KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1 Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf

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KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1  Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf_第1页
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KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1  Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf_第2页
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KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1  Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf_第3页
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KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1  Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf_第4页
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KS R ISO 8178-1-2007 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Exhaust emission measurement-Part 1  Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions《往复式内燃机 气体排放测量 .pdf_第5页
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1、 KS R ISO 8178 1KSKSKSKSSKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 1 : KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 2007 8 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 : () ( ) () () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2007 8 31 20070564 : : ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr ). 7 5 , . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 i 1 1 2 2 3 .2 4 .4

2、4.1 .4 4.2 6 4.3 .7 5 7 5.1 .7 5.2 .7 5.3 .8 5.4 9 5.5 .9 5.6 9 5.7 .9 6 9 7 10 7.1 10 7.2 .11 7.3 .11 7.4 12 7.5 .16 8 18 8.1 .18 8.2 18 8.3 .19 8.4 19 8.5 19 8.6 21 8.7 NOx 21 8.8 FID .23 8.9 CO, CO2, NOx O2 .24 8.10 26 9 26 9.1 27 9.2 27 9.3 .27 KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 ii 9.4 27 9.5 27 10 ( )27 11

3、27 11.1 27 11.2 .27 11.3 .28 11.4 .28 11.5 .28 11.6 .28 11.7 29 11.8 29 11.9 30 12 .30 12.1 .30 12.2 30 13 30 13.1 30 13.2 / 30 13.3 NOx 32 13.4 .33 13.5 .34 14 .34 14.1 34 14.2 .35 14.3 .37 14.4 38 14.5 .39 14.6 .40 15 40 15.1 CO, CO2, HC, NOx, O2.40 15.2 .46 15.3 47 15.4 50 15.5 51 16 53 16.1 53 1

4、6.2 .68 A( ) / .72 A.1 1, (carbon balance).73 KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 iii A.2 2, / .75 B( ) 84 C( ) .87 D( ) 13.4 u, v, w 88 D.1 273.15 K(0 ) 101.3 kPa 88 D.2 0 101.3 kPa 88 D.3 T p 88 E( ) ( ) .89 E.1 .89 E.2 90 F( ) .92 .94 KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 1: Reciprocating internal combustion engines Exhaust e

5、mission measurementPart 1 : Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions 1996 1 ISO 8178 1, Reciprocating internal combustion enginesExhaust emission measurement Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions , . 1 (RIC ) . (KS R ISO 8178 4 ). , . , ,

6、. , KS R ISO 8178 2, . . . . ( , , ) . KS R ISO 8178 2 . 1 RIC KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 2 . . g/kW h , . , . 1985 . . . . . , . , . . . . 2 . . ( ) . KS A ISO 5725 1, ( ) 1: KS A ISO 5725 2, ( ) 2: KS B ISO 5167 1, 1: KS R ISO 3046 3, 3: KS R ISO 8178 2, 2: KS R ISO 8178 4, 4: KS R ISO 8178 5, 5: KS R

7、ISO 8178 6, 6: SAE J 1151: 1988, Methane measurement using gas chromatography SAE J 1936: 1989, Chemical methods for the measurement of nonregulated diesel emissions 3 . 3.1 (particulates) 325 K(52 ) 1 . , . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 3 2 ( , KS M ISO 9096) . 0.8 % . 3.2 (partial flow dilution method) (1

8、6.1.1 10 18 ) 3.3 (full flow dilution method) 3 , . 3.4 (isokinetic sampling) 3.5 (non-isokinetic sampling) 3.6 (multiple filter method) . . 3.7 (single filter method) . / . 4 . 3.8 (specific emissions) 3.9 5 . B , , . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 4 5.3 11.5 . 5 % . 5 % . 3.9 (brake power) (5.3 B ) 3.10 (a

9、uxiliaries) D 4 4.1 EEC SIa APAP m2ATAx 2conccccorr ppm % (V/V) concdcdil ppm % (V/V) concxcx ( .) ppm % (V/V) DF D 1 EAF E ( kg kg) kg/kg EAFRefEref ( kg kg) kg/kg fafa FFCBFcb 1 FFDFd 1 FFHFh 1 FFWFw 1 GAIRDqmad kg/h GAIRWqmaw hGDILWqmdw kg/hGEDFWqmdx kg/h GEXHWqmxw kg/hGFUELqmf kg/hGTOTWqmdx kg/k

10、W h GASxex ( ) g/kg KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 5 EEC SIa HaHa g/kg HdHd HREFHref bmol/mol HTCRAT HC 1 i i 1 KHDIESKhd NOx 1 KHPETKhp NOx KPKp KWaKwa 1 KWdKwd KWeKwe 1 KWrKwr L M % massqmPT g/h Mdmd mg MDILmdil kg Mfmf mg MGASimGASi kg MSAMmSAM kg PaPa kPa PBPb dkPPdPd kPPsPsP P kW PAUXPaux B kW PmPm (11.

11、5 ) kW PT ePT g/kW h PTmassqmPT kg/hq q 1 r rdil 1 RaRa % RdRd RfrfFID 1 RfMrm FID 1 S S kW TaTa cK KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 6 EEC SIa TDdTd K TrefTref ( : 298 K ) K TSCTc K TSCRefTcref VAIRDqVad m3/h VAIRWqVaw 3/h TDdTd K TrefTref ( : 298 K ) K TSCTc K TSCRefTcref VAIRDqVad m3/h VAIRWqVaw 3/h VDILVdil

12、 m3VDILWqVdw 3/h VEDFWqVdx m3/h VEXHDqVxd 3/h VEXHWqVxwi 3/h VSAMVsam m3VTOTWqVdx m3/h WFWf 1 WFEWfe a ISO 31 . b 10.71 g/kg: NOx c KS R ISO 3046 1 Psy PSY( ) . d KS R ISO 3046 1 Px PX( ) PyPY( ) . 4.2 ACN C1 1 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 CH3OH CO CO2 DNPH DOP HC HCHO KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 7 H2O NH3 NMHC NO NO2 N

13、Ox N2O O2 RME SO2 SO3 4.3 CFV CLD CVS ECS FID FTIR GC HCLD HFID HPLC NDIR NMC PDP PMD PT UVD ZRDO 5 5.1 273 K(0 ) 101.3 kPa . 5.2 5.2.1 T kPa ps , fa . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 8 7.0asa29899=Tpf (1) 5.1a7.0sa29899=Tpf (2) (1) (2) ECE, EEC EPA . , a 0.93 1.07 . 6.0a2.1sa29899=Tp (2a) 5.2.2 fa . 0.98 fa1

14、.02(3) , fa 0.93 1.07 . PT 14.1.2 , fa . 5.2.3 . . 4 K 2 kPa . 5.3 . , . . 3.8 B . 11.5 . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 9 5.4 10 % . 2 . 5.5 10 % . 2 . 5.6 . 5.7 . 6 . . KS R ISO 8178 5 . KS R ISO 8178 5 . . . . , 1 . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 10 1 ( ) 1. 2. , 1. 2. / , , . 1 . 2 . . 7 15. 16. . ( 15.) ( 16.) . , . 7 ( ) . “” . . . KS R ISO 8178 4 KS R ISO 8178 4 C1 . KS A ISO 5725 2 5 % . . KS A ISO 5725 1 KS A ISO 5725 2 . . , . 7.1 . 7.1 KS R ISO 8178 4 . . . 7.3 . KS R ISO 8178 1: 2007 11 7.2 . 7.2.1 (flow nozzle) (equivalent metering system) (


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