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1、英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 8 及答案与解析一、名词解释1 Concord(or; Agreement)(武汉大学 2008 研;中山大学 2008 研)2 Government3 Paradigmatic relations4 Syntax5 Constituent6 Logical subject(中山大学 2011 研)7 Semantic Triangle(大连外国语学院 2008 研)8 Gradable antonym(人大 2006 研)9 Semantic feature(四川大学 2006 研)10 Componential analysis(浙江大学 2005 研;

2、北航 2008 研)11 Entailment(武汉大学 2006 研)12 Presupposition(武汉大学 2004 研)13 Locutionary Act, Illocutinary Act and Perlocutionary Act(北京交通大学 2005 研;武汉大学 2005 研)14 Conversational Implicature(武汉大学 2004 研;北京交通大学 2007 研)15 Cooperative principle(北师大 2003 研)16 Violation of maxims(北京交通大学 2006 研)17 coherence /cohes

3、ion(浙江大学 2004 研)18 adjacency pairs19 preference structure20 Intercultural communication(南开大学 2006 研)21 Linguistic determinism(上海交大 2007 研)22 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis(武汉大学 2004 研)23 Linguistic relativity(人大 2006 研)24 Diglossia(南开大学 2010 研)25 Speech community(北外 2010 研)英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编 8 答案与解析一、名词解释1 【

4、正确答案】 It may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category(or categories). For example, the syntactic relationship betw

5、een that girl and she in the following dialogue; A; Who is that girl? B; Oh, she is my sister.2 【正确答案】 Government is another type of control over the forms of some words by other words in certain syntactic constructions. It differs from concord in that this is a relationship in which a word of a cer

6、tain class determines the forms of others in terms of certain category. In English, for example, the pronoun after a verb or a preposition should be in the object form as in She gave him a book. She gave a hook to him. In other words, the verb, or the preposition, determines, or governs, the form of

7、 the pronoun after it.3 【正确答案】 Paradigmatic relation, Saussure originally called associative, is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element present and the others absent.4 【正确答案】 It is a sub-field of linguistics that s

8、tudies the sentence structure of language. Specifically, it is the study of the rules governing the ways in which words, word groups and phrases are joined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between sentential elements.5 【正确答案】 Constituent is a term used in struc

9、tural sentence analysis for every linguistic unit, which is a part of a larger linguistic unit. Several constituents together form a construction: for example, in the sentence “ The boy ate the apple“ , S(A), the boy(B), ate the apple(C), each part is a constituent.6 【正确答案】 Logical subject is the su

10、bject of a sentence that expresses the actual agent of an expressed or implied action. In passive voice such as “John was bitten by a dog“, we have two terms “grammatical subject“ and “logical subject“. Since the core object noun John in this case)sits in the slot before the verb in the passive, it

11、is called grammatical subject, for the original object noun phrase occupies the grammatical space before a verb, the space that a subject normally occupies; the core subject(A dog), now the object of a preposition(by a dog), is called the logical subject, since semantically the core subject still do

12、es what a subject normally does: it performs an action.7 【正确答案】 Ogden and Richards presented the classic “Semantic Triangle“ as manifested in the following diagram , in which the “ symbol“ or “ form“ refers to the linguistic elements(word, sentence, etc.), the “referent“ refers to the object in the

13、world of experience, and “thought“ or “reference“ refers to concept or notion. According to this view, there is no direct link between symbol and referent, that is, between language and the world. The link is via thought, the concept in our minds.8 【正确答案】 Gradable antonym. Gradable antonyms are anto

14、nyms that are gradable because there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair. For example, cold and warm constitute a pair of gradable antonyms.9 【正确答案】 Semantic feature. The meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components which are called semantic features. For exa

15、mple, the word “man“ is analyzed as comprising the features of+ HUAMN, + ADULT, + ANIMATE, +MALE.10 【正确答案】 Componential analysis. It refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components, or semantic features. For example, the meaning of the wor

16、d boy may be analyzed into three components: HUMAN, YOUNG and MALE.11 【正确答案】 Entailment. It is a type of meaning dependence between sentences. It is concerned with the meaning of the sentence itself. If X is true, Y is necessarily true, and if X is false, Y may be true or false. For example, the sen

17、tence “He has been to France“ entails “He has been to Europe“.12 【正确答案】 The speaker or writer always assumes that the reader or hearer already knows something of what he is going to say or write. This something often becomes the presupposition of a sentence. For example, John didnt pass chemistry pr

18、esupposes that John took chemistry.13 【正确答案】 According to Austin, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking. A locutionary act is the act of saying, the literal meaning of the utterance. Therefore, when somebody says “Morning“ , we can ask a question like “What did he do?

