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1、2012 年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、区分题1 Distinguish the following pairs of terms. Clarify the differences with appropriate examples. metaphor vs. metonymy2 generalized conversational implicature vs. particularized conversational implicature3 coordination vs. subordination4 inflectional morpheme vs. deri

2、vational morpheme 二、单项选择题5 For each group of items in the following,point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest and explain the reason in ONE sentence.(24/150)(A)republic(B) consolation(C) multiple(D)plumberFocus on the pronunciation of “l“(A)reckon(B) recognition(C) rethi

3、nking(D)resignationFocus on the pronunciation of “n“(A)aspiration(B) business(C) arisen(D)resilienceFocus on the pronunciation of “s“(A)admirable(B) advertising(C) adamant(D)addictiveFocus on the location of the stress(A)/w/(B) /n/(C) /m/(D)/b/Focus on the classification of consonants(A)peddle(B) ed

4、it(C) resurrect(D)realizeFocus on the device of word formation(A)misplace(B) empower(C) unbutton(D)displeaseFocus on the type of affix(A)however(B) therefore(C) whereas(D)neverthelessFocus on word types(A)mother/father(B) fairly/rather(C) top/bottom(D)local/globalFocus on the type of semantic relati

5、on(A)cabin/aircraft(B) lens/glasses(C) mouse/computer(D)entrance/parkFocus on myronymy(A)we(B) it(C) now(D)hereFocus on deixis(A)Honesty Maxim(B) Approbation Maxim(C) Agreement Maxim(D)Sympathy MaximFocus on Leechs Politeness Principle三、分析题17 Use the method of binary cutting(as used in the IC Analys

6、is)to analyze the morphological or syntactic structure of the following.(12/150)representational(4/150)18 What happened next was astonishing to all present at the meeting.(8/150)19 Analyze the following sentences as required.(20/150)The door was knocked open by a young man with a brick.(Analyze the

7、underlined parts of the sentence in terms of semantic roles and discuss how this sentence differs from“ The young man knocked the door open with a brick“.)20 On daily occasions, noise can be a big headache.(Discuss the conceptual metaphor used in this sentence and supply a sentence with a metaphor o

8、f the same type. Then, think of another possible conceptual metaphor for NOISE.)21 A smile on your face will make your appearance more welcome.(Rewrite the sentence with “you“ as the subject. Discuss the difference(s)between the original sentence and the new one.)22 If yon waste time today, you will

9、 repent tomorrow.(Are the underlined words in the sentence deictic in this context? Why yes(or why not)?)四、简答题23 What are the four conditions that the performance of speech acts is supposed to satisfy if it is to be felicitous? Discuss how the following two instances of speech act performance may “d

10、eviate“from the rules or conditions.(20/150)(1)Thank for not smoking.(used as a public sign)(2)I really appreciate your effort to share my secret with my enemy!24 By definition,tautology like“Business is business“involves meaningless repetition. However, we do often find the use of it in real-life c

11、ommunication. Can yon think of two more examples and discuss the possible contexts in which they might be heard? What do their users intend to convey? How are the tautological ways of saying different from their non-tautological equivalents?(22/150)25 Read the following poem carefully. What syntacti

12、c deviations are employed in it? What stylistic effect might result from the deviations? What cohesive devices are used? Who does “thou“refer to? How effective is its use?(16/150)My friendEmily Dickinson My friend must be a BirdBecause it flies! Mortal,my friend must be,Because it dies.Barbs has it,

13、 like a Bee!Ah, curious friend!Thou puzzlest me!26 Second language(L2)learners may correct themselves from time to time during their L2oral production. Listed below are some instances of self-correction(or self-repair)in L2speeches. Each instance is followed by the speakers own retrospective account

14、 of the reasonfor the repair. Study these instances and fulfill the following tasks.(16/150)Task 1)Categorize these self-correction instances into some meaningful types. Name each type,briefly define it, and specify the instances that belong to it. For example, there are some instances(2,6,and 9)tha

15、t exemplify Error Repairs as a type of self-repairs:Error Repairs: The L2 speakers correct themselves when they realize that they have made(or are making)language errors.Instance 2; The speaker corrects a phonological error.1. Uhm well theres a big dining table for forty person. And then weve also g

16、ot er well its well the dining table occupies half of the room.Retrospection: I thought, I did not tell you first how big the room was, so I said that the dining table occupies half of the room,and then I said what I originally wanted to say.2. We could arrange er more smaller tabiateibitableteibl i

17、f you would like that better.Retrospection; I mispronounced the word“ table,“ and I corrected it.3. There are very wide choice of er main courses er er steak er er several kinds of steak. Retrospection: I wanted to say it more precisely that we do not only have one kind of steak but several kinds of

