KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf

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KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf_第1页
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KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf_第2页
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KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf_第3页
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KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf_第4页
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KS X 3311-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures《信息技术 系统间通信和信息互换 高阶数据链路控制规程(HDLC)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X 3311 (HDLC) KS X 3311:2008 2008 10 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X 3311:2008 : ( ) ( ) () ()SJ ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 1998 12 31 : 2008 10 31 2008-0734 : : ( 025097262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X 3311:2008 i . KS X 3311 . A( ) (FCS

2、) B( ) C( ) NRM, ARM, ABM D( ) HDLC E( ) FCS F( ) LAPB X.25 DTE G( ) KS X 3311:2008 (HDLC) Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures 1997 1 ISO/1EC 13239, Information technology Telecommunications and information

3、exchange between systems High-level data link control(HDLC) procedures , 4. . 1 (HDLC) , , , (XID) , / . ( ) . ( ) . FCS, , . / . HDLC 2 , , , . . / , / , / , / , . . . . HDLC , HDLC , / HDLC . 2 KS X 3311:2008 2 . . . n . . . HDLC . (XID) XID . , , , . . . XID . HDLC . XID XID . XID . XID / . a) .

4、b) . c) , XID XID . d) 16 , 32 FCS FCS . e) . f) XID ( ) . g) (UIH) . 2 . , . KS X 0001 9, 9: ISO/IEC 2382 9: 1995, Information technology Vocabulary Part 9: Data communication . KS X 1003, ( ) KS X 3311:2008 3 ISO/IEC 646: 1991, Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information i

5、nterchange . KS X ISO 7498 1, 1: ISO/IEC 7498 1 : 1994, Information technology Open systems interconnection Basic reference model: The basic model . KS X 3308, X.25 LAPB DTE ISO/IEC 7776: 1995, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems High-level data link co

6、ntrol procedures Description of the X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data link procedures . KS X 3310, ISO 7478: 1987, Information processing systems Data commumication Multilink procedures . ISO/IEC TR 10171: 1994, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems List of s

7、tandard data link layer protocols that utilize high-level data link control(HDLC) classes of procedures and list of standardized XID format identifiers and private parameter set of identification values 3 . 3.1 . 3.1.1 (abort) 3.1.2 (accept) 3.1.3 (address field) 8 ( ) 3.1.4 (address field extension

8、) . 3.1.5 / (address resolution/negotiation) / 3.1.6 (basic status) 2 / / KS X 3311:2008 4 3.1.7 (centralized control) 3.1.8 (combined station) 3.1.9 (command) / / / 3.1.10 (command frame) / 3.1.11 (contention mode) 3.1.12 control escape(CE) 10111110 3.1.13 control field(C) 8/16/32/64 3.1.14 (contro

9、l field extension) . 3.1.15 (control station) 3.1.16 (data communication) KS X 0001 9 3.1.17 (data link) 3.1.18 (data link connection) KS X ISO 7498 1 3.1.19 (data link layer) KS X 3311:2008 5 3.1.20 (data transmission) KS X 0001 9 3.1.21 (duplex transmission) 3.1.22 (exception condition) 2 / 3.1.23

10、 flag sequence(F) 01111110 3.1.24 (format identifier) 128 XID 128 3.1.25 (frame) , , , FCS 3.1.26 frame check sequence(FCS) . 3.1.27 (group identifier) 3.1.28 (half-duplex transmission) KS X 0001 9 3.1.29 HDLC (HDLC-based protocol) HDLC 3.1.30 (high layer) 3.1.31 information field(INFO) FCS 3.1.32 (

11、initiating combined station) , XID KS X 3311:2008 6 3.1.33 (interframe time fill) 3.1.34 (intraframe time fill) / 3.1.35 (invalid frame) 32 3.1.36 (layer parameter) , 3.1.37 (non-initiating combined station) XID 3.1.38 (peer station) 3.1.39 (primary station) 3.1.40 /2 (primary/secondary station) 2 3

12、.1.41 (private parameter) 3.1.42 (response) 3.1.43 (response frame) 2 / 3.1.44 2 (secondary station) KS X 3311:2008 7 3.1.45 2 (secondary station state) 2 3.1.46 (single-exchange negotiation procedure) “ ” 3.1.47 (tributary station) 3.1.48 (two-way alternate data communication) KS X 0001 9 3.1.49 (t

