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1、英语专业语言学(综合)模拟试卷 9 及答案与解析一、简答题1 Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show that you understand the ambiguity involved:Example; Smoking grass can be nauseating.a. Putting grass in a pipe and smoking it can make you sick.b. Fumes from smoldering grass can make you sick.Ter

2、ry loves his wife and so do I.They said she would go yesterday.(3)The governor is a dirty street fighter.The design has big squares and circles.1 Explain the semantic ambiguity of the following sentences by providing two or more sentences that paraphrase the multiple meanings. Example: She cant bear

3、 children can mean either She cant give birth to children or She cant tolerate children.2 He waited by the bank.3 Is he really that kind?4 We bought her dog biscuits.5 He saw that gasoline can explode.6 Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes.7 He saw her drawing pencils.8 Two relations involving word

4、meaning are antonymy and synonymy. Which relation is illustrated in each of the pairs of words below?flourish - thriveintelligent - stupid(3)casual - informalyoung-olduncle-auntintelligent - ableflog - whipdrunk - sober9 What connotations or connotative meanings do you think the following nouns have

5、 in English? charity iron mole snow street9 Some of the sets of terms below form semantic fields. For each set:a. acquire, buy, collect, hoard, win, inherit, stealb. whisper, talk, narrate, report, tell, harangue, scribble, instruct, briefc. road, path, barn, way, street, freeway, avenue, thoroughfa

6、re, interstate, methodd. stench, smell, reek, aroma, bouquet, odoriferous, perfume, fragrance, scent, olfactory10 Identify the words that do not belong to the same semantic field as the others in the set.11 Identify the superordinate term of the remaining semantic field, if there is one(it may be a

7、word in the set).12 Determine whether some terms are less marked than others, and justify your claim.13 Identify which of the following may be considered to have or to be homographs, homophones, homonyms or polysemy:sea break line ear prayer mature trace house14 What are the differences between less

8、 marked and more marked terms in the same semantic field?14 For each group of words given below, state what semantic feature or features distinguish between the classes of(a)words and(b)words. If asked, also indicate a semantic feature shared by both the(a)words and the(b)words.Example; a. widow, mo

9、ther, sister, aunt, maidb. widower, father, brother uncle, valet The(a)and(b)words are “human“. The(a)words are “female“ and the(b)words are “male“.15 a. bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chief b. bull, rooster, drake, ramThe(a)and(b)words are_The(a)words are_The(b)words are_16 a. ask, tell, say,

10、talk, converseb. shout, whisper, mutter, drawl, hollerThe(a)and(b)words are_The(a)words are_The(b)words are_17 a. walk, run, skip, jump, hop, swimb. fly, skate, ski, ride, cycle, canoe, hang-glideThe(a)and(b)words are_The(a)words are_The(b)words are_18 What are the deictic expressions in the followi

11、ng utterance? Im busy now so you cant do that here. Come back tomorrow.19 What are the anaphoric expressions in the following utterance? Dr. Dang gave Jane some medicine after she asked him for it.20 What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says;Where did he buy the beer?Your watch is bro

12、ken.(3)We regret buying that car.21 Someone stands between you and the TV set you were watching, so you decide to say one of the following. Identify which would be direct and which would be indirect speech acts.Move!Youre in the way.(3)Could you sit down?I cant see anything.Please get out of the way

13、.22 What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle?23 Which maxim does this speaker seem to be particularly careful about: Well, to be quite honest, I dont think she is ill today.24 How would you describe this short exchange in terms of the actions performed by the speakers? . Carol; Are you

14、coming to the party tonight?Lara; Ive got an exam tomorrow.25 What is meant by the term “cohesion“ in the study of discourses?26 Say what one is replacing in the following text.A group of people marching on the road should keep to the left. There should be look-outs in front and at the back wearing

15、reflective clothing at night and fluorescent clothing by day. At night the look-out in front should carry a white light and the one at the back should carry a bright red light visible from the rear.27 Pick out all the instances of discourse reference in the following text.At one point the Brundtland

16、 report states that “ The loss of plant and animal species can greatly limit the options of future generations; so sustainable development requires the conservation of plant and animal species“. What, all of them? At what price? . At another point the Brundtland report says that economic growth and

17、development obviously involve changes in the physical ecosystem. “ Every ecosystem everywhere cannot be preserved intact. “ Well, thats a relief. But how can it be made consistent with the earlier objective? Does it mean that it is all right to deprive some people in some parts of the world of a pie

18、ce of their ecosystem but not others? What justification is there for this discrimination?英语专业语言学(综合)模拟试卷 9 答案与解析一、简答题1 【正确答案】 Terry loves his wife and I love her, too. Terry loves his wife and I love mine, too.Yesterday, they told us about her leaving.They had said that she was going to leave on ye

19、sterday.The governor is a street fighter who is really dirty. The governor cannot stand the street being dirty.The design has lots of circles and big squares.The design has lots of circles and squares, which are both really big.【知识模块】 简答题【知识模块】 简答题2 【正确答案】 He waited by the bank of a river. He waited

20、 by the bank where people can save or deposit money.【知识模块】 简答题3 【正确答案】 Does he really belong to that kind of man? Is he really a kind-hearted man as we have imagined?【知识模块】 简答题4 【正确答案】 We brought some biscuits for her dog. We brought some dog biscuits for her.【知识模块】 简答题5 【正确答案】 The explosion of that

