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1、2013 年四川大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、完形填空0 Many people imagine that Alzheimers disease, the degenerative disorder that ultimately leaves sufferers with total memory loss, is an inevitable result of aging. This is not so. 【C1 】 _the risks of contracting the disease increase with age, there are many elderl

2、y people【C2 】_memories are perfect. Most of us are so ill-【C3】 _about all forms of memory loss that we label everything “Alzheimers“. Alzheimers disease itself can【C4】_people as young as 30 and can progress either quickly or slowly. It can also【C5 】_the blame for other non-degenerative conditions su

3、ch as deep depression. 【C6】_, only an examination of the brain tissue during all autopsy can produce an accurate【C7】_of the disease.The causes of Alzheimers are unknown. They may be either【C8】_or environmental. A study in 1996 of 13, 000 people whose parents or siblings had the disease showed they h

4、ad five times【C9】_chance of succumbing【 C10】_the age of 80 than those with no family【C11】_of the problem.There are other factors, however. In a study of identical twins, it was found that only about half of the twin pairs developed Alzheimers and, when both twins【 C12】 _it, they did so as【C13】_as 15

5、 years apart. The possibility【C14】_environment plays a part was【C15】_by another 1996 study, this time of two groups of elderly Japanese men. One group lived in Hawaii, the other in Japan. The Hawaiian group had a much higher【C16】_of the disease.Aluminum has been blamed for, the development of Alzhei

6、mers. This is because a high level of aluminum has been found in the brains of sufferers. The disease was first diagnosed at the beginning of the 20th century. It was at this time【C17】_aluminum was becoming widely available for use in cooking pots.Memory loss, difficulty in【C18】_familiar tasks, and

7、problems with abstract thinking are all【C19 】_of the onset of the disease. One unusual feature is its impact on language. It attacks nouns first, 【C20】_verbs. Grammar is one of the last things to go.1 【C1 】(A)As(B) Since(C) While(D)In spite of2 【C2 】(A)whom(B) which(C) whose(D)what3 【C3 】(A)judged(B

8、) equipped(C) informed(D)advised4 【C4 】(A)affect(B) inhibit(C) confine(D)constrain5 【C5 】(A)take(B) put(C) get(D)hold6 【C6 】(A)In action(B) In the main(C) In no time(D)In the end7 【C7 】(A)description(B) illustration(C) demonstration(D)diagnosis8 【C8 】(A)instinctual(B) natural(C) genetic(D)intuitive9

9、 【C9 】(A)slighter(B) fainter(C) less(D)more10 【C10 】(A)at(B) for(C) by(D)until11 【C11 】(A)relation(B) history(C) background(D)correlation12 【C12 】(A)came up with(B) did away with(C) dispensed with(D)went down with13 【C13 】(A)much(B) many(C) soon(D)often14 【C14 】(A)of(B) that(C) which(D)with15 【C15 】

10、(A)undermined(B) eliminated(C) boosted(D)underlined16 【C16 】(A)conversion(B) incidence(C) concealment(D)degree17 【C17 】(A)at which(B) when(C) that(D)during which18 【C18 】(A)approaching(B) performing(C) supervising(D)upholding19 【C19 】(A)reflections(B) variables(C) constant(D)indicators20 【C20 】(A)le

11、ast(B) then(C) last(D)latter二、阅读理解20 Olga had always enjoyed the character-centered books written by Adele Kwan and wanted to read another one if it seemed interesting and was written in the same style. Olga wasnt sure, however, whether she should spend part of her savings on Kwans latest book, The

12、Newcomer. She hoped the following book reviews in her high school newspaper would help her make a decision.Novel Without a PlotBy Carlo DanteI just finished reading Adele Kwans latest novel, The Newcomer, and was disappointed. In my opinion the book does not have enough plot to be considered a novel

13、.The newcomer in this book is Violet Wang. Shes fifteen when her family moves from San Franciscos Chinatown to a small town in Washington State. In this town everyone knows each other, and none of the other residents are Chinese. Violets challenge is to fit in. Sensitive and intelligent, she amuses

14、those who know her well but is shy and reserved with strangers.These circumstances could have provided the basis for an interesting story. I particularly enjoyed learning about Chinese American culture and Violets strong family ties. However, this book has no real plot. There is no action to follow.

