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1、2008年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、音标题 1 hypothesis 2 academician 3 verbatim 4 technique 5 capacity 6 standardize 7 guarantee 8 paradigm 9 primary 10 rhetoric 11 procedure 12 originate 13 as you know 14 It took a long time to arrive at Green Park. 15 It was hard even to make a phone call. 16 Did you fin

2、d the answer? 二、单项选择题 ( A) /f/ ( B) /z/ ( C) / / ( D) /k/Focus on manner of articulation ( A) / / ( B) /a:/ ( C) / / ( D) /u/Focus on place of articulation ( A) /p/ ( B) /b/ ( C) /d/ ( D) /m/Focus on state of voicing ( A) aware ( B) ignore ( C) relay ( D) pertainFocus on the structure of the underli

3、ned syllables ( A) greenhouse ( B) friendship ( C) courtyard ( D) whitewoodFocus on word formation ( A) intricate ( B) within ( C) alight ( D) contaminatedFocus on word class ( A) awake-asleep ( B) inside-outside ( C) teacher-student ( D) right-leftFocus on the type of semantic opposition ( A) adher

4、e ( B) relate ( C) stick ( D) complyFocus on collocation ( A) expertise ( B) evidence ( C) equipment ( D) discourseFocus on countability ( A) quantity ( B) manner ( C) approbation ( D) qualityFocus on a conversational principle ( A) there ( B) yesterday ( C) you ( D) itFocus on deictic expressions (

5、 A) goal ( B) rheme ( C) instrument ( D) causativeFocus on semantic roles ( A) truth condition ( B) sincerity condition ( C) essential condition ( D) preparatory conditionFocus on the felicity conditions of speech act performance ( A) indeterminacy ( B) calculability ( C) defeasibility ( D) interest

6、ingnessFocus on the properties of conversational implicature ( A) field of discourse ( B) theme of discourse ( C) tenor of discourse ( D) mode of discourseFocus on Hallidays register theory 三、分析题 32 Some students may use the incorrect forms in the left column below instead of the correct ones in the

7、 right column. Discuss the possible factors that cause such errors.33 34 35 36 37 In informal speech, people often omit sentence subjects because they are commonly understood. What are the omitted subjects in the following two sentences? Why do people know that these are the correct subjects?(12/150

8、) a. Hope you like everything here. b. Just imagine what has just happened here. 38 Study the following two dialogues. State two of the differences in the way they are structured, whether globally or locally. For instance, how does A make the invitation differently?Why? Dialogue 1 A: Are you free th

9、is afternoon? B: Yes. A: I want to do some shopping. Would you like to come with me? B: Id love to. Dialogue 2 A: Would you like to come with me this morning, oh no, this afternoon? B: For what? A: I want to do some shopping. B: Sorry, I have to finish my assignment today. 39 Consider the following

10、statements. When do we say Statement A entails Statement B? When do we say Statement A presupposes Statement B? Does Statement A necessarily entail Statement C? Why? Do Statement A and D both presuppose Statement B? Why? A. Jacks brother has gone bankrupt. B. Jack has a brother. C. Jacks sibling has

11、 gone bankrupt. D. Jacks brother has not gone bankrupt. 40 Study the following note. Name at least 4 ways Tom uses for showing politeness. Dear Professor Wang, Im writing to apologize for my failure to turn up for our appointment yesterday. One of my best friends came to see me. We havent seen each

12、other for more than 5 years. Please pardon me. I wonder if it is possible for us to have another appointment sometime this weekend. Thank you. Yours truly, Tom 41 Read the following four episodes that may take plaee in an English conversation class. Answer the questions that follow. a)Student: I was

13、 sitting in teahouse where we usually met. Teacher: Yes? Student: Yeah and I was having tea with a friend. b)Student: I was sitting in teahouse where we usually met. Teacher: In the teahouse? Student: Yeah and I was having tea with a friend. c)Student: I was sitting in teahouse where we usually met.