21、 gasoline can was seen by him. He saw the fact that gasoline is able to explode.【知识模块】 简答题6 【正确答案】 Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes with guns. Fifty soldiers shot three wild foxes with cameras.【知识模块】 简答题7 【正确答案】 Her drawing pencils were seen by him. Her drawing pencils were cut off by him with a

22、 saw.【知识模块】 简答题8 【正确答案】 Antonymy:,Synonymy:,【知识模块】 简答题9 【正确答案】 Charity: social responsibility, kind-heartedness, consciousness Iron: strong, perseverance, firmnessMole; stealthiness, blindness(as blind as a mole)Snow; white, pure, beautiful Street; broad, straight, plain【知识模块】 简答题【知识模块】 简答题10 【正确答案】

23、 a. hoard(all other words are indicating “the way one gets sth. “)b. scribble(all other words concern about “manner in talking“ while scribble is a “manner of writing“)c. barn(all other words relates to “way“.)d. olfactory(all other words are a kind of “smell“ , while olfactory is the organ of smell

24、ing)【知识模块】 简答题11 【正确答案】 a. “acquire/get“ ; b. “tell/say“; c. “way“; d. “smell“.【知识模块】 简答题12 【正确答案】 Yes, there are words which are less marked than other words. Lets take a group of words for example: words like road, path, way, street and method are less marked than words like freeway, avenue, thoro

25、ughfare, and interstate. The less marked members of a semantic field will usually be easier to learn and remember than more marked members. Typically, a less marked word consists of only one morpheme, in contrast to more marked words. The less marked member of a semantic field cannot be described by

26、 using the name of another member of the same field, for instance, method cannot be replaced by street.【知识模块】 简答题13 【正确答案】 Homographs; break n. /break v. line n. /line v. ear n. /ear v. Homophones; sea/seeHomonyms: break n. /break v. line n. /line v. ear n. /ear v. Polysemy: sea, mature, trace, hous

27、e.【知识模块】 简答题14 【正确答案】 The differences between less marked words and marked words in a semantic field are:The less marked members of a semantic field will usually be easier to learn and remember than more marked members. Typically, a less marked word consists of only one morpheme, in contrast to more

28、 marked words. The less marked member of a semantic field cannot be described by using the name of another member of the same field; while more marked words can be thus described. Less marked words also tend to be used more frequently in conversation and writing. Besides, less marked words are also

29、often broader in meaning than more marked terms. Finally, less marked words are not the result of the metaphorical usage of the name of another object or concept, whereas more marked words often are.【知识模块】 简答题【知识模块】 简答题15 【正确答案】 a. bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chiefb. bull, rooster, drake, ra

30、mThe(a)and(b)words are “male living/animate things“The(a)words are “human beings“The(b)words are “animals“【知识模块】 简答题16 【正确答案】 a. ask, tell, say, talk, converseb. shout, whisper, mutter, drawl, hollerThe(a)and(b)words are “speaking“The(a)words are “reciprocal“The(b)words are “alone“【知识模块】 简答题17 【正确答案

31、】 a. walk, run, skip, jump, hop, swimb. fly, skate, ski, ride, cycle, canoe, hang-glide The(a)and(b)words are “sports“ The(a)words are “done with ones body“ The(b)words are “done with instruments“【知识模块】 简答题18 【正确答案】 Deictic expressions; I, now, you, that, here, tomorrow.【知识模块】 简答题19 【正确答案】 Anaphoric

32、 expressions: She, him, it.【知识模块】 简答题20 【正确答案】 He bought some beer.You have a watch.We already bought that car.【知识模块】 简答题21 【正确答案】 Direct speech act:,Indirect speech act:,【知识模块】 简答题22 【正确答案】 The Cooperative Principle(CP)contains four maxims; The Maxim of QuantityMake your contribution as informative

33、 as is required(for the current purposes of the exchange).Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The Maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true.Do not say what you believe to be false.Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The Maxim of Relat

34、ion Be relevant.The Maxim of Manner Be perspicuous.Avoid obscurity of expression.Avoid ambiguity.Be brief(avoid prolixity).Be orderly.【知识模块】 简答题23 【正确答案】 This speaker is particularly careful about the maxim of quality, because he/she said, “to be quite honest“ , which means he/she does not want to s

35、ay what he/she believes to be false. 【知识模块】 简答题24 【正确答案】 It is an indirect speech act. Carol invites Lara to a party, but Lara wants to decline the invitation. To be polite, she doesnt choose a direct refusal, instead she says “Ive got an exam tomorrow“ as a reasonable excuse to decline the invitati

36、on. In this way, she minimizes the expression of impolite beliefs, thus the utterance conforms to PP. Obviously Lara breaks the maxim of relation of CP by talking about something totally irrelevant with Carols question. However, we can understand her meaning perfectly. Lara is conveying an indirect

37、meaning by giving out an utterance containing a conversational implicative. Her aim is to refuse Carols invitation in an polite and less harsh manner.【知识模块】 简答题25 【正确答案】 Cohesion is an important field of study in discourse analysis. It refers to the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between t

38、he different elements of a discourse. This may be the relationship between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence. Actually, cohesion concerns the question of how sentences are explicitly linked together in a discourse by different kinds of o-vert devices. Such cohesive devices

39、 include reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion.【知识模块】 简答题26 【正确答案】 “One“ is used to replace “look-out“.【知识模块】 简答题27 【正确答案】 Pronouns; them, it; What, all of them?But how can it be made consistent with the earlier objective? Demonstratives; that, this;Well, thats a relief.What justification is there for this discrimination?Article; the;The loss of plants and animal species .Others“Does it mean a piece of their ecosystem but not others?“【知识模块】 简答题


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