NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1473-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of high lift and aileron-control characteristics of an NACA 65-210 semi-span wing《NACA 65-210半翼展机翼高升力和副翼控制特性的高速风洞试验》.pdf_第5页
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2、- -., . . . . . . . .-, z . . . ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.*. NWOIWG ADVZSORYCOMMITIEEFORAEROlL4UTICS,“mcmmwmi%iio-li473. IQEE+PEED .Tmm4mmi -nsATJ-,“OF,j-umh3moiiwoimRoi. ., .f ,. , .- . . . . . . . . . . .EmiMARY , - . . -.-

3、#.- . :, .A iigh-speedwind-tunnelinvestiati”mWe -of :.*KY+” .charac”tertsticsat variousWCD nunibersof enNAC.465-0 Seqispsn:wingvariouelyequippedwitha 25%ercentchordfull-spin. .l,* ,and a 38-percent-semispan20-perceat-chordstraight-sided.ailerm. Wfththefull-spsnflapretractedat-aMachnuniberof Oa7113,m

4、aximumliftcoefficientof 0.93was obta$med;endwiththeflapdeflected45,a maximumId.ft coefficientof 1.87was obtained.“of attack(orlift)butwas essentiallyunaffectedby increasingMachnumber.Thevariationof theaileronhingemmwnt coefficientwithan.I?- of attack incaseapositivelyfxom -0.0008at a Machnumberof Oa

5、71 to 0,0010at a MaqhnuniberofO.71;whereaethevariationofthehinge-momentcoefficientwithnegativelyfrom -0.0052at a MachMaohnuuiberof 0.71.leron CL (Twicelift of sendspanliftcoefficient . )model ,.- .c “ yawingmcmentfluetoailerondeflectionziboutZ-axis,fOot-poundsaileronhingemoment,footpm,n.vlefree-stre

6、smdynamicpressure,poundsper squrefoot G)J ede- deflection,.-,inthe vicinity,.coRREoTrom; Withtheexceptionof theaileronhinge-momentdata,all datapresentedarebasedon the dimensionsof theconete“%d.ngtThe test datahavebeepcorectedfor jet-bouu effectsaccordingto the.methodsoutlinedin refereqcp1a71 Compres

7、sibilityeffects.on theseJet-boundarycorrectionshavebeenconsideredincorrectingthe.test titj bloc- correctimswere also alied.AQeron deflectionshavebeencorrectedfor deflectionbalerload,“andtheailerondatahavebeencorrectedfor thesmallawuntofwingtwist(lessthanO.4 )producml=by ailerondeflectiona71. . .Mom

8、ANDAPPJIRM!us.The semhpsn-wingnkcdel was mountedh inverte?.positionin theLsngleyhigh-speed7- by 10-feattunnelwithitsmot sectionadjacentto oneof thevertioalwallsof thetunnel,theverticalwalltherebyserwtngas a reflectionplane(Figs1 snd 2). ThewingWS canti- . .leversupportedfromthebelsncefrwqene=-thewin

9、grootsection, . .:.- - ,. . - - -. . . .- -. .- -.“, ” -. . . . . . . -, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACATN 0, 1473-”and a gapof approximately1./16inchbetweenthetunnelwallandtherootendof themodelpermitted a .ticreasedfrom0.72at M

10、= 0.13 .to O.96 at M= O. No forcebreakj.ndncedby a wirigshockwasapp=ent.witbintheltitrangeGovqred, (Seefig.6and9,) Theas a consequencethecorrectionsappliedtothepresentdataathi Iwhereasthe :variationof thehinge-momentcoefficienttithailerondeflection.%aincreasddnegativelyfrom-0.0052at a M0.0072at a Ma

11、ohnumberof071LangleyMemorialAeronetl LaboratoryNatimal Adviso CommitteeforAeronautics,LengleyField$-Va.$July3 1.947,. .“.,. t,. ._. - . . - “ . .,. ., ,-, . -. . . - - .-,- -., .$.-.” -7 :,. :. 4.,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA

12、NOO 1473 33.lm?mmms 1. SwansonzRobertS.$andToll.,ThomasA.: Jet-Boun CorrectionsforReflection-PlaneModelsin RectangularWindTunnels.cAARR Ho.3E22$.1943.2a71 Cahil.l$JonesF.: Two-DimensionalWind-EunnelJhvestigationofFourTypesofEigh-LiftFlapson anNACA.65-o AirfoflSection.lVACA NOs1191,1947Q3 a71 JonesRo

13、bert 1s: TheoreticalCorrectionfor theLiftofEllipticwingsa71 Jour.Aero,Sci.?vol., no. 1, Nov.1941,. 8-LOs4stlhdemrooW1.lliamJ.$Fraslow$AlbertL.$ sri-dCahill,JonesF.:Two-lllmensionelWind-Tunnelinvestigationof O.20-Airfoil-ChordPJ%ll. 2.491 .102 -1a71859%3.069 7.606 . -2,221.9: h 3*535. 10a71106 . -2.7

14、21.lha71g 4.338 15.101 -2,992lg.909 4.938 a .l -3.34624.923. 5a71397 .o -3.60729.936 5.732. 30.064 -3.78834.951 5a71954 35.049 - “3.Q?439.968 6.067 40.03244.984 6.058 45.016 -3.9s-3.86850.000 ;.?; 50.000-3.709g .:$ * .9% -3,43565:036 5;: -ol90.028 1.327 -*395a71014 .622 94:9% .010100.000 0100,000 0L

