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1、英语专业(基础英语)模拟试卷 11 及答案与解析一、句子改错1 Such policy may distract students from their study.2 Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches over thirty feet in length.3 It demonstrates more of a random montage than the ability to sustain an argument through 10 to 15 double-space pages.4

2、 All those left undone may sound greatly in theory, but even the truest believer has great difficulty when it comes to specifics.5 The invention of fresh metaphor today continues to make it possible the vivid expression of emotions.6 Id rather you would go by train, because I cant bear the idea of y

3、our being in an airplane in such bad weather.7 Small distinctions among stamps, unimportant to the person average, would mean a great deal to the stamp collector.二、翻译8 I remember a time.when every artist thought he owed it to himself to turn his back on the Eiffel Tower, as a protest against the arc

4、hitectural blasphemy with which it filled the sky.9 We are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance daylight and darkness.三、选择题10 Aerobic exercises create a_oxygen in the body without seriously disrupting normal body functions.(A)demand(B) demanding(C) demand

5、ing of(D)demand for11 The Sony PlayStation Portable books and feels gorgeous. With its_and sophisticated lines, its the iPod of games machines, aimed as much at adults as teenagers.(A)sleek(B) sleazy(C) sleety(D)slick12 One of the wrong notions about science is that many scientific discoveries have

6、come about_(A)accordingly(B) accidentally(C) artificially(D)additionally13 The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously_relations between the two countries.(A)tumble(B) jeopardize(C) manipulate(D)intimidate14 It is bad manner to_other people behind their backs.(A)do up(B) do by(C) do awa

7、y with(D)do down15 Your advice would be_valuable to him, who is now at a loss as to what to do first.(A)excessively(B) extensively(C) exceedingly(D)exclusively16 New research raises new concerns that altering crops to withstand such threats may pose new risksfrom_the weeds themselves.(A)anything but

8、(B) other than(C) more than(D)no other than17 The Games of the 29th Olympiad will leave Beijing and the world sports a rich environmental_(A)legacy(B) protection(C) experience(D)property18 For a long time, France has been pushing for_the weapons embargo against those countries.(A)lifting(B) hollerin

9、g(C) changing(D)striking19 Professor Smith and Professor Brown will_in giving the class lectures.(A)alter(B) change(C) alternate(D)differ四、选词填空19 Put the words in brackets into the correct forms.(10 points)In May 2007, the United States【K1】_(launch)a plan to deploy an anti-missile system in Eastern

10、Europe,【K2】_(include)10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic. Although the system allegedly【K3 】_(build)to counter the threat of a ballistic missle- equipped Iran, the plan【K4】_(meet)with vehement opposition from Russia, which【K5】 _ (insist)that the system is dire

11、cted against it.Several rounds of high-level consultations【K6】_(carry)out between Russia and the United State to settle the dispute. At the G8 Summit last June, former Russian President Vladimmir Putin 【K7】_(make)a proposal to his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush that the United States share data fro

12、m the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijina with Russia instead of building a new radar system in the Czech Republic. The two countries ministers of foreign affairs and defense【K8】_(meet)in Moscow last November in an attempt to iron out their differences in Americas deployment of an anti-missile syste

13、m in Eastern Europe and other issues. More talks【K9】_(hold)between the two countries this year. Despite all these negotiations, no substantial agreements【K10】_(reach).20 【K1】21 【K2】22 【K3】23 【K4】24 【K5】25 【K6】26 【K7】27 【K8】28 【K9】29 【K10】29 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words where necessary.(

14、15 points)Scholarship is, 【X1】_definition, a communal act. Dissemination or sharing knowledge makes the work of academic life complete. Consider【X2】_we always say “research and publication“ suggesting that scholarly investigation takes【X3】_meaning only when it is passed on to others, which might be

15、considered an act of teaching. Surly, teaching undergraduates can be an authentic form of scholarly work.The simple truth is that almost all of us【X4】_where we are today because of the inspiration of an inspiring teacher. Yet, on far too many campuses, it is deemed better for a professor to【X5】_a pa