19、“ , and the answer could be “He offered a greeting. “An illocutionary act is the extra meaning of the utterance produced on the basis of the literal meaning. Therefore, for the same example, we can say “ He meant it as a greeting“.A perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance on the hearer. Th

20、us, by saying “ Morning!“ the speaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with the hearer.14 【正确答案】 Conversational implicature refers to a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance

21、of the CP and its maxims. For example, the implicature of He is a tiger could probably be he has some characteristics of a tiger.15 【正确答案】 Cooperative principle was proposed and formulated by Grice. It expresses that in making a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperat

22、e; otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. It goes like this: “ make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged“. This principle can be further sp

23、ecified as the four following maxims; Quantity, Quality, Relation, Manner.16 【正确答案】 There are circumstances where speakers may not follow the maxims of the cooperative principle. For example, in conversation, a speaker may violate the maxim expectations by using an expression like “ No comment“ in r

24、esponse to a question. Although it is typically not “ as informative as is required“ in the context, it is naturally interpreted as communicating more than is said(i. e. the speaker knows the answer). This typical reaction to any apparent violation of the maxims is actually the key to the notion of

25、conversational implicature. When we violate any of these maxims , our language becomes indirect. In this way, we can convey more than is literally said. For example, there is violation of the first maxim of Quantity, and sometimes the first Quantity maxim can be in conflict with the Quality maxim.17

26、 【正确答案】 Cohesion refers to the grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a discourse. This may be relationship between different sentences or between different parts of a sentence. It can be achieved by cohesive devices include reference, substitution, ellipsis, conj

27、unction and lexical cohesion. Coherence, on the other hand, refers to the quality of a discourse which makes it a connected text coherent to the context, not a series of juxtaposed sentences.18 【正确答案】 Adjacency pair is a sequence of two related utterances by two different speakers. The second uttera

28、nce is always a response to the first.It has five properties: Adjacency pairs consist of two utterances, a first part and a second part. The two parts are spoken by different speakers. The first and second parts belong to specific types, for example, question and answer, or greeting and greeting. Th

29、e form and content of the second part depends on the type of the first part. Given that a speaker has produced a first part, the second part is relevant and expectable as the next utterance.19 【正确答案】 There are many responses to questions which are not answers but which count as second parts. This st

30、ructural likelihood is called preference. Preference structure divides second parts into preferred and dispreferred. The preferred is the structurally expected next act and the dispref-erred is the structurally unexpected next act. The preferred second parts are more usual, more normal and less spec

31、ific.20 【正确答案】 Intercultural communication, also known as cross-cultural communication, is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbols systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. It is frequently used to refer to communication between people from different c

32、ultures, which implies a comparison between cultures.21 【正确答案】 Linguistic determinism, is one of the two points of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and has developed into the strong version of this hypothesis. It could be summarized as follows:(1)Ones thinking is completely determined by his native language

33、because one cannot but perceive the world in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language.(2)The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and incommensurable with those of other systems. Therefore, the following statement could represen

34、t this hypothesis “ If Aristotle had spoken Chinese, his logic would have been different“.22 【正确答案】 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts; linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism refers to the notion that a language determines certain nonlinguistic cognitive p

35、rocesses. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing around, they think and speak differently. Linguistic relativity refers to the claim that the cognitive processes that are determined are different for different languages. Thus, speakers of different languages are said to think

36、in different ways. The hypothesis is now interpreted mainly in two different ways: a strong version and a weak one. The strong version believes that the language patterns determine peoples thinking and behavior; the weak one holds that the former influence the later. So far, many researches and expe

37、riments conducted provide support to the weak version.23 【正确答案】 Linguistic relativity is one of two points in Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It states that similarity between languages is relative, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world is. Fo

38、r example, not every language has the same set of words for the colors; in Spanish there is no word that corresponds to the English meaning of “blue“.24 【正确答案】 It is a speech variety used by a particular group of people, usually sharing the same occupation(e. g. doctors, lawyers)or the same interest

39、s. A particular register often distinguishes itself from others by having a number of distinctive words, by using words or phrases in a particular way, and sometimes by special grammatical constructions(e. g. legal language).25 【正确答案】 Speech community is a group of people who share a set of norms an

40、d expectations regarding the use of language. Speech communities can be members of a profession with a specialized jargon, distinct social groups like high school students or hip-pop fans. In addition, online and other mediated communities, such as many internet forums, often constitute speech communities. Members of speech communities will often develop slang or jargon to serve the groups special purposes and priorities.


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