15、.E?radius: 0,687Slopeof radlsthxoughL.E.: O.0%. NATIONALAJNISORYcoMmy!rEEFORAERONAUTICSa71-. ., . -.-. . -. . -. -. -. . ,. .,-”Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- . _ .- .-J-“14 NACA OeI!K61EI.-ORDIN3! FORAIREOANDHAP -“Concluded.U Mmend

16、om inpercent.of“wingchorSlOttedflap-“ - “Uppersuz%aoe. LuwersurfaoeStation Ordinate Station Ordinateo o 0 0.28 .92 . .28 -.41.56 lag - .76 -.621.12 1,56 : 1.12 -.881.69 1 a71m 1.69 -1.002.25 1.99 2.48 -1.033a7138 2.22 4.98 -.83.502.33 .48 -.635a7161 2.38. 9.98 . :g7.00 2*4O 12.489.002.35 M .98 “.12U

17、 .00 2.16 17.48 .0112.51 1.91 19.99 .10.15.01 -. 1.50 22a7149. .1217.51 1.10 25.00 020a7100 a7171 .22.50 a7134.oo - 0. .- .L,E.lXdillS:O. ,.Slopeof radiusthrouL.E.: 0.35 .* COMMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS. .1473“. . . .- - . . -=. . . , . .- - - - - -. . . . . . .“.-, ,. . . . . !?Provided by IHSNot for Res

18、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 147315“(a) Front view.Figure 1 Reflection-plme model in invefitiP deflected. -”- “”-2-. .% -.-r 11. c !- - - - _ _ - -./() Ra3view .Fime 1.- Concltied .-.- _ - _- _. !. ,. -“.-, . . . ,.- . -.-Provided by IHSNot for

19、ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. -.,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, ,I.,tIi,0- ,“, .,-: ,I%P “,.,.,. ,.” * t!,I,1 -, !I.(,-!A . ;!., .“.*W-.% ,-? . . (x, , /1Y,4M! mi: . . . 1_AL?i2aai-._

20、._._. . Figure2.- Rear view ofreflection-planemodel ininvertedpositionwithailerondeflected.II ( IIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- . . . . . .“.- - ._ , . -T-T -. .- ,”-. .-. .-. .- ;- .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . .- .!.

21、! . . . . . ”. .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.,.;IT-$-i13.556%L- .0,Z5C le .- Mounfing axis _-t2q5$-la LE. 0.66C -!4+NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE AERONAUTICS70 L.E. LllZ.(2X Figure 3.- Schematicdrawing rightsemispm-wing model equippe

22、dwithfull-spanflap.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIII,.,I.). .,. .4“lI.i.1,I;0” 0.2S.C/ine .- -. -. -Moun+hg axis IT- -.2.0sFigure4.- Schematicdrawingofright,semispan-wingmodel eqtippedwith38-percentsemispsn aileronhavingstraight-si

23、dedsirfoilcontour.Iib,Is . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.IIQ6J .2 .3 ,4 .5” .6 ,7 .8 ,9Mzch nuivber, MFigure5.- VariationofReynolds number with Mach number. Reynolds number is basedon wing mean aerodynamic chord of 2.86 feet.,IPro

24、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.- - _ .o NACA TN No. 1473./o:/ .3.2% xlo+?f *I8 i I I II I ,1 II rl ,fl I I-td-tti”.Fire 6.- Variation of plain-wag aerodynamic characteristics withMach number. .-. . - -, , ,- -2.”-. -. . . . . .Provided

25、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1473 238-/2_16.m-. b I4d?g a.%9Mcach number, PIo (2;$ao 27 Pz/-NATIONALAOVISORYCOHHITTEEFORAERmAUncs4.3.z./oFigure 7.- Variation of aerodynamic characteristics with Mach numberof wing with full-span

26、 slotted flap deflected 45. Flap nose in normallocation. . -. . c-. ., “ . -,. . . . . , .,.,. ?. -.i, ,. -,-. ,- . . . . . “.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - .24.NACA TN No. 1473.o.“Figure 8.- Variation of aerodynamic characteristi

27、cs of wing withfull-span slotted flap deflected 45 and position of flap nose varied.M = 0.19.8.-. .- . ,- -.-,- .7 .:. . . . . -” “” . . . ., .:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.I“I.:.-1. .,.f,.!. .,. .- -,JO. / .- -. .“c)8 “ + e -b ?-

28、 -.-0 - .06 MThlNblW tilwaJ2 4s ,6.7Mnr. n)mhm- MMsUe9,- Vdntlm ofIuFuamimitl+icd Mt-aurva SlapeB.- n“ Vmlntkul wlthy$fiju. . - -. - .” . . . . , ., ,-. . . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1473 27G “.03.02Angle of OHOC, a

29、. eg(b) Mach number, 0.38.Figure 11.- Continued.- - - . . - . , : -,- . ;- .,. . . - : . . , .,., -.-=Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - . _NA-CATN No. 1473II I I II I I I II I.I6 4 . O Z 4 6 dAnglt of OHUC, a, degNATIONALAOWSORY, Con

30、HllTnm AEnOUUTlcs(c) Mach number, 0.51.Figure 11.- Continued.- _ .-. . =. ,. .,._ . . .“ : ,”;.:.,-. . ,:. :- ,-. . .-. . . . .,. .,.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71*.NACA TN No.1473 .-6-4 -20246Angle of affuck , a, degNATIONAL ADVISORYCOIMTTEE m AERONAUTICS(d) Mach number, 0.61.Figure 11.- Continued.0/o:0/. . . - .- -,. ,. . . . - .-,. . - - .- - . .“ . . . . . . ”. .,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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