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1、GCT 工程硕士(英语)历年真题试卷汇编 6 及答案与解析一、Part II Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a

2、single line through the center.0 Happiness is becoming a huge area in psychological research and even in government policy, with the UK government exploring a “happiness index. “ Its tough, though, to define exactly what happiness is, and what makes us happy.There are two broad ways of looking at ha

3、ppiness: short-term happiness(a great cookie, a bottle of wine)and long-term happiness(financial security, achieving your goals). Both types of happiness are valid, and important. The problem is, theyre often in competition.Lets say youve got a goal of losing 50 pounds this year. You know youd be ha

4、ppier and healthier if you werent carrying that extra weight. To achieve long-term happiness, you need to go on a diet. In the short-term, though, its not that easy. A chocolate cake, or a large glass of wine, might seem like just the thing to cheer you up at the end of a long dayor to celebrate wit

5、h friends. Its the same with lots of other goal.If youve got a tendency to prioritize long-term happiness at the expense of day-to-day pleasures, you should start looking for some small ways to bring a little joy back into your life. Im not suggesting that you go out and get drunk every night, or th

6、at you stuff yourself with cake. There are plenty of other ways to enjoy yourself. Dont pin all your hopes of happiness on some far-off future, though. Theres no point working a 60-hour week and making yourself thoroughly miserable in the belief that things will be perfect as soon as youre making a

7、six-figure salary.1 A proper title for the passage is “ _. “(A)Happy Thereafter(B) Beyond Happiness(C) Happiness In, Happiness Out(D)Happy Now or in the Future?2 Paragraph 2 is mainly about_.(A)what makes us happy(B) how to understand happiness(C) how we can be happier(D)what happiness can bring us3

8、 The example in Paragraph 3 is meant to emphasize that_.(A)both short-term happiness and long-term happiness are important(B) we tend to seek short-term happiness instead of long-term happiness(C) people prefer long-term happiness to short-term happiness(D)short-term happiness may contradict long-te

9、rm happiness4 The word “prioritize“(last paragraph)probably means_.(A)treat something as more important than others(B) improve somethings value or quality(C) put extra emphasis on something(D)look for something that is difficult to find5 The author suggests in the last paragraph that sacrificing sho

10、rt-term happiness for long-term happiness_.(A)works well(B) can be justified(C) is not worth while(D)makes no difference5 Thanks to the introduction of new drugs, many of the early problems in organ transplants, such as tissue rejection, have, to a great extent, now been solved. However, there remai

11、ns a major problem. The people in need of transplant surgery far outnumber the available organs.Many countries, such as Britain, have huge waiting lists of people whose lives could be saved by being given a kidney, lung, heart, or liver transplant. Sadly, many of them die before they reach the top o

12、f those lists.Under the present British policy, people are asked to carry donor(捐赠人)cards, and/or put their names on the national donor register. Thus, if they lose their lives suddenly, for example, in a traffic accident, they have given permission in advance of their deaths for their organs to be

13、used. If they have not done so, surgeons are faced with the task of asking the grieved relatives for permission to use the organs of the dead. Of course, often the relatives are too upset even to think of such a thing until it is too late. Organ transplants have to take place quite soon after the de

14、ath of the donor.Dying and donating organs is not something most of us like to think about, and only about 14% of people have registered. Now it has been suggested that, instead of the present register, there should be a register of potential donors who havent made up their minds.6 Nowadays a major

15、problem in transplant surgery is_.(A)the shortage of qualified doctors(B) the lack of transplant organs(C) tissue rejection(D)immature techniques7 It can be inferred from the passage that transplant organs most likely come from_.(A)people who die in fatal accidents(B) criminals who are sentenced to

16、death(C) patients who die from serious diseases(D)people who are mentally healthy8 What is the advantage of registering in advance to donate organs?(A)The transplant may take place soon after the death of the donor.(B) The donors relatives would agree with the surgery.(C) More people would choose do

