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1、2012 年南开大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 suprasegmental2 rime(rhyme)3 cranberry morpheme4 phrasal category5 mental lexicon6 genetic relation7 paraphrase8 implicature9 synecdoche10 syllabus二、音标题11 For each natural class of sounds listed below, state the phonetic feature(s)that they all share. 12 13 14 jw

2、lrm15 16 In Southern Kongo, a Bantu language spoken in Angola, the non-palatal consonantst, s, zare in complementary distribution with their palatal counterpartsc, , as shown in the following words: tobola to bore a hole cina to cuttanu five kofi lionciba banana imola almskesoka to be cut nselele te

3、rmitekasu emaciation lolo i to wash housekunezulu heaven ze ga to cutnzwetu our ima to stretchzevo then(1)State the distribution of the palatals and the non-palatals, and(2)formulate one phonological rule and derive all the surface palatals with the rule formulated, using the word ima “to stretch“ f

4、or illustrating the derivation.17 The English word unlockable has two different lexical meanings, i. e. “not able to lock“ and “able to be unlocked“. The semantic ambiguity of the word comes from structural ambiguity. Give the meaning corresponding to the morphemic structure of the word in your anal

5、ysis. Draw two tree diagrams to show the difference between the two structures. Label the nodes in the tree diagram with proper categories. 三、简答题18 How do you understand “performative“ and “constative“? 19 How do you distinguish “error“ from “mistake“? 20 What is a social dialect? 四、分析题21 Syntactic

6、analysis. The following are two declarative-question pairs, as given in(la, lb)and(2a, 2b).(1a)The boy who is sleeping was dreaming.(1b)Was the boy who is sleeping dreaming?(2a)The boy who is sleeping was dreaming.(2b)* Is the boy who sleeping was dreaming?Draw a tree diagram for sentence(la)and sen

7、tence(lb)respectively. Then answer the questions.Question 1: What syntactic mechanism(s)operate(s)to derive the structure of sentence(lb)from the structure of sentence(la)? Question 2: Why sentence(2b)is ungrammatical?22 Semantic properties of words are not directly observable. Their existence must

8、be inferred from linguistic evidence. One source of such evidence is “slips of the tongue“ that speakers of a language produce. Consider the following unintentional word substitutions that some English speakers have actually produced. Name the semantic properties shared by or related in the intended

9、 word and its substitution in each pair of the utterances. Intended utterances Actual utterances(slips of the tongue)1. bridge of the nose bridge of the neck2. when my gums bled when my tongues bled3. he came too late he came too early4. Mary was young Marry was early5. The lady with the dachshund t

10、he lady with the Volkswagen6. theres a horse of another color theres a horse of another race7. he has to pay her alimony he has to pay her rent8. I saw the dog in the garden I saw the cat in the garden23 Identify the thematic roles in each of the sentences given below. a. The door opened.b. The key

11、opened the door.c. The boy opened the door with the key.24 Analyze the conversations below as required. 9a. Analyze the following mini-talk in light of the cooperative principle. A: Have you had your lunch?B: I have been unwell for the whole morning. 25 9b. Find the deixis in the following dialogue

12、and analyze them into different groups according to their function in the linguistic interaction. (1)Debby: Go anywhere today?(2)Dan: Yes, we went down to Como. Up by bus, and back by hydrofoil.(3)Debby: Anything to see there ?(4)Dan; Perhaps not the most interesting of Italian towns, but its worth

13、the trip.(5)Debby: I might do that next Saturday.(6)Jane; What do you mean when you say perhaps not the most interesting of Italian towns?(7)Jack: He means certainly not the most interesting. . .(8)Dan: Just trying to be polite. . .26 Grammaticality judgments are made on the basis of linguistic know

14、ledge.27 The difference among “ locutionary meaning“ , “ illocutionary meaning“ and “perlocutionary meaning“.2012 年南开大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Suprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principal suprasegmentals are syllable, stress

