
It took a long time to arrive at Green Park. 15 It was hard even to make a phone call. 16 Did you find the answer? 二、单项选择题 ( A) /f/ ( B) /z/ ( C) / /


1、It took a long time to arrive at Green Park. 15 It was hard even to make a phone call. 16 Did you find the answer 二单项选择题。

2、ord edit is formed through the process of.AblendingB backformationC compoundingDderivation7 By, it is sometimes meant th。

3、icularized conversational implicature3 coordination vs. subordination4 inflectional morpheme vs. derivational morpheme 二。

4、tructure vs. deep structure4 endophoric reference vs. exophoric reference二单项选择题5 For each group of items in the followin。

5、2.metalanguage分数:2.003.minimal pair分数:2.004.neologism分数:2.005.euphemism分数:2.00。

6、2.generalized conversational implicature vs. particularized conversational implicature分数:2.003.coordination vs. subordin。

7、lution B resident C restart D resignationFocus on the pronunciation of s A conquer B consonant C winkle D resignationFoc。

8、2.entailment vs. presupposition分数:2.003.surface structure vs. deep structure分数:2.004.endophoric reference vs. exophoric 。

9、填空项 1:5.capacity分数:1.00填空项 1:6.standardize分数:1.00填空项 1:7.guarantee分数:1.00填空项 1:8.paradigm分数:1.00填空项 1:9.primary分数:1.00填空。

10、项 1:5.demonstrate分数:1.00填空项 1:6.employee分数:1.00填空项 1:7.massage分数:1.00填空项 1:8.mechanism分数:1.00填空项 1:9.association分数:1.00填。

标签 > 南京大学英语语言学[编号:209345]

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