14、 Teacher: Do we say “in teahouse“? Student: Yeah and I was having tea with a friend. d)Student: I was sitting in teahouse where we usually met. Teacher: Watch out for your grammar. Student: Yeah and I was having tea with a friend. What is the teacher trying to do? For each episode, discuss the stren

15、gths and weaknesses of the teachers response to student in her attempt to help students with their English. 42 If you were a teacher, which of the above methods would you use? Why? 2008年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、音标题 1 【正确答案】 hypothesis 2 【正确答案】 academician 3 【正确答案】 verbatim 4 【正确答案】 techniqueteknik 5

16、 【正确答案】 capacity 6 【正确答案】 standardize 7 【正确答案】 guarantee 8 【正确答案】 paradigm 9 【正确答案】 primary 10 【正确答案】 rhetoric 11 【正确答案】 procedure 12 【正确答案】 originate 【试题解析】 本题主要考查的是语音知识,即国际音标、字母发音及单词重音等。这里仅提供一种读音,但实际情况可能是两种或更多,具体情况可以参考词典的标注。 13 【正确 答案】 【试题解析】 本题考查的是语音中的连读现象,当前一个单词以辅音结尾,而后一个单词以元音或半元音开头的话,就会形成连读,如本题

17、中的 as是以辅音 z结尾的,而后面的 you是以半元音 j开头的,所以形成连读。 14 【正确答案】 /gri:mpa:k/ 【试题解析】 本题考查的语音同化现象 (assimilation)。由于本题中 Park是以双唇音 p开头,而前一个单词 Green则是以齿龈音 n结尾,所以 n被同化,读的时候像是 m。 15 【正确答案】 【试题解 析】 本题同样考查的是语音同化现象。齿龈音 n后面遇到软腭音 k会被同化,发 。 16 【正确答案】 /didju:/ 【试题解析】 本题考查的仍然是语音连读现象。参考第一题的思路解析。 二、单项选择题 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从发音方式

18、看,只有 D是爆破音,而其他三个都是磨擦音。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从发音部位看,只有 C是 central vowel,而其他三个都是 back vowels,自然选 C。 19 【正确答案】 A 【试 题解析】 从是否浊音化的角度看,只有 A是清辅音,其他三个都是浊辅音。 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 aware we , ignore n :, relay lei, pertain tein。从音节的构成来看,前三项都是仅由首音 (onset)和音核 (peak)构成的,只有 D项是由首音 (onset)、音核 (peak)和尾音 (coda)三项构成的。因此,只

19、能选 D。 21 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从构词法的角度看, A、 C、 D三项都是通过合成法构成的合成词(compound),只 有 B是通过词缀法 (friend+ship)构成的派生词。 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从词类角度看,只有 B是介词 (prep ),属于封闭词类 (closed class),而其他三项都是形容词 (adj.),都属于开放词类 (open class)。 23 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从反义词的类型看,只有 C项属于关系反义词 (relational opposites),而其他三项都属于互补性反义词 (complementary o

20、pposites)。 24 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从搭配的角度看,前三项中动词都是与介词 to搭配,分别表示 “坚持 ”、 “与 相关 ”、 “坚持 ”的意思。只有 D项中 comply是与介词 with搭配使用,表示 “遵守 ”。因此,只能选 D。 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从名词的可数或不可数角度看,只有 B中的 evidence一般是不可数名词,其他三项均一般作为可数名词使用。因此,选 B。 26 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 从会话原则的角度看, A、 B、 D三项讲的分别是语用学中合作原则 (CP)中的三个准则,即数量准则 (quantity maxim)、方

21、式准则 (manner maxim)和质量准则 (qualitymaxim),而另外一个准则应该是关系准则 (relation maxim)。 C所说 approbation(赞扬准则 )实际上是礼貌原则 (PP)下面的一个准则。 27 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从指示语的角度看,虽然四个选项都属于指示语,其中 A属于地点指示语, B属于时间批示语, C和 D属于人称指示语,但只有 yesterday是名词,其他三项都是代词,因此,选 B。 28 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从语义角色来看,只有 rheme是语用学术语,其他三项均是语义学术语。 29 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】