15、, tone, and intonation.【试题解析】 (考查超音段的定义)2 【正确答案】 Rime(Rhyme)is a part of a syllable, and another part is onset. It refers to the sounds after the first consonant or consonant cluster, and consists of the nucleus and the coda.【试题解析】 (考查韵基的定义)3 【正确答案】 A cranberry morpheme(or fossilized term)is a type

16、of bound morpheme that cannot be assigned a meaning or grammatical function but nonetheless serves to distinguish one word from the other, such as twi in twilight.【试题解析】 (考查蔓越莓语素的定义)4 【正确答案】 Phrasal category refers to syntactic units that are built around a certain word category, and its category is

17、 determined by the word category around which the phrase is built.【试题解析】 (考查词组范畴短语语类的定义)5 【正确答案】 Mental lexicon, called mental dictionary, refers to the representation of words and their meanings stored permanently in the memory.【试题解析】 (考查心理词汇的定义)6 【正确答案】 Genetic relation is the usual term for the r

18、elationship which exists between languages that belong to the same language family.【试题解析】 (考查亲缘关系的定义)7 【正确答案】 A paraphrase is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words.【试题解析】 (考查释义的定义)8 【正确答案】 Implicature, a word coined by Grice, refers to a type of implied meaning, which i

19、s deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the Cooperative Principle(CP)and its maxims.【试题解析】 (考查会话含义的定义)9 【正确答案】 Synecdoche refers to using the name of part of an object to talk about the whole thing, or vice versa.【试题解析】 (考查提喻的定义)10

20、 【正确答案】 A syllabus is a specification of what takes place in the classroom; it is the planning of a course of instruction, which includes a description of the course content, teaching procedures and learning experiences.【试题解析】 (考查教学大纲的定义)二、音标题11 【正确答案】 stops/plosives【试题解析】 考查语音特征。依据国际音标表,每组音共享的语音特征分

21、别为:(1)爆破音;(2)展唇音;(3)鼻音;(4)近音;(5)擦音。12 【正确答案】 unrounded vowels13 【正确答案】 nasals14 【正确答案】 approximants15 【正确答案】 fricatives16 【正确答案】 (1)The non-palatalst, s, zappear before letters including o, a, u, w and e, while the palatals appear before the letter i.(3 points)(2)Since the non-palatalst, s, zoccur i

22、n most cases, we can say that the non-palatalst, s, zare the basic form and the palatals are derived from it. So the palatalsc,, are the surface forms. The phonological rule can be represented as follows:-palatal+ palatal/_i, which can be read; The non-palatal sound will become its corresponding pal

23、atal when it appears before the letter i.(4 points)In the word ima; /zima/ (palatalization) ima OutputWith the rule applied, we can get the word ima.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查音位学中的互补分布及音系规则。在该语言中,非腭音t,s, z分布在字母 o,a ,u ,w,e 之前,而相应的腭音c, , 分布在字母 i之前。因此我们的音系规则可以写为-palatal+palatal _i,此规则读作:当非腭音后面为字母 i 时,此非腭音将转化

24、为相应的腭音。因此在单词 ima 中,非腭音 z 因为在字母 i 前面而变成了相应的腭音 。17 【正确答案】 When it means “able to be unlocked“ , the tree diagram of the word is as follow; When it means “not able to lock“ , the tree diagram of the word is as follow;【试题解析】 考查单词的结构分析。根据词缀的前后顺序,单词 unlockable 可以理解为:un 一+lockunlock+一 ableunlockable 或者 loc

25、k+-ablelockable ,un-+lockableunlockable。三、简答题18 【正确答案】 Austins first shot at the theory is the claim that there are two types of sentences: performatives and constatives. Austin argues that some sentences do not describe things. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentence

26、s is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. And verbs like name are called performative verbs. For example; I name this ship the Queen Elizabeth.(4 points)In contrast, constatives are sentences that are descriptions of what the speaker is doing at the time of spe

