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1、英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 24 及答案与解析一、填空题1 “Linguistic relativity“ was proposed by_and_. (清华 2001 研)2 Psycholinguistics is a branch of linguistics which is the study of psychological aspects of language. As an interdisciplinary academic field, it investigates the following major subjects; _ , _and_.3 A_langu

2、age is originally a pidgin that has become established as a native language in some speech community.4 A linguistic_refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite“ society from general use.5 Taboo and_are two faces of the same communication coin.6 Language itself is not sexist, but

3、 its use may reflect the_attitude connoted in the language that is sexist.7 As Carter and Simpson (1989) observed that “ if the 1960s was a decade of formalism in stylistics, the 1970s a decade of functionalism, and the 1980s a decade of_stylistics“. (中山大学 2011 年研)二、判断题8 If a child is deprived of li

4、nguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.(A)真(B)假9 When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them

5、.(A)真(B)假10 Language reflects sexism in society. Language itself is not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism.(A)真(B)假11 According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, speakers perceptions determine l

6、anguage and pattern their way of life.(A)真(B)假三、单项选择题12 _is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.(A)Competence(B) Performance(C) Learning(D)Acquisition13 _are language varieties appropriate for use in particular speech situ

7、ations.(A)Slang(B) Address terms(C) Registers(D)Education varieties14 _refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straight forward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.(A)Lingua franca(B) Creole(C) Pidgin(D)Standard language15 In sociolinguistic studies, speaker are regar

8、ded as members of social groups, the social group that is singled out for any special study is called_.(A)the speech community(B) the linguistic group(C) the linguistic community(D)the speech variety group四、简答题16 Eskimos have many different words for different types of snow, Aborigines for different

9、 types of sand, and in Arabic one must choose from a whole range of words which are subsumed under the Western category CAMEL. Can you explain these phenomena with your linguistic knowledge? (北航 2008 研)17 What is linguistic determinism? (北航 2008 研)18 What do you think of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?

10、(西安外国语学院 2006 研)19 What will you say to a statement like “our language is our culture“? (四川大学 2006研)20 How would you comment on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? (北航 2010 研)21 Why do we need to teach culture in our language classroom? (四川大学 2010 研)22 What are sociolinguistics of society and sociolinguistics o

11、f language? (武汉大学2007 研)23 It is claimed in sociolinguistics that you are what you say. How would you comment on this theoretical claim? (武汉大学 201 1 年研)24 In Chinese tone changes are used in the way that affects the meanings of individual words. (中山大学 201 1 年研)25 What distinction, if any, can you dr

12、aw between bilingualism and diglossia?26 How do the speech of women and the speech of men differ from each other?27 Describe the process of language perception, comprehension and production.28 What is Sapir - Whorf hypothesis?五、名词解释29 Linguistic relativity(四川大学 2010 研;人大 2006 研)30 Sapir-Whorf hypoth

13、esis (武汉大学 2004 研)31 Linguistic determinism (上海交大 2007 研)32 Intercultural communication (南开大学 2006 研)33 Cross-cultural communication (浙江大学 2003 研)34 Pidgins and Creoles35 Speech community (北外 2010 研)36 Diglossia (南开大学 2010 研)37 Register (南开大学 2010 研)38 linguistic variable (北外 201 1 年研)39 conversatio

14、nal maxim (南开大学 201 1 年研)40 Blog(中山大学 2011 年研)六、举例说明题41 Some comments on the following statement based on your own experience:There exists a close relationship between language and culture. In other words, a successful master of a given language has much to do with an understanding of that culture.

15、(武汉大学 2007 研)42 Explain this statement and give at least two examples of it: “In studying other cultures, we do so from the perspective of our own culture.“ (北外 2007 研)43 What is linguistic relativity and why is it so important in linguistic studies? (中山大学 2006 研)44 How much does our language influe

16、nce the way we think? How deeply do language and culture interpenetrate and influence one another? These questions about language have fascinated thinkers throughout the ages. For example, Johann Gottfried Herder and Wilhelm von Humboldt in the German Romantic tradition regarded language as a prisma

17、 or grid spread over things in the world so that each language reflects a different worldview. Write a short essay to explain your position on this view. (北外 2004 研)45 How do you understand the role of linguistic research in social and economic development? (南开大学 2004 研)46 Why do you think that, all