15、 Instead the author emphasizes what is happening in Violets head as she finds her way in her new home. We are introduced to new characters and situations only as they are viewed by the introspective Violet. When she arrives at her new school, for example, the reader is forced to endure page after pa

16、ge describing Violets classrooms, classmates, and teachers, with no excitement to keep us involved in the story.If this had been a historical novel, at least the text could have elucidated what life was like during a past era. If it had been a mystery, I would have had a reason to move from one page

17、 to the next. Furthermore, Violet would have had a more intriguing way to demonstrate her intelligence and sensitivity.As it is, I found The Newcomer uninteresting. The lack of plot and the reliance on a single character to support the entire book make for a dull, slow-moving reading experience. Alt

18、hough Ms. Kwan writes well, she has failed to presser a story worth reading.A Book to CherishBy Rachel BlytheIn last weeks edition I read “Novel Without a Plot“ , an unflattering review of Adele Kwans latest novel, I too, have read The Newcomer, and I strongly disagree with.Carlo Dantes evaluation o

19、f this fine novel. Dante claims The Newcomer lacks a plot. He fails to recognize that some novels are plot-driven and others are character-centered. Clearly Dante prefers to read the former and feels justified in imposing his preference on all of us. There are many readers who do not require a story

20、 to propel us feverishly from one action-packed moment to the next. We are content to get to know an interesting character who encounter challenges and tries various ways to overcome them.Violet Wang is a wonderful example of this type of character, and we are fortunate that the novel is told from h

21、er point of view. We first experience her world in San Francisco, where she is surrounded by Chinese American traditions and the support of an extended family. We feel her confusion and traumatic sense of loss as she must leave all that is familiar to her.When Violet arrives in the area that will be

22、 her new home, we see its beauty and mystery through her eyes. As she tries to adjust to life in a place where she feels like an outsider, many of us may remember similar times in our own lives. We ache when she hurts and feel triumph in our hearts when she experiences progress.I wont tell you why.

23、Violet has had to make such a drastic life change or how she comes to terms with it. Unlike Dante, I think that most readers would greatly enjoy this book. In these times of action-adventure movies and computer games, many have lost the patience to be readers, thinkers, and emotional beings. I think

24、 that someone who fails to see the value in this book is missing out on a lot.21 When Olga read Rachel Blythes review, she probably felt_.(A)encouraged(B) indifferent(C) confused(D)depressed22 Which of these is the best summary of the passage?(A)Voicing his disappointment in Adele Kwans latest novel

25、, Carlo Dante writes a book review criticizing the book as uninteresting lacking in plot.(B) To help her decide whether to purchase Adele Kwans new book, The Newcomer, Olga reads opposing book reviews in her high school newspaper.(C) As a supporter of character-centered novels, Rachel Blythe writes

26、a book review defending Adele Kwans The Newcomer because she feels many people will enjoy the book.(D)Olga enjoys the character-centered books of Adele Kwan and would like to read another one if it is interesting and is written in the same style.23 Based on information in the reviews, with which sta

27、tement would both Carlo Dante and Rachel Blythe probably agree?(A)The Newcomer is an action-adventure story.(B) Violet is outgoing, even around strangers.(C) The Newcomer is a powerful and captivating book.(D)Violet has a strong bond with family members.24 Which conclusion is best supported by infor

28、mation in the passage?(A)Rachel Blythe and Olga have similar reading tastes.(B) Adele Kwan is a best-selling author.(C) Rachel Blythe does not read novels that are plot-driven.(D)Violet has become more outspoken since her move.25 Based on information in the passage, the reader can conclude Violets p

29、rimary source of conflict stems from her_.(A)not being fluent in Chinese(B) difficulties with her schoolwork(C) parents being extremely strict(D)familys move to Washington State25 My objective is to analyze certain forms of knowledge, not in terms of repression or law, but in terms of power. But the

30、 word power is apt to lead to misunderstandings about the nature, form, and unity of power. By power, I do not mean a group of institutions and mechanisms that ensure the subservience of the citizenry. I do not mean, either, a mode of subjugation that, in contrast to violence, has the form of the ru

31、le. Finally, I do not have in mind a general system of domination exerted by one group over another, a system whose effects, through successive derivations, pervade the entire social body. The sovereignty of the state, the form of law, or the overall unity of a domination are only the terminal forms