16、per at the Hyatt in Chicago【X6 】_to teach undergraduates back home. And its really sad the way we speak【X7 】_research “opportunities“ and teaching “loads.“Giving teaching such a low priority has profoundly【X8】_influence on liberal learning. Young scholars often observe that【X9】_of catalog commitment

17、 to general education, the reality is that too much time with students will, in【X10 】_. jeopardize their careers.30 【X1】31 【X2】32 【X3】33 【X4】34 【X5】35 【X6】36 【X7】37 【X8】38 【X9】39 【X10】39 Complete the passage by choosing the best sentence for each gap. There are more sentences given than necessary.(1

18、5 points)These days we hear a lot of words about the “great classless society“. The idea that the twentieth century is the age of the common man has become one of the great cliches of our time. The same old arguments are put forward in evidence. Here are some of them: monarchy as a system of governm

19、ent has been completely discredited. The monarchies that survive have been deprived of all political power. Inherited wealth has been savagely reduced by taxation and, in time, the great fortunes will disappear altogether. In a number of countries the victory has been complete. The people rule; the

20、great millennium has become a political reality.【T1】_【T2】_It is debatable whether you can ever provide everyone with the same educational opportunities, but that is another question. The fact is that nature dispenses brains and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality. The old ru

21、les of the jungle, “survival of the fittest“, and “might is right“ are still with us. The spread of education has destroyed the old class system and created a new one. Rewards are based on merit. For “aristocracy“ read “meritocracy“; in other respects, society remains unaltered: the class system is

22、rigidly maintained.Genuine ability, animal cunning, skill, the knack of seizing opportunities, all bring material rewards.【T3】_For all the lip service we pay to the idea of equality, we do not consider this wrong in the western world. Private schools which offer unfair advantages over state schools

23、are not banned becauseone of the principles in a democracy is that people should be free to choose how they will educate their children. In this way, the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain extent: an able child from a wealthy home can succeed far more rapidly than his poorer counterp

24、art.【T4】_In societies wholly dedicated to the principle of social equality, privileged private education is forbidden. But even here people are rewarded according to their abilities. In fact, so great is the need for skilled workers that the least able may be neglected. Bright children are carefully

25、 and expensively trained to become future rulers.【T5】_A. But has it? Close examination doesnt bear out the claim.B. Therefore, it is safe to say that we have entered a fully democratic era.C. Wealth is also used indiscriminately to further political ends. It would be almost impossible to become the

26、leader of a democracy without massive financial backing. Money is as powerful a weapon as ever it was.D. However, no matter how hard poor students try, the fate waiting for them is only to serve those who are brought up in rich families. They may have the chance to join in such “think tank“, but sel

27、dom may they make their way to the top of the right.E. In the end, all political ideologies boil down to the same thing: class divisions persist whether you are ruled by a feudal king or an educated peasant.F. It is a fallacy to suppose that all men are equal and that society will be leveled out if

28、you provide everybody with the same educational opportunities.G. And what is the first thing people do when they become rich? They use their wealth to secure the best possible opportunities for their children, to give them “a good start in life“.40 【T1】41 【T2】42 【T3】43 【T4】44 【T5】五、阅读理解44 Read the p

29、assage and then mark your answers.(6 points)In a perfectly free and open market economy, the type of employer government or private should have little or no impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However if there is discrimination against one sex it is unlikely that the degree o

30、f discrimination by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private em

31、ployers would be greater. Thus, one would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government employment would have a positive effect on womens earnings as compared with their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs support this assumption. Fuchss results sugg

32、est that the earnings of women in an industry composed entirely of government employees would by 14.6 percent greater than the earnings of women in an industry composed exclusively of private employees, other things being equal.In addition, both Fuchs and Sanborn have suggested that the effect of de

