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1、2013 年北京第二外国语学院英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 Local Peoples Procuratorate2 principle of reciprocity3 normalization of relations4 bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation5 three-point shot percentage6 Intellectual Property Rights7 black sheep8 defense budget9 gender gap10 International Space Station11 T

2、he National Aeronautics and Space Administration12 unemployment benefit13 Maglev train(magnetically levitated train)14 multi-lateral international conventions15 crime of dereliction of duty汉译英16 双重国籍17 领土完整18 营业执照19 白马王子20 搬迁户21 总统候选人22 世界文化遗产23 中国革命历史博物馆24 中国科学院25 白手起家26 居留权27 豆浆28 公共设施29 国民生产总值30

3、国际日期变更线英译汉31 On the morning of December 26, 2004, an undersea section of the earths crust slipped along a 700-mile-long fault off the coast of Sumatra. In one of the worst natural disasters on record, the ensuing earthquake triggered a series of destructive waves or tsunamis that claimed more than 2

4、50, 000 lives.Barely a minute after the quake, computers at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii picked up seismic signals and automatically alerted scientists. They issued an emergency bulletin for the Pacific but watched helplessly as the tragedy unfolded, since no similar detection networ

5、k exists in the Indian Ocean. Fifteen minutes after the quake, a colossal wall of water struck the northwest coast of Sumatra, surging miles inland and obliterating everything in its path. Over the next few hours, gigantic waves raced across the Indian Ocean, killing tens of thousands of people in T

6、hailand, Sri Lanka, and India.Now the documentary tells the minute-by-minute story of the 2004 tsunami, featuring the testimony of lucky survivors and gripping eyewitness video footage. In an authoritative look at tsunami science, this documentary presents the first in-depth exploration of what made

7、 the waves so destructive. And with the help of a massive wave tank, scientists assess the risk that a similar or even bigger catastrophe might one day strike U. S. coastlines.汉译英32 经验伴随着年龄增长,知识与宽容伴随着经验增长。人的增长空间是无限的,因为最聪明的人也要面对死亡。死亡对每个人来说都不远。只要人活着,就会有未知的事物去面对。所以,一个人终生学习,向目标奋进,就会迎来新的挑战,有时甚至是新的恐惧。生活从不

8、会自己终结,除非你终结生命。因此,垂手等待死亡,期待一个毫无挑战的安乐乡,只是为了活下去,这是对自己的不负责任。还有比被喻为垃圾更好的定义来形容这种生活吗?每个人都应当知道自己是谁,而且他应该用自己天生的能力改变自己的生活,以及别人的生活。因为如果每个人都认同个体的存在及其他个体的存在,那么他就会对其他人有同情之心。这就是和谐生活的最高境界。与他人和谐共处其实是只要人这么想就能办到的。只要一个人认同了他的个体性、接受他的恐惧、选择了目标、怀着希望奋勇前进,那么他就真正地战胜生活了。2013 年北京第二外国语学院英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 地方人民检察院2 【正确答案】

9、 互惠原则3 【正确答案】 关系正常化4 【正确答案】 双边和多边经济合作5 【正确答案】 三分球命中率6 【正确答案】 知识产权7 【正确答案】 害群之马8 【正确答案】 国防预算9 【正确答案】 性别差异10 【正确答案】 国际空间站11 【正确答案】 美国国家航空航天局12 【正确答案】 失业津贴13 【正确答案】 磁悬浮列车14 【正确答案】 多边国际公约15 【正确答案】 渎职罪汉译英16 【正确答案】 dual nationality17 【正确答案】 territorial integrity18 【正确答案】 business license19 【正确答案】 Prince C

10、harming20 【正确答案】 relocated families21 【正确答案】 presidential candidate22 【正确答案】 World Cultural Heritage23 【正确答案】 the Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of Chinese Revolution24 【正确答案】 Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)25 【正确答案】 to start from scratch26 【正确答案】 right of residence27 【正确答案】 soybean milk2

11、8 【正确答案】 communal facilities29 【正确答案】 gross national product(GNP)30 【正确答案】 International Date Line(IDL)英译汉31 【正确答案】 2004 年 12 月 26 日的早晨,海底地壳的一部分沿着离苏门答腊岛海岸不远处一个 700 英里长的断层下滑。它是有记录以来最可怕的自然灾害之一,接踵而至的大地震引发了一系列毁灭性的巨浪和海啸,夺取了超过 25 万人的生命。地震发生后不到一分钟,在夏威夷的太平洋海啸预警中心的计算机就捕捉到了地震信号,然后自动向科学家们发出警报。他们向太平洋地区发布了一个紧急警报

12、,但由于印度洋没有类似的监测系统,他们只能眼睁睁地看着灾难的发生而无能为力。地震发生 15 分钟后,一面巨大的水墙向苏门答腊岛西北岸袭来,席卷数英里的内陆地区,将所到之处夷为平地。在之后的几小时里,巨浪在印度洋面上全速前进,泰国、斯里兰卡、印度地区成千上万的人罹难。本纪录片将为您讲述 2004 年海啸发生的全过程,这里有幸运的生还者的亲诉以及令人揪心的现场实录片段。通过科学权威的视角解读海啸,该纪录片首次深度揭秘巨浪缘何具有如此巨大的毁灭性。同时,借助巨型波浪水槽,科学家们对美国沿海发生类似甚至更可怕的大灾难的可能性进行了风险评估。汉译英32 【正确答案】 With age comes exp

13、erience and with experience comes knowledge and understanding. No one individual is ever completed with his or her growth, for the wisest of all men has death to face. And with death imminent for all, one will still have to face fear till the very end of ones existence. As long as one takes learning

14、 through life and presses on towards the goals set, he or she will begin to face new challenges, and sometimes even new fears. Life will never complete itself until one complete the life he is given. Therefore it is incredibly irresponsible to merely accept death as the imminent future, settle into

15、a comfort zone naught of challenge, and to merely exist. Could a better definition than waste be drawn?It is each and everyones responsibility to know who he is. And it is, therefore, each and everyones responsibility to take what he has as genetic tools to better his life and to better the lives of

16、 others. For if all accepted individuality and accepted the individuality of others, then all would have the sympathy for one another. This is harmony; the ideal nature of life by which life is then lived. To live in harmony with one another is but a simple step forward in ones thinking. Once one has recognized ones individuality, accepted ones fears, and chosen to set goals and move forward with the important aid of hope, will one have truly conquered living life.


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