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1、2013 年首都师范大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 _is a form of poetry that refrains from consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern.(A)Blank verse(B) Sonnet(C) Free verse(D)Heroic couplet2 The _narrator understands what he is relating less than the reader does.(A)omniscient(B) objective(

2、C) first person(D)innocent eye3 Jane Eyre and The Turn of the Screw have at least one thing in common, i. e. both of them can be called _novel.(A)picaresque(B) gothic(C) psychological(D)sociological4 Characters can be grouped as round characters and flat characters by the degrees of their developmen

3、t according to E. M. Forster. All the followings are round characters except for(A)Emma(B) Huckleberry Finn(C) Roger Chillingworth(D)Pip5 In “ It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. “ _is used.(A)symbolism(B) irony(C) imagi

4、sm(D)analogy6 Tragedy describes the_of a great individual because he has transgressed against the great moral principles which govern the universe.(A)fall(B) rise(C) life(D)development7 “One fatal Tree there stands of Knowledge calld,/Forbidden them to taste: knowledge forbidden?“ is written by_.(A)

5、Shakespeare(B) William Blake(C) John Milton(D)Jane Austin8 The title Vanity Fair is borrowed from_.(A)The Bible(B) Of Human Bondage(C) A Passage to India(D)Pilgrims Progress9 “In a minute there is time/For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. “ is the dramatic monologue spoken by_.(A

6、)Hamlet(B) Godot(C) Tom Sawyer(D)Prufrock10 The_of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.(A)appearance(B) lookings(C) apparition(D)hallucination二、问答题10 Such wilt thou be to me, who must Like thother foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I beg

7、un.11 Name the author of this poem.(1 point)12 Discuss what the image is about.(2 points)13 The word “like“ denotes the use of figure of speech, but in this case, the comparison is farfetched. Could you give similar examples in other poems?(2 points)13 Ere this speech ended, I became sensible of Hea

8、thcliffs presence. Having noticed a slight movement, 1 turned my head, and saw him rise from the bench and steal out noiselessly. He had listened till he heard Catherine say it would degrade her to marry him, and then he stayed to hear no farther.My companion, sitting on the ground, was prevented by

9、 the back of the settle from remarking his presence or departure; but 1 started, and bade her hush!“Why?“ she asked, gazing nervously round.“ Joseph is here,“ I answered, catching opportunely the roll of his cartwheels up the road, “and Heathcliff will come in with him. Im not sure whether he were n

10、ot at the door this moment.14 From which novel is this excerpt taken?(1 point)15 Who is the narrator?(1 point)16 Please analyze the relationship between the narrator and Catherine.(3 points)16 Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosqu

11、itos wing that falls on the rails. Let us rise early and fast, or break fast, gently and without perturbation; let company come and let company go, let the bells ring and the children cry, determined to make a day of it.17 Name the author of this essay.(1 point)18 What is the authors attitude toward

12、s nature?(2 points)19 What literary school do you know has something to do with nature? Give some descriptions.(2 points)19 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as 1 couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth

13、;20 Name the title of this work.(1 point)21 Try to analyze the form of the poem.(2 points)22 What is the theme of the poem?(2 points)三、评论题22 It is, at any rate, in some such fashion as this that we seek to define the quality which distinguishes the work of several young writers, among whom Mr. James

14、 Joyce is the most notable, from that of their predecessors. They attempt to come closer to life, and to preserve more sincerely and exactly what interests and moves them, even if to do so they must discard most of the conventions which are commonly observed by the novelist. Let us record the atoms

15、as they fall upon the mind in the order in which they fall, let us trace the pattern, however disconnected and incoherent in appearance, which each sight or incident scores upon the consciousness. Let us not take it for granted that life exists more fully in what is commonly thought big than in what

16、 is commonly thought small. Any one who has read The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man or, what promises to be a far more interesting work, Ulysses, now appearing in the Little Review, will have hazarded some theory of this nature as to Mr. Joyces intention. On our part, with such a fragment bef

17、ore us, it is hazarded rather than affirmed; but whatever the intention of the whole, there can be no question but that it is of the utmost sincerity and that the result, difficult or unpleasant as we may judge it, is undeniably important. In contrast with those whom we have called materialists, Mr.

18、 Joyce is spiritual; he is concerned at all costs to reveal the flickerings of that innermost flame which flashes its messages through the brain, and in order to preserve it he disregards with complete courage whatever seems to him adventitious, whether it be probability, or coherence, or any other

19、of these signposts which for generations have served to support the imagination of a reader when called upon to imagine what he can neither touch nor see.23 What do you know about the differences between James Joyce and his predecessors?(3 points)24 What is your understanding of the underlined sente

20、nce?(3 points)25 Could you summarize the development of the art of novel writing from the beginning to James Joyces time?(4 points)2013 年首都师范大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 自由诗是一种不受格律、韵脚或其他音乐节拍约束的诗歌形式。无韵诗是不押韵的五音步抑扬格,只是不押韵而已,但是还是要遵循其他的诗歌规则。2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “纯真之眼”叙述者通常是孩子,或者是思想有障碍的人,他们对故事

21、发展的了解比读者要少。3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 夏洛特勃朗特的简爱和亨利詹姆斯的螺丝在拧紧都有典型的哥特小说元素,如恐怖、神秘、超自然、厄运、住着幽灵的老房子等。4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 Emma,Huckleberry Finn 以及 Pip 在小说中都有很大程度的成长与发展,而 Roger Chillingworth 从始至终都是一个冷酷、残忍的人,没有多少变化,是扁平人物。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 这句话选自简奥斯丁(Jane Austen,17751817)的傲慢与偏见(Pride and Prejudice),是书中开题第一句话,讽刺了当时社会上女性追求财富婚