18、 other things being equal, women use more standard variants of stable sociolinguistic variables than men? (北外 2006 研)47 What is a “slip of the tongue“? What has research into “slip of the tongue“ phenomena revealed about speech production process? (南开大学 2011 年研)英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 24 答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案

19、】 Sapir,Whorf【试题解析】 萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说认为,一方面,语言可以决定我们的思维方式;另一方面,语言之间的相似性是相对的,结构性差异越大,反映出对于世界认识的越不同。因此,这个假说也被称作“语言决定论”和“语言相对主义”。2 【正确答案】 acquisition,comprehension,production【试题解析】 心理语言学作为语言学的一个分支,是从心理学的角度来研究语言,主要包括语言习得,语言理解和语言产生。3 【正确答案】 creole【试题解析】 当皮钦语得到发展不再是作为交易的语言,而成为一个社会群体的第一语言时,它就成为克里奥尔语。由皮钦语转变成为克里奥尔语的

20、过程就称作克里奥尔语化。4 【正确答案】 taboo【试题解析】 禁忌语是由于宗教、政治或性别原因而避免使用的词汇,通常被委婉语所代替。5 【正确答案】 euphemism【试题解析】 禁忌语是由于宗教、政治或性别原因而避免使用的词汇,通常被委婉语所代替。委婉语是用一词代替比较唐突的令人不快的另一词的表达方法。他们是同一交流过程的两个方面。6 【正确答案】 social【试题解析】 语言本身是不存在性别歧视的,但当语言被不同的人使用时,则会反映出社会中存在的性别歧视现象。7 【正确答案】 discourse【试题解析】 正如 Carter and Simpson 认为的那样,如果说 20 世纪

21、 60 年代是形式主义文体学,70 年代是功能主义文体学,那么 80 年代就是话语文体学。二、判断题8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 如果一个孩子失去了语言环境,他或她是不可能成功地学好一种语言的。9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 不论孩子们生活在何种语言环境中,他们首先获得的是世上所有语言的普遍性知识,之后他们才会学习更为复杂的语言。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语言可以反应出社会的性别歧视现象,但语言本身并无性别歧视意义,语言可以表达出人们对性别的态度及对一些禁忌语和种族歧视的态度。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说的强势版本,语言决定了说话者的感知能力和生活

22、模式,而非说话者的感知能力决定了语言和生活模式。三、单项选择题12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在学校里,通过有意识的学习而学到第二语言的的过程叫做学习,这不同于儿童不自觉地自然的言语习得过程。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 语域是特殊人群使用的言语变体,通常指具有相同职业或具有同样爱好的人。某一语域通常具有自己一些独特的词汇或使用词或短语的特殊方式,而使其与其他语域区分开来。14 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 皮钦语不是任何人的母语,是在交往联系的情况下(例如交易)学习的语言变体。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 在社会语言学中,语言使用者都被看作是社会的成员。而具有相同的语言认同或

23、至少共享一种语言变体的人群可称作语言社区。四、简答题16 【正确答案】 These phenomena can be explained from the following perspectives:(1) These phenomena show a relationship between language and society. Language changes from region to region, from one social group to another and from individual to individual. The living environmen

24、t makes great impact on the changes of language. As Eskimo are always living in an environment of a snow world, they have made a good cognition to snow and classified it in different types. Human use language to describe the world they have cognized.(2) These phenomena can be explained from the Sapi

25、r-Whorf Hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that: our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers unique ways of understanding the world. So Eskimoss different words for different types of snow reflect their different ways to underst

26、and snow.17 【正确答案】 Linguistic determinism, is one of the two points of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, and has developed into the strong version of this hypothesis. It could be summarized as follows: (1) Ones thinking is completely determined by his native language because one cannot but perceive the world

27、in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language. (2) The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and incommensurable with those of other systems. Therefore, the following statement could represent this hypothesis “If Aristotle had spok

28、en Chinese, his logic would have been different“.18 【正确答案】 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism, or the strong version, has been criticized for its excessive concern with surface structures of individual languages. In

29、fact, all languages are fundamental of the same universal human character, including the lexico-semantic and syntactic components of language and all normal human beings are gifted with the same linguistic faculty and cognitive capacity. The flaws of that hypothesis can be revealed through the follo

30、wing analysis.(1) Different grammatical structures do not mean that speakers of different languages differ in thinking logic or reasoning.(2) Equivalent translation is always possible in spite of the fact that in practice there are hardly any people in perfect control of two genetically different la

