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1、2010 年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、区分题1 Distinguish the following pairs of terms. Clarify the differences with appropriate examples.(20/150)homonymy vs. polysemy2 entailment vs. presupposition3 surface structure vs. deep structure4 endophoric reference vs. exophoric reference二、单项选择题5 For each group of i

2、tems in the following, point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest and explain the reason in ONE sentence.(A)expensive(B) repeat(C) spring(D)conspiracyFocus on the pronunciation of “p“(A)considerate(B) tonicity(C) pointless(D)inconsistencyFocus on the pronunciation of “n“(

3、A)numbers(B) classrooms(C) islands(D)laptopsFocus on the pronunciation of “s“(A)competent(B) principal(C) individual(D)animateFocus on the location of the stress(A)/f/(B) /p/(C) /d/(D)/g/Focus on the classification of consonants(A)provide(B) supply(C) offer(D)accuseFocus on transitivity(A)receive(B)

4、 enable(C) revolutionary(D)proceedFocus on the type of morphemes(A)aboard(B) beyond(C) beneath(D)withoutFocus on word types(A)parent/child(B) teacher/student(C) tree/forest(D)buyer/sellerFocus on the type of semantic relation(A)locutionary act(B) illocutionary act(C) perlocutionary act(D)elocutionar

5、y actFocus on Austins trichotomy of speech act theory(A)Quality Maxim(B) Method Maxim(C) Quantity Maxim(D)Relation MaximFocus on Grices Cooperative Principle(A)Content of discourse(B) Mode of discourse(C) Tenor of discourse(D)Field of discourseFocus on Hallidays Register Theory三、分析题17 Use the method

6、 of binary cutting(as used in the IC Analysis)to analyze the morphological or syntactic structure of the following.(12/150)inconsistency(4/150)18 The scholar also argues that the spread of English is nothing neutral.(8/150)19 What is metaphor? How does cognitive linguistics interpret it differently

7、from traditional rhetoric? Use a few examples to illustrate how the farmer contributes to our understanding of language.(20/150)20 What do Brown and Levinson(1987)mean by “positive face“ and “negative face“? Study the following utterances and decide which type of face is being attended to in each ut

8、terance. Support each of your decisions with a brief explanation.(20/150)(1)Come here, Johnny.(2)Passengers please refrain from smoking.(3)I just want to ask you if I can use your bike.(4)You must be tired after the long flight. Shall we talk about the contract tomorrow?21 Academic writing is suppos

9、ed to be formal in style. However, colloquialisms of various kinds abound in Chinese learners theses. Study the following excerpt from a postgraduate students B. A. thesis. Point out those linguistic forms that are too colloquial to be appropriate. What might be the major causes for the use of the i

10、nappropriate language style? What advice do you have for teachers of English?(22/150)Presidents inaugural address is an art that maybe includes all the skills of public speaking. How do American Presidents make their addresses attractive and persuasive? Do they have some skills or secrets of success

11、 on public speaking? Yes, I think so. I think many people who have great talent in public speaking make concerted effort to construct such a perfect text. That is to say, they check wording and phrasing, use all kinds of figures of speech as long as they need. So inaugural addresses show their espec

12、ial charm to appeal to millions of fellow citizens.In this research, Ill try to prove that rhetoric techniques are frequently used in the speeches and play indispensable roles in making a good inaugural address. But its obviously a “mission impossible“ to study the whole family of rhetoric technique

13、s in inaugural addresses. So Ill only choose one important and active member in the rhetoric familymetaphor, because its used most frequently in presidents inaugural addresses, and Ill use three American presidents inaugural addresses as my samples.I hope that through my research I can find out the

14、usage of metaphors in those addresses, and what effects they make respectively on the theme the addressers want to deliver. And I also hope that the comparison and contrast among the three different speeches will give us some clues about the change of Americans political, economic, municipal, and di

15、plomatic tactics in different periods.22 What is euphemism? Define it briefly in your own words. Then, study the following euphemistic expressions carefully and write out their non-euphemistic equivalents in the third column.(16/150)23 The following statements are some items listed in a questionnair

16、e designed to investigate Chinese high school students motivation in learning English. Read these statements and fulfill three tasks: 1)provide your definition of motivation in language learning; 2)categorize the statements in relation to different types of motivation; and 3)based on your definition

17、 of motivation, add at least TWO more items to the questionnaire(You can write the items in Chinese).(16/150)1我学英语是因为英语是必修课。2我喜欢英语,我觉得学英语很快乐。3我学英语主要是为了应付高考。4学不好英语,将来就找不到好工作。5我学英语是为了了解国外的文化。6我学英语是为了向外国人介绍中国文化。7我学英语是因为我以后可能会出国留学。8英语是人生路上一块重要的敲门砖。9学好英语对我很重要,因为它是非常有用的交流工具。2010 年南京大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、区