18、 steak.4. You have to we have to make a contract.Retrospection: I realized that it is stupid to say that you have to make a contract, its up to us to do it.5. In this urn in this part of the town er there are many vegetarians. Er this is because the university is here and vegetarians like it er like

19、 this restaurant.Retrospection: I noticed that“ it“ could also mean the university, so I wanted to make it clear that it is the restaurant that the vegetarians like and not the university.6. Will er have to pay er five er sorry er twenty-five percent. Retrospection; Here I said “five “instead of“ tw

20、enty-five “accidentally.7. It doesnt its not a problem.Retrospection: First I wanted to say “it does not matter“ but I realized that in a business deal you cannot say“ it does not matter. “8. Thirty-five per. people.Retrospection: First I wanted to say “ persons“ but I had used “ persons “ several t

21、imes before,so I said“people. “ 9. I think it a very nice its a very niceRetrospection: I left out “is, “and I corrected it.10. Uhm our fish fish meals er foods are very good too.Retrospection: I corrected“fish meals“for“fish food“ because I was not sure you can say “fish meals“and“fish foods“sounde

22、d a bit better.11. We have some er er v . maybe you have vegetarians in your group. Retrospection; Here the idea of vegetarians suddenly popped up, and I abandoned what I was going to say because I would not have been able to list any more types of food anyway.27 Task 2)Analyze these self-correction

23、 instances and answer the following two questions: What feature can the self-correction phenomenon reveal about the process of L2 speech production? How does it influence L2 oral production?2012 年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、区分题1 【正确答案】 Metaphor involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is cons

24、tructed in terms of the other, and it is often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain. Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another on the basis of some material, causal, or conceptual relation. As for the following two sentences, the former is a met

25、aphor while the latter is a metonymy. (1) My love is a red rose.(2)I have got a new set of wheels.(It can be a car,a motorcycle and so on.) 【试题解析】 (考查隐喻和转喻)2 【正确答案】 Conversational implicature can be divided into two kinds; the generalized and the particularized. A generalized conversational implicat

26、ure refers to the implicature that is usually carried within the utterance produced by the speaker on the basis of observance of a certain maxim. It is obtained by assuming that the speakers utterance of a particular sentence will generally carry some implicature. For example, A asks whether B has i

27、nvited Tom and Jerry to the party, and B answered that he didnt invite Jerry. We can infer from the conversation that B has invited Tom although B didnt say it explicitly.As for the particularized conversational implicature, it is generated in a conversation by overly and deliberately violating some

28、 sub-maxims for communicative purposes and it is the inference dependent on particular time,place and people. For example,A suggests that they should get something for the kids,and Bs response is “Okay, but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M. “ This violation of manner indicates that B does not want their kids

29、to understand what they are talking about. It is possible that their kids are able to understand the meaning of ice-cream quite well, but at the same time have no idea about the spelling of the word.【试题解析】 (考查一般对话含义和特殊对话含义)3 【正确答案】 Coordination and subordination refer to relationships between differ

30、ent elements. Coordination gives equal attention to two elements. Coordinating conjunctions are used to indicate this relationship, such as “and“ ,“but“and “for“. For example, “He is a teacher and I am a student. “ As for subordination,it gives less attention to one element so that the other element

31、 is emphasized. Subordinate conjunctions are used to indicate this relationship,such as “because“ ,“even though“and “when“. For example, “He is a teacher when I am a student. “ In this sentence,“ when“ serves as a conjunction to start a subordinated clause which indicates the time of the occurrence

32、of the main clause.【试题解析】 (考查并列关系和主从关系)4 【正确答案】 Inflectional morphemes manifest various aspects of the grammatical function of a word without changing its grammatical category. They can be used to indicate case and number of nouns, tense and aspect of verbs, and degree of adjectives and adverbs. For

33、 example, both “hard“ and “harder“ are adjectives. The inflectional morpheme“-er“simply indicates a comparative degree. Derivational morphemes are bound morphemes added to existing forms to construct new words. Derivational morphemes are productive but they do not represent any syntactical relation

34、or grammatical categories. For example, the addition of the derivational morpheme“ -ness“ changes the adjective“ happy“ to the noun“ happiness“ ,and the addition of “-hood“changes“brother“into“brotherhood“ ,a change in meaning without altering the part of speech.【试题解析】 (考查屈折语素和派生语素)二、单项选择题5 【正确答案】 C

35、【试题解析】 (考查宽式标音和严式标音)Different from the /l/ in former three words, the /l/ in “multiple“ is a velarization.6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 (考查字母 n 的发音)The letter “n“ is pronounced as /n/ in rethinking, but in the other three cases, the pronunciation is /n/.7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 (考查字母 s 的发音)The letter “s“ in “aspiration“