31、nguages.(3) People who have good command of two genetic-unrelated languages do not have “double minds“ or do not have to change their thinking logic when speaking foreign tongue.19 【正确答案】 This statement reveals a fact that language is part of the culture. Culture is the total pattern of beliefs, cus

32、toms, institutions, objects and techniques that characterize the life of a particular society. It is regarded as a carrier of culture, because without language culture would be impossible.Language is the principal mean by which culture is passed down. Language is the symbolic representation of a peo

33、ple, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. People use language for the sake of communication, but language itself cannot fulfil the task of communication without the culture system behind the language. Lang

34、uage is a product of our social life.20 【正确答案】 This hypothesis suggests that our language will mould our view of the world. The hypothesis has two important points, linguistic determinismlanguage may determine our thinking patterns and linguistic relativitysimilarity between language is relative, th

35、e greater their structual differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. Thus, two versions of the Sapir-whorf hypothesis have been developed, a strong version and a weak version. The strong version of the theory emphasizes the decisive role of language as the sha

36、per of our thinking patterns. The weak version of the hypothesis, however, is a modified type of its original theory, suggesting that there is a correlation between language, culture and thought, but the cross-culture differences thus produced in our ways of thinking are relative rather than categor

37、ical.21 【正确答案】 Language has a close relationship with culture. Language is an indispensible carrier of culture and culture finds a better representation through language use. When it comes to language teaching and learning, the influence of cultural knowledge on the linguistic performance of languag

38、e learners has been identified and highlighted. It has repeatedly been found that learners who lack sufficient knowledge about the target culture can hardly become active and appropriate language users in their target language. For these reasons, the information concerning cultural differences has r

39、ightly been introduced in language classrooms of different kinds of enhancing learners cultural consciousness and improving their performance in cross-cultural contexts of communication. So we need to teach culture in our language classroom.22 【正确答案】 If we want to know more about a given society or

40、community by examining the linguistic behavior of its members, we are doing a sociolinguistic study of society. That is, we are doing sociolinguistics at a macro level of investigation. At this level of discussion, things that we are interested in include bilingualism or multilingualism, language at

41、titudes, language choice, language maintenance and shift, language planning and standardization, vernacular language education, and so on.On the other hand, if we want to know more about some linguistic variations in language use by turning to potential socio-cultural factors for a description and e

42、xplanation, we are doing a sociolinguistic study of language. Consequently, we are more interested in examining micro linguistic phenomena such as structural variants, address forms, gender differences, discourse analysis, Pidgin and Creole languages, and other more language related issues.23 【正确答案】

43、 Everyone speaks differently. A personal dialect of an individual speaker combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations. In other words, an individual speakers regional and social back ground, his/her gender and age jointly determine the way he/she talks. From this point,

44、we can claim that “You are what you say“.Following this claim, we may expand the scope of our observation by introducing some social factors that are believed to influence our language behavior in a social context. Among these factors, some major ones include a) class; b) gender; c) age; d) ethnic i

45、dentity; e) education background, f) occupation, and g) religious belief. In our daily speaking, the potential selection of linguistic forms can reflect the above factors, which determine our identities.For example, women use more “fancy“ color terms such as “mauve“ and “beige“; use less powerful cu

46、rse words; use more intensifiers such as “terrible“ and “awful“; use more tag questions. On the other hand, your way of speaking, to some extent, reflect your identity.(本题为开放式题目,围绕自语言与社会及文化之间的关系阐述自己对这句话的观点即可)24 【正确答案】 Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration o

47、f the vocal cords. Pitch variations can distinguish meaning just like phonemes; therefore, the tone is a suprasegmental feature. The meaning - distinctive function of the tone is especially important in what we call tone languages. English is not a tone language. Chinese is a typical tone language.

48、It has four tones. The first tone is level (阴平) , the second rise( 阳平) , the third fall rise(上声) , and the fourth fall (去声). The role of the tone can be well illustrated by pronouncing the same sound combination such as pa in the four different tones and have different meanings; (八) High level eight

49、 (拔 ) High rising pull out (靶) Low falling rising target (坝) High falling dam25 【正确答案】 Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used in a speech community; whereas in a diglossia community, two varieties of language are used for different situations, one being more standard and higher, and used for more formal matters, and the other less prestigious, and used for colloquial situations.26 【正确答案】 Women tend to use more prestigious forms, more polite and indirect langua


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