NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1294-1947 Investigation of effect of span spanwise location and chordwise location of spoilers on lateral control characteristics of a tapered wing《扰流板翼展 顺翼展方向的位置弦向位置对.pdf_第5页
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2、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .,a71.TECH LIBRARY KAFB,NM %Illlll!lilllll!llllllllllllgW4LU5 =“NATIONALADVISORYCOMMITZEEFORAERONAUTICS.TECHKKML N(XIENO. 129!$INV3SZTGAT10N03 E3I!JZ(XJOFSPAN,S?JJWD3?JU3XTION, ,CHOHXIS13I02ATiOI?OFSPOILHBONLfUZW4LCONTROL

3、CWIRACTEBX3TICSOF A TAIZ?XGOWINGBy JackF3mhel andVitoLSUMURYTmbdrello,A wind-tunnelinsnxtigationwan made of the effectof spin, .spanwisekxation, and ohordwiselocationof spoilerson thelateralcontrolcharacteristics.of an unflqpciisemisp Wequippedwitha simplespoilerhavinga projection5 percentofthechord

4、. IrIdatemini the effectof spoilerspanand qmwiselocation,theqoiler wasmountedat the 7Ckpe?ment+hordstationwiththe spoilerspaninoreasingfrom10 percentof the semispanto 100percentof the semispan. The chordwiseinvestigationinvolvedmovinga 50-peroenKamispanspoilerfrcanthe *pe133ent-chordstationto the pe

5、ro en-hcrqdstation.Curvesare”presentedshmhg the variationof rolng-mcmentandyawing-mcment,effectivenesswith spoilerspan. The resultsindicatedthatthevariationof ro123n-t effeotiveneeswithspoilerspanshoweda trendsimilarto thatof aileronsforageometrtcaUysimilarwing. This mLlaributkcause the spoilersgave

6、favorableyawingmcments,*e spoilerdatatlfaredin signfrcmtheailen da+a, When the 5Gpem ent-semispaaspoilerwas movedrearwardfromthe peroent+ohord station. to the . spoilevs, The secondsysteminvolvedthe sameprocess;however,the Inboardendof the spoilerwas fixedat thewingroot.Thesespoilersare referredto a

7、s “inboardspoilers.”In thethirdsyfitan,ceveralisolatedspoilerspansweretested(somewith largepa hetv:enspoilersegments)andare referredto as “isolatedspoilers. Completedataarenotpresentedhereinfor the inboardand isolatedspoilers:hut referencewillhe therolling-nmmentdatafor thesetwotypesof spoile

8、rs.For thechordwiseinvestigationa 0.percent-semispanoutboardspotlerwas usedand testedat the., 60., 65., 70.,75-,and80-percent-chordstations.Someadditionaltestswerenmdewtththe-peroent-semispanoutboardspoilermountedat the 70-percent-chordstation. Thesetestsinvolvedcuttingthe spoilerintofiveequalpartsi

9、n orderto proiegapsof 0.14-$0.54-, and 1.8-percentsemispanbetweenspoilersegments(fig.2 .SYMBOLSAND CORRECTIONS% (liftcoefficientA )where L“ is twiceliftof semlspanmodelqs% 0 D.drag coefficientcm (pitching-momentcoefficient where M is twicepitching)qszmomentof semispanmdelProvided by IHSNot for Resal

10、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 NACATN No, 1294 a71C2CnEcYsbIILaQA.a,()roulnmlerlt coefficientb()yawingafmentcoefficientqSbwing meanaerodynamicchord(M.A.C.),feet= do /local wing chnxi,feetdistancefromp_M of symmetg, feettwiceszea”ofsemispanlnoel,squarefeettwic

11、espanof semispanmodel,feettwiceti%gof semispanmcdel.,pundsrollingmomentdueto spoilermeasuredaboutwindaxisinplaneof symmdzy, footpoundyawingmcmentdueto spoilerrceasurodaboutwindaxisinplaneof syumetry,footpoundsangleof attackwithrespeotto ohordline,degrees()free-streamdynamiapressure,poundsper squaref

12、oot 2free-streamvelocty,feetper second-S densityof air,t31uailenm effemotivenessfactorchangein effectiveangleof attack,degrees.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.M lkchnumber5. .R Reynoldsnum%erc1- -.xi rolling-momentcoefficientdue to a

13、 mit changein effectiveangleof attackoverpartof wingspanoccupiedby controlsurface;rolling-momenteffectivenesparemeter yawing-momentcoefficientdv,eto a unitchengein effectiveAZ: angleo.fattackoverpartof wingspanoccupiedby control-surface;ya.wimq-mouenteffectivenessparemeterThe force8wdmments. e.pnsen

14、tpda%outthewinii-methodsof referenceIl. The datawe not ccrrectedforthetaretendinterferenceeffectsof themodelsupportsystim.DISCUSSION,Plain+irigCharacterstics ,“. -Lift,drag,snd,pitching-momentcharacterisicsbf theplainwingaxepresentedin figure3. The valueofthelift-cuzvesloye d%/dU (O3) agreedverywell