36、 is pronounced as /s/, but in the other three cases, it is pronounced as /z/.8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 (考查重音的位置)The stress in“ addictive“ is located in the second syllable, but in the other three cases, the stress is located in the first syllable.9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 (考查辅音的分类)/w/, /m/and /b/ can be classified as

37、 bilabial consonant, but /n/ is an alveolar consonant.10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 (考查逆构词法)Back formation is used in the first three words. Back formation refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is deviced by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.11 【正确

38、答案】 B【试题解析】 (考查词缀的分类)The affixes of “mis“ ,“un“ and “chVall share a negative indication.12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 (考查词性的划分)“However“ /therefore“ and “nevertheless “are all ad verbs, but “whereas “is a conjunction.13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 (考查近义关系和反义关系)“Fairly“ and “ rather“ are synonyms, while the other three pairs

39、 are in the semantic relation of antonymy.14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 (考查整体和部分的关系)Lens/glasses are not in a semantic relation of myronymy, and lens serves as a specific kind of glasses rather than a part of glasses.15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 (考查指示语)“We“is a person deixis,“now“ is a time deixis and “here“ is a place de

40、ixis.16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 (考查 Leech 的礼貌原则)Leechs politeness principle includes six maxims;tact maxim,generosity maxim,approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim.三、分析题17 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 (考查语素的划分)18 【正确答案】 【试题解析】 (考查句子结构的划分)19 【正确答案】 A semantic role refers to the underlying relati

41、onship that a participant has with the main verb in a clause.(1 point)More often than not, noun phrases are arguments of verbs. These arguments may serve various semantic roles: the agent of an action, the patient and other roles such as the instrument or the goal. The agent is the participant who i

42、s in control of an event, the patient is the participant who is affected by an event,and the instrument is the inanimate identity related to the main verb in the sentence.(2 point)In the sentence “ The young man knocked the door open with a brick“ and its passive version“ The door was knocked open b

43、y a young man with a brick“ ,“the door“plays the role of the patient, “a young man“is the agent and “a brick“ is the instrument. The difference lies in the position of semantic roles. The sentence with“the door“ as its subject emphasizes the condition of the door, while the passive voice attaches gr

44、eat importance to“the young man“and tries to describe what the young man did.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查语义角色。语义角色是指语言成分在句子所表达的事件中所扮演的参与者角色。从某种意义上说,语义角色是语言学家对句子结构成分之间意义关系的一种分类。语义角色包括施事(agent)、受事(patient)及工具(instrument)等。其中施事指有生命的动作发出者,受事指被句中动作或状态所影响的事物,工具指动作或状态牵涉到的无生命的力量或客体。语义角色在主动句和被动句中所处的位置可能不同,由此导致两种句型所强调

45、的内容不同。20 【正确答案】 Metaphor is more than just a speech of figure. Many metaphors we use in daily life are based on conceptual metaphors. That is,we speak in metaphors because we think in metaphors. A conceptual metaphor consists of two conceptual domains, in which one domain is understood in terms of a

46、nother. A conceptual domain is any coherent organization of peoples experiences, and the conceptual correspondences are often referred to as mappings.(2 points)In the sentence“ noise can be a big headache“ , the metaphor lies in the reference of one target domain(noise)with vocabulary more commonly

47、associated with the source domain(headache as a disease), because both entities share the same qualities, such as being troublesome, soreness, difficult to cope with and so on.(2 points)A metaphor of the same type can be“The noise is killing me“. Noise as a concept can also be understood as a sharp

48、object that can cut,such as in the sentence“The noise was ear-splitting,but it only lasted for several seconds“.(1 point)【试题解析】 考查隐喻。隐喻不仅是一种语言修辞手段,而且是一种重要的思维方式,是形成人类概念系统的重要手段。隐喻从根本上来说是概念性的,其本质是人们以一种事物来理解和体验另一种事物。隐喻是用具体的概念来理解抽象的概念,是我们理解抽象概念和进行抽象推理的主要机制。本题中噪音被理解成头痛(一种疾病),正是因为噪音和疾病之间具有一些共同的特征。21 【正确答案】

49、 The sentence“ A smile on your face will make your appearance more welcome“ can be rewritten as “You will have a more welcome appearance with a smile on you face“.(2 points)The differences between the two sentences lie in the theme/rheme structure. The theme is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message, and the remainder of the message is referred to as rheme. Theme, which serves as the orientation and contributes to the development of the latter part, is about the information that is already known,while the rheme is impo


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