27、aking. For example, in the sentence, I pour some liquid into the tube. The speaker cannot pour any liquid into a tube by simply uttering these words. He must accompany his words with the actual action of pouring. Otherwise one can accuse him of making a false statement.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查施为句和叙事句。施为句

28、和叙事句的区别首先由奥斯汀提出。施为句是指有些句子说出就是,或者部分是,实施某种行为,其中的动词叫施为动词。叙事句只是描述了说话人在说话时所做的事;说话人不能通过说话,而必须通过动作才能证实他所说的话,否则,我们可以说他做了虚假陈述。19 【正确答案】 Errors usually arise from the learners lack of knowledge; it represents a lack of competence. In other words, the learner does not know the right form or is unable to use la

29、nguage correctly.(3 points)Mistakes often occur when learners fail to perform their competence. In other words, the learner has already learned the knowledge or skill but simply fails to function correctly due to lack of attention or other factors.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查错误与失误的区别。错误通常是由于学习者知识不足所致,说明学习者的能

30、力不足。换言之,学习者不知道正确的形式或者不能正确地使用语言。失误是当学习者没有发挥出自己的能力时出现的,也就是说,学习者已经学会了某种知识或技能,但是由于不注意或者其他因素的影响而没能正确地使用语言。20 【正确答案】 Social dialect, also called social-class dialect and sociolect, refers to a variety of a language used by people belonging to a particular social class.(2 points)Two people who were born an

31、d brought up in the same region may speak differently because of a number of social factors. Consciously or unconsciously, their social backgrounds influence their choice of linguistic forms and the linguistic features of the language they use reveal their identities. The speakers of a social dialec

32、t usually share a similar socio-economic and/or educational background. From the language of the speakers, we can roughly estimate their relative social status.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查社会方言的定义。社会方言是由社会群体的不同性质而形成的语言变体。社会方言和地域方言没有直接的渊源,它是由不同的职业、社会地位、政治信仰、受教育程度等因素或由这些因素构成的社区交际习惯所形成的语言差异。四、分析题21 【正确答案】 Questi

33、on 1: The movement of the auxiliary verb in the sentence, that is, was, helps to derive the structure of sentence(lb)from the structure of sentence(la). According to the XP rule, the auxiliary is the head of a sentence which takes a VP category as its complement on the right and an NP, the subject a

34、s its specifier on the left. Therefore, the movement of the head, that is, was, derives the structure of sentence(lb).(4 points)Question 2; In the sentence(2a)The boy who is sleeping was dreaming, the auxiliary should be was. The word is is only the auxiliary in the clause who is sleeping. Therefore

35、, when the auxiliary is is moved, it can only be moved to the front of the specifier who, not to the very beginning of the whole sentence. From the perspective of head movement, the sentence(2b)* Is the boy who sleeping was dreaming? is ungrammatical.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查句子结构以及树形图的画法。由(1a)生成(1b) 是由转换生

36、成语法中的中心语移位,也就是助动词移位生成的。在句子(2b) 中,助动词 is 是从句who is sleeping 的中心语,因此将 is 移到 the boy 之前所生成的句子是错误的。22 【正确答案】 Nose and neck are “parts of the body“ ;(1 point)gums and tongues are “parts of the mouth“ ;(1 point)late, early and young are all related to “time“ ;(2 points)dachshund and Volkswagen are both “G

37、erman“ ;(1 point)color and race are both features of a “horse“ ;(1 point)alimony and rent are both related to “money“ ;(1 point)both dog and cat are kinds of “animal“.(1 point)【试题解析】 考查词的语义特征。在这些口误中,真正使用的词与原词在语义上都有很大的关联性。nose 和 neck 都是身体部位; gums 和 tongues 都是口腔的部分;late,early 以及 young 都是时间的表达方式; dachs