22、J L Austin把言语 (utterances)分成 performatives和 constatives两大类,认为 performatives要想成功必须满足一定的条件 (即适切条件 ),比如sincerity condition(真诚条件 )、 preparatory condition(准备条件 )等,其中不存在真假的问题, 语言学教程 (胡壮麟, 2006)第 187页明确说到: “Though performatives cannot be true or false, there are stillconditions” ,可见 A并非performatives的适切条件之一

23、,仅此一点就可以断定 A为答案。 30 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从会话隐含义的特点来看,只有 D“趣味性 ”不是会话含义的特点,其他三个都是。会话含义的特点还包括 non-detachability和 non-conventionality。 31 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从韩礼德的语域理论来看,语域有三 个社会变量,分别是 tenor of discourse, modeof discourse以及 field of discourse,即 C、 D、 A三项,只能 B项不属于语域的社会变量,因此选 B。 三、分析题 32 【正确答案】 In English, some ve

24、rbs are transitive while others are intransitive in nature. Transitive verbs requires an object to complete its meaning, while intransitive ones, if need be, must collocate with a preposition. In this case, both care and arrive are intransitive verbs, therefore they cannot take objects directly. The

25、 students must have confused transitive verbs with intransitive ones. This error is generally caused by lack or incomplete study of the target language. 【试题解析】 本题着眼点主要是动词的及物性以及造成及物性和不及物性混用的原因。 33 【正确答案】 Intransitive verbs cannot be used in passive voice, or in other words, they are incompatible with

26、 the passive voice. The reason why students commit such errors may be a result of overgeneralization. As we know, many transitive verbs like hate, love and shoot can be used in passive voice, for example, He is hated by many people. But such verbs as arrive and exist cannot be used in the same manne

27、r because they are intransitive verbs. The students must have been confused by the rules and may have relied too much on their common experience of language use, that is, they have applied a rule in a situation where the rule does not apply. 【试题解析】 本题的着眼点主要是被动语态有哪些限制,其中就包括什么样的动词可以用在被动语态里,什么样的动词不可以用于

28、被动语态,这样则比较容易了。 34 【正确答案】 In English, some verbs can have two objects, one as the direct object, and the other indirect object. Such verbs are often termed as double-object verbs, such as give and buy and many other verbs. There is a fixed structure for such verbs: verb + direct object + to + indirec

29、t object, which can very often be transformed into verb +indirect object + direct object. For example, the sentence I give a book to him can be transformed into I give him a book. But some verbs like return and report in these sentences cannot be used in this way. This may well explain why the stude

30、nts have committed such errors as these. In other words, this is again a result of overgeneralization. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查学生对双宾语动词的掌握情况,只要掌握了这一点,解释起来就比较得心应手。当然,考生要明白这是过分概括的结果。 35 【正确答案】 In Chinese, we do have sentences like “我忘记那场车祸发生在那条街的街角 ” and “出现在我脑海里的主意是一个模糊的念头 ”, but they cannot be put into English

31、 word for word as I forgot the car accident happened at the corner of that street and The idea occurred to me was a very vague one. If so, there would be two predicate verbs in one single clause, which is definitely forbidden in English. A close examination may reveal that this might be due to the n

32、egative transfer of their native tongue, that is, their L1 knowledge has interfered with their L2 learning. In English we have to use attributive clauses as those in the right column. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查语言负迁移的问题,所谓语言负迁移是指语言学习者的母语知识对二语学习产生干扰,本题学生所犯的错误就属于此种问题。 36 【正确答案】 It is known that the English language

33、 is hypotactic language which attaches great importance to the use of conjunctions or other types of cohesive devices, while Chinese is paratactic in nature, which means that it seldom relies on conjunctions and cohesive devices of this kind to establish logical relationships between clauses. So we

34、can say that the reason why the students have committed such errors is quite obvious: it is a result of negative transfer of their native language. 【试题解析】 本题仍然属于语言负迁移的范畴,考生一定知 道英语是一种形式语言,非常借重形式化的表达 (衔接手段 )来建立句与句之间的逻辑关系,而汉语则主要靠句与句之间的意义关系来建立这种逻辑。 37 【正确答案】 The subject of sentence a is generally I, whi