33、cimation by consumers on the earnings of self-employed women may be greater than the effect of either government or private employer discrimination on the earnings of women employees. To test this hypothesis, Brown selected a large sample of white male and female workers from the 1970 census and div

34、ided them into three categories: private employees, government employees, and self-employed.(Black workers were excluded from the sample to avoid picking up earnings differentials that were the result of racial disparities.)Browns research design controlled for education, labor-force participation,

35、mobility, motivation, and age in order to eliminate these factors a explanations of the studys results. Browns results suggest that men and women are not treated the same by employers and consumers. For men, self-employment is the highest earnings category, with private employment next, and governme

36、nt lowest. For women, this order is reversed.One can infer from Browns results that consumers discriminate against self-employed women. In addition, self-employed women may have more difficulty than men in getting good employees and may encounter discrimination from suppliers and from financial inst

37、itutions.Browns results are clearly consistent with Fuchs argument that discrimination by consumers has a greater impact on the earnings of women than does discrimination by either government or private employers. Also, the fact that women do better working for government than for private employers

38、implies that private employers are discriminating against women. The results do not prove that government does not discriminate against women. They do, however, demonstrate that if government is discriminating against women, its discrimination is not having as much effect on womens earnings as is di

39、scrimination in the private sector.45 The passage mentions all of the following as difficulties that self-employed women may encounter except_.(A)discrimination from suppliers and consumers.(B) discrimination from financial institutions.(C) problems in obtaining good employees.(D)problems in obtaini

40、ng government assistance.46 The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following conclusions about discrimination against women by private employers and by government employers?(A)Both private employers and government employers discriminate with equal effects on womens earnings.(B) B

41、oth private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by private employers has a greater effect on womens earnings.(C) Both private employers and government employers discriminate, but the discrimination by government employers has a greater effect on womens earnings.(D

42、)Private employers discriminate; it is possible that government employer discriminate.47 A study of the practices of financial institutions that revealed no discrimination against self-employed women would tend to contradict which of the following?(A)Some tentative results of Fuchss study.(B) Some e

43、xplicit results of Browns study.(C) A suggestion made by the author.(D)Fuchss hypothesis.48 It can be inferred from the passage that the statements in the last paragraph are most probably which of the following?(A)Browns elaboration of his research results.(B) Browns tentative inferences from his da

44、ta.(C) Browns conclusions based on common sense reasoning.(D)The authors conclusions, based on Fuchss and Browns results.49 In what orders does womens earning categories occur according to Browns study?(from highest earnings to lowest earnings50 Give a title to describe the content of the passage as

45、 a whole.六、汉译英51 从古至今多少诗人赞美过窗子,多少歌手歌唱过窗子,多少情人的眼睛凝望过窗子窗子的变化,是值得人们考察一番的。小小的窗子,几乎可以说,是文明的眼睛。在今后的日子里,窗子的变化会更加多种多样了。窗子的玻璃会随着时钟,自动调和射进室内的光线,窗子会随着明暗变换颜色,窗框上装有循环水,它可以为居室的主人带走很多他发觉不到的天敌,又可以送进来他需要而又不易得到的芳香和养分有的窗子不需开合,便能做到通风透光,它还可以把你愿听到的声音送到外边,但是悦耳的琴声,它是不会阻拦的打开窗子吧!现在开窗子就不光是为了迎进阳光、空气,或者远眺青山的青、新柳的绿、燕子飞来的掠影而是迎接一个

46、新的世纪。七、英译汉52 Translate the following part into Chinese.(20 points)The lives of most men are determined by their environment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails an

47、d they despise the sprightly fliver that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascinated by the men,

48、 few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events we have the illusion of it. At a crossroad it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and, the choic

49、e once made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the worlds history obliged us to take the turning we did.I never met a more interesting man than Mayhew. He was a lawyer in Detroit. He was an able and a successful one. By the time he was thirty-five he had a large and a lucrative practice, he had amassed a competence, and he stood on the threshold of a dis


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