15、withthetheoretical_ _ -value(0.090)for a wingof the sae aspectratioas thatof thepresentwingti(Seereference12.)sptiwisInvestigation ,.,_ _,Characteristicsof outboardspoiler.-Resultsof theoutboad-spoilerinvestiflation(fig. indicatedthatincreasingthe spoilerProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

16、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 NACATN No. 129J+spanincreasedtherollint coeffioients,forspoilerspansupto 0.b/2 at anglesofattackof about0 and indicatedthattheseincrementsinrolling-mcmentCoefficientdecreasedwiththe largerspoilerspans. The rolktngmcxnentproduoedby a given spoile

17、rremainedfairlyconstantovera largepartoftheangle-of+atackrangebutbeganto decrease at an angle of attackof about6 , atwhichpoint,flowseparationisbeltevedto occur. Beyondthatpoint$ therollingmcmentproduoedby a givenspoilerspanwasgreatlydiminished.The yawing-mmentcoefficientsproducedby the”spoilerswere

18、favomble (havingthe samesignas the rollhqyamnent coeffloienta)and increasedwith spoilerspan, As theangle of attackincreased,however,theyawingmcmmts approachedzeroforall cases.As indicatedinreference2 forrarwardspoilerlocations,thepresenceof spoilersproducesstalling-nts. Figure4 indioatesthatthe stab

19、ility(asindicatedby the slopeof thepitchicment-coeffioientcurveagainstangleofattack)increasedas largerspoilerspanswereused.Dragwas foundto vary linearlywithspoilers=. Thisvariationwas alsogenerallytrueof thepithioment and liftcoefficients.Figure4 alsoindicatesthatthe effeotof spoilersonpitchingmcmen

20、tand dragdecreasesas theangleof attackincreases.Variationof spoilerei?ctivenesswithanwise location.-In.orderto detezminethepossibilityofpreping onedesign=H ofspoilereffectivenessforvariousspanwiselocationsfrcadataobtainedby thethreesystemsoftestingspoilersemployedinthepresent investigation,therollin

21、g-mmentcoefficientsforgivenspoilerspanwiselocationsas calculatedfromthe datafor spoilersextendinginboardfrcmthe tip (outboardspoilers)are comparodinfigurewith themeasuredrolliaent mefficientsof spoilersextendingoutboard from the root (inboard spoilers)ormountedinisolatedlocationsalongthe span(isloat

22、edspoilers).The rollingmomontscalculatedfromthe outboard-spoilerdatawereobtainedbyintoreubtractionoftherollincl=AaCn=Au()c1 “(c% )partial-spanspoilerG fuU-span spoiler cfull-spanspoiler(A)Cn ( )Crtial-snan spoiler - -a full-spanspoiler %ull-span spoilerThe curvesof figure6 showtherollioment andyawin

23、g-rncmentcoefficientsproducedby a unitchangeof angleof attackoverthepartof thewi spannedby the epoiler. Althoughthecurveeshowthat Czh increaseseomew-hatwithangleofattackfora givenspoilerspanand proection,the changein effectiveangleof attack therefore,the curvesof C#Aafor thetwotypesof oontroldifferi

24、n sibut showthe sametrendwith spanwisecontrollooation. In addition,the spoileryawiwmcmentdatarepresentthetotalyawingmomentproducedby spoilers,whereastheaileronyawing-mnt datarepresentonlythe inducedyawingmc%nentproducedby ailerons. (Seereference5.)In calculatingtherolling+cxnentor yawioment Coeffici

25、entsofwingswithaileronsby meansofthe aforementioneduhartsofCl/, and Cn/iW, theaileroneffectivenessfactor b/A6multipliedby the controlhowever,therewas a smallinconsistentvariationof roli%momentwithMachnmber inall threelocations.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

26、out license from IHS-,-,-NACATN No. 1294CONCLUSIONSWind-tunnelresultsof a spanwiseandofplainspoilersof O.Ohord proectionflapsledto thefollowingconclusions:chordwiseinvestigationona semispanwingwithout1.The spanwiserolling+ucmenteffectivenessobtainedfrcmspoilersshoweda trendsimilarto thatof ailerons

27、for Q gemtrfcall.ysimilar wing. Thissimilaritysuggeststhepossibilityof employingailerondesigndatainthepreliminarydesignof spoilersat lowanglof attack. For a moreexactestimationofthe spoilerrollingmomentexpectedat largeanglesof attack,however,considerationshouldbegivento the changein effectivenesswit

28、hangleof attack.2.The spanwiseyawing-mnt effectivenessforaileronsandspoilersshowedthe sametrendwith spanwiselocation;butbecausethe spoilersgavefavorableyawingmcxnentm-thespoilerdatadifferedin signfrcmtheaileron data.3.Whenthe percent-semispanspoilerwasmovedrea=rd frcmthe percent-chord stationtothe80

29、-permnt-chordstationon theunflappedwing,boththerolling+mmentandyawing-momentcoefficientswerereduced. .-4.Variationof theMachnumberbetweenO.13and0,39producedno perceptibleeffecton theyawing-momentcoefficientsbutproduceda smallinconsistentvariationoftherolling-+mnentcoefficients.LangleyMemorialAeronau