38、hund 和 Volkswagen 都与德国相关;color 和 race 都是马的重要特征;alimony 和 rent 都与金钱相关;dog 和cat 同属于动物。23 【正确答案】 In sentence a, the thematic role of the door is theme.(2 points)In sentence b, the thematic role of the key is instrument, and the thematic role of the door is patient.(3 points)In sentence c, the thematic

39、role of the boy is agent, that of the door is patient, and that of the key is instrument.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查题元角色。题元角色主要是动词所表示的活动或事件中的相对恒定的参与者角色。在 a 句中,the door 处于客体(theme)的角色;在 b 句中,the key 处于工具(instrument) 的角色,the door 处于受事(patient)的角色;在 c 句中,the boy 处于施事(agent)的角色, the key 处于工具(instrument) 的角色,the

40、 door 处于受事(patient) 的角色。24 【正确答案】 Cooperative Principle is the principle suggested by Grice about the regularity in conversation, which reads “ Make your contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged

41、. “ There are four categories of maxims under it, namely, quality maxim, quantity maxim, relation maxim, and manner maxim.(2 points)As in this mini-talk, at the level of what is said, the second speaker violates the maxim of Quantity, that is, make your contribution as informative as is required(for

42、 the current purposes of the exchange); and do not make your contribution more informative than is required, as well as the maxim of Relation, that is, be relevant.(4 points)Obviously, the speaker B does not give enough relevant information. However, at a deeper level, based on the common knowledge

43、shared by A and B, it is very easy for speaker A to infer that since B has been unwell for the whole morning, B did not have lunch at all. This is the implicature caused by the violation of cooperative principle.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查合作原则。表面看来,以上对话违反了合作原则中的数量准则:使你所说的话如所要求的那样信息充分,不要使你的话语比所要求的信息更充分。同时也违反

44、了关联准则,即说出的话语要切题,不说与主题、论题或话题无关的话。但是基于两人的共有知识,A 很容易推断出:因为 B 感觉不舒服,所以 B 实际上是在告诉 A 自己什么也没吃,因此在某种程度上 B 遵守了数量和关联准则。会话含义也就因此产生了。25 【正确答案】 Deixis involves linguistic forms that point at something from the speech situation.(2 points)Deixis can be classified into different types, including person deixis, time

45、 deixis, space/special deixis, textual deixis, etc.(4 points)The deixis in the dialogue are; we, I, you, he, today, next Saturday, anywhere, Como, up, back, there, the, that.(6 points)Person deixis includes; we, I, you, he;(2 points)time deixis includes; today, next Saturday;(2 points)place deixis i

46、ncludes; anywhere, Como, up, back, there;(2 points)textual deixis includes; the, that.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查指示词。指示包括人称指示(person deixis)、时间指示(time deixis)、空间指示(place spatialdeixis)及篇章指示(textual deixis) 等。在本题中,人称指示词包括 we,I ,you,he;时间指示词包括 today,next Saturday;空间指示词包括 anywhere,Como ,up ,back,there;篇章指示词包括

47、the,that 。26 【正确答案】 Grammaticality is the quality of a linguistic utterance of being grammatically well-formed. For native speakers of natural languages, grammaticality is a matter of linguistic intuition, a competence learned by language acquisition in childhood. The linguistic knowledge is at the

48、center of all theoretical construction, so the persons ability to perform the grammaticality evaluation implies a learning process. In an immanent perspective the function enabling linguistic individuals to judge grammaticality is actually part and parcel of their linguistic knowledge.(6 points)Lear

49、ning a language is the same as learning to arrive at the appropriate grammaticality values in the individualistic and embedded sense of constellation. The hard task of learning the language in the initial process provides the linguistic individualistic with all the concrete knowledge and principles required for a socially adapted use of language, that is, the reason for dealing with grammaticality at all. True grammaticality and linguistic knowledge are actually congruent.


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