17、nation of their organs after death.(D)Surgeons will not be liable to any legal consequences.9 The low percentage of people who have registered to donate organs indicates that_.(A)the present register system doesnt work(B) dying and donating organs is an unpleasant issue(C) very few people know how t

18、o donate their organs(D)permission from relatives is hard to obtain10 What has been proposed to get more donor organs?(A)Asking more people to register to donate organs after death.(B) Having more people carry donor cards when they get around.(C) Encouraging more people to consider organ donation th

19、rough registering.(D)Getting more people to donate organs by offering huge monetary rewards.10 Recently, the American Heart Association surveyed 1, 000 people nationwide about their thoughts on sodium and heart health. 61% said that they believed sea salt was a low-sodium alternative to table salt.

20、They can be forgiven for thinking so. Sea salt is marketed as a healthy food, added to soups, potato chips and a wide variety of packaged snacks labeled “ low sodium, “ “all natural“ and “healthy. “ But in reality, sea salt and table salt are not terribly different, at least chemically. The real dif

21、ferences are in how the two are used in cooking.Table salt comes from underground salt deposits. Companies that sell it typically add something to keep it from clumping(结块). During processing, table salt is stripped of many of its natural minerals. Sea salt, on the other hand, is made from evaporate

22、d seawater. With little processing, it retains most of its minerals, which some cooks say give it a better flavor.But both contain the same amount of sodium chloride(氯化的)by weight, which means they contribute equally to total sodium consumption and have the same effect on blood pressure. Officials r

23、ecommend that adults consume no more than 2, 300 milligrams of sodium a day, equivalent to a teaspoon of salt. You should eat less if you are black, hypertensive(患高血压的)or older than 40. Yet most Americans consume more than double the amount they need, mostly from processed foods, so it is best to li

24、mit saltof any kind. 11 According to the survey, more than half the people believe that_.(A)table salt should be used in cooking(B) it is necessary to eat sea salt(C) sea salt is a high-sodium product(D)sea salt is a healthier choice than table salt12 The difference between table salt and sea salt l

25、ies in that table salt_.(A)contains less natural minerals than sea salt(B) forms clumps more easily than sea salt(C) tastes better than sea salt(D)goes through less processing than sea salt13 The word “strip“ in Para. 2 is closest in meaning to “ _. “(A)break(B) add(C) remove(D)change14 According to

26、 the passage, the proper amount of salt consumption is related to ones_.(A)appetite(B) age(C) sex(D)weight15 According to the passage, Americans_.(A)consume much more salt than they actually need(B) consume about 2, 300 milligrams of salt a day(C) prefer fresh food to salted processed food(D)try to

27、limit their salt consumption of any kind15 16 A proper title for the chart is “ _. “(A)Schedule Chart for Job Hunting(B) Flow Chart for Recruitment Process(C) Descriptive Chart for an Open Position(D)Organization Chart for a Hiring Company17 The chart is probably designed for_.(A)job applicants(B) s

28、chool graduates(C) the company general manager(D)the human resources department18 What happens right after the interview?(A)The company will review other interviewees.(B) The company will notify those who get an offer.(C) The applicants will confirm job offers with the company.(D)The applicants will

29、 call in to check whether they get the offer.19 A work contract is signed when_.(A)all options have been considered(B) there is no more interviewee to review(C) the applicant accepts the companys offer(D)the company finishes training for its new staff20 What does “Com. “ in “Com. Offer“ possibly mea

30、n?(A)Confirm.(B) Company.(C) Compensate.(D)Communicate.GCT 工程硕士(英语)历年真题试卷汇编 6 答案与解析一、Part II Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1 【正确答案】 D2 【正确答案】 B3 【正确答案】 D4 【正确答案】 C5 【正确答案】 D6 【正确答案】 B7 【正确答案】 A8 【正确答案】 A9 【正确答案】 B10 【正确答案】 C11 【正确答案】 D12 【正确答案】 A13 【正确答案】 C14 【正确答案】 B15 【正确答案】 A16 【正确答案】 B17 【正确答案】 D18 【正确答案】 B19 【正确答案】 C20 【正确答案】 B


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