtidal zone 4 sulfite-reducing clostridia 7 sulfur bacteria 6 sullage 4 superchlorination 6 supply water 1 surcharge 3 surface active age

34、nt 2 surface loading rate 7 surface water 1 suspended solids 2 swallow hole 6 synergism 7 systematic error 8 T tapered aeration 2 temporary hardness 2 tertiary treatment 3 3 test portion 2 theoretical oxygen demand (of water) 8 () thermal conditioning 5 thermal water 6 thermocline 1 thermophilic con

35、ditioning 6 thermophilic digestion 6 thermophilic microorganisms 8 thermotolerant coliform organisms 7 thickening 1 tidal limit (of a river) 7 () tidal water 7 total ammonia 8 total available chlorine 2 total carbon 7 total carbon dioxide 2 total chlorine 2 total inorganic carbon 7 total organic carbon(TOC) 2 (TOC) total oxidized nitrogen 7 total residual chlorine 2 14 KS I ISO 61079:2007 15 total solids 2 toxicity test 3 toxicity test with intermittent renewal 3 toxicity test without renewal 3

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