35、le the subject of sentence b is generally you. From the syntactic point of view, many subjects are possible in both sentence a and sentence b, that is, many noun phrases like he, we, people, a student and all of us can co-occur with hope and imagine. This is what we term as.syntagmatic relations. Bu

36、t as far as grammar is concerned, only the first person subject or the noun phrases that are plural in meaning can generally go with hope and imagine in these two sentences, According to pragmatics, context plays a key role in communication. In the context of sentence a, it is generally the speaker

37、who is saying the sentence. The speaker generally would employ the first person subject and speak for himself/herself, therefore, the subject of sentence a is generally /. In the context of sentence b, however, the speaker cannot ask himself/ herself to imagine what has happened, he/she must be spea

38、king to the hearer(s)and is asking them to think. When talking to the hearer(s)in face-to-face communication, you is surely expected to be the subject of sentence b to refer to the hearer(s). 【试题解析】 本题可以结合句法学、语法以及语用学知识来回答,哪一种知识都无法单独提供合理的解释。这就要求考生具有很好的综合运用所学知识的能力,对语言学中所涉及的各分支学科知识能灵活运用,融会贯通。 38 【正确答案】

39、 The first difference lies in how the two dialogues are organized. The structure of dialogue 1 is a question-answer-question-answer one, while that of dialogue 2 follows a question-question-answer-answer pattern. According to Harvey Sacks, the basic unit of the conversation is the “turn“, that is, a

40、 shift in the direction of the speaking flow. Conversationalists do not speak all at the same time: they wait for their “turn“. In dialogue 1, Speaker A always takes the active talking turn in the communication and B follows As way. Speaker A uses an indirect question instead of asking B directly. A

41、fter making sure that B is free, A goes on to ask B whether he/she would like to go with him/her. Then B gives A the expected answer. While in dialogue 2, the structuring sequence is different. Instead of employing an indirect question, A asks directly whether B would like to go with him/her. Instea

42、d of giving a direct answer to As question, B asks “for what“. In such a case, As active turn is changed into a passive one and B becomes the active role in the communication. So when A gives the answer, B refuses to go with him/her. The second difference consists in the strategy adopted by both A a

43、nd B. In dialogue 1, A asks an indirect question first and then, after getting a positive answer, goes on to ask whether B is willing to go shopping with him/her. This, according to Brown and Levinsons face-saving theory, is a face-saving act. Sure, this is considered to be polite to B. So in return

44、, B cooperates well in the conversation and accepts the invitation, which is also meant to be face-saving in nature and hence polite to A. In dialogue 2, however, A directly asks whether B is willing to go with him/her, and does not even make clear what it is for, which constitutes a face-threatenin

45、g act and hence a little impolite to B. Therefore, in response, B, instead of answering yes or no, asks A a question. After getting to know the answer, B chooses to refuse the invitation. In other words, in dialogue 1, A applies the face-saving theory and PP in the communication successfully while i

46、n dialogue 2, A fails to apply these two very important theory and principle governing conversation. This leads to the different results in real communication. 【试题解析】 本题主要考查学生对会话原则、话语分析等语言学知识的掌握以及运用这些理论和原则进行分析问题的能力。考生可以从面子理论、礼貌原则和话轮等角度加以解答。 39 【正确答案】 In pragmatics, entailment is the relationship bet

47、ween two sentences where the truth of one(A)requires the truth of the other. Notice also that if(B)is false, then(A)must necessarily be false. A presupposition is an implicit assumption about the world whose truth is taken for granted in discourse. Entailment differs from presupposition in that in p

48、resupposition, the truth of what one is presupposing is taken for granted. A simple test to differentiate presupposition from entailment is negation. For example, both The king of France is ill and The king of France is not ill presuppose that there is a king of France. However, The president was no

49、t assassinated no longer entails The president is dead. Presupposition remains under negation, but entailment does not. So we can say that Statement A entails Statement B because when A is true, B is necessarily true; when B is false, A is also false. A also presupposes B, because even when A is false, B is till true; when B is false, no truth value can be said about A. Statement A also entails Statement C, because when A is true, C is necessarily true; when C is false, A is necessarily false. Statement A and D


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