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1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 50(无答案)第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C 三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。11 What does theManMean?(A)He

2、doesnt like the story.(B) He has nothing to say about the story.(C) He agreesWith theWoman.12 What does theWomanMean?(A)She has alreadyMade her plan.(B) She has toWork on her paper tonight.(C) SheWants to know theMans suggestion.13 What time is it?(A)Its eight oclock.(B) Its eight twenty.(C) Its sev

3、en forty.14 WhatWill theWoman do?(A)Buy the ticket.(B) See aMovie.(C) Invite a friend.15 What did theManWant to do?(A)HeWanted to buy a bike.(B) HeWanted to borrow a bike.(C) HeWanted to sell a bike.16 What is the time now?(A)10:05.(B) 9:55.(C) 5:10.17 What does theManWant to have?(A)A story-book.(B

4、) A piece of paper.(C) An English book.18 Where are the geography books now?(A)In the office.(B) At home.(C) In the school library.19 WhatWill theManWant to drink?(A)A cup of tern(B) A glass of coffee.(C) A cup ofWater.20 WhatsMr. Smith doing?(A)Hes speaking to someone else on the telephone.(B) They

5、 are talking about theirModem house.(C) They are talking aboutMaking things.21 What is the party like?(A)ItWas terrible.(B) ItWas dull.(C) ItWas successful.22 What does theMan think a businessman should be?(A)Well-mannered.(B) Good-humored.(C) Good-looking.23 Did theMan enjoy the concert yesterday?(

6、A)Yes, he liked it veryMuch.(B) No, heWas there only briefly.(C) No, he didnt go there at all.24 What does theWomanMean?(A)She likesMusic.(B) She cant play the guitar.(C) She doesnt likeMusic actually.25 What day is it?(A)Its Saturday.(B) Its Tuesday.(C) Its Friday.第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出

7、一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26 Tom is the tallest of _ in the family.(A)all others sons(B) all the brothers(C) all other brothers27 Mary toldMe that the story bookMust _ to the library in two days.(A)be return(B) be returned(C) been returned28 You tell anybody about this its a secret.(A)cant(B) Mustnt(C) neednt29

8、 MostMatter _ three states: solid, liquid and gas.(A)have(B) has(C) are30 He _ but _ nothing.(A)heard; listened(B) listened; heard(C) listened to; heard31 Hurry up.MyMother _ for us in the zoo.(A)MustWait(B) should beWaiting(C) Must beWaiting32 My aunt arrived here _ aWarm springMorning.(A)in(B) at(

9、C) on33 TheWindow is dirty. _ I clean it for you?(A)Do(B) Will(C) Shall34 -Why do you go toWork on foot _? That doesnt seem to save your time. -To getMore exercise and keep healthy.(A)all the time(B) at times(C) from time to time35 The little boy has by his sister.(A)been laughed at(B) laughed at(C)

10、 laughed36 There are soMany kinds of radios in the shop. I cant decide _.(A)to buyWhat(B) to buyWhich(C) Which to buy37 We _ to be here at six oclock.(A)Were told(B) told(C) are told38 _, the stronger theWind is.(A)The brighter the sun is(B) The harder it is raining(C) The faster the air isMoving39

11、At the age of eleven,My grandfather _ toWork in a factory.(A)began(B) has begun(C) Will begin40 _ in the same class.(A)I and Bob is(B) Bob and I are(C) Bob and I am第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。41 30, Huanshi RoadGuangzhouAugust 5,2006Dear Bob,I (Example: 0 ) thank you for your i

12、nvitation (邀请) to the party. But Im【B1】that I could notMeet you last night. I hoped you【B2】too long outside the Nanfang Theatre.I had to look【 B3】my little brother until【B4】mother returned. She had been【B5】the doctors for a long time and【B6】home very late. I ran all the【B7】to the bus stop, but I【B8】

13、the bus. I decided to ride on a bike. ItWas eight oclock【B9】I reached the theatre. I didnt think that youWould【B10】be there because IWas an hour late. I hope that youWill forgive (原谅)Me.Please giveMy best (最好的)Wishes to Peter and other friends ofMine.Yours everAlice41 【B1 】(A)pleased(B) happy(C) sor

14、ry42 【B2 】(A)hadWaited(B) hadntWaited(C) hasntWaited43 【B3 】(A)for(B) after(C) up44 【B4 】(A)your(B) My(C) Mine45 【B5 】(A)With(B) at(C) on46 【B6 】(A)left(B) arrived at(C) got47 【B7 】(A)land(B) road(C) Way48 【B8 】(A)Missed(B) caught(C) got on49 【B9 】(A)as(B) When(C) that50 【B10 】(A)yet(B) already(C) s

15、till第一节 词语配伍从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。51 A suggestionB drinkC headacheD interviewE campusF hotelG health51 Continuous (连续的) pain in the head.52 Grounds and buildings of a university or college.53 Condition of a persons body orMind.54 Advice that is put forward for consideration.55 Liquid f

