
,in9 The Golden Notebook10 Herzog11 epistolary novels12 stream of consciousness二、分析题12 Read the following poem by Robert Frost and do according to the


1、in9 The Golden Notebook10 Herzog11 epistolary novels12 stream of consciousness二分析题12 Read the following poem by Robert F。

2、question; Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a。

3、saTo be, or not to bethat is the question; Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous 。

4、2.My Last Duchess分数:2.003.Bleak House分数:2.004.The Turn of the Screw分数:2.005.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock分数:2.006。

5、Macbeth2 All is not lost, the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immoral hate,And courage never to submit or yield。

6、uplet2 The narrator understands what he is relating less than the reader does.AomniscientB objectiveC first personDinnoc。

7、w Can it be death And do they only standBy ignorance are taken from the literary work written by.AJohn KeatsB William Bl。

8、ryg. the spokesman of the Lost Generation h. great American dramatisti. Yoknapatawpha Fictionj. The English Dictionary1 。

9、ather of modern American short storyg. the spokesman of the Lost Generation h. great American dramatisti. Yoknapatawpha 。

10、nry IVD.King John2.Can it be sin to know Can it be death And do they only standBy ignorance are taken from the literary 。

11、 Merchant of VeniceC.As You Like ItD.Macbeth2.All is not lost, the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immoral hate。

12、ank verseB.SonnetC.Free verseD.Heroic couplet2.The narrator understands what he is relating less than the reader does.分数。

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