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1、2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、简答题1 What is an affix? Please exemplify any affixes that attach(relatively)productively to verbs and do not change the category.2 State the Referential Theory(or meaning triangle)put forward by Ogden and Richards, and illustrate the theory with an example.3 Figure

2、out the conceptual metonymies in the following sentences and provide at least one more example.a. He drank the whole bottle.b. Arthur married money.c. Einstein was one of the most creative minds of the last century.d. Where are you parked?4 Explain the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.5 What does Saussure mea

3、n when he writes, “Signs function not through their intrinsic value but through their relative positions“ ? Please illustrate your point with an example.6 The sentence The boy saw the man with the telescope is structurally ambiguous. Please explain the ambiguity and illustrate the different meanings

4、 with phrase structure trees.7 Figure out the structure of the following sentences and give a description of this phenomenon. The horse raced past the barn fell.The florist sent the flowers was pleased.The cotton clothing is made from grows in Mississippi.They told the boy that the girl met the stor

5、y.8 State the various stages of Chomskys Transformational Grammar, and describe the theorys philosophical/methodological features.9 Explain the(communicative)Principle of Relevance, and use it to explain why in a normal circumstance the sentence John went to the bank means that John went to a money-

6、institution rather than that John went to the bank of a river.2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、简答题1 【正确答案】 Affix is a collective term for the type of morpheme that can be used only when added to another morpheme(the root or the stem), so affix is naturally bound. Affixes are generally classified in

7、to three subtypes, namely, prefix, suffix, and infix, depending on their position around the root or stem of a word.(3 points)Prefixes such as dis-, mal-, un-, en- can attach productively to verbs and do not change the category. They are all derivational prefixes.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查词缀的定义。词缀是那些只能附加在另

8、一个语素(词根或词干)上的一类语素的总称。因此,词缀本质上是粘着的。根据它们与词根和词干的相对位置,可以分为三类:前缀、后缀和中缀。可以粘着在动词上而不改变其词性的词缀有:dis-, mal-,un-,en-,如 dislike,maltreat,unfold,enclose 等。2 【正确答案】 The Referential Theory may refer to the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for.(2 points)In th

9、e semantic triangle, Ogden and Richards argue that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct. It is mediated by concept. In a diagram form, the relation is represented as follows; For example, by saying desk is “ a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, at which o

10、ne reads and writes“ , we are in fact resorting to the concept of desk, or summarizing the main features, the defining properties of a desk, instead of referring to a real desk.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查指称论(语义三角)。指称论是把词语的意义跟它指称或所代表的事物联系起来的理论。奥格登和理查兹在他们所提出的“语义三角”理论中提出,词和所指事物之间没有直接关系,他们是以概念为中介的。例如,当我们说 desk是

11、“读书写字时用的一种家具,有一个平面和四条腿”时,我们实际上是借助了书桌的概念。3 【正确答案】 In sentence a, it is a kind of Containment ICM(Idealized Cognitive Models), using the container for contents, and “bottle“ may refer to “a bottle of milk“ or “a bottle of wine“.In sentence b, it is a kind of Possession ICM, using possessed for the pos

12、sessor, in which “money“ refers to “the person with money“.In sentence c, it is a kind of Category-and-Property ICM, in which “minds“ refers to “people with great minds“.In sentence d, it is a kind of Possession ICM, using the possessor for possessed; “me“ refers to “my car“.(4 points)Another exampl

13、e is “The French hosted the World Cup Soccer Games“ , using inhabitants for place. It is Location ICM.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查概念转喻在句子中的应用。第一句为容器转喻,第二句、第四句为领属转喻,第三句为范畴及属性转喻。4 【正确答案】 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is a very influential but controversial theory concerning the relationship between language, thou

14、ght and culture. What this hypothesis suggests is like this; our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express our unique ways of understanding the world.(2 points)On the one hand, language may determine our thinking patterns; on the other, simi

15、larity between languages is relative, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. For this reason, this hypothesis has alternatively been referred to as linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity.(2 points)Consequently, two ve

16、rsions of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis have been developed, a strong version and a weak version. The strong version of the theory refers to the claim the original hypothesis suggests, emphasizing the decisive role of language as the shaper of our thinking patterns. The weak version of this hypothesis,

17、 however, is a modified type of its original theory, suggesting that there is a correlation between language, culture and thought, but the cross-cultural differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relative, rather than categorical.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查萨丕尔沃尔夫假说。该假说认为不同文化的人感知世界并进行交流的方式是不同的,这种

18、不同部分来源于他们语言的不同。它认为语言不仅是一种表达思维的方法,而且是一种形成思维的模式。讲不同语言的人对世界有着不同的体验与观察,有着不同的思维模式。可以说,语言是思维的外衣,思维对语言起着很大的影响作用。萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说主要有两方面的内容:语言决定论和语言相对论。前者是强势说,是萨丕尔沃尔夫假说的初始假说,认为语言在塑造我们思维的过程中起决定性作用;后者是弱势说,是初始假说的修正形式,认为语言、文化、思维之间具有相关性。5 【正确答案】 Saussure believes that language is a system of signs. By saying the sentenc