16、or drinking.第二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong) 、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。56 An eleven-year-old boy in a small townWanted to be a train-driver. But the boyWas bornWithout arms. HeWas taught by his uncle to use his feet as “hands“. He couldnt go to school so he spent all his timeWatching trains com

17、ing and going because he lived near the station. How heWished he could be a train-driver! One day he saw an empty train and he climbed in. He started itWith his feet easily. Soon the trainWas travelling at forty kilometers an hour. Nobody could see the boy in the train and stop the train. The train

18、reached a small station a littleWay away from the town and then the boy drove it back.When heWas near the town, aWorker caught upWith the train and stopped it. At first heWas very angry, butWhen he saw the boy, heWas so surprised that he hardly thought itWas true. “I like trains,“ said the boy quiet

19、ly.56 The boyWas born near the station.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.57 The boy couldnt go to school because he had no arms.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.58 The boyWished to be a train-driver because heWanted to use his feet asWell as his hands.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.59 The story

20、tells us somethingMainly about a boys uncle.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.60 TheWorker didnt know the driverWas a boyWithout arms at first.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.第三节 短文理解 2阅读下列短文,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。61 Mr. BlackWas young and able. HeWorked very hard. And the boss liked him veryMuch

21、. LastMonth heWas sent to China on business.When he got to Beijing, he visited some places of interest and felt very happy.OneMorning before he left for London, he decided to bay something for Tony, the son of his boss. At first he didnt knowWhat to buy for the boy. Suddenly he remembered that the b

22、oy liked birds veryMuch, so heWent to the birdMarket. HeWas glad to find that thereWere soMany kinds of birds there. He bought four beautiful birds, then he told the boy about it on the telephone.As soon asMr. Black returned to London by air, heWent to TonyWith the four birds. But on hisWay to the b

23、osss home, one of them flew out of the cage (笼子) and thereWere only three birds left in it. ThenMr. Black bought a local (当地的) bird to take the place of theMissing Chinese one.Tony of courseWas very happyWhen he saw the birds. But soon he found one of themWas different from the other three. He asked

24、, “Its a local bird, isnt it,Mr. Black?“Yes. it is.“Mr. Black answered, “Its an 61 The boss sentMr. Black to China on business because _.(A)Mr. Black had never been to China before(B) Mr. BlackWas an able and hardworkingMan(C) Mr. Black could buy something interesting for Tony62 Mr. Black bought fou

25、r birds because _.(A)theyWere different from the local ones(B) theyWere very beautiful(C) they couldMake Tony happy63 Mr. Black returned to London _.(A)by train(B) by ship(C) by plane64 Mr. Black said the local birdWas an interpreter because _.(A)the three Chinese birds didnt know English(B) itWas d

26、ifferent from the Chinese birds(C) heWasMaking a joke65 What happened to one of the four birds?(A)ItWas dead on theWay to London.(B) It flew away from the cage.(C) ItWas stolen by someone.66 Today there are about 7,000,000 Americans in colleges and universities. In the United States nearly half of t

27、he population (人口) are young persons under twenty-five.Many of themWill soon be in charge of (管理) the country. So their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to understandWhat young people think and feel.College students today have strong opinions (观点)

28、about right andWrong. They are interested inMaking a better life. They seeMuch that isWrong in the lives of their parents. It is hard for them to seeWhat is right and good in the olderWays. Because of this, there is often trouble in American families.66 This passage tells us something about American

29、 _.(A)colleges and universities(B) families(C) young people67 HowMany Americans are there in colleges and universities?(A)About sevenMillion.(B) Nearly half of the American population.(C) Young persons under twenty-five.68 Why are young personsideas important? Because _.(A)they are college students(

30、B) they have strong opinions about right andWrong(C) Many of themWill soon be in charge of the country69 It is necessary for older people to _.(A)understandWhy young people are interested inMaking a better life(B) understandWhat .young people think and feel(C) seeWhat isWrong in their lives70 AfterW

31、e read the passage,We know that in America _.(A)there is something different between older people and young peoples opinions(B) young people are satisfiedWith the lives of their parents(C) there is no trouble in families at all第一节 改写句子下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句

32、的意思。71 Kate lent Joan five pounds this morning.Joan _ five pounds _ Kate this morning,72 What a nice day!How _ it is today!73 As a tourist city, Hangzhou is famous.Hangzhou is _ a tourist city.第二节 书面表达74 情景:根据下列提示用英语写一篇英语短文(词数 100 左右):某记者采访了百岁老人 Mr. Ceorge Gale。老人在百岁生日那天打了一场网球,还作了一次长距离散步,这使他更引人注目了。老人说,如果说有什么长寿秘诀的话,只有三条:要享受生活的乐趣,别听傻瓜们那一套;生活要有节制(in moderation) ,不过量饮酒、抽烟;每天活动活动,如打网球或高尔夫球(golf)等。


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