13、wo-way simultaneous data communication) KS X 0001 9 3.1.50 (unique identifier) / 3.1.51 (unnumbered commands) 3.1.52 (unnumbered responses) 3.1.53 (user data) 3.2 A (Address field) ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode) ADM (Asynchronous Disconnected Mode) ARM (Asynchronous Response Mode) B (Binary encode

14、d) BAC (Balanced operation Asynchronous balanced mode Class) BCC (Balanced operation Connectionless-mode Class) BCM (Balanced Connectionless Mode) C (Control field) CE (Control Escape) C/R / (Command/Response) KS X 3311:2008 8 F (Flag sequence) F (Final bit) FI (Format Identifier) DC1 1(Device Contr

15、ol One) DC3 3(Device Control Three) DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) DISC (Disconnect) DM (Disconnected Mode) DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) E (bit Encoded) FCS (Frame Check Sequence) FRMR (FRaMe Reject) GI (Group Identifier) GL (Group Length) HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) I (Informatio

16、n frame) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) IM (Initialization Mode) INFO (INFOrmation field) ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ITU T (International Telecommunications Union Telecommuni-cation Standardization Sector) LAPB (Link Access Procedure Balanced) LSB (Least Si

17、gnificant Bit) M (Modifier function bit) MSB (Most Significant Bit) MT1 1(Multilink lost frame Timer 1) MT2 2(Multilink group busy Timer 2) MT3 3(Multilink reset confirmation Timer 3) MW (Multilink Window size) MX (Multilink guard region window size) N (Number of octets) N(S) (Send sequence Number)

18、N(R) (Receive sequence Number) NA (Not Applicable) NDM (Normal Disconnected Mode) NRM (Normal Response Mode) P (Poll bit) P/F / (Poll/Final bit) PI (Parameter Identifier) PL (Parameter Length) Pri (Primary) PV (Parameter Value) RD (Request Disconnect) REJ (REJect) RIM (Request Initialization Mode) R

19、NR (Receive Not Ready) KS X 3311:2008 9 RR (Receive Ready) RSET (ReSET) S (Supervisory frame) S (Supervisory function bit) SABM (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode) SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) SARM (Set Asynchronous Response Mode) SARME (Set Asynchronous Response Mode Extended) SBDPT

20、 7 (Seven-Bit Data Path Transparency) SD (System Defined) Sec 2 (Secondary) SIM (Set Initialization Mode) SM (Set Mode) SNRM (Set Normal Response Mode) SNRME (Set Normal Response Mode Extended) SREJ (Selective REJect) TBD (To Be Determined) TEST (TEST) TR (Technical Report) TWA (Two-Way Alternate) T

21、WS (Two-Way Simultaneous) U (Unnumbered frame) UA (Unnumbered Acknowledgement) UAC (Unbalanced operation Asynchronous response mode Class) UCC (Unbalanced operation Connectionless-mode Class) UCM (Unbalanced Connectionless Mode) UI (Unnumbered Information) UIH (Unnumbered Information with Header che

22、ck) UNC (Unbalanced operation Normal response mode Class) UP (Unnumbered Poll) V(S) (Send state Variable) V(R) (Receive state Variable) XID (eXchange IDentification) XOFF OFF (Transmitter OFF) XON ON (Transmitter ON) 4 HDLC HDLC , , , , , , . , , , , , , / “0” . / , / . , / , KS X 3311:2008 10 . , ,

23、 . 5 HDLC , , , , , . , , (NRM), (ARM), (ABM) . , , , , , / . HDLC , , , . / . , , FCS , / , . 6 HDLC , , , , , , , , HDLC , , ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), . 7 (XID) XID . XID , , , , . 8 / . XID / , , XID , XID . A( ) (FCS) 16 d . . B( ) / . KS X 3311:2008 11 . C( ) NRM, ARM, ABM NRM, ARM ABM . D( ) HDLC HDLC . E( ) FCS 32 FCS . F( ) LAPB X.25 DTE


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