30、ticalLaboratoryNationalAdvisoryCcmmdtteeforAeronauticsLangleyField,Vs.,March 18, 1947Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATH No.1294 5*. 6.7*8.9*10a71IL.22.13.Weick,FredE., andShortal,JosephA.: Wind-TunnelResearchCanpsJ?ing

31、LateralControlDevices?Particularlyat HighAnglesof Attack. V -Spoilers andAileronsonReotangu3.arWings.NACARep. NO. bw, 1932.Shctal,J. A.: EffectofRetractable4poilerLocationonRolliG andYavinoment Coefficients.NACATN No. 499,1934.Rogallo,FranoisM., andSwanson,RobertS,; “Wind+lunnelDevelopmetof a Plu#yp

32、e SpoileMlot Aileronfora Wingwitha FulR= 2.69 x 106.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1294 Fig. 4Figure 4.- Variation of aerodynamic characteristics with Spocfier spanOutboard spoilers; M = 0.27; R = Z-69 x 10UOProvided by I

33、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 4 cone. NACA TN No. 1294.10:1IJ5I1.2.8.40-4:6-1.21 1 I 1 1 I I I I7%?.?.Spfhr span(dion t#r!l 0“.10.20: ;gvr .70A“ ./3).90; 1.00, 1 , 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I-4 12 16 2A$!e of4at-tac, (X,decj, -.20.04:#.1-Figure 4.-

34、 Concluded.-?.-,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1294 “-,07.06“Q -.05i -.04+?oI I I.00.00,:x.40.20.?:.20AnJr/l I.90 .-Nj1.00. Iw .Uw/aNATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEEFOl AERONAUTICSo -.0 I -.02 -.03 -04 :05 -.06 :07Ca2u/ated C“Fi

35、g. 5-.04-.03-.02-.010Figure 5.- Comparison of calculated rolling-moment coefficientsobtained from outboard spoilers with measured rolling-momentcoefficients obtained from inboard or isolated spoilers fordHferent spoiler spanwise locations. ,_Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

36、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 6 NACA TN No. 1294-.010-.008.006-.0(32o-.0020-.Lx- . (“dl“ 0. - 4 / r12“,. . fdgl- _o .24.6”.8 1.0D lstanc from plane of symmetryFigure 6.- Variation of rolling-moment and yawing-momenteffectiveness parameters with spoiler span and spanwise locationfor se

37、veral angles of attack. M = 0.27; R = 2.69 x 106.NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FORAERONAUTICS.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1294 Fig. 7.-.010-mmCf .006ac:004-.0020.:00 I.001. N. NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FM AERONAUTICSc +0

38、 / -” - -”_-_-. -.c1 .2 4 .6 .8 1.0D;stce from plane Of syrnmetry,fiFigure 7.- Comparison of variation of rolling-moment and yawing-moment effectiveness parameters with spanwise location forailerons (theoretical) and spoilers (eerimental). Aeron values,extrapolated for a wtig of A = 10, = 0.50.Provi

39、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig.8 NACA TN No. 1294r 0L-.01:02-.03-.04-.05NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMllTSE AERDNAUTtCS-a -4 8 12 - 16Anq8 of $ticAcK, c!ecjFigure 8.- Aerodynamic characteristics of semispan wing equippedwith a 0.50 b/2 outboar

40、d spoiler hziving different gaps betweenspoiler segments. M = 0.27; R = 2.69 x 106.,s,. .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .a71 a15,(bA5mProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

41、-NACA TN No. 1294Fig. 9 ,0! -.01-E706.010-.0 I/NATlONAL ADVISORY*,COMMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS-8 -4 (3 4 8 12“,6 - “=-Anqle of attacK, (x, deq “- sFigure 9.- Variation of aerodynamic characteristics with chordwiselocation of spoiler. Spoiler length, 0.50 b/2; M = 0.27; %R= 2.69 x 106. Outboard spoiler.Pr

42、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.NACA TN No. 1294 Fig. 9 cone.1(i1.61.2+c.8.40-4.16oFigure 9.- Concluded.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 10 NACA TN No. 1294.RI Snurc

43、e Ah Ro Refeyence 2 6.0 1.0 0.6tx10;a75 Pre%emt !nve%tlqdlon 10.4 0.zP16 2.6c?xI0NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS30 40 50 70 80 .90 I 005poIIer Iocatlonpercent chordF outboard spoiler.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. llb

44、o(7sal -.(33Efb -.04Lz0! -.05sNACA TN No. 1. -lllOmFORAERWAUTICS,2941-6 -4 40 12 -.16 ZOAYxj?e of dtacK, a, deq I,(b) Spoiler location, 0.70c.Figure 11. - Continued.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1204 Fig. llC& o-5Q!-.05 2A/AmF1Wfi”M Roc).)q 1.ci8 Xlo ,A.27 2.6q .a75 .3q 3.74COMMITIEf FORAERONAUTICS8 4 O 4 8 12 16 20Rnqk of d+QcK, u, deq(c) Spoiler location, 0.80c.Fie 11. - Concluded.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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