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1、BEC 商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 125(无答案)一、PART ONE0 Look at the note below.You will hear a man placing an order for photocopiers.NotesModel to be ordered: 【C1】_A discount is available if the quantity of the order is【C2】_The price to be paid is【C3】_The mans phone number is【C4】_1 【C1 】2 【C2 】3 【C3 】4 【C4 】4 Look a

2、t the notes below.You will hear two friends talking about a job advertisement.MessageMessage for: Jacie From: Cindy Taken by: RobinRe: a job advertisementThe vacancy advertised: 【C5】_The successful applicants responsibility includes sales in【C6】_, according to the job description.The major requireme

3、nt for applicants: 【C7】_Application submitted before【C8】_5 【C5 】6 【C6 】7 【C7 】8 【C8 】8 Look at the note below.You will hear a woman enquiring about a popular model of microwave oven.NotesThe most popular model at present: 【C9 】_The target market : people with【C10】_The special feature of the model be

4、ing discussed is【C11】_The retail price for this order is【C12】_9 【C9 】10 【C10 】11 【C11 】12 【C12 】二、PART TWO12 You will hear five short recordings.For each recording, decide which advantage of online business the speaker is referring to.Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.Do not u

5、se any letter more than once.After you have listened once, replay the recordings.A Work time flexibleB More profitableC Quick start of businessD Easy paymentE All day business worldwideF Being your own bossG Small budgets to startH No maintenance needed13 _14 _15 _16 _17 _17 You will hear five short

6、 recordings.For each recording, decide which advantage/benefit of credit cards the speaker is referring to.Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more than once.After you have listened once, replay the recordings.A Saving money for youB Enlarging your purchasi

7、ng cravingsC No service chargeD Denial of uncertain transactionE Credit rating helps big purchasesF Providing short-term loanG Easy paymentH Providing loans with little restrictions18 _19 _20 _21 _22 _三、PART THREE22 You will hear an interview on small companies training for their staff.For each ques

8、tion(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 Karen says that he gained more about training(A)when he was in charge of the training department of a multinational.(B) after several years of working with small firms.(C) while he was

9、 operating his own company.24 Which of the following is characteristic of small companies?(A)They have no idea how much to spend on training.(B) Large companies think that they have already had sufficient training.(C) Government doesnt give them any financial incentives.25 Small companies dont put a

10、side some money for training because(A)they would like to have in-company training by their own experienced people.(B) it is hard to determine the training needs due to quick staff turnover.(C) they dont think it necessary to waste money in this sort of things.26 According to Karen, the hidden costs

11、 for training does not include(A)loss of productivity.(B) travel expenses.(C) time spent on training.27 According to Karens survey, what is Karens opinion concerning companies attitude towards training?(A)Larger companies spend a lot more than small firms in training.(B) Small firms invest much more

12、 than larger companies in training per employee.(C) Neither larger companies nor small firms put too much investment into training.28 What does Karen think is the most effective method for employees in small firms to be trained?(A)Attending a series of training courses.(B) Through self-training.(C)

13、Working with well-trained colleagues to know how he could improve.29 In Karens opinion, small businesses(A)treat IT training as the least important.(B) only care about short-term training needs.(C) also invest in training to meet their long-term business needs.30 Karen suggests that training courses for small companies should put emphasis on(A)IT technology.(B) how to avoid risks in their business.(C) how to improve growth.


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