18、分题1 【正确答案】 Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, that is, different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. When two words are identical in sound, they are homophones, such as rain/reign. When two words are identical in spelling, the

19、y are homographs, such as tear v. /tear n. When two words are identical in both sound and spelling, they are complete homonyms, such as fast adj. /fast v.Polysemy refers to the phenomenon that the same one word may have more than one meaning. Such a word is called a polysemic or polysemous word. The

20、 more commonly used a word is, the more likely it has acquired more than one meaning. For example, the word table has many meanings, such as(1)a piece of furniture.(2)orderly arrangements of facts, figures, etc.【试题解析】 (考查同音同形异义现象与一词多义现象)2 【正确答案】 Entailment is a relation of inclusion. If X entails Y,

21、 the meaning of X is included in Y. Analyzing the relation of entailment in terms of truth condition, we come to the following conclusions:If X is true, Y is necessarily true. If X is false, Y may be true or false.For example, X: He has been to France. Y: He has been to Europe.Similar to entailment,

22、 presupposition is a semantic relationship or logical connection. Analyzing the relation of presupposition in terms of truth condition, we can conclude:If X is true, Y must be true. If X is false, Y is still true.For example,X; Johns bike needs repairing.Y; John has a bike.【试题解析】 (考查语义学中的蕴涵与预设)3 【正确

23、答案】 There are two levels of syntactic structure. The one formed by the XP rule in accordance with the heads sub-categorization properties, is called deep structure. The other one, corresponding to the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropriate transformations, is called surf

24、ace structure. The organization of the syntactic component of the grammar can be depicted below;The XP Rule DEEP STRUCTURE(Sub-categorization restricts choices of complements) Transformations SURFACE STRUCTUREFor example; Would you come tomorrow?Deep structure; Surface structure;【试题解析】 (考查句法学中的表层结构与

25、深层结构)4 【正确答案】 An endophoric reference refers to something inside the text in which the reference is found. It includes two types; anaphoric reference and cataphoric reference. An anaphoric reference refers to something within a text that has been previously identified. For example, in “Susan dropped

26、 the plate. It shattered loudly“ , the word “it“ refers to the phrase “the plate“. A cataphoric reference refers to something within the text that has not yet been identified. For example, in “He was very cold. David promptly put on his coat“ , the identity of the “he“ is unknown until the individua

27、l is referred to as “David“.An exdophoric reference refers to language outside of the text in which the reference is found. For example, the meaning of the phrase “the Queen“ may be determined by the country in which it is spoken. Because there are many Queens throughout the world, and the location

28、of the speaker provides the extra information that allows an individual Queen to be identified.【试题解析】 (考查言内照应与言外照应)二、单项选择题5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 The pronunciation of “p“ is aspirated in B, while in the other three words, “P“ is unaspirated because it is after the sound /s/. (考查字母 p 在音位s后的发音)6 【正确答案】 D【试题解

29、析】 The pronunciation of “n“ is transformed into the sound / / when it is followed by the sound /k/, while in the other three words, it is pronounced as /n/. (考查字母 n 在音位k 前面的软腭化)7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “s“ in D is pronounced as /s/, while in the other three words are all pronounced as /z/.(考查字母 s 在名词复数中的发音

30、)8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 The stress in C is on the third syllable, while in the other three words, they are on the first syllable.(考查单词的重音 )9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 The sound /f/ is a fricative, while the other three sounds are all stops.(考查辅音的分类)10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 Offer can be followed by two objects; the direct o

31、bject and the indirect object, while the other three words cannot be followed by two objects.(考查动词的及物性)11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 Able in B is a free morpheme, while the morphemes in the other three words are all bound morphemes.(考查粘着语素和自由语素的区别)12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 A is an adverb, while the other three words ar

32、e used as prepositions.(考查词类)13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 Tree/forest have a semantic relationship of hyponymy, while the others are antonymy.(考查语义关系 )14 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 A, B and C are the three senses of Austins Speech Act Theory, while D is not. (考查奥斯汀的言语行为理论)15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 A, C and D are the three maxims

33、in Grices Cooperative Principle, but B is not.(考查格赖斯的合作原则的四条准则)16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 B, C, and D are aspects of Hallidays Register Theory, while A is not.(考查韩礼德的语域理论)三、分析题17 【正确答案】 inconsistency 1 st cutting; in/consistency 2nd cutting; in/consist/ency 3rd cutting; in/con/sist/ency18 【正确答案】 The scholar

34、also argues that the spread of English is nothing neutral. 1st cutting: The school/also argues that the spread of English is nothing neutral. 2nd cutting; The school/also argues/that the spread of English is nothing neutral. 3rd cutting; The school/also argues/that/the spread of English is nothing n