19、e, he means that the meaning or value of a sign depends upon its context; what precedes it, what succeeds it, and the situation in which it is read or decodedwho reads it, how they read it, when they read it, and why they read it.(2 points)In Saussures opinion, in order to communicate, sounds must b

20、e part of a system of conventions and part of a system of signs, which are the union of a form and an idea, which Saussure called the Signifier and the Signified. The value of a sound can only be determined by its context.(2 points)For example, the sound and the sign “pen“ only refer to something yo

21、u write with in the English language. In other languages, it has different meanings. That explains why signs function through their relative positions.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查索绪尔关于语言符号的理论。索绪尔认为,语言是一个符号系统,这个符号是形式和思想的结合,索绪尔称之为“能指”和“所指”。他认为符号是语言的核心事实,必须放在具体的语境中才有意义。符号的功能必须要通过与其他相应的符号联系在一起才有意义。6 【正确答案】 The s

22、entence has two meanings; The boy saw the man who was holding the telescope; Using a telescope, the boy saw the man.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查句子的歧义。这句话既可以理解为“男孩看见了那个带着望远镜的人”,也可以理解为“男孩用望远镜看见了那个人”。7 【正确答案】 The structure of the following sentences should be;The horse(that was raced past the barn)fell.The flor

23、ist(who was sent the flowers)was pleased.The cotton(from which clothing is made)grows in Mississippi.They told the story to the boy(that the girl met).(4 points)This phenomenon concerning certain ambiguous sentences is called the “garden path“. Garden path sentences are sentences that are initially

24、interpreted with a different structure than they actually have.(2 points)It typically takes quite a long time to figure out what the other structure is if the first choice turns out to be incorrect. Some times people never figure it out. They have been “led up to the garden path“ , fooled into think

25、ing the sentence has a different structure than it has. Reduced relative clauses quite frequently cause this feeling of having been garden-pathed. This garden-path phenomenon suggests that for at least some ambiguities, people try one analysis of an ambiguous sequence of words first, and only become

26、 aware of the other possibility when one tried first does not work.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查花园小径现象。“花园小径”现象是句子理解过程中一种特殊的局部歧义现象。花园小径句就是那些实际的解释不同于我们一开始所想的结构的句子。如果证明开始的选择是错误的,就要花相当长的一段时间来找出另外一种结构,有时甚至永远也找不出来,他们“被引到花园小径中去”了,被“骗”去思索句子的另外一种结构,而非其表面上所显示的。降级关系从句经常使人有这种走入花园小径的感觉。8 【正确答案】 From its birth to the pres

27、ent day, Transformational Grammar(TG)has experienced five stages of development. The Classical Theory aims to make linguistics a science. The Standard Theory deals with how semantics should be studied under a linguistics theory. The Extended Standard Theory focuses discussion on language universals

28、and universal grammar. The Revised Extended Standard Theory focuses discussion on government and binding. The latest is the Minimalist Program, a further revision of th previous theory.(5 points)The methodological features of Chomskys TG differs from the structural grammar in the following aspects;

29、rationalism, innateness, deductive methodology, emphasis on interpretation, formalization, emphasis on linguistic competence, strong generative powers, emphasis on linguistic universals.(5 points)【试题解析】 考查乔姆斯基的转换生成语法的发展阶段及其哲学或方法论特征。自诞生至今,转换生成语法经历了五个发展阶段:古典理论旨在使语言成为一门科学;标准理论论述如何在语言学理论中研究语义学;扩展的标准理论重在

30、讨论语言普遍现象和普遍语法的问题;修正的扩展标准理论(或称管约理论)主要讨论管辖和约束;最近的一个阶段是最简方案,是对此前理论的进一步修订。乔姆斯基的转换生成语法的主要哲学特征为:理性主义、先天论、演绎的方法、强调解释、形式化、强调语言能力、强大的生成力、重视语言的普遍性。9 【正确答案】 The Principle of Relevance is defined as; Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance.(2 points)By pres

31、umption of optimal relevance is meant:(a)The set of assumptionsIwhich the communicator intends to make manifest to the addressee is relevant enough to make it worth the addressees while to process the ostensive stimulus;(b)The ostensive stimulus is the most relevant one the communicator could have u

32、sed to communicateI.(4 points)Even if the two explanations are correct, the second explanation is relevant enough, but is not the most relevant on account of the increased processing effort involved. Therefore, in a normal circumstance the sentence John went to the bank means that the agent of the s

33、entence was(went)in(to)a bank in order to receive the kind of service a bank is designed for. If the second explanation were the intended interpretation, the speaker should have used something like; John went to the bank for a walk.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查交际关联原则。关联原则的定义是:每一个明示交际行动,都传递一种假定:该行动本身具备最佳关联性。从说话人方面讲,交际应该被看成一种标明自身说话意图的行为。而最佳关联假定是:发话者意欲向听话者显现的这个设想集I,具有足够的关联性,值得听话者花时间去处理其明示性刺激信号;这一明示刺激信号是发话者可能用来传递I的关联性最大的信号。因此在理解本句话时,对听话人而言,通常情况下,第一解读是约翰去了银行办理业务,而不是去了河边。


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