22、姻的状况。6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 悲剧是戏剧主要体裁之一,主要是以剧中主人公与现实之间不可调和的冲突及其悲惨的结局为基本内容。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这两句诗选自约翰弥尔顿(John Milton,16081674)的失乐园(Paradise Lost),是撒旦的独白。8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 萨克雷的小说名利场的题目来源于约翰班扬(John Bunyan,1628 一 1688)的寓言小说朝圣者的旅行(Pilgrims Progress) 。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 这两句诗选自 TSEliot(1888 一 1965)的普鲁弗洛克的情歌(The Love

23、 Song of J. Alfred Prufrock),叙述者即是普鲁弗洛克。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 这首诗选自 Ezra Pound(1885 一 1972)的在地铁站(In a Station of the Metro)。二、问答题11 【正确答案】 John Donne.12 【正确答案】 The image is about a pair of compasses. Here Donne compares the. love between him and his wife with the two feet of the compasses. The author is

24、 like the foot that runs away and his wife is like the foot that stays at home. Though they may part for some time, their love would make him “end wherehebegun“.13 【正确答案】 This far-fetched comparison is called “conceit“. Similar examples can be seen in Donnes another poem “The Flea“ , in which the fl

25、ea is compared to love.14 【正确答案】 This excerpt is taken from Emily Brontes Wutkering Heights.15 【正确答案】 The narrator is Nelly Dean, who is a servant for all three generations of the Earnshaw and Linton families.16 【正确答案】 In Wuthering Heights, Nelly Dean plays several roles in connection with Catherine

26、 Earnshaw. She is at once, her servant, confidante, surrogate mother and judge. She is the housekeeper of Catherines family and takes care of the young lady; she is also the confidante of Catherine because it is to her that Catherine reveals her intention and reasons to marry Edgar. She is the surro

27、gate mother and judge because she disapproves the marriage between Catherine and Edgar; she knows that Catherine does not love Edgar.17 【正确答案】 This essay is written by Henry David Thoreau.18 【正确答案】 As a young man, Thoreau took a more than usual interest in the natural world. Like Emerson, but more t

28、han him, he saw nature as a genuine restorative, healthy influence on mans spiritual well-being, and a symbol of the spirit.19 【正确答案】 The New England transcendentalists saw nature as a symbol of the Spirit or God. Nature was, to them, not purely matter. It was alive, filled with Gods overwhelming pr

29、esence. It was the garment of the Oversoul. Therefore it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind.20 【正确答案】 The title of this poem is “The Road Not Taken“ by Robert Frost.21 【正确答案】 The poem consists of four stanzas with five lines each. These are called quintains. And in

30、each quintain, the rhyme scheme is ABAAB. The rhythm of the poem is basically iambic. Therefore, the poem is rhyming quintains of iambic tetrameter.22 【正确答案】 Thematically, this poem is concerned with an archetypal human situation where man is faced with the difficulty of making choices. In one sense

31、, the author seems to suggest that the choice one makes can make all the difference to ones life; yet from another sense, he also suggests that ultimately life would come full circle and the roads make no difference after all. It depends on oneself to decide ones own life and once we have made the d

32、ecision, we should follow this road and not regret.三、评论题23 【正确答案】 The biggest difference between James Joyce and his predecessors is his innovation in the art of novel writing. In his works, we do not see the usual plot and character development; often we are confused by all the swift jumps from the

33、 description of one thing to the other. Time sequence is dislocated. Past and present happenings are interwoven. Characters are immersed in their inner musings. The narrative often breaks trough the bounds of time and space and depicts the unconscious activity of the mind fast changing and flowing i

34、ncessantly. This technique of novel writing is called the stream of consciousness. Although James Joyce is not the first one to employ this technique, he is the first one to use it in a systematic and successful way and it is he that pushes this technique to a new level. In fact, art, for James Joyc

35、e, as for other modernists, is a way to demonstrate the illogic and chaotic nature of modern society. In 1999, Time magazine named Joyce one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century, and stated, “Joyce.revolutionised 20th century fiction“ , which is the best illustration of how Joyce dif

36、fers from his predecessors.24 【正确答案】 The sentence is saying that let us record faithfully what really happens in our mind, no matter how disconnected or how incoherent it may appear. The previous novels are written in a logical way, according to a particular time sequence; yet they are not the accur

37、ate recording of what really happens in our mind and life. Modern life is characterized by disorder and confusion, so is our mind. We should record it as it really is. No matter how small the incident is, or how momentary and fleeting some thought is, we should take it down, because that is the trut

38、hful description of the real process of our mind.25 【正确答案】 a)The novel originated in the early 18th century and early English novel writers concerned themselves with complex, middle-class characters struggling with their morality and circumstances, such as Pamela, Robinson Crusoe and Pride and Preju

39、dice.b)The first half of the 19th century was influenced by the romanticism of the previous era. The focus was now on nature and imagination rather than intellect and emotion. Famous romantic novels include Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Scarlet Letter and Moby Dick.c)In the Victorian period, nov

40、elists portrayed middle-class, virtuous heroes responding to society and learning right through a series of human errors. Notable Victorian authors include Charles Dickens who wrote Oliver Twist and Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alices Adventures in Wonderland.d)The rise of industrialization in the 19th

41、century precipitated a trend toward writing that depicted realism, which evolved quickly into naturalism that portrayed harsher circumstances and pessimistic characters rendered powerless by the forces of their environment. Naturalist novels include Sister Carrie and The Call of the Wild.e)The early

42、 half of the 20th century was characterized by modernism and writers such as James Joyce questioned the existence of God, the supremacy of the human reason, and the nature of reality. They no longer wrote as their predecessors once did; often they wrote in the form of the stream of consciousness. Somehow, they are famous for their efforts to relocate some order within the disordered society.


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