35、eutral. 4th cutting; The school/also argues/that / the spread of English/is/nothing neutral. 5th cutting; The school/also argues/that/the spread /of English/is/nothing/neutral. 6th cutting: The/school/also/argues/that/the/spread/of/English/is/ nothing/neutral.19 【正确答案】 In traditional rhetoric, metap

36、hor refers to the process of transferring qualities from one thing to another. In a metaphor, words like like and as do not appear. A metaphor makes a comparison between two unlike elements, and this comparison is implied rather than stated.(4 points)In cognitive linguistics, metaphor involves the c

37、omparison of two concepts in that one is constructed in terms of the other. Its often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain. The target domain is the experience being described by the metaphor and the source domain is the means that we use in order to describe the experience.(4 p

38、oints)Therefore, we can say that in traditional rhetoric, metaphor emphasizes the transfer of qualities, and the omission of words like like and as; whereas in cognitive linguistics, it emphasizes the different functions of the two domains.(2 points)For example, the sentence Were wasting our time he

39、re.This sentence is based on a metaphor “ Time is money“ in which the target domain, TIME, is conceptualized in terms of the source domain of MONEY. Thus, we can understand abstract experiences in terms of more concrete ones. In cognitive linguistics, metaphors are represented by a simple formula; X

40、 is Y, in which X is the target domain and Y is the source domain.Take “Inflation is backing us into a corner“ as another example. Regarding inflation as an entity allows human beings to refer to it, quantify it, identify it, treat it as a case, act with respect to it, and even believe that we under

41、stand it. It can help us deal with our experience.(10 points)【试题解析】 考查暗喻(隐喻)的定义,及其在认知语言学与传统修辞学中的不同。传统修辞学中,metaphor(暗喻) 指把一个事物的特性转移到另一个事物的过程,但是暗喻中不出现诸如 like 或 as 一类的词,隐含地对比两个并不相似的成分。在认知语言学中,metaphor 被称为隐喻,涉及两个概念的对比,用一个概念识解另一个概念。隐喻被描述为目标域与源域,目标域是隐喻所描述的经验,源域是人们用来描述经验的方法。20 【正确答案】 According to Brown and

42、 Levinson, “face“ means the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself. They believe that when the speaker comes into any conversation, he has two seemingly conflicting face wants; a negative face want, which is the desire to act unimpeded by other people; and a positive face wan

43、t, which is the desire to be liked by others. They define negative face as the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, rights to non-distraction, i. e. , to freedom of action and freedom from imposition.(8 points)(1)Come here, Johnny. This sentence may damage the hearers negative face, becau

44、se it creates pressure on the hearer to either perform or not perform the act.(3 points)(2)Passengers please refrain from smoking. It may damage the hearers positive face, because the speaker indirectly indicate that he dislikes some aspect of the hearers possessions, desires, or personal attributes

45、.(3 points)(3)I just want to ask you if I can use your bike. It may damage the hearers negative face, because it creates pressure on the hearer to either perform or not perform the act.(3 points)(4)You must be tired after the long flight. Shall we talk about the contract tomorrow? It may damage the

46、hearers negative face, because it creates pressure on the hearer to either perform or not perform the act.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查面子理论中的积极面子和消极面子。积极面子是指希望得到别人的肯定、赞同和喜爱;消极面子是指希望有自主的自由,自己的行为不受别人的干预和妨碍。威胁面子的言语行为大致可分为四大类:(1)威胁听话人消极面子的言语行为:说话人向听话人命令、请求、劝告、威胁、警告;(2)威胁听话人积极面子的言语行为:说话人不同意听话人的见解,给予听话人批评、蔑视、抱怨、谴责、

47、指控、侮辱,对听话人的积极面子持否定态度;(3)威胁说话人消极面子的言语行为:说话人向听话人表达谢意、接受批评,对听话人过时的反应作出违心的许诺或提供非情愿的帮助;(4)威胁说话人积极面子的言语行为:说话人的道歉、接受批评或恭维、忏悔、承认有罪或有错等。21 【正确答案】 In academic writing, the third person is always used. “The author“ should be used to replace “I“ , while in this thesis, “I“ is used for many times. Another point

48、is that the contracted forms, such as “its“ and “Ill“ should be avoided. They should be written in their full forms, that is, “it is“ , “I will“. The third point is that in academic writing, the passive voice should be used to replace the active voice. For example, “So Ill only choose one important

49、and active member in the rhetoric familymetaphor“ should be improved into: “ So only one important and active member in the rhetoric familymetaphor will be investigated in this thesis“. The last point is the authors diction. In academic writing, words like “think“ should be replaced by “assume“ , “maybe“ replaced by “probably“.(8 points)As for the causes of inappropriate writing, the main reason is the students ignorance of the difference between spoken


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