
e and Rome and celebrated in luxurious contemporary ensuite bathrooms, was distrusted for about 400 years in the second millennium. Water was thought


1、e and Rome and celebrated in luxurious contemporary ensuite bathrooms, was distrusted for about 400 years in the second 。

2、分数:2.003.Gothic分数:2.004.Flashback分数:2.005.Didactic分数:2.00二翻译题总题数:2,分数:4.006.Translate the following English into Chinese。

3、referableD.preliminary2.Nazism and Fascism were to be thrown into the dump of history.分数:1.00A.depositedB.doomedC.damned。

4、10 Descriptive Translation Studies11 disambiguation12 subtitling13 exoticism14 skopos theory15 rewriting汉译英16 忠信17 口译18 。

5、9;t ignore the environment. These issues are not only top of mind among consumers but alsoC2by almost half of the survey。

6、3.adjustment分数:2.004.analysis分数:2.005.autotranslation分数:2.006.blank verse translation分数:2.00。

7、eputations, they cant ignore the environment. These issues are not only top of mind among consumers but also 2by almost 。

8、esses, of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper or other mate。

9、 the main concerns of semantics 12 What is cognitive linguistics 13 What is the metalingual function of language 14 What。

10、1 What are the two objectives of sociolinguistics12 What are the three definitions of relevance made by Relevance Theory。

11、uld you please disambiguate them and state your reasons1The chicken is too hot to eat.2Flying planes can be dangerous.3 。

12、 10 Codeswitching 二简答题 11 What is linguistic determinism 12 What is sociolinguistics 13 What are the major concerns of t。

13、aning triangleput forward by Ogden and Richards, and illustrate the theory with an example.3 Figure out the conceptual m。

14、分数:2.002.State the Referential Theoryor meaning triangleput forward by Ogden and Richards, and illustrate the theory wit。


16、2.The following sentences may have more than one reading. Would you please disambiguate them and state your reasons1The 。

17、entricairplane; dog food; pickpocket; policeman; redhead; skyblue; walkman.3 What are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relat。

18、2.What are endocentric compounds and exocentric compounds Which compounds below are endocentric and which are exocentric。

标签 > 2013年北京航空航天大学英语语言学考研试卷[编号:322347]

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