32、 power takes.It seems to me that power must be understood as the multiplicity of force relations that are immanent in the social sphere; as the process that, through ceaseless struggle and confrontation, transforms, strengthens, or reverses them; as the support that these force relations find in one

33、 another, or on the contrary, the disjunctions and contradictions that isolate them from one another, and lastly, as the strategies in which they take effect, whose general design or institutional crystallization is embodied in the state apparatus, in the formulation of the law, in the various socia

34、l hegemonies.Thus, the viewpoint that permits one to understand the exercise of power, even in its more “peripheral“ effects, and that also makes it possible to use its mechanisms as a structural framework for analyzing the social order, must not be sought in a unique source of sovereignty from whic

35、h secondary and descendent forms of power emanate but in the moving substrate of force relations that, by virtue of their inequality, constantly engender local and unstable states of power. If power seems omnipresent, it is not because it has the privilege of consolidating everything under its invin

36、cible unity, but because it is produced from one moment to the next, at every point, or rather in every relation from one point to another. Power is everywhere, not because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere. And if power at times seems to be permanent, repetitious, inert,

37、and self-reproducing, it is simply because the overall effect that emerges from all these mobilities is a concatenation that rests on each of them and seeks in turn to arrest their movement. One needs to be communalistic, no doubt; power is not an institution, and not a structure; neither is it a ce

38、rtain strength we are endowed with; it is the name that one attributes to a complex strategic situation in a particular society.26 The authors primary purpose in defining power is to_.(A)counteract self-serving and confusing uses of the term(B) increase comprehension of the term by providing concret

39、e examples(C) demonstrate how the meaning of the term has evolved(D)avoid possible misinterpretations resulting from the more common uses of the term27 According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between law and power?(A)Law is the protector of power.(B) Law is t

40、he source of power.(C) Law sets bounds to power.(D)Law is a product of power.28 Which of the following methods is NOT used extensively by the author in describing his own conception of power?(A)Restatement of central ideas.(B) Provision of concrete examples.(C) Analysis and classification.(D)Compari

41、son and contrast.29 The authors attitude toward the various kinds of compulsion employed by social institutions is best described as_.(A)concerned and sympathetic(B) scientific and detached(C) suspicious and cautious(D)reproachful and disturbed30 It can be inferred from the passage that the author b

42、elieves the conflict among social forces to be(A)essentially the same from one society to another even though its outward manifestation may seem different(B) usually the result of misunderstandings that impede social progress(C) an inevitable feature of the social order of any state(D)best moderated

43、 in states that possess a strong central government30 Within hours of appearing on television to announce the end of conscription, President Jacques Chirac moved quickly to prevent any dissent from within the military establishment. Addressing more than 500 military staff officers at the military ac

44、ademy in Paris yesterday, Mr. Chirac said clearly that he “expected“ their loyalty in the work of rebuilding Frances national defense.He understood their “ legitimate concerns, questions and emotions“ at the reforms, but added, “You must understand that there is not and never has been any rigid mode

45、l for French defense. Military service has been compulsory for less than a century. Realism required that our armed forces should now be professional. “The Presidents decision to abolish conscription over a period of six years removes a rite of passage for young Frenchmen that has existed since the

46、Revolution, even though obligatory national service only became law in 1905. As recently as 1993 , an opinion poll showed that more than 60% of French people said they feared the abolition of conscription could endanger national security. A poll conducted this month, however, showed that 70% of thos

47、e asked favored ending of practice, and on the streets and offices yesterday, the response to Mr. Chiracs announcement was generally positive.Among people who completed their 10-month period of national service in the last few years or were contemplating the prospect, there was almost universal appr

48、oval, tempered by a sense that something hard to definemixing with people from other backgrounds, a formative experience, a process that encouraged national or social cohesionmight be lost.Patrick, who spent his year in the French city of Valance assigning and collecting uniforms, and is now a compu

49、ter manager, said he was in tears for his first week, and hated most of his time. He thought it was “useless“ as a form of military training-“I only fired a rifle twice“but, in retrospect, useful for learning how to get on with people and instilling patriotism.As many as 25% of those liable for military service in France somehow avoid itthe percentage is probably much greater in the more educated and higher social classes.According t


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